University of North Florida UNF Digital Commons 30th Anniversary Printed Materials 30th Anniversary Fall 2002 The niU versity of North Florida Journal Fall 2002 University of North Florida Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.unf.edu/anniversary30_materials Suggested Citation University of North Florida, "The nivU ersity of North Florida Journal Fall 2002" (2002). 30th Anniversary Printed Materials. 4. http://digitalcommons.unf.edu/anniversary30_materials/4 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the 30th Anniversary at UNF Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in 30th Anniversary Printed Materials by an authorized administrator of UNF Digital Commons. For more information, please contact Digital Projects. © Fall 2002 All Rights Reserved JO"lJRNA1 OFFICERS I STAFF A. David Kline Interim P1'esident, University of North Florida Dr. Pierre N. Allaire Vice President, Institutional Advancement NEWS & PUBLICATIONS STAFF Dan Dundon Director, News & Publications UNF journal Editor Jane Belz Assistant Director, News & Publications Tom Cain Staff W'riter Mary Ann Rosenthal Designer, News & Publications Alaina Reichert Staff Photographer Sharon Holeman Exemtive Secretmy, News & Publications ALUMNI SERVICES STAFF Faith Hall Di1·ector Jeanne Middleton Assistant Director Janice Ishii Exemtive Secretary Erin Thomas Coordinator of Clubs and Chapters UNF JOURNAL EDITORIAL BOARD Jane Belz Dorreen Daly Dan Dundon Faith Hall Debbie Johnson Jeanne Middleton Paula Horvath-Neimeyer Mary Ann Rosenthal linda Carter Slade Anne Wall ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OFFICERS Jay Johnson (MBA '90) 3 Around Campus President Phil Mobley (BA '75) 12 Alumni Notes Vice President linda Carter-Slade (BA '75) 24 Donor Honor Roll Secretmy /Ti·easttrer The UNF journal is published three times a year by the 32 Gifts & Givers Univmity ofNorth Florida Division ofInstitutional Advancement to communicate UNFS mission and its accomplishments 36 Athletics to alumni and fiiends of the univmity. Address co rrespo ndence ro UNF Jou rn al, News & Publications, University of North Florida, 38 Class Notes 4567 Sr. Johns Bluff Road So uth, Jacksonvi lle, FL 32224-2645. 43 Alumni Association Third-class postage paid at Jackso nville, FL. UNF journal /Fall2002 • 1 To Our Readers Thanks for the leadership Dear Alumni and Friends of the University, campaign: Access to Excellence. This $65 mil- panel of leading citizens participate in the lion campaign is the largest philanthropic governance of the institution. In presiding effort in Jacksonville history. With over Dr. Hopkins served not only the over the Summer $63 million already raised, the campaign University, but also the community, 2002 Commencement, has provided needed dollars to help UNF strengthening UNF's relations with Anne H. Hopkins in its quest to becoming one of the coun- Northeast Florida's business and education- performed her last try's leading comprehensive universities. al communities. She has been an active formal function as With the support and advice of both member of the boards of directors for president of the Academic Affairs and the University's WJCT Public Radio and Television, the University of North Division of Administration and Finance, Super Bowl Host Committee, and the Florida. Recognizing President Hopkins also oversaw the com- Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra, as well all that she has pletion of the University's as serving on the accomplished for the new Fine Arts Center and Board of Governors University, I want to the beginning of construe- for the Chamber of take this opportuni­ tion of its new Science and Commerce. ty to thank her and Engineering Building. As Dr. Hopkins David Kline to wish her well These two buildings, along leaves the Office of Interim President as she returns to with the soon-to-be-start- the President, she her chosen ed expansion to the leaves the University profession as a professor at UNF. Thomas Carpenter Library of North Florida a Over the past three-and-a-half years, are helping to provide this strong and thriving Dr. Hopkins led UNF as it continued to institution with outstand- institution. Taking grow in size and quality, providing leader­ ing instructional and over as the interim ship and serving as the institution's research facilities. president of the strongest advocate. We are grateful to her During her tenure University of North for understanding and building on the mis­ President Hopkins also Anne H. Hopkins Florida, I thank her sion of the University and for setting a worked for the care she has course that we can continue to follow for with Student Affairs and shown this institution the foreseeable future. We are also grateful Administration and Finance to construct since she came to campus. I also look for­ for all of the effort she put forward as UNF the Crossings, UNF's newest student hous­ ward to having her as a faculty member in worked on maintaining its regional accred­ ing complex. This complex is helping to our Department of Political