Vol. XLVI. No. 6._ 25 Cents a Copy December, 1933 I*110 1=tj a MID PACIFIC MAGAZINE 'ffier'L-Av,r74, ' '.":4411.V40" Conleaux, one of the huge dams from q....hich .21ustralia, ,Irirws its ,7:mrter supply. alu LII <1 IL 11.U_1111 <IR OiLllii.alalliiiiii-iiii_nirarl II-1r tlitoilarifirfliaga3■ t ur I ∎■ CONDUCTED BY ALEXANDER HUME FORD Vol. XLVI. Number 6 5 E CONTENTS FOR DECEMBER, 1933 P. OS > g, Australia's Beauty Spots 503 1 ...,'' By Percy Hunter 'd...., '''C ,.. China in the Ninth Century 517 By Marian Edwardes 74 ‘5' * A Travel, the Educator 521 P By the Editor 4 Investigating Hawaiian Legends and Stories - - - - 527 By Kermit Kosch 1-. --1 74 Ins and Outs of Japan 533 ;.-. By Frances N. Fox 1 Cruising Among the Philippines 543 , .......' By rilexander Hume Ford * ... Index to Volume XLVI (July to December, 1933, inclusive) 547 * *1 *1 ■ ,-.- Bulletin of the Pan-Pacific Union, New Series No. 166 - 549 74- *' g 011e Ti: it-Parifir filagazittp DI .]. Published monthly by ALEXANDER HUME FORD, Pan-Pacific Club Building, Honolulu, T. H. Yearly sub- 1 :... scription in the United States and possessions, $3.00 in advance. Canada and Mexico, $3.25. For all foreign countries, $3.50. Single Copies, 25c. Entered as second-class matter at the Honolulu Postoffice. *I D. Permission is given to reprint any article from the Mid-Pacific Magazine. J, 1 Printed by the Honolulu Star-Bulletin, Ltd. 502 THE MID-PACIFIC THE MID-PACIFIC 0,3 Picturesque Hyde Park v.:ith St. Mary's Cathedral in the background. Hyde Park ocas Justralia's first race course. Australia's Beauty Spots By PERCY' HUNTER anininninnLinficiininializainfnininirnirainircannininnitTnircj Many articles descriptive of various music, gay carnival, or stately pageant ; features of Australia have appeared in no mountains send their snowy peaks the Mid-Pacific Magazine since that skyward to pierce the heavens, our rivers popular journal first made its appearance are not remarkable; no gorgeous palaces as the organ of Pacific amity. nor ruined abbeys grace the landscape. I now endeavor to present in concise There are no sights here such as greet form for the information of its readers the traveler who stands on the top of a resume of the attractions of the coun- the Aztec pyramid at Cholula awe- try from a scenic and a holiday-making struck by the vision of Popocatepetl and point of view. I was led to do this by Ixtaccihuatl (the sleeping woman), im- being some little time ago asked to de- maculate poems of grace and snow and scribe Australia in a broadcast talk. I clouds and violet mystery. It is said of thought if this is going to interest Aus- Popocatepetl that with the possible ex- tralians, it will interest Mid-Pacific read- ception of Vesuvius is has witnessed ers and I'll write it for them. more bloodshed, more romance, more Australia is different. While this tragedy than any other mountan on country has plenty of interesting sights earth. for travelers, they are not the conven- If there are no sights such as these, tional objects of interest common to old- or that of Orizaba, the highest and love- er countries. Even our natural wonders liest thing from Mount McKinley to the are different. Our Blue Mountains Andes, or the other renowned natural famed so far and wide, are not moun- spectacles of the world, what is it then tains, but sunken valleys. that makes this country of interest to the We have no great cities vivid with tourist if it is of interest? night life, vibrant with magnificent There is no doubt that it is of interest. 504 THE MID -PACIFIC Even those world travelers who spend a Victoria ; the ever-changing spell of the mere couple of days in our principal "Bay" littoral on the Mornington Penin- ports are intrigued by what is shown to sula, just below Melbourne; the sub- them in a fierce hurry scurry over a few tropics of Queensland, or the vision favored spots, and express their desire to splendid of the far-flung prospect of return and see more of us. And they Western plains. No Australian but will fulfill their desire. Each year, even in feel his heart thrill responsively to any these times of strain and worry, the an- of these, and although to us they have nual tide of tourist traffic flows in great- become so much a matter of course that er strength. we hardly notice their beauty or their Countries with fine attractions in the value, they strike the visitor from abroad way of tourist resorts have spent huge as unusual and of abiding interest. sums of money in securing this flow of Now that our main roads have been re- foreign capital to their shores. In Switz- made into something resembling fast- erland for instance, the tourist traffic is traffic conduits, it