CURRENT PEDORTHICS January/February 2008 www.pedorthics.org Enthesopathy in Pedorthics ‘Hard Hats’ for Your Feet Spring Has Sprung CURRENT PEDORTHICS JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2008 6 FEATURES DEPARTMENTS 6 Safety First: Shoe Options Offer ‘Hard Hats’ 4 President’s Message for the Feet By Mel Cheskin, MBS., C. Ped 34 Association News 38 New PFA Members 12 Enthesopathy in Pedorthics Paul A. Chromey, D.P.M., C.Ped. 40 Industry News 44 Vendor News Spring Has Sprung 16 By Mel Cheskin, MBS., C. Ped 45 Pedorthic Educators Directory 46 Pedorthic Industry Events Member Profile: Cindy Mattingly — Kentucky 22 48 Resource Center Pedorthist Refuses to Fit ‘Diabetic Shoes’ By Berry Craig 52 Pedorthic Marketplace 55 Product Reference Guide 26 PFA 2007 Symposium Wrap-Up: 2007 Symposium Brings Together PFA Members CURRENT PEDORTHICS • January/February 2008 1 CURRENT PEDORTHICS Pedorthic Footwear Association Board of Directors Randy Stevens, C. Ped., BOCped., CFO .....................................President Headquarters Staff Dane LaFontsee, C. Ped. ............................................ Vice President Kristi Hayes, C. Ped. ........................................... .Secretary/Treasurer Executive Director Mike Forgrave, C. Ped., C. Ped. (C) ............................Immediate Past President Brian K. Lagana Jamie Dick, PT, C. Ped. ................................................. Director Arthur Smuckler, C. Ped. .................................................Director Association Coordinator Michael D. Veder, C. Ped., CO, BOCO .......................................Director Ben Petok Faith Ballard, C. Ped., CO ............................................... Director Alan Barthold, C. Ped. .................................................. Director Membership Services Coordinator Harlon Compton, C. Ped., CO .............................................Director Erin L. McGill Liz Chiles, C. Ped. ..................................................... Director John Hooper, C.Ped. ................................................... Director Director of Education Stuart L. Pressman, C. Ped., CO ............................................Director Al Baggett Stephen O’Hare ....................................... .Vendor/ManufacturerLliaison Allan J. Weiner .................................................... Legal Counsel Education Associate Craig Young, MD ................................................ .Medical Advisor Lauren Kemp Raymond L. Fritz, DPM, C. Ped ..................................... .Medical Advisor Director of Meetings and Conventions Allan B. Grossman, DPM, FACFAS ....................................Medical Advisor John Rubsamen Editorial Staff Jay Strother ..................................................Publisher and Editor Exhibits and Sponsorship Coordinator William Wargo ......................................................Art Director Wayne Horton Patrick Williams ................................................Design/Production Director of Marketing Advertising & Services Gregory Akroyd Erin McGill ....................................................... .Membership Tracey Aaron ................................................. .Current Pedorthics Marketing Associate Monica Kurlemann ............................................... PFA Symposium Nikita Wilson Current Pedorthics (ISSN 1552-8111) is published bimonthly by the Pedorthic Footwear Association (PFA), 2025 M St., NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20036. Telephone: 202-367-1145 or 800-673-8447, Fax: 202-367-2145, Web site: www.pedorthics.org, E-mail: [email protected]. Copyright© 2008, PFA. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any manner without written permission. Letters to the Editor and other unsolicited material are assumed intended for publication and are subject to editing. Articles in CP do not necessarily reflect the opinion of PFA, its Board of Directors or its employees. CP’s use of trademarked names is done in an editorial fashion intended to benefit the trademark owner, with no intention of trademark infringement. Subscriptions are available for $45 per year in the United States ($65 outside USA). Back copies, if available, may be purchased for $5.00 U.S. If you have any questions regarding display advertising or classified ads, please e-mail Tracey Aaron at [email protected]. Please send all product- and industry-related press releases to [email protected]. 