v Today FT •n If* h fay aa4 at eight 26,415 Hlg» iron* 1« degrees. L» I Red Bank Area J tonight > Tie. Toaorre*. Mr •ad M tat lets humht dutfeek Copyright-The Red Bank Regi»ter, Inc. 1966. Friday fair aad hat MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 87 YEARS DIAL 741-0010 VOL. 89, NO. 12 luoM duly. KMU thnwk YrUur. fern* CUM PMUC* WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 1966 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Pttt IIM m aM at jffJHtJMMl ttauin* Onicu. High Court to Hear Districting Appeal Monday TREN1TJN (AP) - The New lature and signed into law by the U. S. Supreme Court's one not agree with Judge Wick," Republicans claim < the redis- sional seats and Republicans 4. But Assistant Attorney Gen- Jersey Supreme Court will re- Democratic Gov. Richard J. man, one-vote mandate. Wick Todd said. "In any event, the tricting plan was drawn to pro- The congressional primary for eral Joseph A. Hoffman, repre- view the state's new congres- Hughes, was constitutional. said the IS reorganized congres- issue is of such importance that mote the chances of Democratic November's election U sched- senting Hughes and the legisla- sional reapportionment plan sional districts were substantial- it was felt it should be decided Republicans claim the realign- candidates, particularly three uled for Sept. 13 and the filing ture, argued before Wick that rl Monday. ment is "an arbitrary and ca- lp equal in population. by the state's highest court." freshmen congressmen who were date for primary contestants is was necessary to cut across The court scheduled the hear- pricious gerrymander" designed Republican State Chairman . Sidney P. MoCord, attorney aided by President Johnson's Aug. 4. county lines since there are 21 ing after Republicans filed an to limit GOP voting strength to Webster B. Todd announced the for the GOP state committee landslide victory in 1964. McCord contended the plan as few districts as possible. decision to appeal to the State counties in the state and only IS appeal challenging the contro- who argued the case before Wick, Howard on List deliberately sliced up counties to versial realignment. But Wick said the charge, even Supreme Court. He said he had said he would rely on the same They are Reps. Thomas C. Mc- congressional districts. Hoffnjan create Democratic havens. In Superior Court Judge John B, if proven, would not be suf- discussed the matter with party grounds in his presentation to Grath of Margate, James J. said the population imbalances Wick of Camden ruled last Fri- ficient grounds to declare the leaders throughout New Jersey. the Supreme Court. MoCord said Howard of Wall Twp. and Hen- some cases, he claimed, there were inconsequential and well day that the plan, approved by plan unconstitutional. "There was general agreement he would merely enlarge upon ry Helstoskj of East Rutherford. were sizeable population imbal- within the U.S. Supreme Court's the Democratic-controlled legis- He said the realignment met that the Supreme Court might his previous assertions. Democrats control 11 congres- ances. guidelines. U.S. Navy Planes Rip Oil Depot, Encounter Old Model MIGlS's SAIGON (AP)-Carrier.biased U.S. Navy bomb- Viet Nam yesterday bringing the number lost to claimed killing 32 Viet Cong in three clashes 30 ers left an oil depot northwest of Haiphong in smoke enemy ground fire in the war to 281. miles north of the coastal city of Qui- Nhon yester- and flames yesterday and for the first time in the The helicopter losses do not include those de- day. Viet Nam war encountered old model MIGlSs. stroyed on the ground in Viet Cong attacks on air. The vintage MIGs were spotted by Navy planes Two MIG15S, the first of the type built by the fields or those downed by mechanical failure. as they raided a highway bridge 23 miles southeast Soviet Union, were sighted near Hanoi, but did not An Army Huey Gunship helicopter was shot of Hanoi. engage the American raiders. The MIGlJs, slow by down by ground fire 15 miles northwest of Saigon, One MIG was taking off from Gia Lam airfield, present standards, made their combat debut In the injuring four Americans, the spokesman said. early 1950s during the Korean War. The previous just outside the North Vietnamese capital. Another Army Huey was brought down by The other was sighted eight miles southeast of Communist jets encountered in this war have been guerrilla gunfire 45 miles northwest of Saigon. The MIG17s or the newer model MIG2Is. Hanoi. "Both MIGs avoided contact," a U.S. spokesman said there were no casualties. Both spokesman said, The U.S. command also announced that Ameri- helicopters were destroyed. can Air Force planes eluded a Surface-To-Air Mis- Once again air