Supplementary Online Content Channa R, Zafar SN, Canner JK, Haring RS, Schneider EB, Friedman DS. Epidemiology of eye-related emergency department visits. JAMA Ophthalmol. Published online January 28, 2015. doi:10.1001/jamaophthalmol.2015.5778. eTable 1. Diagnosis Codes in Order of Frequency, Categorized as Likely Emergent, Unlikely to Be Emergent, or Could Not Determine eTable 2. Most Common Primary Diagnoses for Hospital Admissions Among Children and Adults Presenting to Emergency Departments in the United States With Ophthalmic Conditions Based on The Nationwide Emergency Department Sample (NEDS), 2006-2011 eTable 3. Estimated Annual Rates and Causes of Eye Injuries Presenting to the Emergency Department in the United States, Nationwide Emergency Department Sample, 2006-2011 This supplementary material has been provided by the authors to give readers additional information about their work. © 2016 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. 1 Downloaded From: https://jamanetwork.com/ on 09/27/2021 eTable 1. Diagnosis Codes in Order of Frequency, Categorized as Likely Emergent, Unlikely to Be Emergent, or Could Not Determine ICD‐9 diagnosis code and diagnosis Likely Percent Emergent? 372.30 Conjunctivitis, unspecified No 19.9 918.1Corneal abrasion Yes 13.7 372.00 Acute conjunctivitis, unspecified No 4.9 930.0 Corneal foreign body Yes 4.4 379.91 Pain in or around eye Could not 4.3 determine 373.11 Hordeolum externum No 3.8 930.9 Foreign body on external eyeExternal eye NOS Yes 3.1 372.72 Conjunctival hemorrhage No 3.0 870.0 Laceration of skin of eyelid and periocular area Yes 2.3 372.14 Other chronic allergic conjunctivitis No 1.9 368.8 Other specified visual disturbances Could not 1.7 Blurred vision NOS determine 921.9 Unspecified contusion of eye Yes 1.6 870.8 Other specified open wounds of ocular adnexa Yes 1.5 802.6 Orbital floor (blow‐out), closed Yes 1.3 372.39 Other and unspecified conjunctivitis No 1.3 921.2 Contusion of orbital tissues Yes 1.2 379.93 Redness or discharge of eye Could not 1.2 determine 379.92 Swelling or mass of eye Could not 1.1 determine 373.13 Abscess of eyelid Yes 1.0 372.01 Serous conjunctivitis, except viral No 1.0 376.01 Orbital cellulitis Yes 0.9 Abscess of orbit 373.00 Blepharitis, unspecified No 0.9 370.00 Corneal ulcer, unspecified Yes 0.9 368.9 Unspecified visual disturbance Could not 0.9 determine 918.0 Eyelids and periocular area Yes 0.8 Abrasion Insect bite Superficial foreign body (splinter) 370.24 Photokeratitis No 0.8 Snow blindness Welders' keratitis 930.1 Foreign body in conjunctival sac Yes 0.7 © 2016 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. 2 Downloaded From: https://jamanetwork.com/ on 09/27/2021 372.03 Other mucopurulent conjunctivitis No 0.7 Catarrhal conjunctivitis Excludes: blennorrhea neonatorum (gonococcal) (098.40) neonatal conjunctivitis (771.6) ophthalmia neonatorum NOS (771.6) 364.3 Unspecified iridocyclitis Could not 0.7 Uveitis NOS determine 371.82 Corneal disorder due to contact lens No 0.7 Excludes: corneal edema due to contact lens 921.3 Contusion of eyeball Yes 0.7 372.05 Acute atopic conjunctivitis No 0.7 918.9 Other and unspecified superficial injuries of eye Yes 0.7 Eye (ball) NOS 918.2 Conjunctiva Yes 0.6 921.1 Contusion of eyelids and periocular area Yes 0.6 373.2 Chalazion No 0.6 Meibomian (gland) cyst Excludes: infected meibomian gland 368.2 Diplopia Could not 0.6 Double vision determine 379.99 Other ill‐defined disorders of eye Could not 0.5 Excludes: determine blurred vision NOS 940.4 Other burn of cornea and conjunctival sac Yes 0.5 930.8 Other and combined sites Yes 0.5 372.06 Disorders of Conjunctiva, acute conjunctivitis No 0.5 370.9 Unspecified keratitis Could not 0.3 determine 364.00 Acute and subacute iridocyclitis, unspecified Yes 0.3 370.8 Other forms of keratitis Could not 0.3 Code first underlying condition, such as: determine Acanthamoeba (136.21) Fusarium (118) 379.24 Other vitreous opacities No 0.3 Vitreous floaters 379.21 Vitreous degeneration No 0.3 369.9 Unspecified visual loss Could not 0.3 determine © 2016 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. 3 Downloaded From: https://jamanetwork.com/ on 09/27/2021 373.12 Hordeolum internum No 0.3 940.9 Unspecified burn of eye and adnexa Yes 0.2 360.00 Purulent endophthalmitis, unspecified Yes 0.2 369.8 Unqualified visual loss, one eye Could not 0.2 determine 368.16 Psychophysical visual disturbances No 0.2 Prosopagnosia Visual: agnosia disorientation syndrome hallucinations object agnosia 379.8 Other specified disorders of eye and adnexa Could not 0.2 determine 375.15 Tear film insufficiency, unspecified No 0.2 Dry eye syndrome 372.73 Conjunctival edema No 0.2 Chemosis of conjunctiva Subconjunctival edema 921.0 Black eye, NOS Yes 0.2 871.9 Unspecified open wound of eyeball Yes 0.2 379.90 Disorder of eye, unspecified Could not 0.2 determine 379.23 Vitreous hemorrhage Yes 0.2 361.9 Unspecified retinal detachment Yes 0.2 365.9 Unspecified glaucoma Could not 0.2 determine 374.82 Edema of eyelid No 0.2 Hyperemia of eyelid 870.1 Laceration of eyelid, full‐thickness, not involving Yes 0.2 lacrimal passages 375.30 Dacryocystitis, unspecified Could not 0.2 determine 379.00 Scleritis, unspecified Could not 0.1 Episcleritis NOS determine 377.30 Optic neuritis, unspecified Could not 0.1 determine 871.0 Ocular laceration without prolapse of intraocular Yes 0.1 tissue 372.40 Pterygium, unspecified No 0.1 373.9 Unspecified inflammation of eyelid No 0.1 © 2016 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. 