DIRECTORY.] LINCOLNSHIRE. OLD LE.AKE. 347 Post, M. 0. k T. 0., T. M. 0_., E. D., P. P., S. B. &:; A., Public Elementary schoGl, built in 1857,_for 130 children; & I. Offiae.-Mrs. Ge.orgm& C. Crosby, ~ub-po!!il>- average arotendance, 84; J lillles Davlll, master; Mrs. IniSltress. Le1tell"s a·mive through the Lincoln office Man-y Davis, mistre!SS by ma.il cati"t, del!ivered at 7.50 a.m. & by train at Railway Station, a fine building of Ancaster stone, on the 2.40 p.m.; di.>patched at II.30 a.m. & 5·5 p.m.; north of the village, .Arthur C. Colam, station master sundays, delivered at 7.50 a.m. &:; dispatehed at 5-5 Oanie,r.-Richard Johnson, to Lincoln, mon. &:; fri.; p.m to Newark, wed. & sat Blackwood Alexander, The Gables Chapman George, wheelwright I J ohnson William, baker Brooks William Henry Close & Milnes, farmers. Manor house •J ohnson '\-Villiam, George hotel Close Thompson, Manor house Codd Alfred, .shoe maker ' J olley J oseph Howard, saddler Hardy Francis .Alexander M.D. Ful­ Colam .Arthur C. station master J ones John, head gamekeeper to Capt. beck g-rove(letters through Fulbeck) Cooper Joseph, cottager J. S. Reeve Reeve Capt. John Sherard J.P. Lead- Cro;;by Georgina (Mrs.), grocer & Kelley Thomas, jobbing ga::-dener enham house · draper & sufb-postmistress Kelley William, plumber & glazier Rum bold John Crosby .TO<Seph, butcher Kent George Edward, farmer, Low- Skrine Rev. Vivian Ec~les M.A.. Rectry Davis James, schoolmaster fields (letters through Brant Brough- Duke Frank Albert, blacksmith ton, Newark) COMMERCIAL. E:iwards Edward, tailor Lawson William, shoe maker Baines George, but<:her Edwards Moses, overseer & clerk to ~fcKelvie John, gardener to Capt. J. Beckett William, joiner the Parish Council S. Reeve Blackwood Alexander, estate agent for Ellis Richard, carpenter ~1orley Robert Newcomb, farmer Capt. J. S. Reeve Hardy Francis .Alex. M.D., C.M.Edin. ~fucklow .Audley, grocer Banner JO<Seph Iliffe,saddler & harness medical officer & public vaccim:tor, North Joseph, stone mason maker Leadenham district, Sleaford union Squires Charles Edwin, miller (wind & Brooks Wm.Hy.M.R.C.V.S. vet. -surgn & Fulbeck district, Newark union, steam), Lowfields Burrows Richard Blankley, farmer Fulbeck grove (letters through FuJ- Squires Waiter, baker Burtt Waiter k Son, coal, coke &I beck) IWaddington Joseph & Wm. farmers agricultural merc~ants; head office, Hyde John Thomas, grocer j'West George James, beer retailer Wellingore Johnson Richard, carrier OLD LEAKE is a scattea-ed parish, about :;:~ miles sign: there are 250 sittings. There are two Wesleyan from t<he ~ea coast, with a station near the Hobhvle chapels, one at Common Side, erected in IBIS, and en­ Drain, 3 miles nortJh-west from the church, on the larged in 1S7r, and one for Primitive Methodists at Fold Ea~t Lincolnshire section of the Great Northern railway, Hill, ·built in 1839; a Sunday schDol, built in r87r, o.nd a 7 miles north-east from Boston and ns! from London by chapel at the south end of the parish. Charities: Edward rail, in the Holland division of the ~aunty, wapentake of Hunston esq. who died he~e in I655, left certain lands for Skirbeck, parts of Holland, petty sessional division of the benefit of decayed gentlemen of the county, which in Kirton and Skirbeck, Boston union and county court I6SS were let at £so yearly and in 1854 for £6oo. The district, rural deanery of North Holland No. 2 and arch­ charities for distribution now amount to about £150, and dea.conii'y and diocese of Lincoln. By Local Governme<nt are distributed annually under a new scheme by the Board OrdeT No. 31,8og, Old L!'!ake was, in T8C)4, con­ Charity Commissioners. George Fydell Rowley esq. of stituted a parish from the ancient pa:rish of Le.ake, th~ Morcott Hall, Uppingham, Rutland, is lord of the manor. remainder being included in New Leake par,ish. The Mrs. Brookes, the trustees of Henry Caudwell csq. John Hobh{)le Dralin paSise-s tlhrough the pMi.sh. The chu,rch Gur..son esq. Hnnston's Charity trustees and the Gover­ Df St. Mary is a building of st<me, chiefly in the Early nors of Oakham and Uppingham schools are the principal English, Dt>corated and Perpendicuiar styles, with some landowner!", but, there are many smaller landowners. The remGID,;J of Norman work, and oonsists of chanceil, soil is light