DIoCnSE OIr \7.INONA Offi"" Tl," Bishop PÀSToRAL CçNTTn "f May 18, 2005 Dear I had an opportunity to speak with since our meeting here at the Diocesan Þastoral Centei. He contacted Bob and they talked about their feelings and whether or not they would be open to reconciliation. They both expressed that they do not wish to pursue it at this time, I understand that this is a disappointment for you, but invite you to continue to try, A big part of feeling whole again can happen when we find solace ourselves. Time is a greaihealer 4nd perhaps, in time, there will be a conversion of hea¡t for other family members. I'd like to take this opportunity to invite you and your wife, to the Ecumenical Heali4&_gervice for Victims of Abuse and Violence, This service will be held at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Winona on Thursãay ,May 26'h at7:00 p.m. All the churches in our a¡ea received notice of this service and have been invited' It is our hope that many will join together to pray for those who are hurting. I understand you would have to travel a distance to join us. If you cannot attend, please know that you will be in my prayers as we lift up all victims of abuse and those families affected by this violence. I would welcome seeing you again. I will continue to pray for reconciliation for you and Most Rev. Bernard J Bishop of Winona 55 \7est SttLort Street r PO Bo* 588 r \Øinona, MN 55987 Täl"pLor", 5071454-4643 . Fu*, 5071454-810ó ¡ E-^"iI, Llrarri[g(@dow.org T4000634 T4000635 rage r or t PJ Thompson From: Sent: Sunday, APrll02, 2006 12:35 AM To: PJ Thompson; JeffAnderson Subject: Anniversary een ¡lmost â Year sinco I hast'anpired from our deas that wo agreed on. If he it on a tape recording. I will be morç than happy to get a copy to him if it would help. Look forward to hearing from you. 4/5/2006 T4000633 Dloc¡sE oF TØrxoxe O[Ii"" o{ th" Ch"rr""llot Pasron¿.r CrNruB June 5,2006 Thomas P. Adamson Box 3034 Eau Claire, WI 54702 Dear Tom, I am enclosing the Montbly Report form from my office and ask thø you complete the information during the month ofJr¡ne. Retr¡rn tÏe form to my office at the end of the month Bishop Haningøn talked to me about his recænt visit I am hope rl thæ the radiation teatnents you received give you ahopefirl report from the doctors. He also said that you had not been getting ttre forms from our office. I reviewed your file and the forms that we produced- I noted in seve,ral places in the file, it was difficult to distinguish the Box number as 3034 or 3039. Ifthe Box number was written incorrectly, we u{ie a non-retum add¡ess envelope and it could have been tftro\ryr away. I took the address above from your o\iln stationery, so I ¿m presuming it ì¡r¡ill arrive. I will send reports the first week of each month. If you do not receive a fom, please call me immediatel¡ Knowing the press reports can tigger some anxiety, contínue to keep your daily prayer practice. As in atl things, the Lotd will continue to r¡¡alk with you. If you have any questions or need to discuss your rqport, please don't hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, P.J. Chancellor Enc. cc: Most Rev. BenrardJ. Harrington 55 \Øest Suotorn Strect r PO Box 588 . \Øi¡ro¡ro, MN S5g87 Iêl"phon"' 507 I 454-4643' Fax : 5O'I I 454-8106 . hup,I /**.Jow org T4000035 Third Adamson :lawsuit settled Winona Diocese to pay portion of settlement By Shawn Dohon Wôüâ Daly Nows The Roman Cathollc DlocBe ol Winonå must pay parl bf "a sub. st¡ntlal ¡urn" of money to  20- yearold nan .who llled a lawsull claimlng he was sexually ebured as a child by a former dlocese prlest. Detalls ol tùe out-of-court settle- menl \lrednesday were nol ¡eleased by agreement between both sldes, but the attornoy Ìepresenting tho plalntlff sald the amount reflccls tbe ss¡iousnags of tbe allsgations sgstnrt lho Rev, thomas Adamson. "The amount reprçents a sub' Rov. Thoma¡ Adamson l19G2l ¡t¡nllal ¡ecognllion ánd acknowl- unidentlfled man who liled edgement ¡uthorllles Tho by church 6¡6, fhåt mede 6er¡ous mis- lho sul lhoy havo claimed bused' takes over the yerrs, and is a malor â13- the ¡ecognltlon that they hlmlnl stêp ln are verr-old altar bov at tho Church ol wey8," St. Paul at. changlng thelr ihe R¡sen Ssvlof ln Apple ValleY, torney