sustainability Article Article Article Influence and Sustainability of the Concept of Influence and SustainabilityInfluence andof the Sustainability Concept of of the ConceptLandscape of Seen in Cheonggye Stream and Landscape Seen inLandscape Cheonggye Seen Stream in Cheonggye and StreamSuseongdong and Valley Restoration Projects Suseongdong ValleySuseongdong Restoration ValleyProjects Restoration Projects Dai Whan An 1,* and Jae-Young Lee 2,* 1, 2, Dai Whan An 1,* and Jae-Young LeeDai 2,* Whan An * and Jae-Young Lee * 1 Department of Architecture, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju 28644, Korea 1 Department of Architecture, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju 28644,2 Institute Korea of Engineering Research, Yonsei University, Seoul 03722, Korea 1 Department of Architecture, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju 28644, Korea 2 Institute of Engineering Research, Yonsei University, Seoul 03722, Korea* Correspondence: [email protected] (D.W.A.); [email protected] (J-Y. L.) 2 Institute of Engineering Research, Yonsei University, Seoul 03722, Korea * Correspondence: [email protected] (D.W.A.); [email protected] (J.-Y.L.);Tel.: +82-43-261-2434 (D.W.A.); +82-2-2123-8064 (J.-Y.L.) * Correspondence: [email protected] (D.W.A.); [email protected] (J-Y. L.) Tel.: +82-43-261-2434 (D.W.A.); +82-2-2123-8064 (J.-Y.L.) Tel.: +82-43-261-2434 (D.W.A.); +82-2-2123-8064 (J.-Y.L.) Received: 31 January 2019; Accepted: 18 February 2019; Published: date Received: 31 January 2019; Accepted: 18Received: February 31 2019 January; Published: 2019; Accepted: date 18 February 2019; Published: 21 February 2019 Abstract: This study considered that the pursuit of nature in a city in the restoration projects of Abstract: This study considered thatAbstract: the pursuitThis studyof nature considered in a city that in the the restoration pursuit of natureprojects in of a cityCheonggye in the restoration Stream projectsand Suseongdong of valley was the main motive of the landscape concept Cheonggye Stream and SuseongdongCheonggye valley Stream was the and main Suseongdong motive valleyof the waslandscape the main concept motive ofpremised the landscape on humanity concept premised and, furthermore, found that it originated from Korean thoughts and premised on humanity and, furthermoreon humanity, found and, that furthermore, it originated found from that Korean it originated thoughts from and Korean cultures thoughts about and nature. cultures Based about on these findings, the study aimed to investigate the influence and cultures about nature. Based on thesenature. findings, Based the on thesestudy findings, aimed to the investigate study aimed the toinfluence investigate and thesustainability influence and of sustainability historical and of cultural backgrounds in the planning features of nature in the two sustainability of historical and culturalhistorical backgrounds and cultural in the backgrounds planning features in the planning of nature features in the oftwo nature restoration in the two projects. restoration The projects. concept of landscape that started from the desire to go out of a city is restoration projects. The concept ofThe landscape concept ofthat landscape started from that startedthe desire from to the go desire out of to a go city out is of apremised city is premised on the secular on the world secular of humans. In Korean society, the concept has been developed based premised on the secular world of humans.world of In humans. Korean society In Korean, thesociety, concept the has concept been developed has been based developed on basedthe above on the common above common premise, through cultural exchanges with China, and in its regional on the above common premise, premise,through throughcultural culturalexchanges exchanges with China, with China,and in and its inregional its regional specificity. specificity. In particular, In particular, the theKorean culture of singing and painting the beauty of landscape using specificity. In particular, the KoreanKorean culture culture of singing of singing and painting and painting the beauty the beauty of landscape of landscape using using the the words words “ “GyeongGyeong ( 景)”)” andand “Gok (曲)” can be found in the backgrounds and landscape the words “Gyeong (景)” and ““GokGok ( (曲)”)” cancan bebe found found in in the the backgrounds backgrounds and and landscape landscape architecture architecture plans ofplans the Cheonggyeof the Cheonggye Stream and Suseongdong Valley restoration projects. architecture plans of the CheonggyeStream Stream and Suseongdong and Suseongdong Valley restoration Valley restoration projects. Therefore, projects. the Therefore, historical and the culturalhistorical thoughts and cultural thoughts that pursued natural beauty were in the work for the