tQ The Villager Minsterworth News It’s Spring! By Simon Ruffley March 2019 Price 30p Free to residents Edition 197 Dear Readers, A gorgeous Spring-like day on 15th Feb as I write & I hear we’re in for more record warmth (bring it on!). On p15 see an excellent reason to spend £1 on a raffle ticket at the fete (p8). And who else has something interesting for me to put in The Villager? Please! I like to keep it full of good things. Paula Closing copy date for the April edition is Friday 15th March 2019 but earlier is even better! All items for consideration to:- Paula Ruffley, Editor The Villager E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 01452 751226. Responsibility is not accepted for the accuracy of submitted items nor the content of advertisements. KERBSIDE RECYCLING - MARCH GREEN & BROWN Bin & Caddy BLUE bin & Caddy ( landfill) (garden) (reCycling) Tuesday 5 Tuesday 12 Tuesday 19 Tuesday 26 10.00 – 10.30 th Mobile library Friday 8 March Outside school 2 Fish & Chip supper £10 Friday 8th March 7.30pm Minsterworth Village Hall for St. Peter’s Parish Church Plus mystery film (See the film for free if you don’t want the fish supper) Contact Rita Garbutt on 750128 no later than Wednesday 6h March New to Minsterworth? Looking for a way to join in with our community? There’s lots going on RIGHT HERE in Minsterworth. The Villager is delivered right to your door every month with news about what’s going on. We have coffee mornings in Minsterworth Village Hall every few months & while it might not be how you would normally choose to spend a morning off work it’s a great way to meet people. We have an active CofE church and lots of creative clubs. We really want you to get involved as much as you’d like to. It would be great if you could join us at one of our events & definitely at the fete in June (see P8). It’s a lovely way to make connections that could turn out to help you feel at home here in Minsterworth. Please make the most of moving to our village. We like to think we’re very friendly. 3 CHARITY SUPPER AND QUIZ IN AID OF WESTBURY-ON-SEVERN BRITISH LEGION SATURDAY 23RD MARCH 2019 7.00PM FOR 7.30 PM In NORTHWOOD GREEN VILLAGE HALL £12 PER PERSON COME AND JOIN US FOR A CURRY/SPICY SUPPER WITH DESSERT COOKED BY OUR WELL KNOWN LOCAL CATERER PAULINE HAYWARD (Please advise any vegetarian/special diet requirement) PLEASE BYO DRINKS FOLLOWED BY A FUN QUIZ WITH JULIE FISHER FOR TEAMS OF 4 TO 6 PERSONS A RAFFLE WILL BE HELD DURING THE EVENING TO BOOK YOUR PLACE CONTACT JULIE FISHER 01452 750562 OR PAULINE HAYWARD 01452 760727 ANY SUPPORT YOU CAN GIVE WILL BE VERY WELCOME 4 5 ST PETER’S P.C.C. The Whist Drive Thank you as always to all who supported and helped with the February whist drive. It was good to be able to welcome some extra players. £72.50 was the amount raised for church funds. The next whist drive will be on March 4th at Minsterworth Village Hall starting at 7.30pm. 200 Club The result of the February draw was as follows:- £50 No. 190 Tony Pearson £20 No. 079 Pat Trigg £10 No. 147 Sid Penman Church Service times & Flower rota March Flowers for the 3rd March – Anne Pearson. For the remainder of the month of March there are no flowers so as to mark the season of Lent. Date Time Service Flowers 3rd 11am Family Service Anne Pearson 3rd 5pm Evensong Anne Pearson 10th 11am Holy Communion none th 17 5pm Evening Prayer none 24th 9.30am Holy Communion none 31st 10am Benefice * none There is a service at Minsterworth church to mark Ash Wednesday 7pm on 6th March *The Benefice Service is at Westbury on Severn Compline will be said every Friday throughout Lent starting 6pm at Northwood Green Church. Lent Lunches Lent lunches start on March 9th with the Minsterworth team hosting; between 12.30pm and 2pm. These are held at Northwood Green Social Hall, the proceeds from the lunches this year are for the Air Ambulance. Date for the Diary 18th May is the date this year of Liz & Gerald’s Pop-in Coffee Morning, 10am – 12 noon. Please note that this year it is morning only. If you are new to the area then please do come along and get to know us all. We are at Rosedale House, Main Road, Minsterworth. Proceeds are for church funds. 