RED BANK REGISTER VOLUME LXVIL, NO. 27. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, DEGEMBER 28, 1944. SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO' 12 Graduates From WAVE Completes Girl Scouts Have UEI At Chicago Three Fine Shbre Boot" Training Three From ^Section Doris Mae Smith, daughter of Mr. Frank Vogel of Kentucky avenue, and Mrs. M. E. Smith of Hudson East Keansburg, has completed Holiday Activities Places Change Hands avenue, has completed basic train- Are Killed in Action specialized 'training' In refrigeration,'" ing in the Women's Reserve of the according to- an announcement from United States Naval Reserve at Utilities engineering Institute in Hunter college and was prompted Chicago, where he has recently from apprentice seaman to.seaman Christmas Parties And been attending shop classes, after Charles E. Sweeney Sells Sea Another, a Former Resident, second class. She has been assign- nearly a year of preparatory study. ed to the Naval hospital at Beth- The school reports that Mr. Vogel Plays Given—Gifts Made Bright And Monmouth Beach Estates oeda, Maryland, for further instruc- Also Among War Dead was graduated with a fine record tion. Miss Smith la a graduate of s a student, making excellent pro- Two of the largest estates on Red Bank high school and before Three residents of this section recoverlng from wounds, spending Girl Scouts troops in this area ress through the course, as. well cean avenue at Sea Bright and entering the service was employed and a former resident were report- several months in a hospital, h* had a busy holiday week-end, with as during the period of shop prac- Sea Bright Fire lonmouth Beach and a river front in the finance office at Fort Mon- ed killed in action during the week. was-.once more in the thick of th« special meetings and holiday par- In One Of Three tice, which covers intensive work roperty at .Sea Bright recently inoutb. - , fighting. He was overseas 23 ties. Some troops assisted the Jun- in numerous types of refrigeration KILLED IN ACTION * lor Red Cross and Gray Ladies of months. quipment in the echool's well- re sold to new owners. The j , the Red Cross chapter in repairing Units Commended Co. Auxiliary Has Cpl. Richard Nlcolettl, Army of Latest word from the Navy de quipped shop. , >roker who negotiated and effected Bed Bank. toys for children in holiday wards; e sales was Charles E. Sweeney Christmas Party partment, received this week by Dr; others helped supply gifts for ser- '. Rumson. Lieut, (j. g.) Wallace.Monroe Wil- and Mrs. R. Browning Wilsoh of PFC Clifford Thomas, Meeting, Party son, Navy, of Bed Bank; (Previous- vice men at near-by Army hospitals The estate property owned for^a. Broad street, revealed that their ly reported missing in action). son, Lieut. Cj. g.) Wallace MOnroB -and-other^groups .sang Christmas Red Bank, A Member Monmouth County 7 umber of years by Mrs. Ellen T.. Held By Lions carols at Monmouth Memorial hos- Gifts Exchanged And Cpl. Edward Flnnlgan, Army, lot Wllaon, United States Naval' Re- IcClunn, r which was acquired .'«.__.. - _•_..-.'... •.. Ji5L?J3i t5 the borough of Shrews- Atlantic Highlands, (Previously re- serve, had beenlcet Inthe sinking From a Quartermaster depot in bout a year ago by Chris Story, Program Presented ported seriously wounded). bury. ' •En£lami—comes—word-that—Brig, Army Casualties Covered Dish Enjoyed ice president of the'Cities Service of the .auxiliary ship, the U. S. S. Staff Sgt. Rudolph Graf of Ber- Mlseissinewa, by enemy action in In Rumson three Scout troops and General Vaughan, ' commanding orn'panjt-wae—sold.-to_Anson._G. nardsviile, former resident of Lin- orre Mariner group planned several the South Pacific, during the latter general of the United Kingdom Official List ough of Mohtclair, Mr. Clough, croft. activities, , Members of Browpie base, has commended three colored ho is well known at the shore in Mrs. Frank Madure of Riverside troop 15, with Mrs. Edward Polak At' a dinner meeting Tuesday Lieut. Wilson waa reported "miss- units, one of which is now oper- Of Wounded Seven new members were wel- he past for his polo arftl yachting avenue received a telegram Tues- ing following, action" in, a message as leader, held a Christmas party ating in France, for outstanding comed at last week's meeting of the ictlvities, purchased the home for night at the. Molly Pitcher hotel, members of the Red Bank Lions received about three weeks ago. Friday-at—the- Rumaon Recreation performance In aid of military op- Sea Bright Are company auxiliary, summer residence. The property Besides his parents he has a wife Center. Their mothers were guests erations. Published below are the names at-which Mrs. Saratl Layton--pre- on' the north*west