5044 THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 14, 1882. daries, that is to say, the Ashbourne and Derby- the Midland Railway to the river Derwent, and road from Shirley Bridge to Shirley-lane End, turning to the left along the river side to Bor- thence following the Shirley - road' past the rowash Mill aforesaid. Vicarage to the Pinfold, then turning'.to Ihe (16.) So much of the parishes or townships right and following the road to Shirley Park of Ticknall, Melbourne,'Derby Hills, and Calke, farm, leaving the farm-house to the right, and in the county of Derby, as lies within the thence along the road to Osmaston Fish Ponds, following boundaries, that is to say, from a then turning to the right and following the point opposite Garrad's House, Ticknall, along brook to Shirley Bridge aforesaid. the Derby-road to the First-lane End on the (I I.) So much of the parishes of Swepstone, right, thence to the right along that road and Measham, in the counties of Derby, and (Grass-lane) to Four-lane Ends at the top of Leicester, as lies within the following boundaries, Eobinson's Hill, down Robinson's Hill by Shaw that is to say, Tibern Cottage and Green-lane House to the junction with the road from to Normanton on the north,' the bridle-road to Calke to Melbourne, to the right along the Swepstone on the east, the turnpike-road and Calke-road to a point near Calke Mill, thence to Measham Hall Lodge on the south, and the the right along the northern boundary fence of bridle-road to Tibern Cottage aforesaid on the Calke Park to a point opposite the House west. occupied by William Sparks, thence to the (12.) So much of the parish of Swepstone, right along the occupation-road from that in the counties of Derby, and Leicester, as lies House to Ticknall village, and to the right within the following boundaries, that is to say, along the Derby-road to Garrad's House Measbam Hall and the bridle-road leading to aforesaid. Normanton on the north, thence to the right Essex.'— (J.) So much of the parish of Stanford along the bridle-road to Swepstone and thence Rivers, in the county of Essex, as lies within the to the Crown Inn on the east, thence to the following boundaries, that is to say, Little Cole- right along the turnpike road as far as the roan's farm and two cottages in the occupation cross-roads leading to Measham on the south, of Theodore Thompson on the north, Stanford and thence to the right as far as Gallows-lane Rivers Workhouse on the south, the river aul iilong the footpath from Gallows-lane to Roden and certain gravel pits on the east, and the bridle-road from Measham Hall aforesaid Stanford Rivers Hall farm road leading to on the west. Blake Hall Railway-station on the west. (13.) At Offcote and Underwood, in the (2.) So much of the parish of West Bergholt, parish of Ashbourne, in the petty sessional divi- in the county of Essex, as lies within the sion of Ashbourne, in the county of Derby, following boundaries, that is to say, from the comprised within the following boundaries, that Finger Post on the Colchester-road, thence is to say, from Offers-lane and Dovehouse along that road towards Colchester by Daniels Green, turning to the right along Union-street Brewery as far as Buttle's brook, thence along and Church Banks, turning to the right past the course of the said brook until it reaches the the Workhouse and following the footway past river Colne at Seven Arch Viaduct, thence Ashley Mill House, thence on the footway along the river Colne to Newbridge Mill, thence through Buckholm to the brook, turning to the along the main-road towards the White Hart right and following the brook to the Bridge Public-House to the Finger Post on the Col- crossing for Hay wood, and turning 1o the right chester-road aforesaid. Ihence along the footway to the Channel in (3.) So much of the parish of Cressiner, in Offers-lane aforesaid. the county of Essex, as lies within the follow- (14.) So much of the parishes of Alvaston, ing boundaries, that is to say, the Railway from Osmnston, Boulton, CheUaston, and Elvaston, Witham to Braintree on the west, Cressing in the county of Derby, as lies within the Temple farm on the north, White Head farm following boundaries, that is to say, from the in the occupation of Joseph Beckwith on the Pinfold at Cotton-lane End, along the Osnaas- east, and EJm farm and Hole farm on the south. ton nnd Melbourne-road to Chellaston village, by the left up that village passing the Church Huntingdonshire.—At Houghton, in the county and silong Chellaston»lane to the Derby and of Huntingdon, comprised within the follow- Shardlow-road, crossing that road and along ing boundaries, that is to say, the turnpike- Elvaston and BOITO wash-lane to the river Der- road known as the Old Sawtry-road on the went, by the left along the river side (over north, the turnpike-road known as Houghton fields) to the boundary of the borough of Hill leading from Huntingdon to St. Ives on the Derby, by ihe left along that .boundary crossing cast, the river Ouse on the south, and the .back- ihe Derby and Shardlpw-road to the Pinfold at road leading from Witton village to the Old Cot ton-lane End aforesaid. Sawtry-road aforesaid on the west. (15.) So much of the parishes of Ockbrook, Lancashire.—(1.) So much of the borough of Borrowash, Hopwell, Stanton-by-Dale, Dale Blackburn, in the county of Lancaster, as lies Abbey,. Spondon, and Draycott, in the county within the following boundaries, that is to say, of Derby, as lies within the following boun- the Leeds and Liverpool Canal, Higher Audley- daries, that is to say, from Borrowash Mill ! street, Copy Nook, Bottomgate, Furthergate, along the river Derwent bank-side to Draycott Accrington-road, road to Lower Shadsworth, Ferry Boat, across that river, through Draycott Shadsworth-road, Old Bank-lane, Haslingden- village along Cbapman's-lane over the Midland road, and Grimshaw Park-road. Railway and Canal to the Nottingham-road, (2.) So much of the township of Samlesbury, turning by the right along that road taking the in the county of Lancaster, as lies within the turn to the left through Butter Milk Gate along following boundaries, that is to say, Spring-lane the Hopwell bridle-road to the Boyah Grange on the north, Samlesbury Mill-lane on the east, farm, thence by the foot-road passing Burn wood the river Dai-wen on the south, and a certain farm into Moor-lane, turning to the left along wire fence from the river Darwen to Spring- that lane into head of Spondon village, by the lane and opposite Blue Slate farm on the west. left down Stoney-lane, across the Nottingna-m- (3.) So much of Ihe township of Thornley •road, taking a straight Ike over the Canal and With Wheatlev, in the county Of Lancaster,.
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