植物研究雑誌 J. J. Jpn. Bo t. 72: 72: 198-220 (1 997) Dalbergia Dalbergia (Leguminosae) of Borneo Bambang SUNARNO a and Hiroyoshi OHASHl b aHerbarium aHerbarium Bogoriense ,Bogor ,INDONESIA; bBiological bBiological Institute ,Graduate School of Science , Tohoku University ,Sendai 980-77 ,JAPAN (Received (Received on February 12 , 1997) Twenty one species of Dalbergia are recognized in Bomeo including four new species species and three newly recorded species. The new species are D. bintuluensis Sunamo & H. Ohashi found in Sarawak , D. kostermansii Sunamo & H. Ohashi in Kalimantan and Sarawak , D. richardsii Sunamo & H. Ohashi in Sarawak , and D. sandakanensis Sunamo & H. Ohashi in Sabah. Three species new to Bomeo are D. canescens Merrill and D. mimosella mimosella (Blanco) Prain , both previously known in the Philippines ,andD. hullettii Prain in in Singapore. Dalbergia phyllanthoides Blume ex Miq. is regarded to be a new synonym of of D. junghuhnii Benth. Of the 21 species following eight (38% for total species of Dalbergia Dalbergia in Bomeo) are endemic to Borneo ,i. e. , D. bintuluensis , D. borneensis , D. falcata , D. havilandii , D. hoseana , D. kostermansii , D. richardsii ,andD. sandakanensis. A key to all the species and an enumeration of species with their correct names ,synonyms , bibliography ,distribution ,habitat and ecology , vemacular names , a list of specimens examined , and taxonomic notes are presented. Introduction gapore are included. Two species recorded by Prain Prain (1901 , 1904) recorded 14 species of Merrill (1 921) from Borneo , i. e. ,D. Dalbergia from Bomeo (Tab. 1) , of which simplicifolia and D. subalternifolia , are re- five ,i.e. ,D. beccarii ,D. borneensis ,D .f alcata , duced to synonyms of D. rostrata as treated in D. havilandii ,and D. hoseana , are thought to ourprevious paper (Sunamo and Ohashi 1996). be endemic to this fsland. This is the only Dalbergia phyllanthoides Blume ex Miq. is comprehensive work on Dalbergia ofBomeo. regarded here to be a new synonym of D. Merrill Merrill (1921) added two species including junghuhnii Benth. one new species. At present , these 16 species Of the 21 species eight are endemic to are are known to occur in Bomeo ,but ,studies on Bomeo (38% for total species of Dalbergia in the the genus of Bomeo are still incomplete. In Bomeo). Comparing the present result with this this study 21 species (Tab. 1) are recognized our previous work on Dalbergia of Sulawesi , based mainly on examination of herbarium where seven species are recorded including specimens accumulated mostly in BO ,K ,and one endemic species ,D. teijsmannii ,(14% for L. L. Four new species ,i. e. ,D. bintuluensis ,D. total species) ,Borneo is distinctly richer than kostermansii , D. richardsii and D. Sulawesi in total number of species ,endemic sandakanensis ,and three species newly found species ,and ratio of endemic species to total from Borneo of which two have been known in species. Species common to both islands are the the Philippines ,i. e. ,D. canescens and D. six (Dalbergia candenatensis ,D. discolor ,D. mimosell α,and one ,D. hullettii Prain , in Sin- ferruginea ,D. rostrata ,D. pinn αta ,and D. -198 ー August 1997 Joumal of Japanese Botany Vo l. 72 No. 4 199 Table Table 1. Dalbergia of Bomeo recognized by Prain (1904) and the present study study Prain Prain (1904) Present study (*Endemic species) 1. 