" I I . All the News of All .the Pointes rosse Pointe ews Every Thursday Morning Hom. of lb. News " Kercheval TU. 2-1900 Complete News Coverage of All the. Pointes , . HIG N NOVEMBER 1953 £llteM .. Second Clau Malter Fully Paid Circulati~n VOLUME I4-NO. 47 GROSSE POINTE, MIC A, 19, It ,the Peat OWe_ .. Detroit,Mleb. Consolidation DEADLINES City Councilmen Pose at SpeciaI Ceremony City to Continue 01 I.~e Approved By WEEK To Work Towards Woods Group .As Compiled by lb. Request Given Hearty (doss. Point. News Wel- Merger of Pointes come by Officers of Pointe. Thursday, November 1Z Organization PRESSURE APPLIED by Re- publican leaders oC the House The City or Grosse Pointe will continue to seek ways for In a move to unify efforts Un-American Activities Commit. greater cooperation between the various Pointe municipali. and enjoy the added benelits tee forced the committee chair- ties, and strive for eventual consolidation, it.was indicated at of a larger organization,' the man, Rep. Harold Velde, to post. the City council meeting Monday night. There was general Woods Business Men's °Asso- pone indefinitely the giving oC agreement that, although it will take a long time to reach clation voted at it.o; annual testimony by former President Harry Truman. the consolidation goal, it is an inevitable development. meeting last Thursday eve- It is believed that the com. Most of Monday night's meet-'!------------Ining to consolidate with the mittee will also drop any fu. ing was given over to the swear. N C GroSse Pointe Business Men's ture ef!orts to compel testimony ing in oC the new councilmen avy ross Association. which draws its about knowledge oC alleged spy and mayor, elected on November . activities by the late Harry 3. and the honoring oC retirillg Awarded to membership from all five Dexter White. officials. New councilmen are Grosse Pointes. , President Eisenhower too k Edward V. Luss and Otto W. Pont The action, one that had oCten some of the sting and personal grace. Alonzo C. Allen. incum- Woods Hero been discussed in' the past, was rancor from the case by assert. bent, was reelected for another enthusiastically and unanimous. ing he did not believe that his term. Iy sponsored by the more than predecessor had knowingly done Take Oath.. of Office Parents of Sgt. James W. 30 members who had lathllred at. anything in the White case to These, together with the new h M A' a banquet at the Howard John. harm the United States. mayor, Frederick W. Parker, Jr., Step en, issing in chon, son Restaurant for the purpos. were administered the oath of Accept Citation oC electing officers for the group'. Friday, November 13 office as were other officers re- new year. GOV. WILLIA1\IS announced elcet:d without opposition, Clerk The Navy Cross, second lIarkness Surcested Move the Army has ofCered to lease Norbert Neff, Assessor Neil Blon-highest Naval Award, and a WhIm the group's retiring pre'- Percy Jones Hospital as a state mental hospital. provided the dall, Treasurer Theodore Osius, citation for outstanding hero- Ident. Dr. Clifford Loranger, long State oCMichigan will return the and Constable Charles Locke. ism during the Korean light- a leading figure In Grosse Pointe hospital on "short notice" In the Clerk Ne£C administered the ing, was presented to the civic aUalrs, opened the meet- oC oath to all the others, then he f M' S t J Ing for suggestions from the event a national emergency. was sworn in by Justice oC the parents 0 arlne g. ames Iloor, put president Russel Hark- The governor said he has no Peace Joseph P. Uvick. W. Stephen, at a ceremony ness responded with the consoli. comment to make on the olTer -Picture by Fred Runnells Retiring Mayor Ralph B. Net- held in the Woods council dation Idea. and will not discuss it until he RETIRING MAYOR RALPH B. NETTING, seated left, handed over the gavel to newly-elected MAYOR FRED- has met with the State Mental ting and Chester F. Carpenter chamber. on Monday, Novem. Harkness. a drug&ist who lerv- ERICK W. PARKER, JR. at ceremonies in the City of Grosse Pointe council chambers Monday night. Standing, left were presented with resolutions ber 16. At the last report, the ed with distinction on,the Woods Health Department. The Army to right, are: EDWARD V, LUSS and OTTO PONGRACE, both ne~...ly elected to the council; KENNETH BERGMA~N, has closed the hospital as a mili- honoring them for their servic'e, sergeant was still officially new. charter commission, found tary institution and various pro- incumbent. CHESTER F. CARPENTER, who did not seek reiectlon after 25 years of serYlce; JOHN KENOWER, m- and gold badges makinG them listed as missing in action. his suggestion had struck a fav- posals have