San Jose State University SJSU ScholarWorks Special Libraries, 1931 Special Libraries, 1930s 3-1-1931 Special Libraries, March 1931 Special Libraries Association Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1931 Part of the Cataloging and Metadata Commons, Collection Development and Management Commons, Information Literacy Commons, and the Scholarly Communication Commons Recommended Citation Special Libraries Association, "Special Libraries, March 1931" (1931). Special Libraries, 1931. 3. https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1931/3 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Libraries, 1930s at SJSU ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Special Libraries, 1931 by an authorized administrator of SJSU ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Vol. 22 March, 1931 No. 3 Public Libraries for Business Use "A public library should fit itself to its times. It should be first in the field with collections of modern industrial and social material. Librar- ians should be not only ancient and literary; they should be also modern and deadly practical." --John Cotion Dana. S. L. A. Conference 8 8 a Cleveland, Ohio, JUNE 10-12, 1931 Entored na second clam matter at the Poat OWce, Prov~dcnee,R. I., under the Act of Mnreh 3, 1879. Acceptance for rnnrllng at apecml rate of postwe provided lor in mctlon 1103. Act 01 Ocloher 8. 1917. autborlaed October 22, 1921. Rates: $6 00 n yenr. Ford~n$5.50: single mples 50 cenb. 6 Cleveland Convention As the magazine passes through the press, the news comes to us that: the Cleveland members are endeavoring in every way to make the forthcoming conference a success. One important feature at the convention will be an exhibit which is being planned by Miss AIta B. Claflin of the Federal Reserve Bank. Cleveland. The committee plans to show all publications of the S. L. A. and its various Groups and Committees articles by and about speclal librarians, publications in printed or mimeographed form repre- senting the work of special libraries. This includes all types of internal publicity, articles about the library in staff magazines or in outside publications, special methods for doing things in the library and, in addition, publications or house organs issued by the corporation, school or institution with which the library is connected in the prepara- tion of which the librarian has been of assistance or in which the librarian in some way collaborates The Program Committee is bringing to us a group of excellent speakers, including some notable Clevelanders. The Association is particularly fortunate in having headquarters in the recently constructed Terminal Group which not only incli~des the hotel itself, but a bank, a department store, ofire buildings and numerous restaurants. The committee plans a well manned information desk where informa- tion of all sorts can be obtained. For those who are going to Cleveland by highway Miss Helen Prouty, Chairman of the Information Com- mittee, will be glad to furnish a highway map. Address her at the Research Service Corporation, Cuyahoga Building, Cleveland. Arrangements are being made to accept the invitation of the Detroit Chapter, extended by Miss Caroline Lutz, Librarian, General Motors Corporation, to spend Saturday, June 13th, in Detroit. The attractions in Detroit are numerous and doubtless many will accept the invitation. A final word of caution! Make your reservation early. Apply direct to the Hotel Cleveland. Contents How the Private Business Librarian Helps and is Helped by the Public Business Librarian. By Florence Bradley ........................................... 83 Library Service to Business in Los Angeles. By Mrs. Ann Leidendecker .................................. 82 Library Service to Business in San Francisco: Mechanics' Library, The. By Mrs. Mary 0. Carmody.. ............................................... 80 Public Library, The. By Robert Rea ............. 79 Special Libraries of San Francisco. By William A. Worthington.. ............................................. 81 Municipal Reference Library and its Service to Business. By Josephine B. Hollingsworth ........ 78 Public Libraries for Business Use. By Marian C. Manley ................................................................ 75 DEPARTMENTS Associations ........... 96 Editorials. ................... 88 Classification and I n- Events and Publica- dexing .................... 90 tions ............................ 99 Digest of Business President's Message .... 89 Book Reviews . 92 -NOTES Cleveland Convention ............................................70 Trade Catalogs ................................................ 95 Trade Directories ............................................. 