Written Statement Aithris Sgrìobhte PLANA IONADAIL NA GÀIDHEALTACHD AN IAR IS NAN EILEAN Adopted Plan September 2010 Plana Ris An Deach Gabhail An t-Sultain 2010 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICE THE HIGHLAND COUNCIL West Highland and Islands Local Plan Adopted Plan - September 2010 WEST HIGHLAND AND ISLANDS LOCAL PLAN Covering Lochaber, Lochalsh and Skye PLANA IONADAIL NA GÀIDHEALTACHD AN IAR IS NAN EILEAN A’ Còmhdach An t-Eilean Sgitheanach, Loch Aillse agus Loch Abar Comprising The Highland Council Wards: 6: Wester Ross, Strathpeffer & Lochalsh (Lochalsh area) 11: Eilean a’ Cheò 12: Caol & Mallaig 21: Badenoch & Strathspey (west of Kinlochlaggan) 22: Fort William & Ardnamurchan Councillor Ian Ross Chairman: Planning, Environment & Development Committee 1 FOREWORD I am pleased to present the Council’s new Local Plan covering Lochaber, Skye and its Programme, “Strengthening the Lochalsh. This is the land-use Plan which Highlands”. However, achieving everything the Council wishes to use to guide set out in the Plan will require many other development and investment in the area organisations and individuals to play their over the next few years and through that part too. to help deliver the Community Strategy. We are grateful for the interest and The Plan’s intention is to accommodate contribution of the public, other parties and significant growth in population overall and organisations who commented on the to enable communities to grow sustainably Plan. Outstanding issues were the subject to meet their needs. A growing population of an independently chaired Examination requires homes, jobs, services and before finalisation of the Plan. I believe the facilities and the Plan aims for these Plan has benefited from these needs to be met effectively. More contributions and will provide an effective affordable housing and better design framework in guiding investment and quality in development should be key managing development across the area. outcomes if the Plan is successful. Meanwhile, the area’s important assets- natural, built and cultural- will be safeguarded. Retaining the richness of the area will be important to its future prosperity. By preparing and implementing the West Highland and Islands Local Plan, the Council can make significant progress with Front cover photos: Top: Skye Bridge (Jonathan Willet) Bottom: Neptune’s Staircase, Fort William 1 West Highland & Islands Local Plan Adopted Plan - September 2010 1 RO-RÀDH Tha mi toilichte Plana Ionadail ùr na Comhairle a thoirt seachad a’ còmhdach Loch Abar, An t-Eilean Sgitheanach agus Loch Aillse. Seo am Plana cleachdadh- fearainn a tha a’ Chomhairle airson a chleachdadh mar iùl a stiùireas leasachadh is tasgadh san sgìre thar nam bliadhnaichean romhainn gus cuideachadh le lìbhrigeadh Ro-innleachd na Coimhearsnachd. ’S e amas a’ Phlana gun còmhdaich e fàs ann an àireamh an t-sluaigh is gun toir e An Comhairliche Ian Ross cothrom do choimhearsnachdan fàs gu Cathraiche: Comataidh seasmhach gus coinneachadh rim Dealbhachaidh, Àrainneachd & feumalachdan. Tha barrachd sluaigh a’ cur Leasachaidh feum air dachannan, obraichean, seirbheisean is goireasan agus tha am Plana ag amas air coinneachadh riutha sin gu math. Bu chòir gum biodh barrachd thaighean aig prìs ruigsinneach agus càileachd dealbhaidh nas fheàrr nam Tha sinn taingeil airson ùidh is tabhartas a’ prìomh bhuilean coileanaidh ma phobaill is nam pàrtaidhean is nam shoirbhicheas leis a’ Phlana. buidhnean eile a thug seachad beachdan mun a’ Phlana. Chaidh Sgrùdadh le Aig an aon àm, bidh sochairean nàdarra, cathraiche neo-eisimeileach a dhèanamh togte agus cultarail a tha cudromach san air cuspairean fa leth mus deach am Plana sgìre air an dìon. Bidh e cudromach a chrìochnachadh. Tha mi a’ creidsinn sochairean na sgìre a ghleidheadh gus an gun robh na tabhartasan seo soirbhich le cùisean san àm ri teachd. buannachdail dhan Phlana is gun toir iad seachad frèam èifeachdach airson a bhith Le bhith ag ullachadh is a’ cur an gnìomh a’ stiùireadh tasgadh is leasachadh thar Plana Ionadail na Gàidhealtachd an Iar is na sgìre. nan Eilean, thèid aig a’ Chomhairle air fìor adhartas a dhèanamh leis a’ phrògram, “A’ neartachadh na Gàidhealtachd” Ach, gus na tha air a chur a-mach sa Phlana a choileanadh, feumaidh iomadh buidheann eile, is daoine fa leth, pàirt a ghabhail ann cuideachd. 