E334 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 19, 2013 HONORING T.C. FREEMAN as an Honorary Screaming Eagle. She serves RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING THE on the Board of Directors of the Fort Campbell POSTHUMOUS AWARD OF THE HON. ED WHITFIELD Historical Foundation, the Hopkinsville-Chris- MEDAL OF HONOR TO SERGEANT OF KENTUCKY tian County Military Affairs Committee, The RAFAEL PERALTA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Christian County School Superintendents Ad- visory and the Military Affairs Advisory Com- Tuesday, March 19, 2013 mittee of the Chamber of Commerce, and she HON. XAVIER BECERRA Mr. WHITFIELD. Mr. Speaker, I rise today is a member of the Citizens for Fort Campbell OF CALIFORNIA to wish a very happy birthday to someone who and an Eagle Ambassador. has a long and distinguished record of service T.C. Freeman is a regular attendee of area IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to our country and to the Commonwealth of Veteran’s organizations, VFW, DAV and the Tuesday, March 19, 2013 Kentucky. This lady has spent a majority of American Legion. her life connected to United States Army. At Since being named a Kentucky Court Ap- Mr. BECERRA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in 80 years young, she currently serves as a ci- pointed Special Advocate, her efforts are not support of a resolution recommending the vilian aide for the United States Army in Ken- limited to Fort Campbell. She now actively posthumous award of the Medal of Honor to tucky. Of course, I am referring to Mrs. T.C. supports activities of the Units at Fort Knox to one of America’s bravest soldiers who made Freeman who recently celebrated her 80th include United States Army Recruiting Com- the ultimate sacrifice, Sergeant Rafael Peralta. Birthday on March 10th. mand and the 3rd Brigade of the 1st Infantry T.C. Freeman’s life has revolved around our Division. Sgt. Peralta’s story is the epitome of what Army since 1941 when Killeen, Texas was Mrs. Freeman has also been faithful in her makes America great generation after genera- designated the home of Camp Hood. She met support of the National Guard, the Army Re- tion. After immigrating as a teenager with his and married her husband, Colonel Bob Free- serve, University and Junior ROTC Units. family from Mexico to San Diego, Sgt. Peralta man (Ret) when he was assigned to the 3d So, Mr. Speaker, I would like to call to the joined the Marines the first chance he was Artillery, 2nd Armored Division at Fort Hood. attention of this House T.C. Freeman’s re- able to—the morning he received his green She and Bob have three children, a daughter markable life of faithful service to our Nation’s card. According to his mother, Rosa Peralta, Gil, and two sons William and Robert. heroes. She is a personal friend, but more im- Sgt. Peralta ‘‘really loved this country’’ and For her efforts on behalf of Soldiers during portantly a friend to every man and woman loved being a Marine. In fact, he passed along Desert Shield/Desert Storm, T.C. Freeman who wears our Nation’s uniform. It is my honor his love for the Marines to his brother, Ri- was awarded Association of the United States to recognize her before this House and to cardo, who kept a promise he made at his Army’s Citation for Exceptional Service. In wish her a very Happy 80th Birthday. brother’s funeral by enlisting in the Marines 2002, she received their Anthony Drexel Bid- Corps in 2010. dle Medal, which is their second-highest f In 2004, Sgt. Peralta was killed during a award. She served as Tennessee/Kentucky house-clearing mission in Fallujah, Iraq. Ac- Chapter President of the Association of the IN RECOGNITION OF NAM VETS ASSOCIATION cording to news reports, during a firefight with United States Army for two years, and as the insurgents, a fragment from a friendly-fire bul- Kentucky State President for two years. She let ricocheted and struck Sgt. Peralta in the also served four years as the 2nd Region HON. WILLIAM R. KEATING back of his head. According to eyewitness ac- President and now once again serves as a OF MASSACHUSETTS counts from fellow Marines who were at the Kentucky State President IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES scene, Sgt. Peralta, despite his mortal wound, T.C. Freeman is a life member of the Asso- Tuesday, March 19, 2013 pulled an enemy grenade under his body and ciation of the United States Army. She is an absorbed the ensuing blast. By doing so, he honorary member of the 502nd, the 187th In- Mr. KEATING. