Republicans sure Indy will be 2000 W inn Brand stands convention site ■ University’s top administrator addresses student consumerism, J.M. wellness, first-year experience. B r o w s : Bi I M Brows. Kim Morgan T he AMD SlZASSI M 111 ft11 C ity Editor in C u m . Ni*t Editor and Viiwroinm Editor Beat IUPUI is leading the way in revitalizing In his annual state of the university ad­ Editor's note: J.M. Bnmn.editor in chief, wilt periods- dress. presented Sept 8 at IUPUI, IU Presi­ colly write a column called ’ The City Beat” an article dent Myles Brand commended the India­ about happenings in Indianapolis. napolis campus for forging the path to Indianapolis is known for its races — hosting them hut ties model through iu implementation of rarely competing in them. University College. The city is in a race with a short list of other metropoli­ The president challenged tan centers including New Orleans. New York. Philadel- IU campuses, including IU-1 ' first-year experience —- by the end of "M M * this mat waoM have tht sfe*te **11 is notoriously difficult to change the curriculum” Brand said. ‘There are always tarftttiMcttattN interests that prefer the status quo to the risks M suryatthtCttya of something new. However. it is time now Mrptvn CoUimuh “Often universities have a ‘silo effect/ “ Mour of likiuiupoln rand told The Sagamore during a Sept. 9 quirements but no commonality of experi­ ence” phia and San Antonio to host the Republican National The president believes certain Convention in 2000. should he expected of students — a j A decision by the GOP site selection committee is ex­ understanding of American histc pected in November Local and state Republican leaden believe Indianapolis has a more than good shot at hosting the rally. 'Our best selling point is that we have the best facility.” linns of their ties. The increasu said Laura Williams, representative from the state's party to view their educ taa cmr, fem 2 IU is efforts to bccon more student-center ed as a whole, “an und suable effect is the growth of consuroerisi rand said during the m Faculty expert picture them- a ser- entenng into joins IU; to head The comparison of purchasing an educa­ tion to investing in a car or a house, is not an likeness that flies with Brand. national project “A student's tuition buys only the oppor­ tunity for learning; the end-result, the ac­ quired knowledge and skills, is the students' Starf Riroai responsibility.” Brand said. "A student become a working partner in this comm Susan Kahn, faculty development expert, will head the in order to share in the learning it creates. university's participation in a national project aimed at During the interview. Brand said students strengthening the ties between the public and higher edu­ cation. technology, parking, registration and finan­ Kahn, a New Yak City native and long-time faculty de­ cial aid to be of satisfaction to students, but velopment leader in the University of Wisconsin system, the rest is up to them. will be the national director of the 'Public Communication Students should also expect that faculty Through Institutional Portfolios: Quality Assurance at Ur­ performance should be up to par, which led ban Public Comprehensive Universities” project, which Brand into a discussion of faculty review. will be based at IUPUI. He believes student evaluation of profes­ The three-year effort is supported by the Pew Charitable sors is not a very j Trusts and involves six leading American urban universi­ ties: IUPUI. the University of Illinois at Chicago. Portland State University. California Stale University-Sacramento, the University of Massachusetts-Boston, and Georgia State Time — whether it be right before an University. The American Association of Higher Educa­ exam or early in the morning — effects what tion will also be involved. students think about their classroom expen- “Urban universities will help change the public’s expec­ tations for all of higher education Student reviews of faculty are not open to by demonstrating measures of ac­ the student body and neither are faculty peer countability that relate directly to reviews. Brand, however, said there are other the public interest.” Chancellor ways to assess a professor's performance be­ Gerald Bepko said. ‘The institu­ fore signing up for a class. tional portfolio will provide ways When talking to friends, if they say a pro­ for universities to demonstrate fessor is hard, that might be a due that he or what they are doing, how well, and she is indeed a good teacher. with what results “ “If a course is hard, what's wrong with Kahn has been actively involved that?” Brand posed. “It shouldn't be a popu­ in the University of Wisconsin's larity contest. When I talk to