/?,fB National Women's Trade Union League of America BOSTON ^WtLAOCL^MtA cmcAao ST. Lou's. **o KANSAS CITY, MO. TKI etTY-AOC<^ ISLANO, NEW YOWK MOLINE, OAVENf-OAT COMMtTTEES A3NE* NUTOW tL.vt ALBANY. ALA MAOiSON. WIS JULIA * O'COMMO* CLINTON, IA.* SEATTLE EMMASTEOMA&EN OWANO AA^IOS. MICW. WASHlNOTON ILLINOH STATE COMMITTEE 3<! SOUTH ASMLANO BOULEVARD CHtCAOO DEFERRED EtGHTW B)ENN)AL CONVENTtON WAUKEGAN [LDNOtS JUNE B 'B22 ^ . ^ April 20, 1922 LIr. D. J. Tobin, ^avratory, Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Stablemen, & Helpers of America, Intern'1 Bro'd, 222 East Michigan Street, Indianapolis, Indiana. Dear Ur. Tobin: I am writing to aak whether there la any partic- ular advantage in maintaining your National haadquartera in Indlanapolia, and if you feel free to tall ma why your organization la located thara. I have heard a good deal of argument that a National organization ought to looate ita haadquartara at aome central point eaaily reached from the varloua aeotiona of the *ourtry* Has your organ- ization ever oonaldared Washington b.C; aa a place for your National headqunrteraT la tRere^ in yOur opinion, any particular advantage in a National Trade Union organization maintaining ita haalquartera in WaahlngtonT I ahall greatly appreciate your argument for or agalnat National haadquartara being in Washington. Thanking you in advanoe for your kln&neaa in re- plying, with the beat of good wlahea, I remain Fraternally youra. Secretary - Treasurer. PtS. For your convenience I am enolotiag a alamped, aalf- addreaaed envelop*. M.*o Arril 2K, 1CPK. Minf Elizabeth Chrlatnan, 311 South Ashland Blvd., ' Chicago, Illinois. My de?r S in! Ch^lstma<.: Your litter in which you a3k me *hy wa are located in Indiana] oils, also what I have to nay about Washington aa a city for the headquarters^ef a National organization, received. First, I *ant to aay, wa ar<* logp + nd in Indiana! olle, principally because it la a medium-sized^ fa oentrally located, and wa get firat claaa service from th" hanks, th ;rinting hcuaea and the poat office. An International Union could net very "all locate in a city like Chicago or New York, beoaune the officers would continually be requeated to dewate their attention to local affaire, so to looata in a medium alze oity ia r^alTy teat for an International Uniont frcm In—Ian—* ells we can ^e^ train* for any place* There are more trunk line* running out of Indianayolls, eaat and weat, than it any oth^r city In the middle west with terhapa, the exception of Chicago. Thla is the reason ther* are ao many International headquarters looated In Indianapolis. About Washington for headquarters for your organization, I daalre to aay, If you are loorted th^re for laglaJatlva ressone, Washington la all rl jht, but I do not ccnalder It a suitable city for headquartera. The American Federation of Labor is located there for leglal^tlve )urpoaea. Cur International Union would not, for one moment, consider locating in Washington. Office bulUlnie In Indianapolla ara numaroua and rente are reaaonabl*. Wa are looated in a building erected and owned by the United Broth-rhood of Carpenter*. We have no intention of changing our h^adouartera, but, were *a to change to any oth^r city, w* would favor Cleveland or Cincinnati, for r^asona above stated, that la, that they ara c-ntrally located, with numerrua train conneetlona, and not too large for International Uniona to tranaaot their buelneaa aucoaaafully. Thla la all the information I can give you on thla auhjeot and la ao "ueh a* I oc^ld give you war* I to writ* for hour*. If th<?r*t ia anything that I can do for you, kindly lut m<s know. Sincerely yours, G^n^ral Prisld<*nt. National Women's Trade Union League of America ENDORSED BY THE AMERICAN FEDERATION OF LABOR AND THE TRADES AND LABOR CONGRESS OF CANADA ROSE SCHNEIDERMAN. PRESIDENT MARY E. DREIER. VICE PRESIDENT UNITEO MATURE CAP * MILLINERY WORKERS' UNION MEW YORK WOMEN B TRADE UNION LEAGUE ELISABETH CHRISTMAN. SECRETARY-TREASURER GLOVE WORKERS UNION EXECUTtVE BOARD LOCAL BRANCHES MARION BURNS BIRMINGHAM. ALA. KELSO-LOHGVtEW. WASH. MOLLtE DOWO RETAIL CLERKS' UNION NEW JERSEY AGNES NESTOR BOSTON PAULINE M. NEWMAN CHICAGO RACINE. WtB. LAD ES GARMENT WORKERS' UNION ST. LOUtB MRS. RAYMOND ROBINS HUNTSVILLE. ALA. WASHINGTON. D. C. CHICAGO WOMEN S TRADE UNION LEAGUE tLUNOIS WAUKESHA. WIS. WORCESTER. MASS. MARY N. WINSLOO. C. WWOME N S TRADE UNION LEAGUE KANSAS CITY. MO 3)7 MACHINISTS BUtLDING Nove:aber 24 WASHINGTON. D. C. 19 4 1 Dear Mr. Tobin: At the moment I am making a very special effort to add aore national and international unions to the League's list of contributors. Rose Schneideman and I feel that the unions recognize the value of our work with am? for the labor move-ient and