4 Downloaded From: https://jamanetwork.com/ on 09/27/2021 368.12 Transient visual loss Yes 0.1 Concentric fading Scintillating scotoma 366.9 Unspecified cataract No 0.1 871.4 Unspecified laceration of eye Yes 0.1 871.1 Ocular laceration with prolapse or exposure of Yes 0.1 intraocular tissue 379.43 Mydriasis (persistent), not due to mydriatics Could not 0.1 determine 368.13 Visual discomfort No 0.1 Asthenopia Eye strain Photophobia 940.1 Other burns of eyelids and periocular area Yes 0.1 870.3 Penetrating wound of orbit, without mention of Yes 0.1 foreign body 365.22 Acute angle‐closure glaucoma Yes 0.1 376.33 Orbital edema or congestion Could not 0.1 determine 379.41 Anisocoria Could not 0.1 determine 871.6 Penetration of eyeball with (nonmagnetic) foreign Yes 0.1 body Excludes: retained (old) (nonmagnetic) foreign body in globe 370.40 Keratoconjunctivitis, unspecified No 0.1 Superficial keratitis with conjunctivitis NOS 362.34 Transient arterial occlusion Yes 0.1 Amaurosis fugax 940.3 Acid chemical burn of cornea and conjunctival sac Yes 0.1 940.2 Alkaline chemical burn of cornea and conjunctival Yes 0.1 sac 870.9 Unspecified open wound of ocular adnexa Yes 0.1 369.00 Impairment level not further specified Could not 0.1 Blindness: determine NOS according to WHO definition both eyes 375.56 Stenosis of nasolacrimal duct, acquired No 0.1 378.54 Sixth or abducens nerve palsy Yes 0.1 378.51 Third or oculomotor nerve palsy, partial Yes 0.1 364.41 Hyphema Yes 0.1 Hemorrhage of iris or ciliary body © 2016 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. 5 Downloaded From: https://jamanetwork.com/ on 09/27/2021 368.44 Other localized visual field defect Could not 0.1 Scotoma: determine NOS ring Visual field defect: nasal step peripheral 370.21 Punctate keratitis Could not 0.1 Thygeson's superficial punctate keratitis determine 374.89 Other disorders of eyelid No 0.1 368.40 Visual field defect, unspecified Could not 0.1 determine 374.30 Ptosis of eyelid, unspecified Could not 0.1 determine 372.20 Blepharoconjunctivitis, unspecified No 0.1 870.2 Laceration of eyelid involving lacrimal passages Yes 0.1 371.89 Other Could not 0.1 determine 360.43 Hemophthalmos, except current injury Could not 0.1 Excludes:traumatic determine 373.32 Contact and allergic dermatitis of eyelid No 0.1 940.0 Chemical burn of eyelids and periocular area Yes 0.1 368.11 Sudden visual loss Yes 0.1 374.84 Cysts of eyelids No 0.1 Sebaceous cyst of eyelid 369.60 Impairment level not further specified Could not 0.1 Blindness, one eye determine 377.00 Papilledema, unspecified Could not 0.1 determine 362.31 Central retinal artery occlusion Yes 0.1 361.00 Retinal detachment with retinal defect, Yes 0.1 unspecified 362.30 Retinal vascular occlusion, unspecified Could not 0.0 determine 362.81 Retinal hemorrhage Could not 0.0 Hemorrhage: determine preretinal retinal (deep) (superficial) subretinal 366.16 Nuclear sclerosis No 0.0 Cataracta brunescens Nuclear cataract © 2016 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. 6 Downloaded From: https://jamanetwork.com/ on 09/27/2021 369.70 Impairment level not further specified Could not 0.0 Low vision, one eye determine 372.89 Other disorders of conjunctiva No 0.0 370.34 Exposure keratoconjunctivitis No 0.0 373.8 Other inflammations of eyelids No 0.0 870.4 Penetrating wound of orbit with foreign body Yes 0.0 Excludes: retained (old) foreign body in orbit 368.15 Other visual distortions and entoptic phenomena No 0.0 Photopsia Refractive: diplopia polyopia Visual halos 375.32 Acute dacryocystitis Yes 0.0 Acute peridacryocystitis 361.89 Other Could not 0.0 determine 371.42 Recurrent erosion of cornea Yes 0.0 Excludes: Mooren's ulcer 361.05 Recent detachment, total or subtotal Yes 0.0 372.51 Pinguecula No 0.0 373.31 Eczematous dermatitis of eyelid No 0.0 372.9 Unspecified disorder of conjunctiva No 0.0 371.20 Corneal edema, unspecified No 0.0 871.5 Penetration of eyeball with magnetic foreign body Yes 0.0 Excludes: retained (old) magnetic foreign body in globe 379.50 Nystagmus, unspecified Could not 0.0 determine 369.3 Unqualified visual loss, both eyes Could not 0.0 Excludes: determine blindness NOS: legal [U.S.A.
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