Utah Directory of Radio (84110.1160). (801) 575 -7600. Fax: (801) 575 -7625. Web Site: KOSY(FN)- Nov 1, 1967: 106.5 mhz: 7.5 kw. 2,709 ft. TL: N40 16 45 262.6200. Licensee: United Security Financial Inc. (acq 6- 18.91; www.ksl.com. Licensee: Bonneville International Corp. (group owner) W111 56 00. Suite 200, 280 S. 400 West, Salt Lake City (84101). $180,001; FTR: 7.8.91) Format: Gospel. Lois Johnson, gen mgr; *Net: CBS. Rep: Sentry. Format: News/talk, sports. Target aud: (801) 303-4100. Fax: (801) 303.4111. Licensee: Mercury Broadcasting D.J. Stone, progmg dir. 25 -54. Bruce Reese, CEO; Richard Mechan,, pres; Chris Redgrave, Co. Inc. (acq 7- 10-00) Format: Soft contemp. Pat Reedy, gen mgr; gen mgr & gen sls mgr; Lora Woodbury, nett sls mgr; Rochelle Beatty, Paul Wilson, progmg dir. West Valley City prom mgr; Rod Arquette, progmg dir; Andrea Neal, pub affrs dir; John Dehnet, chief of engrg.. Co-owned TV: KSL -TV affil St. George KMRI(AM)-Licensed to West Valley City. See Saft Lake City KSOP(AM) -(South Saft Lake). Feb 1, 1955: 1370 khz; 5 kw-D, 500 w -N, DA -N. TL: N40 43 12 W111 55 42. Hm opn: 24. Box 25548 KUNF(AN) -(Washington). June 6, 1982: 1210 khz; 10 kw -D, 250 (84119). 1285 W. 2320 S. (84119). (801) 972 -1043. Fax: (801) w -N. TL: 1437 08 38 W113 30 03. Hm opn: 24. Suite A -210, 720 S. Vermont 974 -0868. Licensee: KSOP Inc. Rep: Major Mkt. Format: Modern River Rd. (84790). (435) 628 -3643. (435) 673 -1210. Fax: (435) country. Target aud: 25 -54. *Greg Hilton, pres, gen mgr & gen sls 628 -4304. E -mail: konyOinfowest.com. Licensee: Marathon Media mgr; Don Hilton, progmg dir; Debbie Turpin, mus dir; Dick Jacobson, L.P. Group owner: Marathon Media (acq 1999; with KONY-FM Kanab) Addison news dir; Bill Traue, chief of engrg. *Net: ABC/SMN. Format: Oldies. News progmg 5 hrs wkly. Target aud: 18-64. Chris Devine, CEO; Kerry Kimzey, CFO; Mark Crump, WRRO(FM) -Not on air, target date: unknown: 93.7 mhz; 6 kw. 289 KSOP-FM- Dec 10, 1964: 104.3 mhz; 25 kw. 3,650 ft. TL: N40 39 35 gen sls mgr; Aaron Rosen, prom dir & progmg dir. *Rates: $22; 22; ft. TL: N44 01 34 W73 09 44. Box 2040, Ashtabula, OH (44005 -2040). W112 12 05. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. 22; 16. (216) 997 -1025. Licensee: Dynamite Radio Inc. (acq 7- 14 -99; swap for WWFY(FM) Middlebury) John Bulmer, gen mgr. K1KK(AM)- (Sandy). May 13, 1960: 630 khz; 1 kw -D, 500 w -N, DA -2. Tooele TL: N40 41 30 W111 55 30. Hm opn: 24. 10348 S. Redwood Rd., Barre South Jordan (84095). (801) 253-4883. Fax: (801) 253.9085. E -mail: webmasler ®k- talk.com. Licensee: United Broadcasting Co. (acq KION(AM)- July 3, 1956: 1010 khz; 50 kw -D, 13 w -N. TL: N40 32 36 ' WCMD(FM)- Aug 1, 1998: 89.9 mhz; 940 w. 590 ft. TL: N44 07 32 12-1-63) Format: Talk. Target aud: 35 plus. Richard Perry, pres; W112 18 Hm opn: 24. Suite 120, 60 E. Temple, Saft Lake City 33. W72 28 36. Stereo. Hm opn: 24. Rebroadcasts WCMK(FM) Bofton Janet Kelly, gen sls mgr; Scott Lindsey, progmg dir; Dennis Silver, (84111). (801) 363-1010. (801) 363 -2416. Fax: (801) 363-2426. 