March 1, I991 y settlers Sabbath —page 5 youth mit up —page 8 Look inside! Ohio youth plays piano without hands—page 7 • A Healing Minist./y—pages 13-16 EDITORIAL VISITOR STAFF Editor: Richard Duerksen Managing Editor: Charlotte Pedersen Coe Assistant Editor: Randy Hall Communication Intern: Elaine Hamilton ave you ever Design Service: THE seen a pencil bearing the words "SKILCRAFT Reger Smith Jr. Circulation Manager: PURLOINED BONDED NO. 1 SOFT?" Chances are you have. Dianne Liversidge If you look carefully at your own pencil, then at Pasteup Artist: PENCIL other pencils, you may notice something slightly Diane Baier The VISITOR is the Seventh day Advent- atypical. Mixed in with all the Ticonderoga No. 2s, ist publication for the people in the Columbia all the Fibercastells, all the Scriptos and all of the Union territory. The different backgrounds and spiritual gifts of these people mean that Associated pencils, there are many SKILCRAFT the VISITOR should inspireconfidence in the Saviour and His church and should serve as BONDED NO. 1 SOFTs being used every day. a networking tool toshare methods that mem- bers, churches and institutions can use in So now you're saying, "That doesn't seem that ministry. Address all editorial correspon- dence to: Columbia Union VISITOR, 5427 strange. I mean, who cares what kind of pencils Twin Knolls Road, Columbia, MD 21045. people write with?" One-year subscription price-87.50. Here's where the plot thickens. Those SKIL- COLUMBIA UNION CONFERENCE Washington (301) 596-0800 CRAFT pencils are made especially for use by the Baltimore (410) 997-3414 government. And any day now, federal investiga- President RM. Wisbey Secretary, ASI H.M. Wright tors may come knocking on our doors wondering Treasurer DJ. Russell Undertreasurer RJ. Jensen what we're doing with pencils requisitioned by the Senior Accountant C. Wright Revolving Fund P. Lee government. Church Ministries J. Clements Associate B. Manspeaker ANDY HOWELL The fact that these pencils have such a unique Communication R Duerksen Columnist, purpose makes us wonder. Right now we think Assistant C. Pedersen Coe Shen-Val-Lore Data Processing M. Connor Shenandoah Valley Academy back and ask ourselves, "Where did I get these Associates B. Rowe, N. Lamoreaux Education R Osborn New Market, Virginia pencils?" Associates F. Hoffer, A. Westney Ministerial F. Ottati Well, I'll answer your question. No, it wasn't Religious Liberty A. Westney your mother, or anyone else's mom for that matter. Trust Services J. Lastine COLUMBIA UNION CONFERENCE Our culprit, the man who spread the SKILCRAFT ASSOCIATION BONDED NO. 1 SOFT pencils through our area, President R.M. Wisbey Vice President D.J. Russell the person who may doom us to spend our lives in Secretary J. Lastine Treasurer RJ. Jensen federal prison, is a certain person whom we eat LOCAL CONFERENCES with, live with and play with every day. Al .LEGHENY EAST: Alvin M. Kibble, Pres- ident; Robert Booker, Visitor Correspondent; His name doesn't matter. What matters is that P.O. Box 286, Pine Forge, PA 19548. Tele- we understand his mission. He spreads pencils phone: (215) 326-4610. Al I.FIC HENY WEST: Will ie J. Lewis, Pres- throughout the area so that finding a writing uten- ident; Robert C. Lewis, Visitor Correspon- dent; 1339 E. Broad St., Columbus, OH 43205. sil will never be a trauma again. Telephone: (614) 252-5271. Enough about pencils. If a determined someone CHESAPEAKE: J.W. Coulter, President; Neville Harcombe, Visitor Correspondent; can scatter something so unimportant so easily, 6600 Martin Rd., Columbia, MD 21044. Tele- phone: (410) 995-1910; Washington, D.C., what might we spread into the minds and hearts of area, (301) 596-5600. others around us? MOUNTAIN VIEW: Randy Murphy, Presi- dent; Ruth Wright, Visitor Correspondent; Love? 1400 Liberty St., Parkersburg, WV 26101. Telephone: (304) 422-4581. NEW JERSEY: Robert W. Boggess, Pres- ident and Visitor Correspondent; 2160 Bruns- wick Ave., Trenton, NJ 08648. Telephone: (809) 392-7131. OHIO: Ed Motschiedler, President and Vis- itor Correspondent; Box 831, Mount Vernon, OH 43050. Telephone: (614) 397-4665. PENNSYLVANIA: Jerry Page, President; Gloria Bentzinger, Visitor Correspondent; 720 Museum Rd., Reading, PA 19611. Tele- phone: (215) 374-8331. ABC, P.O. Box 3841, COVER: Stuart Hackley is a Sabbath school member of Hamburg, PA 19526. Telephone: (215) 562- 5156. the New Hope church in Laurel, Maryland, where accord- POMMAC: Ralph W. Martin, President ing to his mom, he loves to sing and learn about Jesus. and Visitor Correspondent; P.O. Box 1208, Kathy Hackley photographed her 2-year-old son during a Staunton, VA 24401. Telephone: (703) 886- 0771. ABC, 8400 Carroll Ave., Takoma Park, trip to Saint Michaels, Maryland, and says the picture re- MD 20912. Telephone: (301) 439-0700. minds her of the scripture where Jesus said, "Suffer little Printed by the Review and Herald Publishing children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of Association in Hagerstown, MD 21740. such is the kingdom of heaven,"—Matthew 19:14. March 1,1992 Vol. 97, No. 5 2 VISITOR, March 1, 1992 r2sil Vision 1: The local church will be the central focus and driving force of the denomination. Vision 2: The joy and celebration of worship will attract people to our churches, allowing Handicap the Sabbath to become a major evangelis- tic tool. leads to Vision 3: Church fellowship will be so vibrant that member retention will improve and con- unique Church deacons Michael Cummings (left) flict over lifestyle issues will decrease. and John King (right) help Pastor Donald Bozarth baptize Sarah Watkins by immer- baptism Ision despite her inability to walk. When Sarah Watkins joined the Williamstown church in Then, Sievers said, someone remembered the in-ground swim- the New Jersey Conference, her baptism by immersion was an ming pool owned by members Charles and Eleanor Terzian. unusual event for several reasons. The arrangements were made, but Watkins was not home According to Communication Secretary Bernard Sievers, free yet because the water temperature in the pool was uncom- Watkins was the subject of 25 years of intercessory prayer by fortably low due to cold weather. But when the big day came, her sister, Marcella Jackson from the Trenton congregation. both the weather and the water were unexpectedly warm. When Watkins moved into Williamstown, her sister phoned After transferring Watkins from her wheelchair to a lawn Pastor Donald Bozarth and asked him to call on her. That visit chair, two deacons carried her into the pool and held the chair led to Bible studies and Watkins' acceptance of Jesus as her steady until Bozarth baptized her by tipping the chair back personal Saviour. and up again for the immersion. However, plans for Watkins' baptism were complicated by "The ingenuity of the members in Williamstown is a fine ex- the fact that she is confined to a wheelchair and can only stand ample of what can happen when the church is viewed as the with the help of a walker. central focus and driving force of the denomination," said Ron Many locations were considered as possible sites for the M. Wisbey, president of the Columbia Union. "Sarah Watkins' baptism. A nearby Adventist church had a baptistery, but its baptism is proof that no handicap is too great to be overcome construction made it virtually impossible for Watkins to use. through the guidance of the Holy Spirit."—RH FACE TO FACE: Profiles of newly baptized people Dana Jones, Ernie Batch- Jim Harbin, Pam Harbin, Larry Sulli- Harmony Miranda Charleston, elor, German- Middletown Middletown van, Akron Shane, Win- Shane, Win- Mountain View. town PhilarIP1- Valley, Chesa- Valley, Chesa- Bethel, Alle- chester, Poto- chester, Poto- Eleven-year-old phia, Allegheny peake. The peake. Pastor gheny West. "I mac. A student mac. Miranda Dana was bap- East. Ernie was chilly water of John Kurlinski feel much better at the Valley and her older tized into the one of 16 people Middle Creek re-baptized now that God View school, sister, Har- Lord's family baptized in Au- in Myersville, Pam and bap- has cleansed me Harmony and mony, attended during Pastor gust of 1991 af- Maryland, was tized her hus- from all of my her younger sis- evangelistic Dale Tunnell's ter attending a where Jim, his band, Jim, and sins," Larry ter, Miranda, meetings held multimedia revival series wife and his two her two sons, said after the were baptized by Bill Zimma evangelistic cru- held by Oscar sons were bap- Brandon and 13-year-old was by Pastor Denis before their sade in Novem- Lane from At- tized in Septem- Peter, in Sep- baptized during Segebartt in baptism during ber of 1991. lanta, Georgia. ber of 1991. tember of 1991. March of 1991. March of 1991. March of 1991. VISITOR, March 1, 1992 3 SPOTLIGHT ON LIVING THE VISION Pe1,6 ceet4e The rangers of Volcano National DICK DUERKSEN God's punishment of Nadab and Abihu. Park do not look forward to the arrival And of Peter's summary discipline of of the mailman. Every day he brings Annanias and Sapphira. more boxes. Some days there are two. "In July of 1973 I picked up this Does God truly "smash you across Other days, three. Often five or more. rock after I was told not to. When I the head" if you disobey Him? Does Boxes of lava rocks, black sand, pum- returned home, I went through a the Christian God carry grudges ice and "Pele's hair," each returned to messy divorce. Since then I've had in- against sinners just like the Hawaiian Hawaii in hopes that Pele, goddess of numerable problems.
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