that therefore they .night gladly give us more tangible support than we are now receiving. I need not detail to you our activities in line with our three-fold program - organisation, education and legislation - except in a general way, because you are familiar with it. I have just prepared a sua ary of our organization and strike assistance, which will be submitted to our National Board at its meeting beginning Oece.iber 9, and which shows that we have given assistance to workers in 47 trades. This includes actual organizing of women workers, strike assistance and picket duty. All of our local units carry on educational work through workers' classes and procedure assistance to new unions, so necessary to stn.rt a new union to function effectively. I would be most grateful if you could consider the igrantln^ of a substantial contribution towards our work, thus helping the League to meet the many calls during these serious days and in connection with the defense pro-yarn. My deepest thanks for your help and greetings to you. Prat^ne tt man Secretary-Treasurer Mr. Daniel J. Tobin, President International Brotherhood of Team* < Chauffeurs, War*houa*3*n and 3*lp*r% 222 Eaat Michigan Street Indlanaoolia, Indiana ee.fb August 18, 1943 Miss Elizabeth Chri3tman National Women's Trade Union League, 317 *achini ts Building, Washington 1, D. C. Dear Miss Christman: Enclosed please find c ecu for five hundred dollars (#300.00), to help out the National Women'3 Trade Union League in the campaign of education they are endeavoring to carrf on in behalf of the Ax rican labor movement. This does not mean, of course, that this amount will come to you each year. I cannot tell from year to year what our International Union will do. The subject matter whiCi ve di^cu^sed recently in Wash- ington was broug t up before the Executive Council of the American Federation of Labor and it was decided that the President of the Federation, Mr. William Green, would send out a circular letter to the Intern tional Unions advi3ing tnem of the National Women's Trad* Union Learue and the work in which it i3 enff?ed, etc. In other torus, the Federation co Id not impose an order on any Inter- national Union to co tribute, but after explaining it, left it to the different organizations to deci <e what tney should do. I believe this is the first time anything has been done along those lines for the Motional Women's Trade Union League. Trusting you are well, wit^ very kindest regards, I am Sincerely yours, C ..EhAL PhESIDFNT. DJT.OKC National Women's Trade Union League of America ENDOREED BY TNE AMERtCAN PEDERATtON Of LABOR AND THE TRADEE AND LABOR CONGREEE Of CANADA ROSE SCHNEtDERMAN. PRESIDENT MARY E. DREIER. VICE PREEtDENT UNITED HATTERB. CAP * MtLUNERY WORKERS UNtON NEW YORK WOMEN E TRADE UNtON LEAGUE ELISABETH CHRISTMAN. SECRETARY-TREAEURER GLOVE WORKERS UNION EXECUTtVE BOARD LOCAL BRANCHES MARION BURNS ETENOGRARWERS UNtON BIRMtNGNAM. ALA. KANEAE CtTY. MO MOLUE DOWO RETAIL CLERKB* UNtON BLOOMINGTONNORMAL. <LL. KELSO-LONGVtEW. WABN. AGNES NESTOR GLOVE WORKERB UNtON PAULINE M. NEWMAN BOSTON NEW YORK LADtEE GARMENT WORKERB UNtON CHtCAGO RACtNE. WtB MRS. RAYMOND ROBINS ET. LOUtB CWtCAOO WOMEN'S TRAOE UNtON LEAGUE MARY N. WINSLOW HUNTSVILLE. ALA. TOLEDO D. C WOMEN E TRADE UNtON LEAGUE ILLINOIS WABWINOTOM. B. C. WORCEETER. MABB. 3!7 MACHINISTS BUILDING WASHINGTON !. D. C. August 34 19 4 3 Dear Mr. Tobin: It is with heartfelt appreciation that I acknowledge your letter along with check for $500 given toward the budget of the National Women's Trade Union League to aid it* educational work in connection with a public relatione program which the Lea<rue is determined to enlarge upon. Whatever I might say to you in exrreasing thank* to you and your fellow workers would fall far short of full measure, ^e pledge our best to the work ahead. I appreciate the information regarding the action taken by the Executive Council of the American Federation of Labor and feel certain that you did your full part in bringing about a favorable decision. Tou are quite right in saying you believe this is the first time such action has been taken for helping our national League. Thanks again - for the League and for myself. Elisabeth CUtetman / Secretary-Treasurer Mr. &Lmwi J. lobin, General President International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, ^arehoua'-mea and Helpers "22 East Michigan Street Indianapolis, Indiana EC.fb / ) Septenbor 16, 1943 Kiss Fli3abeth CLri-tr.an, Secy-Treas., & clonal 7mEic;,*3 Tcade Union League of A erica 317 ^aCi,iui:t3 Rallying ?'ashLngton, L. C. Dear H33 Chri t-an: I a^ now, t i3 1 te dpte, acno-ied,i;i; rece pt of your 1 tt r ^f Au.ttu.it 24, 1^4.3.
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