and. rich; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are cleTeslt:OTied DJave of six bays, nave, ai;;les, north and wheat, oats and roots. The area is 5, 878 acre·s of land south porches and a low embattled weste!I"n tower of and rg of water; rateable vaaue, £7,786; the popula­ Late PE'Il'pendicnla.r work, e:reoted be-tween 1490 and tion in rgor was 1,963 in the civ]l parish and I,387 in the 1S47• at a co~t of £359. and containing 6 bells: the ecclesiastical parish, the remainder being ecclesiastically nave arcad8ls include four Norman piers, two a,t each annexed to Benington, Boston, Frieston and Le,-ertol'l Pnd, and the tower doorw1_ly has a fine Norman arch: parishes. By a Local Government Board Order, dated the chancel ha~r a very hand1some reredos and sta,ined Dec. 24, r88o, detached parts of Benington, with 76 per• east window, added in I873: it reta.ins a rudely-worked sans ; of Butterwick, with 9.1 ; Lcv-erton, with 84 ; pi.scina and sediLia, and on the north side an aumbry: Revesby, without inhabitants, and Boston Enst Fen allot­ the east end of the south ai.sJe has a st!:e.tue brackelt: ment wP.re transferred to the ecclesiastical portion of at the south-eo!l.';t ang:le of the IHJ.ve is an octagonal New Leake. tume't, with spire-l~ke . crockelted roof, and a. newel stair anciently conducting to the rood loft : t.he clere­ .At L.ADE BANK, on the west side of Hobhole Drain, t>tory, lighted by six windows en each side, is Perpendi­ two pumping engines of go horse power each ha>e been cular: near the tower is a recumbent effigy in alabaster erected fur the drainage of the East Fen north of that of a knight in armour, supposed to represent one of the point, and for the West and 'Vildmore Fens. Leake family, and in the wall are two projecting stones, richly carved, one representing o. man playing the bag­ NEW LEAKE, see Eastville. pipes, the other a woman with the harpsichord: in the Sext-on, Charles Dowse. south aisle is a curious octagonal poor-box bound with Post, M. 0. & T. 0., T. M. 0., E. D., P. P., S. B. & .A.. iron : the font is also octagonal : the nave roof was re­ & I. Office, Church end, Old Leake.-John Thome.s t>tored in 1863 and the chancel in I8J3-S, at a cost of £I,400; the organ was restored and a new vestry added Harness, sub-postma.ste.r. Letters arrive from Boston in 188g, at a cost of £100: at the entrr.nce to the church­ at 6.20 a.m.; di8patched at 7.10 p.m. There is no yard is a lych-gate: there are S73 sittings: in r8g6 nn delivery or dispatch on sundays addition of r1 acres was made to the chmchyard. The Wall Letter Boxes :-Common Side, cleared at ;; p.m. ; register dates from the year IS75· The living is a dis­ Fold Hill, clP.ared . at 5· 15 p.m. ; Old Leake Railway charged vicarage, net yeaTly value £270, with residence, in Station, cleared at 6. IS p.m the gift of the Gm·ernors of Oakham and Uppingham Public Elem~mtary Schools:- schools, and held since 188r by the Rev. Joscph Dunne, of Mixed, erooted in 1856, for 1.~o children; average St. Aidans. Christ church, Common Side, a chapel of ease 11;ttendance, 87; Edward Little, master; Miss Florence to St. Mary's, from which it is about 2 miles north, was Little, mistre&.; erected in I87S• at a cost of about £,r,2oo, almost en­ Common Side (mixed), for ISO children; av-erage tirely defrayed by the late Charles Brookes esq. of LPake a·t•tendance, about 123 ; Fre.derick Rose, master Grange, and is an edifice of white brick with stone Old Looke Ra.ilWiay SbtiO'Il, John S. Salmon, sta-tion mast dressings, in the Early English style, consisting of nave, Oarrier,s to Boston.-.A.mos TronpeSlt, wed. & sat. ; Mn. north porch and a stone turret c:mtaining one bell : the Halrri{')tt Stamper, wed. &; sat. & George Pickwell, ·chapel has a magnificent open-timbered roof of good de- wed. & sa.t {Marked thus t recdve letters through Newr Dunne Rev. Joseph (vicar), Vicara~ Sharp Mrs J"ea.ke.] Emmison Thomas Speck Miss PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Holden Rev. James (curate) Wales Rev. John Alfred (Primitive Brookes :!I'Irs. Samuel, Massam ball ~Tarsh Charles, York house Methodist), Meadow view Candwell Mrs. Simmon house Richardson Henry J. The Chestnuts Welsh Miss Clark :Miss tRylatt The Mi~ses, Common Side Wrjght John Henson J .
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