Therefore, the historical and culturalthat thoughts pursued that natural pursued beauty natural were beauty in the were work in the for work the restoration for the restoration of the two streams,of the two and st thesereams, and these concepts should be considered for sustainable restoration of the two streams, conceptsand these should concepts be considered should be for considered sustainable developmentfor sustainable for harmonydevelopment between for harmony the city withbetween the city with nature and between nature with cultures. development for harmony betweennature the city and with between nature nature and between with cultures. nature with cultures. Keywords: Cheonggye Stream; Suseongdong Valley; restoration; concept of landscape; Korean Keywords: Cheonggye Stream; SuseongdongKeywords: CheonggyeValley; restoration; Stream; Suseongdongconcept of landscape; Valley; restoration;Korean culture concept of landscape; Korean culture culture 1. Introduction 1. Introduction 1. Introduction Cheonggye Stream and Suseongdong Valley restoration projects are the representative Cheonggye Stream and SuseongdongCheonggye Valley Stream restoration and Suseongdong projects are Valley the restoration representative projects examples are the representative of natural river examples restoration projects that have been conducted since the 2000s in cities of examples of natural river restorationof naturalprojects river that restoration have been projectsconducted that since have the been 2000s conducted in cities since of theSouth 2000s Korea. in cities This ofstudy South examined Korea. the underlying motive of these two projects that pursued nature South Korea. This study examinedThis the underlying study examined motive the of underlying these two motiveprojects of that these pursued two projects nature that in pursueda city from nature a viewpoint in a city fromof landscape, a a historical and cultural concept of society. in a city from a viewpoint of landscape,viewpoint a historical of landscape, and cultural a historical concept and of culturalsociety. concept of society. The concept of landscape that has pursued natural beauty is premised on humanity. The most The concept of landscape that has Thepursued concept natural of landscape beauty is thatpremised has pursued on humanity. natural The beauty most is premisedimportant on aspect humanity. of humanity The most is the fact that humans are the ones who live in the human world, important aspect of humanity is theimportant fact that aspect humans of humanity are the ones is the who fact thatlive humansin the human are the world ones who, given live that in the Heidegger human world, refers given to humans as “being-in-the-world” [1]. Consistent with this basic idea, given that Heidegger refers to humansthat Heideggeras “being-in refers-the-world to humans” [1]. Consistent as “being-in-the-world” with this basic [ 1idea]. Consistent, the French with cultural this basic geographer idea, the Augustin Bergue said that landscape is an aesthetic consciousness in the French cultural geographer AugustinFrench Berg culturalue sa geographerid that landscape Augustin is a Berguen aesthetic said thatconsciousness landscape isin anwhich aesthetic objects consciousness continue to in be which signified within relationships to the human world and that the social which objects continue to be signifiedobjects within continue relationships to be signified to the within human relationships world and that to the the human social worldmotive and of that landscape the social is the motive desire of to go out and to get away from a secular city into the wilderness Î motive of landscape is the desire tolandscape go out and is theto desireget away to gofrom out a andsecular to get city away into from the wild a secularerness city (野 into) or theinto wilderness nature [2]. ( That) or means into that the consciousness of a landscape is based upon a city, which (野) or into nature [2]. That means naturethat the [2 consciousness]. That means thatof a thelandscape consciousness is based of up aon landscape a city, which is based is uponthe center a city, of which the human is the center world. From this viewpoint, if we look into the historical intention of is the center of the human world.of From the humanthis viewpoint world. From, if we this look viewpoint, into the if historical we look into intention the historical of landscape intentions, ofwe landscapes, can see examples we can of why societies pursue natural beauty and the ways in which they landscapes, we can see examples ofsee why examples societies of pursue why societies natural pursuebeauty naturaland the beautyways in and which the waysthey inrealize which it. they realize it. realize it. River restoration is already a global
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