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"We are not KCSC wa~ the only strictly parents, I love to plop down in After a more than 20 year in the last six months, increasing a business, we dun't make money. cable radio station, so Chambers front of the television and watch relationship, Chambers Cable, their potential listenership of we are in it for the experience. It's decided to drop the whole cable shows like "Buffy the Vampire Chico's local cable provider, will 18,000. Everything seemed to be different for Chambers. they're in FM service to provide new digi­ Slayer" and "Dawson's Creek." be pulling the plug on the turning around for the once it for the money. " tal services. Unfol1unately, Chambers Associated Student's owned struggling station. Chambers Cable General The agreement with Cable in Chico doesn't offer the KCSC 95.5 cable FM radio sta­ So naturally. when DiFalco Manager Scan Hogue said ceas­ Chambers had been informul and Warner Bros. Network so I can tion Mar. 1, leaving listeners and called to ask when he could install ing cable FM service is strictly a the company never promised an 'only watch Buffy kill-off vam- disc jockeys confused. his new $1.500 stereo genemtor business and economic decision. everlasting relationship with the pires when I go back to the Robin Clewell, di~ ilH:key ilnd "We thought we were doing so he received from the Associated "Our customers want more mdio station, Hogue said. Bay Area. infonnation diref:tor of KCSC, well," said KCSC General Students. he was shocked they programming and we have a very So my most petty wish for plays tunes for her Friday show. Manager Peter DiFalco. "It came told him not to bother. limited frequency of channels." see KCSC p. 5 I the past few months has been for the Chamber's bigwigs to see the light and offer the channel so I can spend every Wednesday Task force evening with Bufry and Dawson. negotiates for But now I know better - to University seeks new boy in blue be careful what I wish for. a safer Chico The Associated Students­ Applicants go through obstacle owned radio station, KCSC 95.5, is losing its FM cable course, written and verbal tests Mary Weston channel. The service was offered SrC1./J Wrilt'r through Chambers and, in order Don Blasottl Jr. to offer the WB Network, the SwjJ Wriler At Chico State University. cable company must disconnect noise. violence. parties and stu­ the campus station. No, a doughnut-euting test will not be given dents arc orten llLentinneu in the Over the last six months, my to ctllu.lidates applying for the vacant uflicer same sentence. roommate and I were two of position in the University Police Department. It shouldn't come as a surprise the 120-150 people to purchase Applicants will however undergo a series that Chico State students arc PM cable hook-ups and tune of intensive written, verb'LI ami physical working for solutions to tiu!se into KCSC. examinations. which includes a timed 1.25- problems .. Networking with city And unfortunately, my fellow milc run and a test designed to measure upper and university groups. students WB network lovers have been body strength. w:mt to m,Lke Chico a safe and putting pressure on Chambers to The position became available when Ofliccr yct livable community. offer more channels, and that's John Crawford recently left the force after "We have beg:m to think more where KCSC problems began. three years or service to take a job with of interaction with others in the Peter DiFalco, KCSC's gener­ Sonoma County. community." said Rick Rces, al manager, was expecting this Applicants who puss both the written and associate director of student semester to be the station's most physical fitness tests will advall~e tu an oral activities at Chicu Stale. successful. Now he's expecting examination conducted by a panel of universi­ Recs said :L seriolls of vin\t.:nt to do more work than he had ty officials. and harmful acts in the past ye .. Lr planned. "I'd have to say I pan­ "We want to gauge the candidates' compe­ made students realize any solu­ icked a little bit, it was the most tence, communication skills and thought tion hus to be a cOlllmunity unexpected thing that could have process." said University Police Sgt. Michael efrort. The acts were initiated by huppened." Storm who will be on the panel. di(fcrent groups and aimed at In March, the station will be Following the oral examination. the top different victims. He said this forced to switch to an AM chan­ candidates proceed to an interview with Chief can't be solved by "pointing a nel or to a station that can be of Police Michuel Minard, who eventually finger ut unyone." broadcast over the Internet. chooses who to hire. "We're looking for some­ Rees said students arc Although the whole thing seems one who cun solve problems unuer pressure," involved in two m,~jur groups simple, the challenge the station said Minnrd. "We would also prcfer to have that focus on violence. One is fuces is to raise enough money someone that has already developed their lhe Cumpus and Community to afford a new uvenue of broad­ policing skills." Safety Conlcrence. The other is cnsting. But if the transition is [n additioll to looking ('or job skills, Minm'd will the Special Events Task Force successful, it will be n step for­ pay dose attention to each candidate's personulity. formed by Chico City Council. ward for KCSC. "The person must be tlexible nnd eusily City Council mcmher Bmd Winters, one of 80 disc npproachable, someone who can interact well Maureen Kirk said the task jockeys ut the station, said he's a on cnmpus," he said. "We want someonc force consists or 14 membcrs liltle worried nbout the station's who is motivated. but we don't nced Mr. selected by a cOllncil subcom­ tmnsition, especially because. Patrick Salamid struggles to pull it weighted b"g, which Is u5ed to simulate a mittee. Each council mcmber after Murch. KCSC will have to human body, in the physical examination to be a University Police officer, Jan. 26. see Tryouts p.3 also selected a member from the follow Federal Communications community at the Feh. 2. Conmlissions regulations. This Council meeting. means KCSC will no longer be "The Speciul Events Task able to pluy music with e:tplicit Force will look at crimc and safe­ lyrics. Violent crimes traced back to Butte students ty and the issucs surrounding OJ Robin Clewell sllill switch­ unsponsored events such as ing to n new frequency may be u Hallowecn and Saint Patrick's blessing in disguise. Once a new Butte student stabbed in fight Football players back in court Day," Kirk said. frequency is in plnee, KCSC will Mia Clngolanl ing. Then u couple of guys start­ Associated Students be more uudience accessible. Assistant NelVs Editor ed being rude and disrespectful Dereck President Richard Elsom, is a . So if this mess turns out to be and then more and more people Phillips, member of the tusk force. He l\ blessing, 1 can't help but hope A fight broke out, n naigh­ got involved," Beckett said. front, and said they will address issues there's II gUlu'dilm ungellooking bar pulled out n rifle und' II mun At midnight the light broke Trevor Bird about noise, the party scene and over KCSC. was stabbed in the buck when out. enter Butte lurge community events. friends ctlme together to cele­ "I went out there to break up County Elsom said canceling every CIUUltCl/ ul11wr.l' Celli be reachecl brute 1\ 21st birthday, the fight when the upstairs Superior event becuuse of tl few peoplc lit cllCIfltCll@ecst,csuchico.elill A birthduy pllrty Snturday neighbor came out with a 22 Court for isn't really a solution. night came to u not-so-festive deal' rine und stm'led threaten­ their first 'Suy therc's u problem at end when l\ Blitte College stu­ ing to kill everybody,!' arraign­ Furmer's Markel, do we ealH':C1 Inside dent WIIS stubbed ill a tight. The Beckett suid he thought Ule ment, thut event too'l" Elsom asked. birthdllY boy pus sed out tit neighbor wus upset becuuse he Monday. ElsOI1l said members of the 10:00 p.m, thought people were yelling tusk force cun brainst0l111 solu­ Qplnlon 6 The purty, tit 632 West mciul slurs. Tho Orlan/ LIliA RivarD tions und semi u messuge that vio­ Mon.ilolu is one to 1\~lIlire. Second Ave, IIttructed II ltlrgc "Eval'ybody out in the pUl'k­ Mia Clngolanl jug, a renee bourd and a sptu'c lence won't be tolerated in Chico.
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