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to fantry, the 327th and 506th Infantry Regi- recognize the Nam Vets Association upon its saved the lives of an estimated six of his fel- ments. She is also an honorary member of the thirtieth anniversary. low Marines. 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment Nam Vets has been providing vital assist- Each of the armed services has provisions and of the 5th Special Forces Group. She ance to veterans since the association was for judging whether an individual is eligible for holds the Anne Morrow Lindberg Award and founded in 1983. Originally serving veterans of the Medal of Honor—which permit no margin the Honorable Order of Our Lady of Loretta for the Vietnam War exclusively, Nam Vets has of doubt or error. Historically, the individual’s her support of Army Aviation and the Aviation since expanded and now serves veterans from action must be supported by incontestable evi- Community. She is a Life Member of Army all eras. Over the years, it has become known dence of at least two eyewitnesses. In Sgt. Aviation Association of America. as a local gateway to veterans’ services for Peralta’s case, seven eyewitnesses confirmed Mrs. Freeman is also the recipient of Artil- Cape Cod and the Islands, assisting veterans that he smothered the grenade blast with his lery’s Molly Pitcher Award and Department of with important tasks such as finding employ- body. Even though a pathologist report ques- the Army Awards for Public Service and the ment and housing, receiving medical care, and tioned whether Sgt. Peralta could have delib- Outstanding Civilian Service Medal. In 2010, obtaining employment. erately brought the grenade to his body due to she received the Daughters of the American Coinciding with the thirtieth anniversary of his wound, separate analyses by three neu- Revolution’s Medal of Honor. Nam Vets is the opening of its new Veterans’ rologists opined otherwise. His Navy Cross ci- T.C. began the ‘‘Welcome Home Flights’’ Outreach Grace Center (VOCG) in New tation, the second highest American military after Desert Shield/Desert Storm and she has Seabury. The VOCG will be a general decoration that can be awarded to a Marine, attended almost every flight following—from wellness center through which veterans will re- says it all: ‘‘Without hesitation and with com- Kosovo and from other 101st Deployments, to ceive a variety of services. Such support will plete disregard for his own personal safety, include the recent Vietnam Veterans Welcome include physical, psychological, educational, fi- Sergeant Peralta reached out and pulled the Home on August 16, 2009. nancial, or vocational assistance aimed at grenade to his body, absorbing the brunt of Presently, she is welcoming home Division helping veterans reintegrate into civilian life. the blast and shielding fellow Marines only Units from Afghanistan and attends National This Center will play a vital role on Cape Cod feet away. Guard farewells and welcome homes. She is once it opens its doors to our local veterans, a supporter of Fisher House and the Wounded and I commend Nam Vets for working to Sgt. Peralta exemplified and lived the values Warrior Programs. T.C. Freeman has visited achieve this important goal. I am certain that Americans hold dear: honor, duty, and dedica- our Warrior Heroes at both Walter Reed and the organization’s next thirty years will be tion to his country. In a letter written right be- Brooke in San Antonio. bright. fore his death, Sgt. Peralta told his brother, Since May 2005, T.C. has served as a Mr. Speaker, it brings me great pleasure to ‘‘I’m proud to be a Marine, a U.S. Marine, and member of the Executive Committee of the recognize Nam Vets upon its thirtieth anniver- to defend and protect the freedom and Con- Governor’s Kentucky Military Affairs Commis- sary. The many years of service that the orga- stitution of America. You should be proud of sion. The Commission keeps the Governor of nization has provided have been invaluable to being an American citizen.’’ the Commonwealth of Kentucky advised of the veterans and families that have been af- Mr. Speaker, I urge all of my colleagues to conditions and needs of the installation. She fected by its work. I ask that my colleagues support this resolution and recommend the was pleased to be involved last December in join me in thanking Nam Vets for all that the posthumous award of the Medal of Honor to a the event that named Governor Steve Beshear association has given to its community. true American hero, Sgt. Rafael Peralta. VerDate Mar 14 2013 04:01 Mar 20, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19MR8.020 E19MRPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS.
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