action dominated the war. Other Navy planes from the carrier Oriskany sile over Nortli Viet Nam today., Bath U.S. - and South Vietnamese military spokes- struck the Dong Nhan storage area 16 mile* north- TWO COPTERS LOST men reported no major ground contact with Com- northwest of Haiphong, sending smoke 20,000 feat Two Army hehcoptere were shot down in South munist troops. But South Vietnamese infantrymen (See VIET NAM, Page 2) Former Mayor Excluded from Policy Sessions ^VICTIM'S WIDOW — Mrs. Elvira Carnal, 26, of Pajsaic,'center, is comforted by ^Friend, right, as Keansburg First Aid Squad members offer assistance. At top right, '(quad outboard motor boat brings in body of her husband, Michael Camel, 29, who Moody Issue Looms for Demo Slate frowned yesterday an eighth of a mile off Keansburg beach. (Story on Page 15.) By FRANK W. HARBOUR /ears in Democratic .party pol- The announcement was in major party functions or policy iro-apartment Democrats writ MIDDLETOWN — Party dis- itics, is a member of the local sharp contrast to recent claims meetings for about two years, tttempt to defeat Mr. Roth and sension may be as much of a Board of Health. by the party leadership that Mr. and you can quote me. I have Mr. Ames, hoping that the GOP problem for Democrats this year The Democratic party rift Moody had decided "to come not been consulted on the choice contenders, Mayor Ernest G. County Library Aided as for Republicans. started V/i years ago with the back into the fold" and would, of candidates." Kavalek and Comrnitteemtn Har- The question Is whether "Moo- formation of pro-Moody and anti- this year, support whomever the Apartment Issue old H. Foulks, who have said dy Democrats" (former Mayor Moody factions. regular organization selected. Mr. Roth is at odds with Mr that apartments eventually are Earl Moody) will be a cohe- So far as this year's cam- Republicans note that If Mr. Moody and former party lead- inevitable, will be more recep- sive force which may carry weight paign is concerned, Mr. Moody Carroll, as an Independent Dem- ers Vincent Jennings and Mat tive to the current apartment in the general election. hlmsett has been silent. ocrat with backing by the Moody thew J. Gill over one issue, tha< proposals. By $ai,380 U.S. Grant Not CeosulUd faction, can poll a few hundred of apartment construction. Burke Support The Democratic steering com- how- Mr. Roth opposes apartments FREEHOLD -Award of alia* year, w». noted at the free- ptetrt within a year. Th« total mittee 'has turned former Town- H*. ..reseated yesterday, votes In November, it moid easi- Meanwhile, on the other side ly mean the margin of victory while Mr. Moody, Mr. Jennings of the political fence, where the federal grant of $81,380 for COD' holders approved plans for thi cost has been estimated at $712, ship Committeeman Edward J ever, that he was not consulted tor the GOP. and Mr. Gill recently teamed u (truction of a new Monmouth building and set Aug. 2 to tak 000. Roth and Thomas J. Ames as in the selection of M. Roth and factions are being labeled by regular party candidates for com- Mr. Ames. Asked if he plans to attend to propose a senior citizens apart some as "Burke Reppublicans" (Jaunty Library was announced bids. The site is a six-acre tract or mittee. As to whether he will support the Saturday dinner at The Cob ment complex in Port Monmouth (Committeeman Douglas R. yesterday by the Board of Free- Construction of the structure, the east side of Broad St. (Rt the party ticket or throw his bleStones honoring former Dem Democratic officials concedf Burke) and "Azzolina-Kavalek holders. which will be the first of two 35), Shrewsbury, a gift of build- At the same time, however, weight behind Mr. Carroll, the ocratic party chairmen, Mr that current differences of opinioi Republicans" (C6P leader Jo- The allocation, which is $31,390 planned for the county in the er Gene A. Genola from the Charles V. Carroll, describing former mayor commented: "I Moody replied, "I have not been over the apartment issue seph Azzolina), Mr. fiurke an- More than had been anticipated next three years, Is expected to Blades estate which he owns. himself as "a Moody Democrat, don't know. I want to study the invited." be, a key factor in prolonging nounced yesterday that ha wil ih an application was made start in the fall and be com- Howell Lewis Shea, Associates, has announced as an Independent candidate. situation and talk to Mr. Car- He added, "As a matter of party disunity. sulpnort Mr. • Kavalek ' and Mr. Philadelphia, is architect for the T Mr. Carroll, active for many roll." act I have not been Invited to Some are even predicting tha oulks for re-election.
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