95 Supplement. .......................... Index, 1930 Special Libraries Published Monthly September to April, bi-monthly May to August by THE SPECIAL LIBRARIES ASSOCIATION Publication Office, 11 Nisbet Street, Providence, R. I. All payments should be made to Special Libraries Association, 11 Nirbct Street, Providence, R. I. SPECIAL LIBRARIES March. 1931 Institutional Members Cali: da Massachusetts State Library, Boston California Academy of Science, San Francisco Metcalf & Eddy, Boston California State Library, Sacramento Social Law Library, Boston United Fruit Company, Boston Standard Oil Company of California, San Francisco Pacific Gas & Electric Co., San Francisco Michigan Technical Book Co., San Francisco Detroit News, Detroit Detroit Public L~brary,Detroit Connecticut General Motors Corporation, Detroit Hartford Pubhc Library Business Branch, University of Detro~t,Detro~t Hartford Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Co., Hartford Missouri YaleUniversity Library, New Haven Kansas City Power & Light Company, ~ank City Delaware du Pont de Nemours, E. I., Wilmington New Jersey Bakelite Corporation, Bloomficld Illinois Combustion Util~ties Corporation, Linden Byllesby & Co., H. M., Chicago. N. J. Ch~cagoTribune, Chicago Montclair Free Public Library, Montclair Commonwealth Edison Company, Chicago New Jersey Bell Telephone Company, Newark Elizabeth McCormick Memorial Fund, Chi- Newark Public Library, Business Branch, cago Newark Illinois Chamber of Commerce, Chicago Public Service Corporation of New Jersey, 'lllinois State Library, Springfield Newark Insurance Library of Chicago R. C A. Radiotron Co., Inc., Harrison Middle West Utilities Co , Chicago Standard Oil Development: Co., Elizabeth Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago United States Rubber Co., Passaic Peoples Gas Light & Coke Co., Chicago New York Indlana Alexander Hamilton Institute, New York Lincoln National Life Insurance Co., Fort Wayne American Bankers' Association, New York American Electric Railway Aseociation, New Maryland York Consolidated Gas, Electric Light & Power American Geographical Society, New York Co , Baltimore American Institute of Accountants, New York Maryland Casualty Co , Baltimore American Museum of Natural History, New York Massachusetts American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Baker Library-Harvard School of Business New York Administration, Boston American Telephone & Telegraph Co., General Boston Elevated Railway, Boston Library, New York Boston Globe, Boston American Telephone & Telegraph Co., Law Chriatian Science Monitor, ~dston Library, New York Edison Electric Illuminating Co., Boston Association of Life Insurance Presidents, New Federal Reserve Bank of Boston York First National Bank, Boston Baker & Taylor Co., New York Insurance Library Association of Boston Bankers Trust Co., New York Jackson & Moreland, Boston Batten, Barton, Durstine & Osborn, New York Massachuaetts Institute of Technology, Li- Bell Telephone Laboratories, New York brary, Cambridge Blackman Co., New York Massachuaetts Mutual Life Insurance Co., British Library of Information, New York Springfield Brooklyn Ediaon Co., Brooklyn 'New mernben joined abm I.at iasue of SMal Mbwdu. March, 1931 SPECIAL LIBRARIES New York Brookmire Economic Service, New York Ohio Oil Co., Findlay Child Study Association, New York Procter & Gamble, Cincinnati Cleanliness Institute Library, New York Consolidated Gas Co. of New York Doherty, Henry L. & Co., New York Oklahoma Electric Bond & Share Co , New York Federal Reserve Bank of New York U. S. Bureau of Mines, Bartlesville Ford, Bacon & Davis, New York General Electric Co., Main Library, Sche- nectady Penneylvania Grant Co., W. T., New York Grosvenor L~brary,Buffalo Armstrong Cork Co., Lancaster Guaranty Company of New York Franklin Institute, Philadelphia Haskms & Sells, New York Houghton, E. F.& Co., Philadelphia Industrial Book Company, New York . Jones & Laughlin Steel Con~pany,P~ttaburgh Industrial Relations Counselors, New York Mellon Institute, Pittsburgh International Telephone & Telegraph Co., New Jersey Z~ncCo., Palmerton New York 'Pennsylvania Museum of Art, Philadelphia John Price Jones Corporation, New York Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science, L~brary Bureau D~vis~on,Remington Rand Philadelohia Business Serwce, New York Philadelphia Company, Pittsburgh McCall Company, New York Philadelphia Electric Company, Philadelphia McGraw-HIII Publish~ngCo., Inc., New York ~hiladelphiaRapid Transit Company, Phila- Merchants Association of New York delphia . Philadelphia Record, PhiladeIphia Metropolitan Liie Insurance Company, New Pittsburgh Railways Company, Pittsburgh York Provident Mutuat Life Insurance Co., Phila- Municipal Reference Library, New York delphia National Aniline & Chemical Co., Inc., New School of
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