1. D. becc αrii 1. D. beccarii Prain 2. 2. D. bintuluensis Sunamo & H. Ohashi* 2. 2. D. borneensis 3. D. borneensis Prain* 13. 13. D. torta → 4. D. candenatensis (Denns t.) Prain 5. 5. D. canescens (Elmer) Merrill 3. 3. D. discolor 6. D. discolor Blume ex Miq. 4. 4. D.falca ω 7. D.falc αωPrain* 5. 5. D.j 訟rruginea 8. D. 戸rrugin ωRoxb. 6. 6. D. havilandii 9. D. havilandii Prain* 7. 7. D. hoseana 10. D. hoseana Prain* 11. 11. D. hullettii Prain 9. 9. D. phyllanthoides → 12. D. junghuhnii Benth. 13. 13. D. kostermansii Sunamo & H. Ohashi* 14. 14. D. mimosell α(Blanco) Prain 8. 8. D. parviflor α= 15. D. parviflora Roxb. 12. 12. D. tamarindifolia → 16. D. pinnata (Lour.) Prain 17. 17. D. richardsii Sunamo & H. Ohashi* 10. 10. D. rostrata = 18. D. rostrata hassk. 19. 19. D. sandakanensisSunamo&H. Ohashi* 11. 11. D. scortechinii = 20. D. scortechinii (Prain) Prain 14. 14. D. velutina = 2 1. D. velutina Benth. mimosella). mimosella). 3. Stipules caducous even on young branches In In this paper ,Bomeo , following Hollis and …7 Brummitt (1 992) ,is divided into four regions 4. Leaflets 5-9(-11) , obtuse at apex ,mem- as as Brunei ,Kalimantan (=Indonesian Bomeo) , branous; petiolules 5-8 mm long … .. Sabah ,and Sarawak for distribution and cit~­ .. 3. D. borneensis tion tion of specimens examined. Specimens ex- 4. Leaflets 9-25( -4 1) ,emarginate ,mucro- amined in this study are kept in A & GH ,BO , nulate or not at apex , chartaceous to K ,KEP ,L ,MO ,OXF ,and TUS. coriaceous; lateral ones oblique at base; petiolules petiolules 0.5-2 mm long ....・ H ・.....・ H ・-… 5 Key to the species 5. Leaflets 25 -4 1,10-20 mm long; mucro- 1. 1. Leafless when flowering .11. D. hullettu nulate at apex; petiolules 0.5-1 mm long; 1. 1. Leaves present when flowering …...・ H ・..2 lateral nerves 6-7 pairs .… 16. D. pinnata 2. 2. Leaflets small , usually less than 3.5 cm 5. Leaflets 9-25 ,20 -4 5(-50) mm long; ob- long long ...・ H ・H ・H ・.....・ H ・.....・ H ・.....・ H ・..……...・ ...3 tuse or emarginate at apex; petiolules 1-5 2. 2. Leaflets medium to relatively large ,usu- mm long; lateral nerves 7-15 pairs. …… 6 ally ally more than 4.5 cm long ・… H ・H ・...・ ...12 6. Leaflets emarginate at apex; petiolules 3. 3. Stipules persistent to subpersistent on old usually less than 2 mm long; nerves usu- branches branches …...・ H ・.....・ H ・H ・H ・.....・ H ・.....・ H ・..… 4 al1 y less than 10 pairs; climbers.... 200 200 植物研究雑誌第72 巻第4号 平成 9年8月 -…… 8. D .ferruginea 13. Leaves mostly with 3-5(-7) leaflets or 6. 6. Leaflets obtuse at apex; petiolules usually sometimes mixed with unifoliolate leaves more than 2 mm long; lateral nerves usu- .14 ally ally more than 10 pairs; trees …....・ H ・... 13. Leaflets mostly 5-9 ,sometimes 3 or 11 …… 14. D. mimosella ・・ H ・H ・-・・ 18 7. 7. Stipules broadly falcate. Pods entirely 14. Leaflets always 3-5 ,rarely 7 ....・ H ・-… ..15 thickened ,slightly reniform . 14. Leaflets usually 3-5 but sometimes with .. .. 1. D. beccarii unifoliolate leaves ...・ H ・.....・ H ・..…...・ H ・...17 7. 