Bomb scare at BYMARGO HORNER Staff Reporter Dunkin Alexis is a student at Highline during the day. Until recently, at night she took her Donuts clothes off for money. Thereare three different kinds of strippers: the girls who do it for fun, the girls who doit for drugs and the girls who itdo The Des MoinesPolice for money. Alexis did it for the money. weren't after donuts onWm- day morning. Instead, they and when a stripperperforms on the htof Seattle bomb squad stage, she doesn't use her real name. Instead she goes by a wcreatthcDonkinDosrutsncar Highline disarming what they chosenalias calleda stage , fdwas a bomb. name. Alexis is this stripper's For almost two hours cops, stage name, and to protect her cones and flashinglights privacy it is the only wayshe is referred to, even by the other blocked off the entire intersec- tion of Pacific Highway and employees at Deja Vu. Kent Des-Moines Cars Akxis is not your stereotypi- Road. sat idling, pedestrianswere cal stripper, andit is apparent as stopped OR the sidewalks and she sits acmss the tabk with her everybody held thcit breath. bouncy blond hair in a ponytail .The only movenent within a and a chubby cbeckcd, dipply . 2oo-fixk 0f-n DO- : . ~UWW~S dre'bonrb squd, cllrt- come from broken homes. .. I - .It .seemed like. a 'Ton't come from the typical ':- eoOmish; stripper family," said Akxis. - Barbour, ciwncroftk 24-hour ti Apre#y, -y looking gid, Dunkin Donuts, cutivcd for . Alexis speaks very articulately Evetythingwasfdlow- about her experiences. She work. ing routine until a xc- seems well educated and clear- headed. "Y sa#iousbOX~dC thefi4mtofdre~,'dcalled "I startedjust because I the police. ' . could... it was just forfim... just ' Barbourwas~by for kicks," said Alexis, through tbebox. "Itwassittingmhont a mouth-fullof fiicd rice. "Ihad oftheshop."hesaid. Wmdt a full-time job duringthe day." Ithought it was a bat- It was Alexis's 18th birthday e. tery or something, but the cop when she and her 22-year-old . thought it was a bigckal," friend decided it would be fun to Tkboxwasdepositedmthe get dressed up and go to the fmt of the store sometime after stripclub to celebrateher 5 am, wasn'tthere when I newfoundadulthood, It was got hm," he said. amateur night at theDeja Vu in Barbourdidn't remember downtown Seattle. seeing any suspiciousdumctus "Wewent to Southcenter . around the store that morning. mall at the Rave and bought Despite the faa that the Midway cute little matching bras and area is notorious forcrime, he is thongs," said Alexis. "It's unbe- not routinely bothered by it. lievably fun todress up in those "This is the first time," he said. cute little outfits." "Theydon't cow I Alexis and her friend were here... didn't thinkit would a bomb both excited to perform. They bt Photo illustration by ktra Sokolova mundhcfc." were also IICWOUS. 'We did like .Despite the owner'slack of two" shots.of in the" park- soon became mom than Alexis do it SCtiousIy," she said, "He Starting out in the stripping tequila - " - . concern, local police evacuated jng lot'cause we were both so had bargained for, "Iwm.(ama- offered to payfor my pcmi ts... "" -" "" "7 necvous," she said. tcur night is a contest) and the and he said Icould stay there 12 see bomb page 12 . One night of rebellious fun manager&d me if1 rent fiec for a few days." see dancer page TF ""..."- <-, - - - ... - - - index _.. 0 c 2 campus life the thunderword "- - " Colloquy communicates Straight BYJENNIFER MARSHALL As are not Stuff Reporter everything lntcrpcrsonal communication is a kcy skill when you are look- BYDEENA DENNIS ing for a job. Dr. John Stewart, from the Stuff Reporter University of Washington De- Crime Blotter partment of Speech Communi- Scholarships Arcn't for cation, spoke about interper- Straight A Students is a work- for Feb. 7-14 sonal communication for Con- shop coming up in February. temporary Voices on Wednes- The workshop is helpto Potholes day in Building 7. Highline students find money. "Communication is vital to Workingclosely with the business organizations context,** foundation program, Women's A Highline studentwas said Dr. Stewart. Programs' Krista Hall will be walking to her car in the east Companies are looking for giving workshopthe on lot last 'Ibesday, 6, when Feb. people who can communicate Wednesday,Feb. 28 and she stepped in a pothole. T)re well withothers, work in teams, Wednesday, March 7 from 2-4 girl lost her balance andfell and express their ideas clearly. p.m. The workshop will also be on her left side,straining Companies need a bridgebe heldon Monday, March 12 muscles in her leg and arm. tween their manufacturers and andMonday, March 19 from4-6 HighlinesecuritycbicfRicb their buyers, said Dr. Stewart. p.m. A11 sessions will meet in ard Fisher does nothaw my They need someone who