Science and itation by the Southern Association of meet the needs of the University's ever Public Administration. The students who Colleges and Schools. growing on-campus student population. will enroll in her courses will benefit great­ In collaboration with the Office of Throughout all of this construction ly from the experience she brings with her. Academic Affairs, President Hopkins Dr. Hopkins worked with the University When Dr. Hopkins was inaugurated as placed an emphasis on providing increased community to ensure that it remained true UNF's fourth president she asked each opportunities for students to engage in to its commitment to preserve the environ­ member of the U-niversity community to transformational learning experiences such ment that makes UNF one of the most join her in accepting a challenge taken as faculty mentored research projects and beautiful campuses in the country. This is a from the Oath to the Athenian City-State: study abroad programs. She also worked commitment that is reaffirmed in our that of making the University "an even with Academic Affairs and the University's newly adopted strategic plan. better and more beautiful" institution than five academic colleges to emphasize the President Hopkins also provided lead­ it was at the time. She has certainly lived quality of UNF's academic programs and to ership as UNF and Florida's other public up to her challenge. provide faculty with greater opportunities universities changed from being governed for their own professional development, by a statewide Board of Regents to guber­ Sincerely, recognizing that strong faculties make natorially-appointed university boards of strong universities. trustees. With this new model of !J~~~ In conjunction with the Office of governance the University is benefiting David Kline Institutional Advancement, Dr. Hopkins from having greater local control over its Interim President initiated the University's first capital decision making process and by having a 2 • UNF journal I Fal/2002 Around Cam us UNF scholars have big year By J ANE BELZ Staff Writer Baine Reynolds Gauss was named a Truman Scholar in 1998. A sociology major and t 1s been a big year for UNF scholars Honors student in UNF who graduated in December 1998 Gauss received an MPA from the as several national competitive Kennedy School of Government at Harvard in 2000. She is currently the executive director of a I awards have been won by students non-profit nature conservatory in Ogden, Utah. and recent graduates. Kelly a..ke received an Overseas Research Scheme Scholarship to Cambridge and graduat­ Bree Frank, a junior in psychology, was ed with a master's in International Relations in 2000. She was also named a Rhodes Scholar State recently selected as UNF's third Truman Finalist and Fulbright Scholarship alternate in 1999. Burke graduated from UNF in December Scholar in five years. She is using the award, 1999 with a political science degree and currently works in London for a public relations firm. valued at up to $30,000, to complete her Aaron CUny received a Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship in 2000 which took him to undergraduate degree at UNF and attend Ecuador. The economics and English major graduated in 2001 and is currently an intern in the graduate school in social work. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions chaired by Senator Ted Kennedy. Each year the Harry S. Truman COiwad Slraman received a Truman Scholarship in 2001 and will use it for law school after Scholarship Foundation awards scholarships to spending the next year working as a staff assistant to Senator Bob Graham. The political science college students who have outstanding leader­ major graduated this past May. ship potential, plan to pursue careers in govern­ ment or other public service and ~------=.------------------....,....,""'!· --------------_J wish to attend graduate school. The Cambridge as well as a generous liv­ recipients are selected from a group ing allowance and travel stipend. of 800 students nominated by uni­ About 150 students with high acade­ versities throughout the United mic merit and leadership potential are States. selected from 50 different countries to Frank grew up in Jacksonville participate in the 11-month program. and graduated from Bishop Kenny Stebbins will work on a mas­ High School in 1994. After a few ter's of philosophy degree in eco­ years off for marriage and mother­ nomics and social history. After hood Frank returned to school at Cambridge, Stebbins will attend UNF in 2000 where she is also ~ law school where she has been working on a minor in criminal jus­ ~ accepted by H arvard, Yale, NYU tice. This summer she also was (From Left) Dr. Anne Hopkins and Dr. Mary Borg congratulate Jessica ......, and Duke. She was also recently selected as one of more than 30 stebbins, Rebecca Hayman and Bree Frank during a 1eceptiol1 ...,._;ng notified she is a recipient of a Phi the students who all received prestigious national scholarships.
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