Boyanup Botanical ‘NATIVE PLANT SPECIALISTS’ ABN 42 357 780 939 LOT 14 South West Hwy, P.O BOX 40, Boyanup W.A 6237 Phone (08) 97 315 470 Fax (08) 97 315 471 Email [email protected] .au www.boyanupbotanical.com.au SEASONAL NATIVE SEEDLING LIST FOR 2021 Order early to avoid disappointment PRICE CODE SPECIES/COMMON NAME HEIGHT Soil type/USE CHARACTERISTICS CODE Host plant, hard durable wood. ACACIA ACUMINATA Tray 64 1/1962 6-10m Loamy soil Flowers yellow Jul-Oct. Variety of habitats. Jam Tree INLAND $49.50 Drought/frost tolerant, long lived, slow growing Attractive multi branched shrub, triangular leaves ACACIA ALATA Tray 64 32/790 0.3m-1.5m Sandy, loamy soils White cream-yellow balls Apr-Dec. Winged Wattle $49.50 Well drained moist soils, prune after flowering Bushy shrub or tree, slender stems, spreading, young ACACIA CELASTRIFOLIA leaves bright red, sweetly scented Tray 64 47/2975 1-3m Loam, gravel soils Glowing Wattle INLAND Profuse yellow ball flowers Apr-Aug $49.50 Common on roadsides, dense understorey Bushy erect to sprawling shrub ACACIA COCHLEARIS Tray 64 24/1220 2m Sandy soil Flowers yellow balls Aug-Sep. Coastal Wattle COASTAL, WINDBREAK $49.50 Grow in thickets along the coast Medium shrub, thick leathery leaves ACACIA CYCLOPS Tray 64 5/8 3m Sand, limestone Flowers yellow balls Sep-Jan. Western Coastal Wattle COASTAL, WINDBREAK $49.50 Tolerates saline soil, drought Medium shrub, wavy dark green phyllodes ACACIA DICTYONEURA Tray 64 35/787 50cm-2m Sandy, loamy soils Flowers yellow Aug-Nov. Musa Scented Wattle $49.50 Well drained soil in dappled shade Open and spiny shrub. Flowers yellow/cream Aug- ACACIA DIVERGENS Variety of soils Nov. Variety of habitats, often along watercourses or Tray 64 37/1380 0.5-2.5m Sail-boat Wattle COASTAL/INLAND near swamps. Also in drier sites in Jarrah forest and $49.50 limestone in coastal heath Erect slender shrub, interesting foliage, attractive bark 30/1436 ACACIA EXTENSA Sandy loam soils Tray 64 1.5m Flowers yellow balls Aug-Oct. Wiry Wattle PREFERS DAMP AREAS $49.50 Found in damp areas, swamps Small shrub with unique wing like foliage, red tips ACACIA GLAUCOPTERA Tray 64 30/792 1m Clay, gravel Flowers yellow balls emerging from central stems Flat Wattle $49.50 Aug-Dec., drought tolerant Open weeping shrub or tree ACACIA LASIOCALYX Tray 64 49/4495 1.5-7m Most soils Flowers yellow Jul-Oct. Shaggy or Silver Wattle $49.50 Found widespread in WA Shrub spectacular in flower ACACIA LASIOCARPA Sand, gravel, clay Tray 64 28/800 1m Flowers yellow May-Oct Panjang or Dune Moses COASTAL $49.50 TOLERATES SALT Drought hardy, found in winter wet areas Dense pungent shrub ACACIA LITTOREA Tray 64 39/2327 1-2m Sand, limestone Flowers yellow Aug-Nov. Coastal Dune Wattle $49.50 Grows in coastal limestone and sand dunes 1 PRICE CODE SPECIES/COMMON NAME HEIGHT Soil type/USE CHARACTERISTICS CODE Bushy shrub ACACIA MICROBOTRYA Clay loam or sandy Flowers yellow Apr-July. Tray 64 16/798 5m loam Manna Wattle Fodder plant $49.50 INLAND, WINDBREAK Found on roadsides, water courses Low multi branched spreading, dome shaped ACACIA MULTISPICATA Tray 64 50cm- 2.5m Sandy soils Flowers yellow Mar-Oct. Spiked Wattle $49.50 Yellow sandy