FEBRUARY 1 958 TORCH AND TREFOIL TORCH and TREFOIL OHIO STATE WELCOMES GENERAL ROMULO Volume 33, No. 2 FEBRUARY, 1958 hsu�d regularly eight tlmei ? year, monthly October through May. Subsciiplion price $1.00 o year Entered as second class matter February 5, 193S, at the post office at Konsos City, Mo., under act of March 3, 1879. Office of publica tion, 419 Columbia Bonk BIdg., Konsos City, Missouri. Printed by Smith-Grieves Compnny, Printers S tifliogropJieis Konsos Cify. Missouri Honorary Officers K. K, Bechtel San Francisco, California Honorary National PresiiienI John M. Schiff New York, New Yoik Honorary Nalional Vice President National Officers of Alpha Ph! Omega M. R. Disbcirough. .. .Louisville, Kcntuck>- Nalional President General Carlos P. Romulo, Philippines statesman, wos a speaker at Ohio State William S. Roth. .Raleigh, North Carolina Iota of Phi were hosts to the National First Vice President Universily recently. Alpha Chopter Alpha Omega General while he was in Columbus. Each member was deeply impressed by the Irwin H, Gerst Hawthorne, California General and honored to meet him. As a result of this service on the of APO, National Second Vice President port the chapter has been asked to serve Bi official hosts to all visiting statesmen to E, Ross Forman , . Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Ohio State In the left to ore Hal R. Ramer, Advisor Nalional Third Vice President University. picture right Chapter and Assistant Dean of Donald H. Horton, Director of the Concert Joseph Scanlon Yakima, Men; University Washington and Lecture Series; General Romulo; John President of Iota National Treasurer Augenstein, Alpha Ctiapter; and Robert H. Broyles, Chapter Treasurer. Robert L, Slater, Jr Chicago, IlUnoi.s National Legal Counselor A. G. Spizzirri Kansas Gty, Missouri VANDERBILT CHAPTER National Editor NEW Sidney B, North .... Kansas City, Missouri National Executire Secretary Past National Presidents Frank R. Horton. .. .Bangor, Pennsylvania Dr. H. Roe Bartle. .Kansas City, Missouri Dean Arno Nowotny Austin, Texas Prof. Daniel Den Uyl. West Lafayette, Ind National Executive Board The Officers, Past National Presidents, and Manfred O. Aws Minneapolis, Minn. Elmaar H. Bakken. .New Brun.swick, N. J, Piof. Harry C. Barnett.East Lansing, Mich Dr. Glenn R. Barr Oxford, Ohio Dr. R, H, Bolyard. ., .Lafayette, Louisiana R. J. Bradshaw, Jr Chattanooga, Tenn. George F. Cahill New York, N. Y. C. J. Carlson Riverside. Calitornia Benjamin F. Fay Philadelphia, Pa. Dr. Robert G. Gordon. .Los Angeles, Caiif. Robert J. Hilliard Philadelphia, Pa, Dr. Lawrence L. Hirsch Chicago, III, Dean Lewis N. Jones Lubbock, Texas this Stanley Levingston ., .Ruieville, Mississippi Recently, group reorganized Theta Mu Chopter of Alpha Phi Omega which Thornton M. Long Ocala, Florida had been inactive. They hove established the program enthusiastically and we Dr. Henry Miller. Huntington Station, N, Y. wish them finest success in carrying on the objectives of Alpha Phi Omega on the Rev. Robert J. Payne Cos Cob, Conn. Vonderbilt campus. The ceremony was conducted by Robert J. Bradshaw, member Dr. H. F, Pote La Jolla, California of the National Executive Board, and the ritual team of Zeta Ela Chapter of Prof. Kent D. Shaffer Pittsburgh, Pa. University of Chaltanoogo. James W. Thomas Arcadia, California � Delmer H. Wilson. New Brunswick, N. J. Dr. Ray O. Wyland. .Tujunga, California ON OUR COVER Notional Publications Committee Shown on our cover is Hogg Hall (formerly Brainerd Hal!) at Lafayette the of Phi A. G. Spizzirri, Chairman College, hirthplace Alpha Omega. This is the site of the Fourth Biennial the which will be held on Rev, Robert J. Payne Roy F. Pleis Pilgrimage honoring founders, the campus Stephen J. Horvath Robert R, Weber at Easton, Pennsylvania, April 12 and 13, 1958. 2 FEBRUARY, 1958 SAY, HERE'S AN OPPORTUNITY TO KEEP IN TOUCH WITH ALPHA PHI OMEGA THROUGHOUT YOUR LIFETIME DID YOU WHAT 15 LIFE MEMBERSHIP? WHAT ARE THE ADVANTAGES OF LIFE MEMBERSHIP? KNOW? Life Membership in Alpha Phi Omega is a means of keeping in I, It provides a permanent sub contatt with the growth and pro scription to Torch and Tkii- Adequate signs directing visitors of our i'DIL and thus the member gram fraternity ihroughout gives to your campus are important. Below the alic.id. news about Phi years regular Alpha IS shown one of four signs recently Oi'iegj throughout his lifetime. erected by Mu Delta (Chapter and WHO IS ELIGIBLE? 