Planning Applications Report Planning Committee 18 September 2008 Bolton Council has approved a Guide to Good Practice for Members and Officers Involved in the Planning Process. Appendix 1 of the Guide sets down guidance on what should be included in Officer Reports to Committee on planning applications. This Report is written in accordance with that guidance. Copies of the Guide to Good Practice are available from the Development and Regeneration Department, Town Hall, Bolton. Bolton Council also has a Code of Practice for publicising planning applications and other submissions for approval. As part of this Code, neighbour notification letters will have been sent to all owners and occupiers whose premises adjoin the site of these applications. In residential areas, or in areas where there are dwellings in the vicinity of these sites, letters will also have been sent to all owners and occupiers of residential land or premises, which directly overlook a proposed development. The plans in this report have been annotated with the symbol ● to show where a letter of objection has been received from an owner or occupier of a property shown on the Report Plan. The plans in this report have been annotated with the symbol to show where a letter of support has been received from an owner or occupier of a property shown on the Report Plan. The plans in the report are for location only and are not to scale. The application site will generally be in the centre of the plan edged with a bold line. The following abbreviations are used within this report: - UDP The adopted Unitary Development Plan 2005 RSS Regional Spatial Strategy for the North West of England PCPN A Bolton Council Planning Control Policy Note PPG Department of Communities and Local Government Planning Policy Guidance Note MPG Department of Communities and Local GovernmentMinerals Planning Guidance Note SPG Bolton Council Supplementary Planning Guidance PPS Department of Communities and Local Government Planning Policy Statement TPO Tree Preservation Order EA Environment Agency SBI Site of Biological Importance SSSI Site of Special Scientific Interest GMEU The Greater Manchester Ecology Unit The background documents for this Report are the respective planning application documents which can be found at:- www.bolton.gov.uk/planapps 2 INDEX Ref. No Page Item Ward Location 80587/08 1 ASBR HORROCKS FOLD FARM, BELMONT ROAD, BOLTON, BL1 7BX 80687/08 2 BMET SS OSMUND AND ANDREW ROMAN CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL, FALKIRK DRIVE, BOLTON, BL2 6NW 80765/08 3 BRAD 10 BROOK BANK, BOLTON, BL2 4LA 80484/08 4 CROM LAND AT ULLESWATER STREET & ELMFIELD STREET, BOLTON. 80771/08 5 CROM 526 BLACKBURN ROAD, BOLTON, BL1 8NW 80481/08 6 FARN UNITS 7 & 10 CENTURY MILL, GEORGE STREET, FARNWORTH, BOLTON, BL4 9QT 79736/08 7 HALL LAND AT CHURCH WHARF, BOLTON 80311/08 8 HOBL LAND AT REAR OF 175-211 STATION ROAD, BLACKROD, BOLTON. 80628/08 9 HOBL 55 CHORLEY ROAD, BLACKROD, BOLTON, BL6 5JU 80643/08 10 HONE BROWN COW, 36 CHURCH STREET, HORWICH, BOLTON, BL6 6AD 80691/08 11 HULT GILDED HOLLINS, SALFORD ROAD, BOLTON, BL5 1BZ 80557/08 12 TOHA 6 THICKETFORD ROAD, BOLTON, BL2 2LP 13 HELO CONFIRMATION OF THE BOLTON (127/131 JUNCTION ROAD) TREE PRESERVATION ORDER 2008 3 4 Date of Meeting: 18 September 2008 Item Number: 1 Application Reference: 80587/08 Type of Application: Full Planning Application Registration Date: 18/07/2008 Decision Due By: 12/09/2008 Responsible Oliver West Officer: Location: HORROCKS FOLD FARM, BELMONT ROAD, BOLTON, BL1 7BX Proposal: ERECTION OF FOUR STABLES, ONE MENAGE AND ONE TACK ROOM Ward: Astley Bridge Applicant: Mr John Taylor Agent : P Wilson & Company Officers Report Proposal This application seeks permission for an equestrian development in the green belt comprising four stables, tack room and ménage. Horses would be grazed on adjoining land. Site Characteristics The site is on upland moorland currently used for agricultural grazing. It is rough poorly- drained grassland. Horses are already grazed on adjoining land without causing harm. The site slopes away from Scout Road towards Horrocks Fold, accessed from Belmont Road. The location of the stables and ménage is in a dip in the land some distance from the site boundary meaning it would be only partly visible from Scout Road. Policy Unitary Development Plan 2005: G1, G2 Green Belt D2, D3 Design A5, A16 Highways & Rights of Way R5 Upland Moorland Hills M2 Sandstone/gritstone EM2 Incompatible Uses Planning Control Policy Notes: PCPN 28 Equestrian Developments History Planning application 78388/07 for the construction of 8 stables, store, ménage, and access track, was withdrawn in November 2007. 