has become much easier perhaps the principal industry of the for Australian people to see something of country. their own country. Our people are great I should say that the outstanding dif- travelers, and many have ventured abroad ference between our native resorts and without knowing very much of their own those of the strictly "tourist and scenic- land. wonder" variety such as are offered by Although it is easy for people with Switzerland, Hawaii, New Zealand, parts motor cars to see the beautiful portions of America and the fiords of Norway and of Australia, it is by no means essential the rest, is that our show districts are to possess a car in order to enjoy these to he enjoyed rather than to be looked sights. The railway services in every state at. For instance, one may stand on the are admirably designed to convey passen- brink of the immense canyon of the gers to and from our tourist resorts. And Colorado River at El Tovas and find the railway services are well supported by his breath taken by the sheer grandeur motor cars wherever this type of trans- and splendor of the dazzling spectacle. port is essential. But at Leura or Katoomba or Govett's Anyone will admit that tourist resorts Leap. with the tinkling of the limpid which are inaccessible or difficult of access waterfalls and the deep foliage of the are practically useless, but, fortunately, embowered nooks, one feels inclined few of the prominent Australian sights to stroll down the trail and spend half can be placed in this category. To pick a clay enjoying the shade and the beauty. one blindly—take for example the Kosci- One is awe-inspiring, the other, beautiful and intimate. usko trip in N. S. W. Everyone who And so I think the comparison can be does any traveling knows how handy the carried right through our natural beauty Hotel Kosciusko is to the motor car. The spots. Can one imagine a more entranc- hotel is just 300 miles distant from Syd- ing holiday than that spent upon any of ney. A powerful car can leave Sydney the far-famed sunlit beaches of the Pa- after breakfast and land the passengers cific littoral of New South Wales, the at the hotel for dinner. Those inclined deep shade and patterned sunlight of the for a slower journey may go to Canberra, Gippsland forests, the sunny flower beds 200 miles on the way, the first day and of the meadows on the Kosciusko up- make the Hotel Kosciusko comfortably lands, the languorous comfort and sylvan for luncheon next day. But it is not nec- splendor of the eastern coastal rivers ; the essary to use the motor car from Sydney. rural beauty of that garden of Australia, A splendidly equipped train, with com- the hills of the nearer Dividing Range in fortable sleeping berths, made up in double THE MID-PACIFIC 505 Amid the snows in Australia. Hotel Kosciusko in rcinter. compartments, leaves Sydney six nights a continent, despite the forbidding aspect it week, and lands passengers for a com- presented to the earliest discoverers, as fortable breakfast at Cooma at 7 o'clock. a huge playing area capable of entertain- Then a superb local motor-car service ing the whole world. Every state has its whips them the last 50 miles to the hotel special resorts, many of which have be- on the slopes of the Kosciusko Range in come world-famous, and in addition to good time for lunch. Baggage transport these there are in each state many other presents no difficulty. The fares are rea- places to which people may go for an en- sonable and the service runs winter and joyable holiday equally as attractive as summer alike. The return journey from their more famous rivals. this most popular resort is made with Let us look for a moment at that great equal comfort, being timed to give pas- Australian summer sport—surf bathing sengers a good dinner at one of Cooma's and beach enjoyment generally. One can hosteleries gef ore they join the train for say without fear of contradiction that no- the night run to Sydney. And what is where in the world is there to be found true of Kosciusko is equally applicable to such a wealth of golden sunny beaches as most of the other Australian resorts. The exist all round the Australian coast line. more than adequate services to the Blue Truly, they are illimitable, and though Mountains and beyond to the Jenolan other beaches may have consistently Caves leave little to be desired, and to the superior surf for some purposes, such as innumerable beauty spots and pleasure the famous Waikiki for surf-boarding or grounds of Victoria, Tasmania and the canoeing, these Australian beaches, taken other states, good train and motor serv- all round, have no peer.
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