1886. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE. 7875 Neal, Rice, Spooner, Wade, were communicated .to the Honse by Mr. PRUDEN, one of his secre­ Neece, Riggs, Springer, Wa.rd,J.H. Negley, Rockwell, Stahlnecker, Ward,T.B. taries. Nelson, Romeis, Stephenson, Warner, William The message also announced the approval of an ad (H. R. 3379) O'Hara, Rowell, Stone, E. F. Wea.ver,A.J. granting-a pension to George G. Early; • O'Neill, Charles Ryan, Strait, Wea.ver,J.B. O'Ne ill, J. J. Sawyer, Struble, Weber, An act (H. R. 5051) to place the name of Jacob Madison Pruitt on Osborne, Scott., Swinburne, West, the pension-roll; . ·. P&rker, Scranton, Swope, White, A. C. An act (H. R. 7531) grantrng a pensiOn to Catharme N1cke1·~; and Payne , Seney, Symes, Whitin Perkins, Sessions, · Tarsney, w~.· An a-ct (H. R. 8328) defining butter, also .imP_Osing a tax npo~ and Peters, Sey=our, Taulbee, Wilson, regulating the manufacture, sale, and importation and exportation of Pidcock, Shaw, Taylor, Zach. Wolford, oleomargarine. Pirce, Skinner, Tho=as, 0. B. Woodburn, Price, Smalls, Thompson, Worthington. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE. Randall,· Snyder, Townshend, .A. message from. the Senate, by Mr. SYMPSON, one of its clerks, an· Reed,T.B. Sowden, Viele, nounced that the Senate receded from its disagreement to the amend­ NAYs-51. ment of the House to the bill (S. 2609) granting a pension to Emily J. .All~n. J . .M. Cox, · Hemphill, 0 1Ferrall, Ballentine, Crisp, Hende:rson, J. S. Perry, Stannard, and agree to the same. Barnes, Culberson, Herbert, . Also, that the Senate had passed without amendment bills of the Barry, Daniel, Hutton, ~f'w. Honse of the following titles: Bennett, Dargan, Irion, Richardson, Blanchard, Davidson, A. C. Johnston, T.D. Sayers, A bill (H. R. 822) for the relief of Wil~iam R: Wheeler; and . Bland, Dibble, Jones,J.H. Stewart, Charles . A bill (H. R. 8585) to provide for the lllSpect~on of tobacco, c1gars, Blount, Dunn, Jones,J.T. St. Martin, and snutf, and to repeal section 3151 of t~e ReviSed Statn~es. Breckiru·idge, C. R. Ellsberry, Laffoon, Cabell, Forney, Lanham, ~s!ii:aton, Also, that the Senate had passed ~ bill of ~he followi.Dg tttle; m Caldwell, Glass, Mcl\fillin, Warner,A.J. which the concurrence of the Honse was requested: Olell1ents, Green, W.J. McRae,. Wise. A bill (S. 2611) to authorize the construction of a bridge across the Cowles, Halsell, Oates, Saint Louis River at the most accessible point between the States of NOT VOTING--105. Minnesota and Wisconsin. · Adams, G. E. Davenp01·t, Le Fevre, . Spriggs, Adams, J. J. Davidson, R. H.l\1. Libbey, Steele, · The message furt.ber announced that the Senate h~d p~ed :with Aiken, · Dawson, Mark.hnm, Stewart,J. W. amendments the bill (H. R. 4883) relating to the taxatio~ of fractional Allen, C. H. Dorsey, Martin, Stone, W . .r., :J{y. parts of a gallon of distilled spirits, asked a confer.ence with the Honse Ande1·son, C.l\I. Dougherty, McComas, Stone, W. J., Mo. Anderson, J. A. Dunham, McKinley, Storm, on the disagreeing votes thereon, and had appomted Mr. ALDRICH, Arnot, Findlay, Miller, Taylor, E. B. Mr. JoNES of Nevada, and 1\Ir. HARRIS as managers at the confer­ Atkinson, Foran, 1\Iills, Taylor,LH. ence on the part of the Senate. Barbour, Gallinger, Mitchell, Taylor, J. M. Barksdale, Geddes, 1\forgan, Thomas,J.R. ORDER OF BlJSINESS. Beach, Gibson, Eustace , Morrill, Throckmorton, Belmont, Glover, Norwood, Tillman, [CrieS of "Regular order!"] Bragg, Goff, O'Donnell, Tucker, The SPEAKER. If there be no objection the message from the Brown, C. E. Green, R. S. Outhwaite, Turner President of the United States accompanying the approval of the Browne, T. M. GroSTenor, Owen, Van Schaick, Brumm, Grout, Payson, Wadsworth, bill- Buchanan, Hammond, Peel, Wait, Mr. MORRISON. Regular order. Burleigh, Hanback, Pettibone, Wakefield, 5 o~clock 5 Burnes, Harris, Phelps, Wallace, And then (the hour of and minutes p.m. having arrived) Candler, Hayden, Pindar, Wellborn, the Honse adjourned. · Caswell, Haynes, Plumb, Wheeler. · Clardy, Henderson,D.B. Ranney, White, 1\filo PETITIONS, ETC. Cobb, , Henley, Reese, Willis, Comstock, Hewit~ Robertson, Winans. The following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk, Cooper, Hires, Rogers, under the rule, and referred as 1ollows: Croxton, Houk, Sadler, Cutcheon, Howard, Singleton, By Mr. BYNUM: Petition ofW. ~-Ford and o~er cit~ens, fora pen­ So ( two-thinls voting in favor thereof) the ;motion t-o suspend the rules sion to Tilman Bush-to the Committee on Invalid Pens10ns. By Mr. CATCHINGS: Petitio~ ~f 9<>l~mb~s Love and.of James. D. and pass the bill was agreed to~ On motion of Mr. EDEN, by unanimous consent the reading of the McAllister of Monroe County, MlSSl.SSlppt, asking that theu war clam1s names was dispensed with. be referred to the Court of Claims-to the Committee on War Claims. The following additional pairs were announced: By Mr. DORSEY: Petition of ci?