b~en.ma.de Corits use. cumbent; ALONZO ALLEN, relected for another term; and SIDNEY MORGAN, retiring councilman who did not mayor and councilman emeritus At least 25 persons witnessed orable note and he moved °for seek reelection. One more councilman wlll be appointed to fill the vacancy, created when former councilman Parker respectively, for their lifetimes. the presentation made by Major Immediate consolidation with the Saturda)', ~ovember 14 was elected mayor. Retiring Councilman Sidney Mor- Niehulas Shields, Marine recruit- larger Pointe-wide IrouP, JAMES HOFFA and fellow llan was also presented with a ing o!Cicer for Michigan, to the Charles Verheyden and. Mat. officials oC the teamsters union Tour FI-ne POlente Homes resolution of appreciation. hero's parents, Mr. and Mrs. thew M. Goebel, president and will be subpenaed by federal -sl-on of Cooperatl-on Roses were presented to Mn. James Stephen of 1613 Prest- vlce~presldent respectively of the probers investigating the union's Tax Revl . ..' .' Netting and to Mrs. Parker. wick. Grosse Pointe Business Men'. billion-dollar insurance empire. eO Weekend d First BUlilness SeSlllon- "Extraordinary lIeroLsm" Association, were among the in- The probers disclosed that the 'l-se'd .To' ' B. Held. ; -, Thi-s'' ,', - ° ' - Requ"e'ste' in Immediately after the cere- The Award and citation was ylted guests and the chair took fnsurance group collects weekly Plan Dev payments from nearly 70,000 . L' T Be fit G d . C t P k - A monies, Mayor Parker opened given to Sgt. Stephen's mother, occasion to ask whether they be. ' . oveo ne ar en en er ar Ing rea the business session oC the coun- and was Cor extraordinary hero- lieved the Idea to be a feaslbl. teamsters in 22 stales. L-- cil and the discussion oC the con- ism which occurred during the one. Total premiums collecled for BY H O Outstanding Flower' Arrange, ments to Be Featured in Resi. I h f H tinuance oC negotiations with "BatUe of Frisco," in Korea on Welcomed br Verherdell one )'ear amount to $7.000,000. Farms Po ice ie oyt the other Pointe municipalities October 6, 1952. Verheyden was eloquent in his Pointe Attorney Submits C with the face value oC the in- dences Which Be Thrown Open Asks Everyone to Help became one of the first items of Sgt. Stephen and his squad remark! of approval and wel- surance policies. reaching a sbg- Will Details of Program as for Public Inspection Make Best Use of Space business oC Ihe new council. were pinned down at their out- come. He stressed the fact that Rering $1,000.000,000.The probe Councilman Kenneth L. Berg- post, by heavy enemy artillery several of the major matters to will be conducted in Chicago on Basis for Republican Platform Long famous as one of the country's .most beautilul resi. I mann stated that he Celt it was and mortar barrages, and during which his Association has always Monday, No:em.be,: 23. dential communities, Grosse Pointe this weekend for the Farms Police Chief Wa ter very important for the council the night the Reds overrnn the given considerable attention will Sunday, November 15 Harold O. Love, Detroit tax first time will join the ranks of other American cities in Hoyt is making an appeal to to keep on working towards the position. The sergeant organized bit greatly strengthened by the MOSSADEGlI SYMPATHIZ- attorney, has submitted a presenting a "pilgrimmage" through a few of its loveliest mer c h ant s, professional consolidation goal. The fact that a deCense,and during close hand. consolidation of membership. ERS promised to beha,:,e in Teh- plan to John Feikens, chair- homes. people and employe person- the City is now rather in the to-hand combat, personally ac- Goebel expressed satisfaction ran. Iran. after the government man of the Republican State The Grosse Pointe Garden Center, following the prece- nel of the Kercheval business position oC a "poor relative", counted for several enemy dead. with the move and went on to ordered the roof torn from the dl'strl'ct askl'ng them not to was franldy discussed, as was He also personally spearheaded giant 8abz 1\tehdaz Bazaar. Central Committee, and other dent oC similar groups in Natchez.~""-------------1 b 'h . k' ' "1 also the fact that It won't lie three counter attacks. and finally explain extra advantages that committee members, calling Miss., Greenwich, Conn., Clncin. W. Blain, Mrs. J. Lee Barrett, a use t e par mg prtVI eges too long beCorethe other Pointes succeeded in driving of! the Com- would come tQ the members from A delegation of Bazaaris, one "sound, progressive, natl, New O.rIcans, and L,a,ke For- Mrs. William Rosborou"h, Mrs. in the public parking lot.
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