Jeffery Anderson ¡¡id. Mlnn.. a suburb of MlnneâPolls. amount) reDregenß reali- "(Il¡e a Ths lawsuit was one of four alleS- zatlon of lhe serloüs damage done lng that Adamson se*uallY abused to Íouth by tho sexual aburê (by â person posllion ln a of aulho¡lly like ÞPlaaes sse PRIESTT4A a prl€t)." Þ Prigst/Settlemenr detaits secret E T4000217 iz-úittió¡ for special ects' The 401.26 votc followed a lasl minutc aPPe oublican me iess deserted aooarentlv foreshadowed the sûfts of añ override vote schedu for today in thc Senate. Pi River during Periods of heavY Please see Veto/4À Catholic priest faces sexual abuse lawsuÍt By Vlrg¡nia Rybin Statl Wrlt€r tims charges. Churcl¡ authorities, including Archbishop Jobn Roach and three bÍshoos. riere aware of at least to some of the abuse and failed Moslent sludents in the com' Fundam entalíet Shiite take anoro¡riate action, of four plaint County Dis' protest the abductions iiied'ln Ramsey 50 trict Court alleges. warshíPs were cruislng Just Iustead of rePor[ing the sexual contact to larr cnforcement au' I,icelrse plate The lawsuit seeks comPensatorY ¿rniäeãs "in €xcess of $50,000" issue reheats å'"'# å,l ',,,',j'1'åXi' Tl iJüiiöÎ LEGI äüïliã* the Archdiocese and the Iægislature Wi¡ona Dlocese. EGov. i damages claim By Jack B. Cofman hires publir In the PunÍtive Slafl WrlÌêr to helP. sell was bY Grego' Please see Suit/4 Tho Iawsult filed The Ereat Minnesota license tivo packaç plate ba"ttle reoPened TuesdaY in ¡ Advo, the Legislature. shelves ¿ groups Pre Business . - - ..7D Movlos..-..12C. 3A b lhe Legisla' ads , .48 Nation/World. ' Classified h 10c Nêwsmãkers. .54 Comics.... o . ..11c Obiluaries .,38,48 Ctoisword g placemént s; Dear AbbY - . ..8C Reviews...,.'l2C years. 0pponcnh' . 12^ Sports.......lD Edltorials. the controversial issue, which placcmcnt . .7ç TVlRadlo.... 13c ' EXTRÂ,,.., . t^ u¡o¡lho7 l¿a has ¡roduced hundreds of blister- thn Sena[c E TA00021 8 ¡'le¡n¡n8 uP or Ámellcan såiets, ilur¡ tn ¡nl. ts (h( Suit *a óonllnuod lrcn Pago lA '1 ¿n ml to lsi K! ¡n of m¡itl,âl the cloât d¡lt !!êr¿cY Fr ¡roud tÀa sn¡t seau¡Ls of a ÄdtlM P! Dris¿ uDo¡r mhor Darlshloner br toy¡" rrjultcd h t¡e ßaults oh ci Rl.dlo, tt l¡ ê: ¡trywhrr¿- o![ide ol Ne[ ftom U Yo¡l( C¡ty orI¡tÂ!ß¿les' ha¡ tt¡tenê¡|, ln MarÊh 1986, ¡ plu! lor llh c¡l, and 1! ttrål h JurÉ lg?G, AßùblshoD Rorch "Th¡tt lrlst of th! Àrcidloc4 o{ SL P¡ul ild I fi! M!¡Da¡Þtlb lDDoln(ed å! rshi.pastor at st. Í'hónes.^d¿ßon I SL ttona Church, the Árchdlù Meters ¡ æ39 ùd t!ô Wlnon¡ Diæc* c€r! t. I I I ¡lleg!s. com. ol lhè Csrbar¡eû0d sPrÛ8. Tù! c¡ty e¡D€ct! Då(Hn! malcr revcnra lo r¡i¿ lroñ ll mlllfon lo rên¡¡ ßn. coñpltl¡t ¡1. hs be¡n encrrr. Mumps debt oD proicctr ConllnuodfromPr6l lA cilv oftlclåls said theY wert u¡' DÊpùtñeht of Publlc Heåltù. ctlal! hoÍ tüo DÉÞos¡l wold bc il ñns 'TIs cN ùe ln cùlld¡to tù¡t recrlvrd, specldllr'çùrn nl¡ed, ùut sc¡l 0f' Peþrson, ¡ ol ¡cu(e fur dls€ileDrolrãßn,'îbls h å !ltu¡' Saudis thD rhte çbrD l¡ê cl¡cußL[cê! ùe dßhl ,omr p€oplt Plll ù. sa' mptilld' for,AWA I "Olldrê¡ håvr lùe munDs, dql'l le€l s¡d, bul ttêy cå¡ be cori¡îui' oblq"rhcuid. d¿1" Ás a¡ e¡¡mple ol lùil enrnge' net, F¡ùd ánd olier olllclal¡ tried b le8l ud l98l 1D fuDel ¡¡5 hontB of 19t6. the d¡tmåtie lD' c¡¿u h thr numb€r ol cain¡ iD E lù! Dtt lèr month! ls nol e ¡utpiac, ùoçevt, Pct¿¡goo sld. for a.ùt mo¡e!'. Ρe bEil$ån gid tùc luór Fale lo ùeY. beel ¡ot thÌou8t Rir¡ùd Secotd, r rF Forc h¡lot ¡nd Þo6¿d' tl¡Êd ¡\l¡ ScDel¿l ¡teki,!, sdrd't P¿rhrr. - -9,b.1._ "?-19' -T,l"f-r,..| !Y-T]¡ ^lb¿rt¡. ùr bn r¡Mrlrd mnrre(. TA00021 9 lVlan to stand trial for plot to kill priest who abused him .Authorities said Schafer ex-, E T4000220 +r Ø .o .,L,o ' ,=Y E TA000221 ts 14000222 Ghurch settles use awsuit Adamson was et of complaint mân has a wa3 min's sãid Wednes. , aliro âa Immaculqt€ in Columbia ând in Rochester, Minn., are lrisl. an active pricit, the Ricdl€ süit, A¡deron said p¡oc¿èdsd .it b,eC¿me Adamsonjwho was I sexual ' coild nol coitrol rhar church ofticials to lo and indifler- et tumed hiin loosc in lhe ' E T4000223 llf r4000224 POST-BULLf' a C a on Adv¡sor: Archbishop overruled attempts to have Adamson fired Associateü P¡ess sexually abused a boy in lgg0- ANOKA, Minn.
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