-zens of Neb;aska, praying fo~ the Mr. CLARDY with 1\Ir. OWEN, until further notice. passage ofthe bill to open up the Sioux reservatiOn-to theCommtttee Mr. HARRIS with Mr. WAIT, for the rest of the day. on Indian Affairs. Mr. STONE, of Missomi, with Mr. ANDERSON, of Kansas, for the rest By Mr. ER.MENTROUT: ~Iemorial of Messra. Sullivan & Bro., of of the day. Philadelphia, for the redemption of the trade-dollar-to the Committee 1\ir. BALLENTINE with Mr. WAKEFIELD, for the rest of the day. on Coinage, Weights, and Measures. Mr. WHITE, of :M.innesota, witlt Mr. MARTIN, on this vote. By Mr. HA.IUiER: Papers relating to the bill for the relief of W. The result of the vote was then announced as above recorded. H. Clay Fisher, United _States Marine Corps-to the Committee on Mr. BURROWS. Mr. Speaker, I am paired with my colleague, Mr. Claims. CoMSTOCK. On examining the pair I find it applies to political _ques­ By Mr. M.A. YBURY: Petition of Fairbanks Post, ~rand .Army ~f the tions. This is not regarded as a political question, and I would like to Republic of Detroit Mich., for the pa....t;sage of the bill for the relief of · vote. I have no doubt that my colleague if present would vote '' ay," Mrs. Co~elia R. Schenck notwithstanding the objections of the Presi­ and under the <: i.rcumstances I shall record my vote in favor of the bill. dent-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Mr. CAl\IPB ELL, of Ohio. I wish to ask, Mr. Speaker, if I am an- By Mr. PERRY: Petition of C. M. Fnrruan and others, for relief­ to the Committee on the Judiciary. nounced as paired? . By 1\Ir. SNYDER: Petition of C. D. Fitzwater and others, of Nicho­ The SPEAKER. The Chair is informed that the gentleman IS purred for the day. · las County, West Virginia, in relation to the coinage of silver-to the Mr. CAMPBELL, of Ohio. If I were not paired, I should vote" ay" Committee on Coinage, Weights, and Measures. · on this question. Can I transfer my pair to the gentleman from West By Mr. TUCKER: Petition of citizens ofGoorgia, for relief in respect Virginia? to the Freedman's Bureau, &c.-to the Committee on the Judiciary. The SPEAKER. The Chair thinks the gentleman could do so if he By Mr. WEST: Protest of Luther M. Wheeler, Post _No. 92,_ G~nd saw proper. Army of the Republic, and veterans of the late war, aga1nst leg1S~at1on to 1\fr. WILSO~ . The gentleman from Ohio is paired with my col­ attaching pension bills propositions for raising re\enue-to the Com- league, Mr. GoFF. I am satisfied that if Ur. GoFF were present he mittee on Invalid P~nsions. · would vote in the affirmative on this motion. The SPEAKER. The Chair has no doubt the gentleman from West VIrginia would so record his vote. SENATE. Mr. CAMPBELL, qf Obio. Believing that to be true, I shall also record my vote in the affirmative. TUESD.A.Y, ..August 3, 1886. 1\.II. ATKINSO:N. Mr. Speaker, it is possible that I may be inter­ The Senate met at 10 o'clock a.m. ested in this bill, and I ask leave to withdraw my vote. [Clies of . Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. J. G. BUTLER, D. D. " Regular order !"] The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of yeste~day ' s proceed­ The SPEAKER. Is there objection to permitting the gentleman ings, when, on motion of l'IIr. EDMUNDS, and by unammous consent, from Pennsylvania to withdraw his vote? the further reading was dispensed with. There was no objection, and the vote was withdrawn. DEFICIENCY APPROPRIATION DILL. MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT. Mr. HALE. I present the report of the conference committee on the Several me~ges ~writing from the President of the United Sta~s deficiency appropriation bill. - -· --- ', I 7"876 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENA'l'E. · AUGUST 3; The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The report will be read. year, and in a few cases of years preceding last year. .All of the e are The Chief Clerk read-as follows: ' sent in by regular estimates from the Departments, which are found in The committee of conference on the disagreeing votes or the two Houses on the various documents referred to in the bill. I! the amendments of the Senate to the bill (H. R. 9726) making appl'Opriations to When the bill reached the Senate and the Committee on Appropria­ supply deficiencies in the appropriations for the fiscal year endin;; June 30, tions proceeded to consider it, the committee found that in these regu­ 1886, and prior years, and for other purposes, having met, after full and free conference have agreed to recommend and do 1·ecommend to their respective lar estimates in several cases the llouse had put a portion into .the-bill llouses as follows: .
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