2 West Highland and Islands Local Plan Adopted Plan - September 2010 2 Clàr-innse CONTENTS Caibideal Chapter Page(s) Duilleag(an) 1 Ro-ràdh FOREWORD 1-2 2 Clàr-innse CONTENTS 3-4 3 Ro-ràdh & Co-theacsa INTRODUCTION & CONTEXT 5-10 4 Mion-amasan a’ Phlana PLAN OBJECTIVES 11-12 5 Loch Abar LOCHABER A: Prìomh Ro-aithrisean KEY FORECASTS 13-14 B: Ro-innleachd STRATEGY 15-16 C: Lèirsinn (le iomradh VISION (includes reference to 17-20 air Bàideanach & Srath Spè) Badenoch & Strathspey) 6 An t-Eilean Sgitheanach SKYE AND LOCHALSH & Loch Aillse A: Prìomh Ro-aithrisean KEY FORECASTS 21-22 B: Ro-innleachd STRATEGY 23-26 C: Lèirsinn VISION 27-30 7 Poileasaidhean GENERAL POLICIES 31-54 Coitcheann 8 Tuineachaidhean SETTLEMENTS Loch Abar LOCHABER An Gearasdan FORT WILLIAM 55-66 9 Tuineachaidhean SETTLEMENTS An t-Eilean Sgitheanach SKYE & LOCHALSH & Loch Aillse Port Rìgh PORTREE 67-71 An t-Àth Leathann BROADFORD 72-75 Dùn Bheagain DUNVEGAN 76-79 Glinn Eilg / Galltair GLENELG & GALLTAIR 80-81 Portnalong & Fiosgabhaig PORTNALONG & FISCAVAIG 82 APPENDIX 1 – Definition of Natural, Built & Cultural Heritage Features 83-90 Pàipear-taice 1 – Mìneachadh airson Feartan Dualchais Nàdarra, Togte & Cultarail APPENDIX 2 – Glossary 91-95 Pàipear-taice 2 – Beag-fhaclair APPENDIX 3 – Landscape Character Assessment 96-97 Pàipear-taice 3 – Measadh Caractar a’ Chruth-tìre 3 West Highland & Islands Local Plan Adopted Plan - September 2010 Accompanying Documents The Map Booklet contains the text for most settlements and most mapping. Other larger maps, for example for Fort William and Portree are available separately. The Strategic Environmental Assessment documents, which are required by strategic environmental regulations can be inspected at Highland Council Headquarters Inverness or browsed at our web-site www.highland.gov.uk/whilp. The Habitats Regulations Appraisal of the Local Plan, which includes Appropriate Assessment, is likewise available for reference as a separate document. Other Documents Following adoption of the Local Plan the following additional documentation will be produced and made available including via www.highland.gov.uk : x Strategic Environmental Assessment: Post-Adoption Statement; x An Action Programme; x Monitoring information. 4 West Highland and Islands Local Plan Adopted Plan - September 2010 3 Ro-ràdh & Co-theacsa INTRODUCTION & CONTEXT How to Read and Use the Plan level. Links to this further reading are given in the “Other Factors” below. 3.1 The Local Plan is made up of maps and text. If you are interested in finding out Plan Stages what the Plan means for your particular area then you need to read both. The 3.3 This Plan’s content reflects the easiest way to find your community is by outcome of the consultation and objection using the large Proposals Map which processes. A public Examination chaired shows the whole area covered by the by Reporters appointed by Scottish Plan. Once you’ve found your community, Ministers was held to deal with unresolved the Proposals Map will show you which issues. Further changes to the Plan, text you need to read and whether there is required by the Reporters, have been more detailed mapping and text available. incorporated. The larger communities will have this detail shown on a separate “Inset”. For Existing Local Plans example, if you wanted to find what the Plan means for Mallaig then you would 3.4 This Local Plan has been prepared find it on the Proposals Map which would for that part of the Highland area tell you that there was a detailed “Inset” comprising the districts of Skye and available and its reference number. The Lochalsh and Lochaber, and that part of Mallaig “inset” sets out all the text and Badenoch outwith the Cairngorms mapping specific to that place. National Park (see map below). It replaces three existing plans for those areas: 3.2 However, to get the complete picture, you also need to read the Plan’s x Lochaber Local Plan (adopted 1999) “General Policies” which are listed in Skye and Lochalsh Local Plan chapter 7 below as these can also affect a x (adopted 1999) local issue. Larger or more controversial proposals may also be affected by the x Badenoch and Strathspey Local Plan Plan’s “Strategy” (chapter 5B or 6B) and (adopted 1997) - the majority of this “Vision” (chapter section 5C or 6C). All Plan area is under review at present development proposals will be assessed and will be replaced by the for the extent to which they contribute to Cairngorms National Park Local Plan the achievement of the plan objectives in chapter 4. These proposals may also These existing adopted Local Plans are require knowledge of policy or law at now superseded. Highland-wide, national and European 5 West Highland & Islands Local Plan Adopted Plan - September 2010 The Development Plan Framework, Scottish Planning Policy, Circulars and Planning 3.5 The Highland Structure Plan, which Advice Notes; this Plan does not was approved by Scottish Ministers and attempt to name all of the came into effect on 26 March 2001, documents that might be relevant together with the Local Plan comprises the to a particular case and it is statutory development plan. Both contain therefore advisable to check for policies intended to
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