On the album there's a "metal-cowboys" themed picture, except for one of you, who is wearing the MetalBulletin: Motorhead shirt. Dad he not want to go with the cowboy theme??!! Interviews THAT IS ACTUALLYME...YEAH I WANTEDTO BE WEARINGMY & Reviews MOTORHEADSHIRT AND YOUCAN TELL MOST OF US AREWEARING October06/issue # 3: interviews:Abominant, SPIKES.I AM ACTAULLYWEARING A VESTIF YOU CAN SEE,BUT I Primitive Graven Imaqe, DONTTHINK THEY HAD A COWBOYHAT IN MY SIZE. THE PICTURE ProtoWpe. WAS REALFUN TO DO AND AFTERSO LONGITS GETTINGHARDER Throneum,Wastefall andreviews TO NOT ONLYTRY TO DO SOMETHINGORIGINAL BUT SOMETHING THAT ISNT ******* ******** ***{<** * ***** * *{< *** ** * TEDIOUSTO DO. IT WASN'TTIL AFTERTHE FACYTHAT WE LOOKEDAT IT AND THOGUHTWE WEREGONNA GET KILLED www.myspac e. WITH "BROKEBACKMOUNTAIN'' JOKES. OH WELL,I MEANITS A com/themetalbulleti n FUCKINGCOWBOYS PIC ON A DEATHMETAL RECORD, WE WERE **** * * *** *** *** *{<** * * ****** * ***** ** * ASKING FOR IT AND ITS MEANT TO BE PRETTYLUDICROUS. Abominant (october3) You've been on Deathgasm Records for yearc now. Do they "Triumph of the Kill" (DeathgasmRecords) is the new album understand what you're all about? I THINKSO, EVANIS REALCOOL, AND TFS A GOOD US. by this long-running"death metal plus" band. They have a lot LABELFOR SOMEOF THE OTHERBANDS ONE THERE ARE A GOODCONTRAST of albums,going back to their debut "Unspeakable Horrorc"in BUTREAL EXTREME WHICH SUITS US RNE. iTS PRETTYMUCH BEEN 1996 and their demo "NeverTruly Dead"in 1994.This band A JOINT VENTUREFROM THE BEGININGAND BEENREAL NICE TO has been working in the undergroundfor years and yearc. SEE DEATHGASM GROW SINCE WE BEEN WTTH THEM. "And the music", you ask? It's wrecking ball death metal, pretty feel-orientedand surprisinglymusical (which tends to be Will you be doing a little touring for this album? more obvious after a few listens). At first it's hook-led, WELL, BEINGTHAT 4 OUT OF 5 OF US ARE MARRIEDFATHER, aggressivedeath, which is the operatingmode that the band is PROBABLYNOT SO MUCH, BUTWE DO LIKETO PLAYOUT AS MUCH on. Playthe album severaltimes and you'll be surprisedhow AS POSSIBLE.I MYSELF AM NOT BIG ON THE UVE EXPERIENCEBUT much more metal you will find. Deathmetal peopleshould give MOSTSHOWS WE DO AREWT|H BANDSWE WE ENJOY,AND MOST TURNINTO DRUNKENBOUTS OF HEATHENISTIC this band a listen becausethey have the right attitude and DEBAUCHERY,SO IM ALWAYS UP FoR THAT. have no illusionsabout what it is that they do. Mike(bass) was nice enough to write back. www.abominant.da.ru Is the "dream" to avoid job www.deathgasm.com a day by playing music ridiculous for death metal? x*x**** TO EACHTHEIR OWN, I GUESS.HAVING A FAMILY,EVEN IF I COULD LIVEOFF THE BAND,WHICH I DONTSEE HAPPENING IN THIS KIND "Triumph of the Kill" is an intense album with great OF MUSIC, I WOULDN'THAVE ANY KIND OF HEALTHCAREOR hooks and it's difi, a nasty affair. How do you go RENREMENI SO ITS NOT REALISTICON MANY LEVELS.I DO about creating metal like yours? RESPECTBANDS THAT WILL DROPANYTHING AND EVERYTHINGTO THANKSFOR THE KIND COMMENTSABOUT THE BAND AND THE TOURAND WHATNOT,AND I BELEIVETHOSE ARE THE BANDSTHAT ALBUM.SINCE WE GOT]IM IN THE BAND,ITS OPENEDUP A NEW DESREVETHE BIGGERRECORD DEALS, BUT iN THE END,WE MAINLY OUTLETFOR SOME REAL FAST STUFFAND MORE GRINDY ]YPE DO THIS FOR