5 Technical Consultations Bolton Council - Environmental Health Officers:- manure and bedding should be stored so as to avoid any impact on neighbours. Nothing should be burned at the site. Bolton Council - Highway Engineers:- have no objections but state that Footpath BOL036 lies within close proximity to the proposal and must remain unaffected. Peak & Northern Footpaths Society:- no objection provided a condition is attached requiring that the nearby footpath should not be obstructed, or that a temporary obstruction should have a diversion in place. Greater Manchester Ecology Unit:- have no objections. Representations Letters:- 4 letters of objection have been received from nearby residents raising concerns over disposal of water and manure, and access. There are concerned over possible access from Belmont Road via Horrocks Fold which would worsen existing problems with safety and disturbance (see below). However, this is not proposed. Analysis Section 38 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 requires applications to be determined in accordance with policies in the Development Plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. Applications which are not in accordance with Development Plan policies should be refused unless material considerations justify granting permission. Similarly, proposals which accord with Development Plan policies should be approved unless there are material considerations which would justify a refusal of permission. It is therefore necessary to decide whether this proposal is in accordance with the Development Plan and then take account of other material considerations. The main impacts of the proposal are:- * impact on the greenbelt and landscape character * impact on access * impact on waste disposal Impact on the Greenbelt and Landscape Character The site is located in the green belt and upland moorland landscape character area. The use proposed would be non-agricultural. PPG2 seeks to prevent loss of openness in the green belt but does allow for certain uses including outdoor sport and recreation. A ménage, with small-scale stables & store, is an acceptable green belt use. Horse passports have been provided establishing the need of the applicant for the development. 6 No levels information has been provided and the undulating nature of the site makes it important to evaluate the effect on the landscape from any engineering. This should be agreed as a condition of any approval. The Greater Manchester Ecology Unit does not have concerns over the impact on wildlife. Subject to conditions this revised scheme meets policies G2, R5 and PCPN 28. Impact on Access Neighbours have written to object to the proposal raising concerns over access. They state that the current access through Horrocks Fold from Belmont Road is inadequate. The applicant has stated that the only access to the site will be from Scout Road so these concerns are not relevant. To ensure this remains the case it should be a condition of any approval that no access is taken from Belmont Road. By negotiation, it has been agreed that there will be no hard surfaced access track across the site from Scout Road to the stables in order to prevent harm to the landscape. Vehicular access would be to a pull-in from Scout Road with access on foot/by horse over the moorland to the stables. Occasional access would be needed for deliveries of foodstuffs, etc. but these should be no more than once per month on average, by condition. This would be an improvement on the current agricultural use which has no such restrictions. Subject to these arrangements the proposal meets policies A5, G2 and R5. Impact on Waste Disposal The Council's environmental health officers have recommended certain conditions be attached to any approval in order to prevent nuisance to nearby occupiers. These include smells, smoke and run-off. Conditions should specify no burning on site and suitable storage/removal of bedding and manure. Subject to this the proposal meets policy EM2. Value Added to and by the Development The development will make the land more productive and will provide extra facilities for the site owner. Conclusion Approval is recommended subject to conditions. Recommendation: Approve subject to conditions Recommended Conditions and/or Reasons 1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of 3 years from the date of this permission. Reason Required to be imposed pursuant to section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. 2. The site shall be drained in accordance with a drainage scheme to be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority before the commencement of development. 7 Reason To ensure a satisfactory form of restoration. 3. No waste materials shall be burnt on the site. Reason For avoidance of doubt. 4. No development shall be commenced until full details of existing and proposed ground levels within the site and on land adjoining the site by means of spot heights and cross-sections; proposed siting and finished floor levels of all buildings and structures, have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall then be implemented in accordance with the approved level details.
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