WOMEN OF EXPERTISE & ACHIEVEMENTS #Women_of_Expertise #Rescue_Lebanon #Women_in_Politics WOMEN OF EXPERTISE A J P Alia Moubayed ................. 8 Josephine Zgheib ........... 25 Paula Yacoubian ............. 44 Aline Kamakian ................. 9 Joumana Haddad ........... 26 Asmahan Zein ................. 10 R K Raghda Jaber .................. 45 C Kholoud Wattar Kassem . 27 Raghida Dergham ........... 46 Carmen Geha .................. 11 Rana Abdel Malak ........... 47 Carole Babikian ............... 12 L Rana El Chemaitelly ........ 48 Caroline Fattal ................ 13 Lamia Moubayed Bissat . 28 Rana Ghandour Salhab ... 49 Rania Ghaith ................... 50 D Laury Haytayan .............. 29 Regina Kantara ................ 51 Darine Dandashly ........... 14 Lina Hamdan .................. 30 Rima Koteich El-Husseini. 52 Dina Harake .................... 15 M Rindala Beydoun ............. 53 E Maha Yahya .................... 31 Rola El Mourad ............... 54 May El Khalil ................... 32 Elham Kallab ................... 16 S May Nasrallah ................. 33 Salam Yamout ................. 55 F Myriam Sfeir Murad ........ 34 Sarah Al Charif ................ 56 Fadia Kiwan .................... 17 N G Nada Zaarour .................. 35 T Ghada Eid ....................... 18 Nadine Itani .................... 36 Tamara El Zein ................ 57 Gina Chammas ............... 19 Nadine Labaki ................. 37 Najah Jaroush ................. 38 V H Najat Rizk ........................ 39 Violette Ghazal Balaa ......58 Copyright © 2020 Halimé El Kaakour ........... 20 Najat Saliba ..................... 40 Hanadi Said Mirza ........... 21 Nayla Geagea .................. 41 Z All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system or Hayat Arslan ................... 22 Neamat Bader Al Deen ... 42 Zeina Daccache ............... 59 transmitted in any form or by any means, without prior permission of Fiftyfifty. Hayat Mirshad ............... 23 Zeina El Helou ................. 60 Hosn Abboud .................. 24 Zeina Majdalani .............. 61 This Brochure is produced with the kind support of Besme NGO O Zoya Jureidini Rouhana ... 62 “All Rights Reserved for Fiftyfifty” Olfat El Sabeh ................. 43 CATEGORIES Rindala Beydoun ................ 53 Hanadi Said Mirza ............... 21 Zoya Jureidini Rouhana .. 62 Salam Yamout .................... 55 Hayat Arslan ........................ 22 Violette Ghazal Balaa ......... 58 HUMAN & OIL & GAS Hayat Mirshad ..................... 23 ANTI-CORRUPTION Hosn Abboud ....................... 24 Ghada Eid .............................. 18 WOMEN’S RIGHTS GOVERNANCE Josephine Zgheib ................. 25 Gina Chammas ...................... 19 Dina Harake ................. 15 Laury Haytayan ..................... 29 Joumana Haddad ................ 26 SCIENCES Josephine Zgheib .................. 25 Elham Kallab ................ 16 Kholoud Wattar Kassem ......27 Tamara El Zein ................. 57 Kholoud Wattar Kassem ........27 Fadia Kiwan ................. 17 CINEMA Laury Haytayan .................... 29 Halimé El Kaakour ....... 20 Nadine Labaki ..................... 37 Lina Hamdan ....................... 30 Hayat Arslan ................ 22 Maha Yahya ......................... 31 Hayat Mirshad ............. 23 PUBLIC Nada Zaarour ....................... 35 Hosn Abboud ............... 24 ADMINISTRATION SOCIAL & LOCAL & GOVERNANCE Nadine Itani ......................... 36 AVIATION Joumana Haddad ........ 26 DEVELOPMENT Carmen Geha ........................ 11 Nadine Labaki ...................... 37 Nadine Itani .......................... 36 COMMUNICATION Lina Hamdan ............... 30 Carole Babikian ............... 12 Lamia Moubayed Bissat ........ 28 Najah Jaroush ...................... 38 Ghada Eid ........................... 18 Maha Yahya ................. 31 Josephine Zgheib ............ 25 Paula Yacoubian .................... 44 Najat Rizk ............................. 39 Hayat Mirshad .................... 23 Myriam Sfeir Murad .... 34 Kholoud Wattar Kassem ..27 Raghda Jaber ........................ 45 Nayla Geagea ...................... 41 Joumana Haddad ................ 26 Nayla Geagea .............. 41 May El Khalil ................... 32 Neamat Bader Al Deen ........ 42 Najat Rizk ........................... 39 Zeina Daccache ........... 59 Rola El Mourad ............... 54 Olfat El Sabeh ...................... 43 BUSINESS & ECONOMY Paula Yacoubian ................. 44 Zeina El Helou ............. 60 Sarah Al Charif ................ 56 Alia Moubayed ........................ 8 Paula Yacoubian .................. 44 Raghida Dergham ............... 46 Zoya Jureidini Rouhana 62 Aline Kamakian ....................... 9 Violette Ghazal Balaa ..........58 Raghida Dergham ................ 