FUN, FOR THE LOVEOF METAL,AND AS A GOOD DRUMMINGTHAN BEFORE.WE THOUGHT THE LAST ALBUM REASONTO HANGOUT AND GET DRUNK.SOME GUYS GO FISHING ''CONQUEST" WAS OURMOST STRAIGHT UP DEATHI-HRASHAFFAIR TOGETHER,pLAy GOLF, OR WORK ON CARS.WE THRASH! AND PROBABLYOUR MOST HEAVYMETAL RECORD. WE WANTED THIS NEXTONE TO BE MORERAW AND CHAOTIC.BOTH TIMMIE I notice that on this album the vocals are deeper than AND BUCKARE GREATAT WRITINGGREAT RIFFS WHICH THINK on previous albums. Does this type of vocals just ALOTOF DEATHMETAL BANDS LACK. I THINKOUR LONGEVITY AND destroy the throat? The vocals are actually pretty STABILITYHAS BEEN FROM US JUST BEiNG 5 METALHEADS comprehensible this time WANTINGTO HAVEFUN, DRINK BEER AND THRASH. NO REALROCK around. AGAIN,YOU PROBABLYNEED TO ASK MIKE STAR ATTITUDES, AND NO PIPE DREAMS OF STARDOM. BARNESABOUT THIS, BUT YEAH,I THINK HE WENT FORA DIRTIER,LOWER STYLE ON THIS ONE.IT REALLYREMINDS ME OF THE VOCALSON ENTOMBED What is life like in ''CLANDESTINE'' Kentucky for a metal band? WHICH WE ALL LOVESO MOREPOWER TO HIM. NOTTOO DIFFERENT THANMOST OTHER PLACES WE'VE PLAYED AT, MIKEHAS ALWAYS MIXED THiNGS UP PRETryWELL, AND MOSTOF IT SEEMS.NOT A WHOLELOT OF LOCALSUPPORT BUT THOSE THAT IT WORKSVERY WELL WITH THE MUSiC. I COULDNTIMAGINE AREFOR US ARE FUCKINGHARDCORE YOU KNOW?IT'S ACTUALLY HAVINGA MONOTONEVOCAUST THAT SOUNDSTHE SAMEEVERY KIND OF NICE NOT TOO HAVEA HUGESCENE CAUSE THEN ITS SONGOR EVERYALBUM. WE WOULDHAVE KICKED HIM TO THE PRETTY PURE WITHOUT A BUNCH OF TREND JUMPERS CURB BY NOWI DISCERDITINGWHAT THE REAL BANDS ARE TRYING TO DO, Abominant is all-metal. You guys bring in black metal What is the topic of the "Triumph of the Kill"!! album? and classic metal and just roll with the punches and Killing and murder are recurring themes. Is it difficult make it Abominant brutal death metal. Is this on to write about other things? purpose I THINKKILLING AND DEATHARE THE BACKBONEOF THIS RECORD, ? I REALLYDONT KNOWHOW IT ALL COMES AS MOST DEATH METALSHOULD BE. FUCKINGDARKNESS AND ABOUT,BUT YEAH,I SEETRACES OF EVERYTHINGIN DEATH. I REALLYCOULDNT TEL YOU MUCH ABOUT LYRICAL OURMUSIC. I THINKMOST GENRES OF METALHAVE ABOUT 10-20 GREAT BANDS, MONVATIONAND WHATNOTAS i DON'T WRITE LYRICS,BUT I ABOUT50 GOOD BANDSAND 1OOOCLONES. THAT KNOWTIMMIE HELPS MIKE BARNES OUT A BiT AND FROM BEINGSAID I REALLYTHINK YOU QUITE NEEDTO EXPERIENCETHE THE SOUNDSOF THINGS,THEY'VE GOT IT ALL PRETTYMUCH WHOLEREALM AND GETTINGTOO COVERED. SUCKEDINTO ONE STYLE SEEMS BORING TO ME.AGAIN, IF WE WROTEEXCLUSIVELY BRUTAL DEATH OR, CHAOTICBLACK METAL, I BELIEVEWE WOULDHAVE GOT BORED AND SPLITUP YEARSAGO. Is the most important thing to have that early' THE MORE INFLUENCESTHE BETTER I THINK' raw death/ black feeling? as I think you to the readers? we are very much into'the blackmetal feeling' What would you like to saY the THEEND are refening to. we try to keep that feeling intact within KISSTHE FUCKING CONT AND CHEEEEEERRRS! by music we create. However,we try not to limit ourselves xx************x**x**** **************x this.We|iketoaddotherelementsaswe|I,whichismuch Primitive Graven Imaqe (oct11) moreobviousonourdebutalbum.Wehavequitehigh Tfre previousissue had a reviewof this band,saying: productionvalueswhilehopeful|yretainingarawedge.our'Darkthrone" very much a tribute to bands like Primttive Graven