99% Box 621, 140 Main St., Essex Junction (05453). (802) 872 -3510. chief of engrg. Licensee: InteliQuest Media Corp. (acq 10-26 -98; $585,000) *Net Fax: (802) 879 -6835. Licensee: Christian Ministries Inc. Net: Moody. AP; Metronews Radio Net. Rep: Katz. Format: News á relg. News Wash arty: Joseph E. Dunne Ill. Format: Inspirational. News progmg staff: 4; news progmg 156 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25 -54; decision 'KUER(FM)- June 4, 1960: 90.1 mhz; 38 kw. 2,900 ft. IL: N40 36 30 15 hrs wkly. Target aud: General; Christian, middle income. Kenric makers. business owners and professionals. Spec prog: Talk 5 hrs W112 09 34. Stereo. Univ. of Utah, 101 Wasatch Dr. (84112). (801) Edwards, opns dir, dev dir & progmg dir; Benjamin Armitage, rgnl sls wkly. Steve DeVore, CEO; Doug Brady, VP & gen mgr; Joe Jackson, 581.6625. Fax: (801) 581.5426. Licensee: University of Utah. Net: mgr; Peter Morton, chief of engrg. prom dir. *Rates: $32; 28; 32; 18. NPR, PRI. Format: News, class, jazz. Spec prog: Gospel 3 hrs wkly. *John Greene, gen mgr; Gene Pack, mus dir: Doug Fabrizio, news WORK(FM)-Listing follows WSNO. dir. KUUU(FM)- Sept 1, 1979: 92.1 mhz; 6.5 kw. 653 ft. TL: 1440 31 51 W112 17 50. Stereo. Hm opn: 24. 2835 E. 3300 S., Salt Lake City WSKI(AM) -See Montpelier (84109). (801) 570-9200. Fax: (801) 412 -6041. Licensee: Deer Valley 'KUFR(FM)- Dec 14, 1989: 91.7 mhz; 250 w. -35411. TL: N40 48 59 Broadcasting L.L.C. (acq 1999; $3 million) Rep: Allied Radio Partners. W111 55 19. Hm opn: 24. 290 Hegenberger Rd., Oakland, CA Format: CHR. News staff: one; news progmg 15 hrs wkly. Target aud: WSNO(AM)- Oct 13, 1959: 1450 khz; 1 kw-U. TL N44 11 40 W72 (94621). Suite 1630, 136 E.S. Temple (94621). (801) 359 -3147. (510) General. Randy Rogers, gen mgr. 30 52. Hrs opn: 24. 41 Jacques St. (05641). (802) 476 -4168. Fax: 568 -6200. Fax: (510) 633 -7983. Web Site: www.familyradio.com. (802) 479 -5893. Licensee: Vox Vermont L.L.C. (acq 8 -2-99; $2.2 Licensee: Family Stations Inc. (group owner) Format: Christian relg. million with co-located FM) *Net: CBS. Rep: Eastman. Format: Harold Camping, pres & gen mgr; Roger Crawford, sin mgr, opns News/talk. Ken Barlow, gen mgr; Jim Severance, progmg din Jim mgr & chief of engrg; Thad McKinney, rgnl sls mgr. Tremonton Seversance, news dir; Neil Langer, chief of engrg. kw. 1,059 TL: 43 KUMT(FM) -See Centerville KNFL(FM)- July 1, 1983: 104.9 mhz; 99 ft. N41 34 with WSNO. Aug 1974: 107.1 mhz; 1.5 kw. W112 12 33. Stereo. Hm opn: 24. Box 6280, Logan (84341. 6280). WORK(FM)-Co-owned 5, 46. Format: Hot adult 2072 N. Main, Logan (84341). (435) 753 -2200. Fax: (435) 753 -8211. 410 ft. TL: N44 09 30 W72 28 contemp, KWLW(AM)-See North Salt Lake City Web Site: www.thekaccom. Licensee: KNFL Inc. Group owner Legacy Christian. Gale Parmales, mus dir. Communications Corp. (acq 1993; FTR: 9. 