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BASIC8001 T A B L E 0 F C 0 N T E N T S PAGE Introduction l-2 Summary of Commands 3-8 Error Messages 9- ll BASIC 8001 Arithme tic 12-17 BASIC 8001 Strings 18-20 BAS IC 8001 Immediate Mode 21-23 BASIC 8001 Statements 24-41 BASIC 8001 Arithmetic Functions 42-50 BAS IC 8001 User Define Functions 51-53 BASIC 8001 String Functions 54-55 BAS IC 8001 Editing Commands 56-60 Using Assembly Language Routines with BASIC 61 BASIC 8001 INTRODUCTION BASIC 8001 is a single-user, conversational programming language which uses simple English-type statements and familiar mathematical notations to perform an operation. BAS IC 8001 is one of the simplest computer languages to learn and once learned has the facility of advanced tech­ niques to perform more intricate manipulations or express a problem more efficiently. BASIC 8001 is in incremental compiler which provides immediate translation and storage of user programs being input. Th is method decreases the response time of a RUN command and increases execution speed. BASIC 8001 has provi sion for alphanumeric character string., I/0 and string variables, and allows user de fined functions and assembly language subroutine calls from user BASIC 8001 programs . BASIC 8001 can be run on any Intecolor 8001, Intecolor 8051 or Compucolor 8001 with a minimum of 8K of user workspace. LOADING AND RUNNING BASIC 8001 BASIC 8001 is provided in ROM and runs ln ROM . BASIC 8001 is initiated by typing the ESC key, then the W (BASIC) key. The dialogue described below is printed . Thi s is a once-only dialogue and does not occur after an ESC key, and E key sequence. The READY me ssage is printed after the ESC, E key sequence . BAS IC 8001 prints : BASIC 8001 Vl2/8/76 COPYRIGHT (C) 1976 BY CHARLES MUENCH MAXIMUM ADDRESS? RAM The user then type s the highest address that he has available or wants RAM to use and then keys a carriage return. '3 \ use.o W1fVI � ce.s-535 :=. e:.s 1"\IDDLE:.. o;: (I�ST C:Af::p: Lj5CP)� -2@1/fSrD 11 FFF HE.i< 2 S�T One extra card is 49151 = BFFF"'u. FoR RAM =�'553S-If>38"/ INI\IAC..!Z:�ralN Two extra cards is 57343 = 'Df'FFhc,.., OF �<PcDI STIJ'TliS. RAM :.(055.35- 81'JZ. �AS(C Three extra cards is 65529 = : RAM "SS3i-b FFF9.\-.e.)C. 2'i7 6':\T£-S tA�El> ( N& BAS IC 8001 then prints the message, I AA"t.R. �0 .AN!1�1 M$-. READY and waits for a command or program line to be typed . If BASIC 8001 has been initialized as above but has returned to the CRT O.S. (by CPU Re set Key) , then BASIC 8001 can be recalled without disturbing existing programs by typing the ESC key, then the E key . BASIC 8001 will then print the message READY. 1 .. If power fails , the CPU Re set key is hit or the unit is turned off, the unit returns to the CRT operating mode . If the CPU Re set key or ESC delete keys are hit , the unit leaves BASIC 8001 and returns to the CRT operating mode . Any BASIC 8001 statement program is saved and can later be recalled if BASIC 8001 is re-entered by typing ESC , E. BASIC 8001 has twenty-four (24) key word program statements, thirteen (13) editing and command statements , eighteen (18) mathematical functions, nine (9) string functions and eighteen (18) two-letter error messages. With these command and statement capabilities , BASIC 8001 is extremely simple to use and yet very versatile and powerful. The next section provides an easy reference to BASIC 8001 capabilities. If the user is unfamiliar with BASIC 8001 language, then the remaining portion of this manual should be studied in sequence while having a terminal at your fingertips to run the examp le given . This manual should enable the user to become very proficient in BASIC 8001 when finished . Intelligent Systems Corporation and Compucolor Corporation have a number of BASIC 8001 programs on Floppy Tapes and are available at nominal prices . In addition , both companies will pay for BASIC 8001 programs that are provided on floppy tape when properly documented and accepted . Enjoy your self programming in BASIC 8001! 2 BASIC 8001 SUMMARY OF COMMANDS BASIC 8001 STATEMENTS 1. The following summary of BASIC statements defines the general format for the statement and gives a brief explanation of its use. DATA value list Used in conjunction with READ to input data into an executing program. DEF function (argument) Defines a user function to be used in expression the program. DIM variable (n) , variable (n,m) , Reserves space for lists and tables variable $(n) , variable $(n ,m) according to subscripts specified after variable name. END Placed at the physical end of the program to terminate program execution. FOR variable=expressionl TO Sets up a loop to be executed the expression2 STEP expression3 specified number of times. GOSUB line number Used to transfer control to the first line of a subroutine . GOTO line number Used to unconditionally transfer control to other than the next sequential line in the program. THEN IF expression GOTO line number Used to conditionally transfer control to the specified line of the program. INPUT list Used to input data from the terminal keyboard, promps with "?". INPUT "string"; list Used to input data without promp character . LET variable = expression Used to assign a value to the specified variable (s) . NEXT variable Placed at the end of a FOR loop to return control to the FOR statement. ON X GOSUB line number list Call the Xth line number subroutine after GOSUB . ON X GOTO line number list Branch to the Xth line number after GOTO . 3 OUT I,X Causes the X BYTE to be output to port I. PLOT expression Sends the one BYTE result of the expression to the 8001 CRT . The result must be between 0 and 255 binary. POKE I,X Causes the X BYTE to be placed in memory location 0 L I 32767 . If I is negative then address is 65536 + I. PRINT list Used to output data to the terminal. PRINT expression Prints results of expression. PRINT "string" Prints a character string. Equivalent to the word PRINT. ? PRINT TAB (x) Used to space to the specified column . READ variable list Used to assign the values listed in a DATA statement to the specified variables . REM comment Used to insert explanatory comments into a BASIC 8001 program. RESTORE Used to reset data block pointer so the same data can be used again. RETURN Used to return program control to the statement following the last executed GOSUB statement. STOP Used at the logical end of the program to terminate execution. WAIT X,I,J Causes the input port X to be read, exclusive OR 'ed with BYTE J , and then AND 'ed with BYTE I. The program will wait until the result is zero before continuing . J/:..."J. > \ �·z_ r'�0 ·-ro '/ I\._ t-.\0 �\f:,GT X >67 �of).(, 11"\�> . ,, 0{:/,fl Vv\ 0<a � Dvr\ 4 COMMANDS 2. The following key commands halt program execution , erase characters or delete lines. Explanation CTRL/J or Line Feed Terminates program execution . BASIC 8001 prints READY. CTRL/M or RETURN Must be typed to end every line typed in or to indicate the end of an INPUT .
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