soils Bushy shrub ACACIA MYRTIFOLIA Loamy clay, gravel, Tray 64 18/13 2.5m Flowers creamy yellow May-Jan. Myrtle Wattle sand $49.50 WINDBREAK Hardy, planted roadside/tolerates coastal Shrub, spectacular in flower, prickly ACACIA PULCHELLA Sandy loam, gravel Tray 64 23/12 1.5m Flowers yellow July-Sept. Prickly Moses COASTAL $49.50 Found in low lying areas, swamps Dense medium shrub, grey green foliage ACACIA ROSTELLIFERA Sandy loam, gravel Tray 64 26/802 2-4m Clusters of globular yellow flowers Oct-Dec Summer Scented Wattle COASTAL, WNDBREAK $49.50 Well drained soil, tolerates limestone. Dense shrub or tree ACACIA SALIGNA Sandy loam, gravel Tray 64 20/15 4m Flowers yellow Jul-Nov. Golden Wreath Wattle COASTAL, WNDBREAK $49.50 Stock fodder, hardy in most positions. Erect slender open shrub ACACIA UROPHYLLA Tray 64 31/1437 2.5m Sandy loam, gravel Flowers yellow May-Oct. Tall Leaved Wattle $49.50 Found along creeks and rivers, damp places. Low shrub, long leafy stems sent out from base ACACIA Yellow flowers Jun-Sept. Tray 64 40/4496 WILLDENOWIANA 70cm Sand, limestone, gravel Great plant to add variety to garden $49.50 Grass Wattle Full sun, part shade Round headed tree with weeping branches, AGONIS FLEXUOSA Flowers white fragrant Aug-Dec. Tray 64 50/28 10m Sandy loam soils WA Peppermint Shade tree, understorey. $49.50 COASTAL, WINDBREAK Chief habitat of Ringtail Possums. ALLOCASUARINA Medium sized tree, sparse foliage Flowers May-Jan, Tray 64 100/37 FRASERIANA 9m shade tree, common on roadsides Sandy gravel soils $49.50 Sheoak WINDBREAK Associated with drier granite soils. ALLOCASUARINA Medium sized tree, sparse foliage Sandy loam soils Tray 64 101/36 HUEGELIANA 8m Flowers May-Jan. WINDBREAK $49.50 Granite or Rock Sheoak Shade tree, fast growing, found roadside Erect or spreading shrub ALLOCASUARINA Flowers red, orange, brown May-Nov. Tray 64 102/1385 HUMILIS 0.5-2m Sand, loam, gravel WINDBREAK Tolerates frost, dieback resistant $49.50 Dwarf Casuarina Found in sand dunes Tall strappy leaved plant ANIGOZANTHOS 151/2028 Green/yellow flowers Sep-Jan. Tray 64 FLAVIDUS 1-2m Most soils Hardiest of kangaroo paws, mass plant, $49.50 Tall Green Kangaroo Paw bird attracting. Best in full sun. Tall flowering stems, multi flowers, clump of strap like ANIGOZANTHOS leaves , look great mass planted Tray 64 156/2032 FLAVIDUS RED 1m Sandy loam Flowers red Sep-Jan. $49.50 Tall Red Kangaroo Paw Hardy, tolerates wet/dry. ANIGOZANTHOS WA Floral Emblem. MANGLESII Tray 64 153/47 1m Sandy loam Flowers red and green Sept-Nov. Red & Green Kangaroo $49.50 Needs sandy soil, good drainage. Paw ASTARTEA Small erect shrub, small tea tree flowers, Tray 64 201/511 FASCICULARIS WHITE 1m Most soils Flowers white Jun-Mar. DAMP AREAS $49.50 Astartea Adapts to most soils, hardy, fast growing. Shrub occurs north of Perth through to Albany ASTARTEA SCOPARIA Loam, sand Small wax like white flowers Dec-Feb. Tray 64 202/2059 1.5- 2m Common Astartea DAMP AREAS Plant important to insects as it flowers at a time when $49.50 few others are in bloom, found in winter wet areas 2 PRICE CODE SPECIES/COMMON NAME HEIGHT Soil type/USE CHARACTERISTICS CODE Large woody shrub ATRIPLEX NUMMULARIA Most