20.93) Net: CBS, Jones KWUN(AM)-See Murray Satellite Audio. Wash atty: Dan J. Alpen. Format: Oldies. News staff: Bellows Falls 3. Target aud: 25 -54; 60% female, 40% male middle to upper class. E. Morgan Skinner Jr.. CEO & pres; Layon Randall, chmn; Stephen WZSH(FM)- November 1981: 107.1 mhz; 1 kw. 530 1t. TL: N43 12 Sandy W. Skinner, stn mgr & gen sls mgr; David Denton, progmg dir; Phil 33 W72 19 58. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Rebroadcasts WSSH(FM) Jensen, news dir; Bill Traue, chief of engrg. Rates: $25; 22; 25; Marlboro 167 Main St., Batleboro (05041). Box 1230, Claremont, NH KBJA(AM) -Licensed to Sandy. See Salt Lake City 14.50. (05041). (802) 254-9474. Fax: (802) 258.2440. Licensee: Great Northern Radio Partners. Group owner: Vox Radio Group L.P. (acq KTKK(AM)-Licensed to Sandy. See Salt Lake City Vernal 9.9.99) Rep: Roslin. Format: Soh adult contemp. News staff: one; news progmg 5 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25-54; general. Spec prog: Farm one hr wkly. Jeff Shapiro, pros; Dick Cretarda, gen mgr, Ted Smithfield KLCY-FM- Listing follows KVEL. Bilodeau, opns mgr; Doug Tweedy, rgnl sls mgr; Bob Lipman, news dir; Neil Langer, chief of engrg. KGNT(FM)- February 1983: 103.9 mhz; 100 kw. -82 ft. TL: N41 48 KVEL(AM) -Jan 19, 1947: 920 khz; 4.5 kw -D, 1 kw -N, DA -N. TL: 1440 44 W111 47 31. Box 6280, Logan (84341 -6280). 2072 N. Main, Logan 29 30 W109 31 45. Hrs opn: 24. Box 307, 2425 N. Vernal Ave. Bennington (84341). (435) 753 -2200. Fax: (435) 753 -8211. Web Site: ww- (84078). (435) 789 -0920. (435) 789 -1059. Fax: (435) 789.6977. w.thegiant.com. Licensee: KGNT Inc. Group owner: Legacy Com- Licensee: Ashley Communications Inc. (acq 8- 11 -98; $10,000 for stock WBTN(AM)- Sept 23, 1953: 1370 khz; 1 kw -D. TL: N42 54 19 W73 munications Corp. Net: CBS, Westwood One. Wash arty: Dan J. with co- located FM) Net: ABC/I. Rep: Eastman, Art Moore. Wash 12 32. Box 1370, North Bennington (05257). (802) 442 -6321. Fax: Alpen. Format: Country. Target aud: 18 -49; 55% female, 45% male arty: Reddy, Begley & McCormick. Format: Sports, news/talk. News (802) 442 -3112. Web Site: www.wbtnam.com. Licensee: Bennington middle class. E. Morgan Skinner Jr., CEO & pres; Layon Randall. staff: one; news progmg 20 hrs wkly. Target aud: 35 -64; affluent, Broadcasting Ltd. (acq 9-8-00; $250,000) *Net: AP, NBC, CNN. chmn; Stephen W. Skinner, stn mgr & gen sls mgr; David Denton, upscale. Spec prog: Farm 2 hm, relg, Sp, pub affrs one hr wkly. Format: News/talk, music. Target aud: 24 -54. *Belva Chase progmg dir: Phil Jensen, news dir; Bill Traue, chief of engrg. Rates: Steve Evans, gen mgr & gen sls mgr; Jim Wallace, opns mgr & Keyworth, pres & gen mgr, Robert Harrington, opns mgr, news dir & $21; 18; 20; 14.50. progmg dir; Lincoln Brown, news dir; Steve Sprouse, chief of engrg.
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