46 Asmahan Zein ....................... 10 POLITICAL ACTIVIST Rana El Chemaitelly ............. 48 Asmahan Zein ....................... 10 Caroline Fattal .......................13 Rania Ghaith ........................ 50 Carmen Geha ....................... 11 Darine Dandashly .................. 14 Regina Kantara .................... 51 Carole Babikian ..................... 12 Dina Harake ........................... 15 LAW Rindala Beydoun ................. 53 Darine Dandashly ................. 14 Gina Chammas ...................... 19 Nayla Geagea .............. 41 Rola El Mourad .................... 54 ENVIRONMENT Elham Kallab ..........................16 May Nasrallah ....................... 33 Neamat Bader Al Deen 42 Salam Yamout ...................... 55 Nada Zaarour ...................... 35 Fadia Kiwan ........................... 17 Rana Abdel Malak ................. 47 Olfat El Sabeh .............. 43 Sarah Al Charif ..................... 56 Najah Jaroush ..................... 38 Ghada Eid ..............................18 Rana El Chemaitelly .............. 48 Rania Ghaith ................ 50 Zeina Daccache .................... 59 Najat Saliba ......................... 40 Gina Chammas ...................... 19 Rana Ghandour Salhab ......... 49 Regina Kantara ............. 51 Zeina El Helou ...................... 60 Zeina Majdalani .................. 61 Halimé El Kaakour ................. 20 Rima Koteich El-Husseini ...... 52 Rindala Beydoun .......... 53 Zeina Majdalani ................... 61 8 9 Alia Moubayed Aline Kamakian Business & Economy Business & Economy [email protected] [email protected] Alia Moubayed is an experienced economist, a as Indonesia (2002-2008). policy practitioner and strategist with more than 25 She was also a member of the Task Force for World years of experience in government, international Bank Engagement with the Arab World. Prior to that, financial institutions, financial markets and think- she held policy responsibilities in various economic tanks. She assumed research, policy and management institutions in Lebanon (1994-2001), including: head responsibilities in the design and implementation of section at the research department at the Banque of economic reforms covering the Middle East and du Liban; advisor to the Minister of Economy and North Africa (MENA) and emerging markets more Trade and Minister of Industry; and finally Managing broadly with strong analytical presentation and Director of the Economic and Social Fund for communication skills. Development (ESFD) at the Council for Development Aline Kamakian is the CEO and Co-Founder of She has also been an active member of AYA and AGBU. She is currently the Chief Economist for the MENA and Reconstruction (CDR). FIG Holding. She founded her own brokerage firm She was awarded “Woman entrepreneur of the year region at Jefferies, an investment bank based in Alia holds a BA in Economics with distinction and Insurance, Investment Consultants which focuses on 2015” by BLC and Mayrig gained the socio-economic London. Prior to that, she worked at the International an MBA from the American University of Beirut, corporate insurance. IIC grew into one of the biggest award in 2011. She was also named honorary board Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) in London (2017- as well as a Master equivalent in Public Policy and brokerage firms in Lebanon. She is the treasurer of member of the Armenian Food and Wine Association 18), where she directed the Geo- economics and Public Administration from the Ecole Nationale the Lebanese Franchise Association and active board for her outstanding work in the preservation of the Strategy Program (GESP) analysing the interplay d’Administration (ENA) in France. She has authored member the Lebanese League for Women in Business. Armenian culinary heritage. between economics and geopolitics at the global and several publications and reports, and her commentary regional levels, and providing advice to government has featured in the Financial Times, the Wall Street and private sector corporations. Alia also worked as Journal, Foreign Policy, CNN, Bloomberg, CNBC, Sky Chief Economist for the MENA region at Barclays in News, the BBC, Al Arabiya, CNBC Arabia, Sky News London for more than 8 years (2008-2017). She joined Arabia, Al-Nahhar, Al-Joumhouria…, and other local, Barclays from the World Bank which she integrated regional and international media outlets and on through the Young Professionals Program (YPP) and twitter. She is also the founder of AWEAMENA – the became a senior economist responsible for analytical Association of Women in Economics across the Middle research, policy dialogue and development policy East and North Africa aimed
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