6 Spanish WindSled circumnavigates Antarctica A team of 4 Spanish scientists endured temperatures of -42oC as they covered 2,538km (1,577miles) in an eco-friendly sled called Inuit powered by the sun and wind in 52 days. They carried with them a dozen scientific experiments which will be completed shortly. The WindSled itself was quite an experiment too. It carried a 2 ton payload at speeds of up to 50km/h. Have a look on Youtube. A fascinating contraption that miraculously sustained no damage in that hostile environment. Brought to mind Mad Max but with ice. www.greenland.net 7 MINSTERWORTH VILLAGE FETE SATURDAY 29TH JUNE 2019 The Fete is our major event of the year. It’s a good day for the community to get together and helps to raise funds for refurbishment of the Village Hall. The Hall, built to commemorate those lost in WW1, is now over 90 years old. A great asset to our community, but it does need looking after. Things we may be asking you to do include: - Provide raffle and tombola prizes. Some of you have already generously agreed to do this - Stalls with local produce or goods - Buy raffle tickets. We will have some superb prizes again for you And most of all MAKE A DATE IN YOUR DIARY, COME ALONG AND SUPPORT US SATURDAY 29TH JUNE 2019 8 ROYAL BRITISH LEGION MINSTERWORTH AND DISTRICT We meet at 7.30pm on the second Wednesday of each month except August and December. Our meetIngs are held In the LegIon room at Minsterworth Village Hall. New members are very welcome and do not have to have served in the Armed Forces to joIn. Please support the Royal BrItIsh Legion. Terry Bourne, Vice Chairman Minsterworth & DIstrict R.B.L. 9 WestBury Post Office and Stores Your community Post Office, providing free cash withdrawals, bill payments, phone cards, gas and electricity top ups and mobile phone top ups –------------------------------------ We have a wide range of groceries and household goods alongside cards, local crafts, stationery and gifts. –------------------------------------ Monday to Friday 9am to 2pm 01452 760682 • What did the left eye say to the right eye? Between us, something smells! • What did one plate say to the other plate? Dinner is on me! • Why did the teddy bear say “no” to dessert? Because she was stuffed. • Why did the man run around his bed? Because he was trying to catch up on his sleep! • Why are ghosts bad liars? Because you can see right through them! www.inews.co.uk 10 Where Tranquillity Begins... Te Spa at Hatherley Manor is inspired by our Cotswold heritage and is dedicated to natural 01452 733299 wellbeing and creating a sense of peace and tranquillity. [email protected] www.hatherleymanor.com/the-spa Te Spa is the perfect place to relax and unwind, whether that’s in the swimming pool, vitality Hatherley Down Lane pool, state of the art gymnasium, thermal suite or in the relaxation and treatment rooms. Gloucester, GL2 9QA March Severn Bores Day Date Time Tide Prospect Thu 21 08:10 10.0m **** Thu 21 20:35 10.0m **** Fri 22 08:53 10.3m ***** Fri 22 21:16 10.1m **** Sat 23 09:32 10.2 **** Sat 23 21.54 9.9m *** 11 Community Safety Update The Herbert Protocol TheThe HerbertHerbert ProtocolProtocol isis aa nationalnational schemescheme whichwhich encouragesencourages family,family, friendsfriends andand carerscarers toto Theput togetherHerbert useful Protocol information is a national which can scheme then be which used if encourages a person with family, dementia goes friendsput together and carersuseful toinformation put together which useful can then information be used if awhich person can with then dementia be goes missing.missing. NamedNamed afterafter aa warwar veteranveteran withwith dementia,dementia, GeorgeGeorge Herbert,Herbert, whowho ssadlyadly dieddied whilstwhilst uhesed was if “Missia personng” onwith his dementiaway to his childhoodgoes missing. home. Named after a war veteran he was “Missing” on his way to his childhood home. with dementia, George Herbert, who sadly died whilst he was “Missing” on WhatWhat isis itit for?for? hisTheThe way HerbertHerbert to his ProtocolProtocol childhood isis aa formform home. whichwhich is is keptkept atat home,home, oror inin aa safesafe place,place, withwith importantimportant informationinformation aboutabout aa vulnerablevulnerable person.person. ShouldShould theythey gogo missing,missing, informationinformation isis easeasilyily onon Whathandhand about aboutis it theirfor?their routin routines,es, medicalmedical requirementsrequirements andand favouritefavourite placesplaces cancan easilyeasily bebe handedhanded overover toto thethe policepolice withoutwithout thethe worryworry ofof collectingcollecting itit togethertogether duringduring aa stressfulstressful time.time. TheThe formform cancan bebe completedcompleted atat youryour leisureleisure withwith nono timetime pressurepressure oror urgurgency.ency. However,However, thethe Thesooner Herbert it is completed, Protocol the is better. a form which is kept at home, or in a safe place, sooner it is completed, the better. withA general important overview information of information about is good; a vulnerable however, the person. more detail Should the better they as go it can help missing,A general information overview of infor is easilymation onis good; hand however, about their the more routines, detail the medical better as it can help thethe PolicePolice inin ourour investigations.investigations.
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