Imasez Hellish Fiqurines demo was .Immoftal' 'Emperor'etc... and we neededto do that to Open Grave Records and of o* own style O',t debut album will ffimer of 2006 demo and it's a taste develop and estabiith songs 'PrimitiveGraven Image'!!! of course,the black their upcomingdebut to come out this year' These five sound like (afteraninro-)specializeinear|y-style,raw.blackmeta|.Yes, metal feelingis ever Present. itrir Ooo sound cavernous!Good stuff! There are blasting not moments, midpacedmoments and doom parts, but it's Whatisitthatyouarecreatingthatyoufee|ismissing of ind that you wanted to contribute? about playing fast or slowly, it's about creating a mood in black metal these days are way to seriouson the (sutprise, surprise!) primitive darkness and cold' It's A lot of black metal (but no anti Christianthing. I feel a lot of these bands unexpectedthat there are such hooks in these songs whole Satanic, quality of their music and are more about melody). You'll definitelynotice the feel of the first two Venom compromisethe philosophies.Primitive Graven Image is 100% albums, Hellhammer,the first two Sodom and the first three image and *i!! The statement we are trying to make, is Bathory. You know, that feel, that energy' People abo-ut the music. will metal IS musicnot a philosophyor a beliefor categorizethis as oid school black metal and probably simplythat black of course, we have no problem with bands make referenceto Darkthroneand the first Buzum. However, even'a religion. I detect no hardcore leaningson here, unlike Darkthrone' thatwanttoexpressthesethingsbutthatisnotourWay. Image bringsthe beer and the head banging www.pgimetal.com www'myspace'com/primitivegravenimage PrimitiveGraven don't take our imageto seriouslyat www.oPengraverecords.com back into blackmetal! We all. Bytheway,theirdemoisavai|ablefordownloading'onthe samPle music? demothey.usedadrummachine,unfoftunately.Ihopethatin How can PeoPle Your entitled'HellishFigurines' is availableto the future they use a real drummer cuz I',m no fan of drum our entirefirst demo for free from our official website machines. download http://www.pgimetal'comandalsoourlabel'swebsite demo' v slg na I like the feeling of the demo' It's a very good bEp-Uwww-qpengrc ereqpld So, when is the debut coming out? glad you think about the so-called metal Firstof all, thanksa lot for your kind words!We are really What do of what about how the "brutal" death you like the demo.There is no sfrict set date for the release brotherhood? likely power metal, whose fans often think that ihe atbum, but it will be early next year sometime.Most people hate is moronic music' "Gay" is an ignorant' February! aeaitr metal homophobic insult used. thing close-mindednesswithin the metal genre is a horrible Arethereon|ytwomembers?Areyoubothtakingcare 'brotherhood'to in a an extent y' know? of all instruments? The drumming is not by a machine' really.we do believe thing' an awesomepower, and we think right? What is the relation between this band's Metal is an awesome is equal in ihat sense.The questionis, what is members and In Eternum's? that all Metal I think everyonethat's reallyinto metal knows,but Yes,currentlythebandisonly2members'Wedon'tstrictly real Metal? going around these days are horrible.
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