can Building 3, room 102. plans to fix the potbolc at this "The basic roleof the work- communication well with the John Stewart time. people buying their productor shop is to give students informa- dealing with the company. Also,pple am becoming many jobs that require you to tion about how tofill out schol- Lustandliquor "Interpersonal communica- more interested in expressing have these skills. For example, arships in a way that will make you nqcd communication for you a better candidate for the don't ..mix ' 1 tion is not just with our fami- their individual identity.''Iden- lies," said Dr. Stewart. tity is the waywe tieinto nursing, businesses, medicine, scholarship,'' Hall said. It is with everyone that you pc~~k.''said Dr. Stewart. and dentists. The cost of the workshop interact with. Some pple believe that At the University of Wash- will be $10. The fee can be Therearefowpiacesofmm- tbchnologyc8D~veallofour ingtonthmarcsomcnewpro- waiveddepending onthe munication that are changing, pmbl&ns but others strongly grams tbat arc being developed student'sneeds, They can according to Dr. Stewart. di~Dr.sbrvrt'sdd.The with alotofogpotkmitics in the waive the fee but the fee is there interpersonalcommunication to have students commit toat- The waypeople relate to *..pop",.pintt**-'humans are tiat each other, the setting in which field, said Dr. Stewart. tending," Hall said we communicatethe increasing Whatyouut~inin- "Communication is about Information on a wide vari- interest in identity, and the =is- terp#sonal"~OU contact md being 'mnnected," ety of scholarships will be avail- tan#~scienotand~hnol~.arc "notjust getting yorir idem .suwutsaid. able at the workshops. Eligibil- "Iht context of speaking has ~~you'rtfigulingoutwhowe The next scheduledspeaker ity requirements also vary. chmgedfirronafonnaldngto am to each other,' said Dr. for Coatcmporary Voices is on For mort information about an informal setting?Dr. Skwart stewaft . Feb. 24 at 1:IO p.m. It will be the workshop, contact Krista said.pbople~b#wmingmae "am lield' in Building 7 and the Hall of the Wopm's Rogram at and mom relaxed. is not shtinlsing. Thtse ut SpmImisQbermnwmxd 206-878-3710, ext.3340. Highline office atact. 3537. and Health Services will have March 14.inbuilding 8 fiom I1 an employeeon campus am.- noon. Moonline Mysftorn 9 am.- 1 p.m. in *Arts Night at Highline will the Women's center in Building be held on Thursday, Fcb. 22. Highline is a part of the Pub- 6. The Bill Mair Retrospective, lic Schools Emergency Com- *Student "mt and In- featuring the artwork of former mulllcBdlon.. Sys$cm. 'Ihesysmn tcnratjoaal Club will hold a Cul- Highline professor Bill' Mair, tutal every other lhesday is to inform the public of emer- Caft will be held from 4-730 p.m. on upstairs in building 8 from 3-4 the fourth floor of the library. CountyHealth g~~lannounamentsby posting information ona web- p.m. Refreshments will be provided. site. The email address is *The Drop-In Resume Clinic The performance of Highline The King County Board of www.sc~~fioTg. is available for students who professor Dr. T.M. Sell's new Health is holding a meeting on need help with an existing re- play, Pictures at an Inhibition, Friday, February 16 from 9:30 sume, their first rcsumc or gen- will be at 7:30 p.m. in Building a.m. to 12~30p.m. at the King 'end questions aboutcareer help 7. Donations will be acepted at County Council Chambers. at Highline. The Clinic will be the door. Pmcecds will benefit Cathy Pitts' name was heldevery Wednesday until the Highline Foundation. Forms available mispelled in the February 8 is- sue of the Thunderword. S&A budget forms are now Calendar available.Contact Leanna Albrecht at ext. 3255 for more *TheInternational Lunch information. Table will be heldevery Wednesday from 12- 1 p.m. The World stories purpose of the lunch table is to enhance global awareness and Team Highline, Womcn's create a friendly atmosphere on Programs,and International campus. Student Programs is looking for *The Department of Social individuals to share their stories and experiences from around theworld for International Got bmaking news? Women's Day on March 7. If you or anybody else is in- terestedcontact the Team . I feb. 15,2001 pag voice of the st zi Writing center helw students with words BYJOSEPH CsnU, of any curriculum. he Wkting and having them come back and Stuff ReWm Ccntctisagmtplaccto~ve say. ‘Igot anA on my paper, I’m writing feedback from friendly havingsuch and easier time Andy Tbanlus was stuck on oonsultants,”said BtettHackctt, now, thank you very much,”’ his*paper, experiencing hell, or lead writing consultant. said Hackett. what is more commonlyknown ’ All studentswho am cur- Don’t make the mistake of .e, as writer’s block.
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