7. Stipules suborbicular ,ovate ,triangular 15. Leaflets large , usually more than 5 cm ovate ovate or lanceolate. Pods samaroid... ・...8 long , acute at apex; petioles 2-3 cm long 8. 8. Leaflets hairy on both surfaces , densely ..18. D. richardsii 15. 15. Leaflets smaller , usually less than 5 cm tomentose tomentose beneath ...・ H ・-…....・ H ・..… H ・H ・..9 8. 8. Leaflets glabrous or hairy along the midrib long ,cuspidate at apex; petioles up to 2 cm above , appressed short hairy beneath .…・ long ...・ H ・H ・H ・..…...・ H ・-….,.・ H ・.....・ H ・...・ H ・.16 … .11 16. Leaflets 5-7 ,apex mucro-nulate. Pods 9. 9. Leaflets 20-30 mm long; lateral nerves 6- foveolate in mature ,3-4 cm long ,2-3 cm pairs. 9 pairs. Stipules ovate to lanceolate ,5-10 wide , base decurrent ….. ...・ ...13. D. kostermansii mm long.... ・H ・....・ H ・....・ H ・.5. D. canescens 9. 9. Leaflets 10-20 mm long; lateral nerves 16. Leaflets 3-5 , apex not mucronulate. Pods inconspicuous. inconspicuous. Stipules suborbicular or alveolate in mature ,5-6 cm long ,3-4 cm triangular triangular ovate ,smaller ,usually less than wide , base not decurrent .… ・・ - … 2. D. bintuluensis 5 mm long ...・ H ・..…...・ H ・.,.・ H ・-… H ・H ・...・ ...10 10. 10. Leaflets 9-11(-13) , greenish when dry , 17. Leaflets apiculate , acuminate or some- 10-15 mm long; apex with a tuft of hairs times acute at apex ,brown when dry …・・ at at top. Stipules triangular ovate ,acumi- … 9. D. havilandii nate ,ca. 2.5 mm long ,2 mm wide. … ・・ .. 17. Leaflets slightly cuspidate or rostrate at ..10. ..10. D. hoseana apex , dark reddish brown or blackish when 10. 10. Leaflets 11-17 ,blackish brown when dry , dry ....・ H ・....・ H ・...・ H ・-…...・ H ・.17. D. rostrat α, 18-20 mm long; apex without a tuft of 18. Leaves 3-8 cm long; lateral nerves 4-6 hairs. hairs. Stipules suborbicular ,acute , ca. 1 pairs. In the vicinity of mangrove vegeta- tion ,on the beach or in the bank of tidal mm long , 0.5-0.8 mm wide ...・ H ・ ..19. ..19. D. sandak α, nensis river ...・ H ・...・ H ・....・ H ・...4. D. canden αtensis 11. 11. Terminalleaflets glabrous above , oblique 18. Leaves 10-25 cm long ,lateral nerves 5- at at base. Flowers 3-4 mm long. Standard 11 pairs. In lowland to hill forests .… ..19 obovate , 3-3.5 mm longI2.D.junghuhnii 19. Petioles 4- 10 cm long; lateral nerves 5-7 11. 11. Terminalleaflets sparsely to densely hairy pairs. Flowers large ,8-9 mm long ....・ H ・- along along the midrib above , equal to base. -… ..7. D.falcata Flowers Flowers 2.5-3 mm long. Standard orbicu- 19. Petioles 2--4 cm long; lateral nerves 7-11 pairs. pairs. Flowers small , 3-3.5 mm long..20 lar , 2.5-2.8 mm long ...・ H ・....・ H ・-… H ・H ・-….. …… 20. D. scortechinii 20. Leaves 15-25 cm long. Leaflets oblong , 12. 12. Leaflets 13-17. Stipules large ,15-20 cm sometimes ovate to slightly obovate. Pods entirel entirel y thickened ,surface torulose ,black- long long ...・ H ・...・ H ・....・ H ・...・ H ・-… 21. D. velutina 12. 12. Leaflets 3-1 1. Stipules smaller , usually ish brown to black when dry ....・ H ・.. … 16. D. parviflora less less than 10 mm long ....・ H ・...・ H ・.....・ H ・..13 August 1997 Jouma1 of Japanese Botany Vo l.
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