students and ongoing efforts to improve iu ask them how classes are coming ale classroom teaching, both by strengthening institutional support for instructors and by something is wrong.” providing well-regarded systems of incentives and re­ Faculty tenure, the process of revic wards. faculty instructional performance an In addition to her role as national d iftd K f the Pew search accomplishments in order to prt project. Kahn will join the IUPUI administrate as the di- instructors, is a vital entity. rector of programs and planning for faculty and senior It is a formula Brand stands behind de- staff development. are part of “Susan brings to her new role at IUPUI extensive expe­ t of anb-intelkctu- rience as the director of faculty development for the Uni­ versity of Wisconsin system and as a major national leader *The linchpin of academic freedom in the Professional and Organizational Development Net­ work in Higher Education ” said William M. Plater, execu­ tive vice chancellor and dean of the faculties. ❖ Pm;i 2 • M o s o a v , Strtm»ii 14. 199* T h i lU PU i S a g a m o ii • N ews sagamore C ity Website explores Indy’s NEWS BRIEFS hcjttJqiuftttv abuol (he RCA Dome Goldsmith said. “We re confident In­ German-American heritage 8 8 m m 8 nil (| |m nt im u HcSmmW H im A Convention Center. “We also have win, but put on VMuniecn and staff of the Ronald McDonald Mouse, located on the IUPUI plenty of hotd rooms throughout the founded in 1854 and now the oldest campus, have been cleaning and toning and base a huge selection of merchan­ city and sum ending areas." Earlier this year. OOP leaden in­ Stam R iro ti active singing society in the country ; dise available at the Ronald McDonald Mouse Biannual Yard Sale from 8 am. Williams said hotels within 25 vited 25 big does from across the na- to 6 pm Sept 18 miles in diameter of the city were in­ Learning about the influences Gcr- Vfeonegut and Arthur Bohn, who de­ The sale will be in the south parking lot at the Ronald McDonald House. cluded ui the assessment of Indy*i signed such local landmarks as the Shoppers can browse through aisles of items ranging from books and toys to Herron School of Art and the Ath- assorted furniture, exercise equipment, clothing, appliances and mote. quire the accommodation of an esti- The house provides an affordable place fuictus can stay while their child is pany 's stale < ■ How German-Americans in In­ being treated at local hospitals, primarily Riley Hospital tor Children Through is expected to bring if Indy is aged by other party officials to give it Just log on. point and click, and dianapolis helped make physical edu­ (he support of individuals and groups, last scar the house served over 1.300 a shot. you’re at the University Library's cation part of the public school cur­ families who needed a place to slay while their children were receiving neces­ The 100.000 people would include Receiving bi-partisan endorsement Shaping the Circle: German Amen- riculum and about a law passed by sary medical treatment. 5.600 delegates from all 50 states, as of the idea from Gov. Frank 1840-1918 the General Assembly during World well as sponsors, press and guests O'Bannon and other Democrats, War I that made it illegal to tench the ■ H iutir itirftilU ri ti n il pniiatitlN i Oils w ill Hosting the convention would not coupled with support from the corpo­ t collection of German language. Slones. Inc. celebrates the I Ith annual Hoosicr Storytelling Festival Sep­ only bring national and international rate sector. Goldsmith and McDaniel UL’s The exhibit provides academic re­ tember 17 through 20. on the grounds of the N'orthside Optimist Club Opti- attention to the capitol city and the formed the RNC 2000 committee website at: http7Awww-lihiupui.edu/ searchers with plenty of links to and Park, one Nock east of College Ave. on 66th Street, and various off-site ven­ state at large, but also would deliver Other committee xcialAiidp/. sources for more detailed study of ues throughout the IndianapNis area elude Jack Swarbhck. attorney; Shaping the Circle is the first of Storytellers will share tales from various cultures Speakers will include: city businesses, especially those in Much Daniels. Eli Lilly senior execu­ several projects planned by the librwy dianapolis. But it is also designed to Syd Doberman, one of the leading idlers of Jew ish tales; Dovie Thomason, Circle Centre Mall. Williams said. tive; Jean Ann Harcoun. president of to bring its archival materials to life be user friendly for secondary school who shares traditional stones from her nch Native culture of the Lakota and "We are planning a GOP market­ Harvourt Industries; Jeff Smulyan.
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