
October 8, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H10121 Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance engaged, and we should not be leaving AUTHORIZING AWARD OF CON- of my time, and I move the previous until we deal with a couple of these GRESSIONAL MEDAL OF HONOR question on the resolution. critical issues. They are life-and-death TO THEODORE ROOSEVELT The previous question was ordered. issues. Mr. BUYER. Mr. Speaker, I move to The resolution was agreed to. Senator DODD and I had a meeting suspend the rules and pass the bill A motion to reconsider was laid on where one gentleman had a heart at- (H.R. 2263) to authorize and request the the table. tack. He was so anxious about his President to award the Congressional Mr. THOMAS. Mr. Speaker, pursuant health care policy and the company Medal of Honor posthumously to Theo- to House Resolution 580 just passed, I dropping him. dore Roosevelt for his gallant and he- call up the joint resolution (H.J. Res. Mr. Speaker, again, we have no objec- roic actions in the attack on San Juan 131) waiving certain enrollment re- tion to this particular provision, but Heights, Cuba, during the Spanish- quirements for the remainder of the we do have an objection to the way this American War. One Hundred Fifth Congress with re- Congress has been run and the little it The Clerk read as follows: spect to any bill or joint resolution has done to deal with the needs of the H.R. 2263 making general or continuing appro- American people. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- priations for fiscal year 1999. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of resentatives of the United States of America in The Clerk read the title of the joint my time. Congress assembled, That the President is au- resolution. Mr. THOMAS. Mr. Speaker, I will re- thorized and requested to award the congres- The text of House Joint Resolution strain myself and tell the gentleman I sional Medal of Honor posthumously to 131 is as follows: have no further speakers if he wishes Theodore Roosevelt, of the State of New York, for his actions in the attack of San H.J. RES. 131 to yield back the balance of his time. Juan Heights, Cuba, during the Spanish- Resolved by the Senate and House of Rep- Mr. GEJDENSON. Mr. Speaker, I American War on July 1, 1898. Such an award resentatives of the United States of America in yield back the balance of my time. may be made without regard to the provi- Congress assembled, That the provisions of Mr. THOMAS. Mr. Speaker, how sions of section 3744 of title 10, United States sections 106 and 107 of title 1, United States much time do I have remaining? Code, and may be made in accordance with Code, are waived for the remainder of the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- award criteria applicable at the time of the One Hundred Fifth Congress with respect to actions referred to in the first sentence. the printing (on parchment or otherwise) of tleman from California (Mr. THOMAS) the enrollment of any bill or joint resolution has 28 minutes remaining. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- making general appropriations or continuing Mr. THOMAS. Mr. Speaker, I have 28 ant to the rule, the gentleman from In- appropriations for the fiscal year ending minutes, and they have yielded back diana (Mr. BUYER) and the gentleman September 30, 1999. The enrollment of any the balance of their time. from Pennsylvania (Mr. MCHALE) each such bill or joint resolution shall be in such The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- will control 20 minutes. form as the Committee on House Oversight tleman is correct. The Chair recognizes the gentleman of the House of Representatives certifies to Mr. THOMAS. Mr. Speaker, let me from Indiana (Mr. BUYER). be a true enrollment. indicate that I will yield back the bal- Mr. BUYER. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- ance of my time as well. self such time as I may consume. ant to House Resolution 580, the gen- The SPEAKER pro tempore. All time Mr. Speaker, on September 28 I tleman from California (Mr. THOMAS) for debate has expired. chaired a Subcommittee on Military and the gentleman from Connecticut The joint resolution is considered Personnel hearing that examined the (Mr. GEJDENSON) each will control 30 read for amendment. evidence supporting the award of the minutes. Pursuant to House Resolution 580, Medal of Honor to Theodore Roosevelt The Chair recognizes the gentleman the previous question is ordered. for his valor on July 1, 1898, during the from California (Mr. THOMAS). The question is on engrossment and Battle of San Juan Hill in the Spanish- Mr. THOMAS. Mr. Speaker, I yield