2 CURRENT PEDORTHICS • January/February 2008 PRESIDEnt’S MESSAGE What to Consider When Choosing Who Accredits Your Pedorthic Facility By Randy Stevens eptember 2009 is not that far off, but do not facility recognizes and allows you to utilize your bow to the pressure of advertisements that full scope of practice. you see from pedorthic facility accreditation S If you maintain a pedorthic license, you should bodies and rush off in haste to have your pedorthic facility accredited. There are ten deemed accredi- question the pedorthic facility accreditation providers tation providers recognized by the Centers for that you are interested in to determine if they will Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), but there recognize and accredit your facility and recognize are several things that you need to take a look at your full scope of practice as a licensed pedorthist within your pedorthic practice and facility before as defined within your state’s licensure practice act, you choose who you want to accredit your pedor- including the definition of “pedorthic device.” thic facility. If the accreditation provider does not recognize Choosing the appropriate facility accreditation body your full pedorthic scope of practice, you should to accredit your pedorthic facility is one of the most find an accreditation provider that will, as this important decisions that you have to make. Choosing impact your ability to bill for items under the a recognized deemed accreditation provider that you definition of “pedorthic devices” and for you to will allow to accredit your pedorthic facility will set receive payment for those items dispensed. the tone for how your business practice operates and There is another thing to consider when your ability to bill Medicare. investigating facility accreditation providers There are many things to consider when choosing (especially when you carry multiple disciplines): who accredits your pedorthic facility, including does the provider charge you for each discipline in what credentials or licenses you currently carry: which you are licensed or credentialed, or does the provider offer a flat rate to accredit your facility? • If you carry a pedorthic license and a pedorthic credential, remember that your pedorthic license Keep in mind the facility accreditation provider’s in the state for which you practice is what you inventory requirements. Not all facility need to follow in regard to your pedorthic scope accreditation providers require that you maintain of practice. a certain level of inventory. Medicare has set a baseline for the deemed accreditation bodies to • In states that have pedorthic licensure, and if follow, and some have added inventory levels above you are licensed by the state, your pedorthic and beyond that threshold. Question the facility certification is considered a volunteer certifica- accreditation provider on their inventory levels tion and is not used as a basis for you to submit versus those set by Medicare (or by their own and bill Medicare. facility accreditation guidelines). • If you maintain a pedorthic license issued by the All pedorthic practices function differently, state in which you practice, always go by the especially with regard to items dispensed. So pedorthic scope of practice of your licensure prac- tice act and not the pedorthic scope of practice of each and every one of you may have different the certification body from which you carry your needs to be met when it comes to pedorthic volunteer certification, as these may differ. facility accreditation. Do a lot of research and choose wisely, because the accreditation body Many of PFA’s members carry multiple licenses or that you choose to accredit your pedorthic facility are crossed credentialed and practice in multiple will be for a three-year time period. For further disciplines. As a practitioner and business information on the 10 deemed accreditation owner you need to make sure that all of all your providers recognized by CMS, visit PFA’s Website disciplines are recognized by the accreditation at www.pedorthics.org. ■ provider you choose. Make sure the accreditation provider that you choose to accredit your pedorthic 4 CURRENT PEDORTHICS • January/February 2008 BUILDING COMPLIANCE ON YOUR RECOMMENDATION Procare fit specialists have a deep understanding of your foot-care goals. Recognized by New Balance for their exceptional fitting skills, Procare experts achieve your footwear recommendations with insight and care. They appreciate the special needs of your patients. In addition, your patients will find what they need quickly and easily because Procare fit specialists offer extensive sizes and multiples widths in New Balance, Aravon and Dunham shoes. With Procare, every customer gets the right shoe and the right fit— and you get a valuable ally in the quest for compliance. To find a Procare fit specialist near you, visit newbalanceprocare.com ©2008 New Balance Athletic Shoe, Inc. All rights reserved. Inc. Athletic Shoe, ©2008 New Balance Safety First: Shoe Options Offer ‘Hard Hats’ for the Feet By Mel Cheskin, MBS., C. Ped hatever the risk to which your
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