2. The fee paid for Life Member placed along the main highways lead ship contributes to the financial ing into Cireal I alls, Mnnt.m.i. A total man who has been Every was to the previously stability of our fraternity. of 122 man-hours devoted in A<i>!i either .is ,in ac registered are on 4x4 3. It offers a fine of friends project. The signs posts tive member, .idvisor or group honorary who make Phi and arc 30 by 45 inches in size. The member is to subscribe for up Alpha elijjilik- lifetime roll. wood is stained red mahogany and the Life (triic-g.i's Mcmbershlj'. lettering is scotchlite. Most of the neccss.iiy materials were donated by HOW MAY A MEMBER MAKE WHAT IS THE COST? local firms. This is reported by Ken APPLICATION FOR LIFE The fee for Life Membership is MEMBERSHIP? Kapslafer. .S2^.O0. This fee was established by A form is vote of the delegates at the 1952 special application pro vided for this and can be National Convention, This is sep purpose, secured to our National arate and apart from the pledge fee by writing and active initiation fee. Office. It requires tertifi cation by your Chapter President. If you can not it to HOW IS THE MONEY USED? conveniently present your president for signature, mail your The money received for Life Meni- application to the National Olfice bership fees is deposited in our and wc will take care of requesting Lndowment Fund, from which the the signature. interest is used to pay the cost of service to the Life Members. HOW IS PAYMENT MADE? You the full amount of HOW LONG HAS THE LIFE may send if convenient with MEMBERSHIP PLAN BEEN S25,0() your ap Or if more convenient IN OPERATION? plication. for you, send a partial payment and in This was established 19'(i by we will credit that amount toward THE FOOTPATH TO PEACE vote of Ihe National Convention. your Life Membership until you To be glad of hfe. because it gives can send the remainder ... or send you the chance to love and to work it in installments, say five pay WHO IS THE FIRST LIFE MEMBER? and to and to look at the ments of S") 00 each. play up to be satisfied with our Dr. M. C. Hayes, who served for stars; posses sions, bul not contented with many years as a national officer and yourself until have made the best of board member and was Chairman MAILING ADDRESS you them; to in the the Committee of Eta despise nothing world except of Advisory R.ich Life Member is to expected falsehood and and to at Northern Illinois Uni meanness, fear Chapter our National Office informed keep cowardice to until his was nothing except ; be retirement, for use in versity of his mailing address admirations the first brother to subscribe for governed by your rather the Torch and Trefoil. sending than to as your covet noth Life Membership and is honored addresses by disgusts; Only by having up-to-date that is the Premier Life Member. ing your neighbor's except his can wc deliver the cor magazine kindness of heart and gentleness of This is best rectly. pubUcMtion your manners; to think seldom of MANY MEMBERS HAVE your HOW way of in touch with keeping enemies, often of your I riends and SUBSCRIBED FOR LIFE Phi Omega news after col Alpha every day of Christ; and to as MEMBERSHIP? have ended. spend lege years as much time you can with body and 1 10(1 members have with in God's out-of-doors� More than , spirit, subscribed and the number is You'll enjoy being a Life Member! these are little guideposts oti the foot- steadily growing. Siihfcrihe Noic! jiath to peace.� Henry "Van Dyke. 3 �TORCH AND TREFOIL SERVICE TO THE HANDICAPPED HERE'S A WONDERFUL PROJECT FOR BENEFIT OF THOSE WHO ARE LESS FORTUNATE Service to the handicapped in physical defect is being replaced by a tirement in 1943, he always main numerous ways has long been a proj realisation that the crippled individual tained that Scouting is for all boys. ect of many chapters of Alpha Phi is first a person and only secondarily In his thinking, Scouting should Omega. Examples include helping a a handicapped one. He must, there help boys stand on their own feet to crippled student go from class to class fore, be treated as a whole person the best of their ability and should on the campus, providing transporta with physical, mental, social and neither pauperize nor harm them by tion for a crippled student from home emotional needs. pitying them or by doing too much to the campus, giving leadership to The handicapped boy usually feels for them. Some of the very first Scout the to in a � were Scouting program boys rejected, unwanted, unneeded .set troops established in special or in a hospital special school for apart from the rest of society. The schools for the bhnd, deaf or crippled. and the handicapped, aiding mentally handicapped boy needs to feel he is For thousands of handicapped boys, deficient. wanted, that he belongs, and to be Scouting has provided a ray of hope, Physical and mental handicaps arc made to feel as normal as possible.
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