the third reading of the joint resolu- American War. myself such time as I may consume. tion. During the hearing we heard compel- Mr. Speaker, as was just discussed, The joint resolution was ordered to ling testimony about the courage and Mr. Speaker, this resolution allows us be engrossed and read a third time, was decisiveness of Theodore Roosevelt to, notwithstanding the law requiring read the third time, and passed, and a from two of our colleagues who studied enrollment bills on parchment, to en- motion to reconsider was laid on the his actions that day in great detail, the roll any bill or joint resolution in such table. gentleman from New York (Mr. LAZIO) form as the Committee on House Over- f and the gentleman from Pennsylvania sight of the House of Representatives (Mr. MCHALE). certifies to be a true enrollment. That ANNOUNCEMENT OF BILLS TO BE We learned the details of the mili- is the sum and substance of the bill. CONSIDERED UNDER SUSPEN- tary battle that day and the political Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of SION OF THE RULES ON TODAY battle that followed from the histo- my time. Mr. THOMAS. Pursuant to House rians, Dr. John A. Gable, the executive Mr. GEJDENSON. Mr. Speaker, we Resolution 575, I announce the follow- director of the Theodore Roosevelt As- have no objections to this particular ing suspensions to be considered today: sociation, and Mr. Nathan Miller, the proposition. It is part of the house- H.R. 2675, Federal Employees Life In- author of the biography ``Theodore keeping efforts to keep us going and surance and S. 2561, Fair Credit Report- Roosevelt, A Life.'' trying to get things done. ing. Mr. Speaker, finally, we also heard But, frankly, we are about to leave from Mr. Tweed Roosevelt, the great- town, in my opinion, without getting f grandson of Theodore Roosevelt. We some of the most important things we b 1530 heard about the man Theodore Roo- need to get done. There are seniors los- sevelt, a man of immense energy and ing their HMO benefits across my State ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER intelligence and a family man, a man and much of the Nation. We are not ad- PRO TEMPORE of unwavering moral fiber, a man of dressing that issue. We are not address- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. immense stature in the history of this ing the issues of class size and the LATOURETTE). Pursuant to the provi- Nation, and the great impact that he quality of education our kids get. We sions of clause 5 of rule 1, the Chair an- had upon his four sons. Then we stop left campaign finance reform hanging nounces that he will postpone further and think about the fact that this is a around, lingering a slow death. proceedings today on each motion to family that lost four sons in a uniform, Mr. Speaker, some people said this is suspend the rules on which a recorded three in World War I and one in World the least effective Congress in the his- vote or the yeas and nays are ordered, War II. tory of this Union. I am not interested or on which the vote is objected to Mr. Speaker, we are honored today to in rating the Congress. I am interested under clause 4 of rule XV. have Mr. Tweed Roosevelt in the gal- in dealing with these issues. Our sen- Such rollcall votes, if postponed, lery to witness this historic celebra- iors deserve to have a Congress that is shall be taken later in the day. tion of an important moment in the H10122 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE October 8, 1998 life of his great-grandfather. On behalf got my attention the most. And it was Mr. Speaker, the evidence supporting of myself and the Committee on Na- my dear friend, the gentleman from the award of the Medal of Honor to tional Security and the House of Rep- Pennsylvania (Mr. MCHALE), who sat Theodore Roosevelt is overwhelming. resentatives, I would like to thank Mr. me down and made me focus, and he Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of Roosevelt for being here today to rep- pointed something out to me that was my time. resent his family and to share this mo- very intriguing, and it was to focus Mr. MCHALE. Mr. Speaker, I yield ment with us. upon the individual of whom rec- such time as he may consume to the We can talk about the greatness of ommended and the individual of whom gentleman from Mississippi (Mr. TAY- the man in Theodore Roosevelt, about endorsed the Medal of Honor. LOR). his fidelity and his honor and his integ- When I think of Colonel Leonard Mr. TAYLOR of Mississippi. Mr. rity, and we recognize that these are Wood, there is a fort named after Colo- Speaker, today we are considering H.R.
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