soils Silver grey circular leaves often used as fodder Tray 64 2935/2526 3m Old Man Salt Bush INLAND,WINDBREAK, Tolerates clay/saline soils, small white flowers all year $49.50 FODDER Great for shelter or hedge, low rainfall inland areas BANKSIA ATTENUATA Common tree, narrow serrated leaves, rough bark. Tray 63 313/59 Candlestick or Slender 7-10m Sand, limestone Flowers slender bright yellow spikes Oct-Feb, grows $69.50 Banksia on coastal plains Prostrate groundcover Attractive serrated foliage, rusty new growth Tray 63 334/2768 BANKSIA BLECHNIFOLIA 50cm Sand Reddish pink flowers, cream base Sept-Nov. $69.50 Under planting, embankments, likes dappled shade. One of the most beautiful Australian Banksia BANKSIA ERICIFOLIA Sand, sandy loam, clay Lge spikes of yellow-reddish/orange flowers most of Tray 63 327/60 2-7m loam Heath-leaved Banksia year, low maintenance, fast growing $69.50 WINDBREAK Great poolside/ small gardens Tree or shrub (south coast). BANKSIA GRANDIS Leaves for floristry, cones for wood turning. Tray 63 304/61 8m Sand Bull Banksia Flowers yellow green Sep-Jan. $69.50 Understorey, good drainage Tree or shrub with gnarled trunk and widespread BANKSIA LITTORALIS Sand Tray 63 306/63 1.5-12m dense canopy, good for shade, bird attracting Swamp Banksia WET AREAS $69.50 Flowers yellow/orange Mar-Aug. Dwarf form, attractive shrub. BANKSIA MENZIESII Flowers orange/red Feb-Aug. Tray 63 308/65 DWARF 4m Sand Hardy, flowers used in floristry. $69.50 Dwarf Menzies Banksia Needs good drainage. Small dense, erect shrub, attractive fern like foliage BANKSIA NIVEA Sand, loam, clay, gravel Tray 63 320/1792 0.5m Flowers gold May-Sep. Couch Honey Pot $69.50 Hardy if soil is cool and well drained. Attracts birds. Medium shrub, bird attracting BANKSIA PRIONOTES Tray 63 331/3795 1.5m Sand, clay, loam soils Large orange and white flower heads Feb-Aug. DWARF COASTAL $69.50 Long serrated leaves, drought tolerant Large fast growing tree. BANKSIA SEMINUDA Sand, loam, clay Flowers yellow orange red Mar-Aug. Tray 63 318/1424 25m River Banksia WET AREAS Prefers sites close to water or underground moisture $69.50 in Jarrah or Marri forest. Shrub or small tree BANKSIA SESSILIS Tray 63 322/2335 4-6m Sand, limestone, gravel Has prickly leaves, good source of nectar. Parrot Bush $69.50 Flowers cream yellow May-Nov. Revegetation Handsome species with upright 2m long bottle green BAUMEA ARTICULATA stems and hanging tassels of brown flowers to 30cm Tray 64 2852/2945 2m Damp sands Jointed Twig Rush Likes to grow in water, will grow more slowly if dries $49.50 out Dense rounded or spreading shrub, attracts birds BEAUFORTIA AESTIVA Tray 64 351/809 0.7-2m Sandy soils Flowers cream/brilliant orange-red Spring-Summer Sand Bottlebrush COASTAL $49.50 Found on sand plains, needs good drainage Attractive showy shrub with red bottlebrush flowers BEAUFORTIA SPARSA Tray 64 350/74 2m Sand, sandy loam Jan-Apr. that grow perpendicular to the stem. Prefers Swamp Bottle Brush WET AREAS $49.50 moist well drained sites. BILLARDIERA Fast growing sturdy climbing plant FUSIFORMIS Creeper/ Most soils Long lived, blue hanging flowers Oct-Feb.
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