corner of club held their annual Christmas of Monmouth ,county men appear- party, with Fred Ziima'nri, Jr., chair- I ana two children living at Stewart and Mrs, Polak showed colored mo- sided for the first time as the new cean avenue and Beach road arid Manor, Long Island, and a brother, tion pictures of the troop's May day ng on the War department's cas- president. omprises about an acre and a half man of the entertainment commit- ualty lists for the week "beginning tee and acting as Santa Claus. Small R. Browning Wilson, Jr., of,Cleve- ' iestival. These 18 Brownies also The new membors include two of if landscaped ground. On the first land; made decorations for the Junior last Friday and ending today. In gifts were brought by the Lions and the president's daughters, Mrs, Fan- loor are a reception hall, living Cpl. Edward Firmigan, son of Mr. Red Cross to be used in Army hos- all these cases the next of kin have many of them had humorous and nie Birch and Miss Lillian Layton; oom with .fireplace, dining room and Mrs. Edward Finnigan of First pitals. ' been notified and. have been kept Mrs. Olive Douglas, MIB. Emily ith fireplace, drawing room, but- appropriate verses attached. They were equitably distributed, after avenue, Atlantic Highlands, who Mrs. Russell Strothman is leader Informed directly by the War de- Wiederstrom, Mrs. Mildred Kanehl, r's pantry, ' kitchen and maid's was reported seriously wounded No- of Girl Scout troop. 46,-Rumson, partment of any change In status. Mrs. Helena Humbert' and Mrs. lining'room. On the second floor some wag had endeavored to dis- rupt the procedure by counterfeit vember 29 in France, died Novem-. ' which made ths decorations for the The list follows: Elizabeth Peterson. David Johnson ire five master bedrooms, three ber 30, according to a War depart- Christmas tree at the Recreation and Burt Johnson, both of the U. laths, with ample maid's accommo- numbers, and much enthusiasm WOUNDED IN ACTION, and laughter wan enjoyed. Mr. Zell- ment message received by Mrs. Fin- y Center, and have also been study S. Navy, are the two boys In the dations. 'Also on the property are igran while her husband was seek- ing folk dancing under the direction ' ""•• European service who receive the gift pack- mann was assisted by -Lester C. two-story garage with capacity Lovett. ing aid of the Red Cross, in Red of Mrs. Bernard Goldsmith, volun Beverly,- Sp?.«r Srt Robert E., age this month,, Mrs. Catherine Co- Bank in securing definite news tecr Instructor. 'Members of Troop Mrs. Catherine Beverly, mother, 80 vert and Miss Dorothy Covert com- 'or several cars and a chaueur's A special guest was Fred A. Fitch, ipartment of athree rooms and bath. about their son's condition. 46 visited the Fischer bakery in At Seavy street, Long Branch. prise the new refreshment commit- superintendent of the State Home The parents had been notified bury Park last week, had lunch in tee. Reported on the JickStjM were Th property is bounded on the or Boys at Jamesburg, and a vice' Blair, PFC. Roger T., Mrs. Ar- orth by the O. K. Williams estate. lhat the young corporal had been the shore city as a reward for sell lene V. Blair, wife, 85 Wyckoff aver Mrs. Jennie Altman, Mrs. Ella fesident of the Jamesburg Lions Another property sold . by Mr. oapltalized after being seriously ing the largest number of Girl Scout nue, Manasquan. Smack and Mrs. Rita Douglas. ub, and he was accompanied by weeney Is the large frame colon- wounded. He was active In athlet-'- calendars in Rumson. Boyce, PFC. Raymond C, Mrs. After the business session gifts wo boys, Richard Darling and "Wll- Mrs. James R. Clarke. Jr., is were exchanged as Santa Claus ial structure of the Charles F. Mac- lam Lee Smead, members of the Evelyn Boyce, mother, Route 1, in estate, situated on Ocean ave- leader of Mariner ship, S. Sj'JIl Engiishtown. made hi* appearance and a covered oys Scouts there. Lion Fitch gave me, Sea Bright, on the Shrewsbury short talk regarding the visit of batross, which meets at the Coast Burdge, Pvt. George H., Mrs. Lor- dish supper was served. The new Guard auxiliary headquarters on president gave gifts to the desk iver in the North Beach section he Red Bank Lions to the home etta Burdge, mother, 6 Lewis street, f the borough. The property has hristmas morning with two gifts, River road, Rumson, Monday nights Veptune. officers and Mrs. Mary Douglas-was They aro now setting up their remembered for her many kind- 230 feet of landscaped lawn front- box of candy and an orange for Cohen, 1st. Lieut. Harold J-, Mrs. ing on both Ocean avenue and the 00 of the boys, who otherwise CPL. RICHARD NICOLETTI "ship" and last week a Sea Scout Sophia A.
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