OCT COUNTRY RANGE MAGAZINE FOR CATERERS 2011 WIN A KINDLE LEADING SOUPS, LIGHTS STOCKS MICHELLE HOT ‘CLIPPY’ PUDDINGS & GRAVY MCKENNA A classic combination... with Country Range suet puddings Country Range Suet Puddings are perfect winter warmers. This traditional dish is always a menu favourite. Packed to the brim with hearty chunks of meat and gravy, they’re a genuine plate filler. Available in 3 delicious varieties: Lamb & Mint Steak & Kidney Steak & Ale Microwave from frozen in 6-7 minutes. Packed 8 x 390g. 0845 519 6181 www.countryrange.co.uk A classic combination... Editor’s OCT COUNTRY RANGE MAGAZINE FOR CATERERS 2011 WIN with Country Range A KINDLE Letter This month’s Stir it up has inadvertently become a bit of a “girl power” issue. We feel very honoured to have the beautiful Gwyneth Paltrow as our cover girl. Not only is she LEADING an Oscar-winning actress, singer/songwriter and SOUPS, LIGHTS STOCKS MICHELLE HOT ‘CLIPPY’ PUDDINGS & GRAVY MCKENNA busy mum-of-two, she’s somehow also found time to write a cookbook - and we’ve got three copies up for grabs on our Country Club page. STIRITUP CONTACTS National treasure Delia Smith shares her (very Inside this issue of the magazine you should have EdITOR Janine Nelson honest) views on pub grub on page 13, and we’ve got received a Country Range recipe booklet, which is [email protected] a fascinating article on jams, jellies and preserves packed with great dishes for you to try, featuring WRITER Sarah Rigg courtesy of Michelle “Clippy” McKenna. It was lovely to some of our best-selling Country Range products. DESIGNER Richard Smith chat to Clippy, who is the very worthy subject of this I hope they will provide inspiration and perhaps AdvERTISING Mags Walker month’s Leading Lights article (page 28). encourage you to try something new. Her passion and enthusiasm for apples and orchards PUBLISHER Practical PR is utterly contagious! Enjoy! Tel: 01282 611677 www.practicalpr.co.uk SubscRIPTIOns Olivia Blunn [email protected] Telephone: 0845 519 6181 25 22 28 contents Food features Favourites Country Range Suet Puddings are perfect winter warmers. 07 ThE MarketpLacE 05 GENEraL industry NEWs 04 COOks caLENDAR • CAMPAIGNERS DEMAND 15 PER CENT VAT This traditional dish is always a menu 14 NEW FrOM cOUNTrY cuT FOR HOSPITALITY SECTOR 04 ROGEr raNT favourite. Packed to the brim with hearty RANGE 09 Country range 04 GarY saYs chunks of meat and gravy, 15 ON ThE raNGE Customer profile 20 COUNTrY cLUb they’re a genuine plate filler. • WITH NIGEL SMITH • A CHIP OFF THE OLD BLOCK 28 LEadiNG LiGhTs Available in 3 delicious varieties: 25 cELEbriTY Category focus siGNaTUrE dish • BusINESS WITH BITE Lamb & Mint 10 • SOUPS, STOCKS & GRAVY - MICHELLe ‘CLIPPY’ McKENNA • BY GWYNETH PALTROW 22 • HOT PUDDINGS Steak & Kidney 27 5 WaYs TO UsE... 13 HOspiTaLiTY COUNTRY RANGE RED LENTILS • • DELIA DISPARAGES MODERN cuISINE Steak & Ale IN FAVOUR OF 70S PUB GRUB 17 EdUcaTiON Microwave from frozen in 6-7 minutes. • SCHOOL CATERERS JUDGED ‘TOP OF THE CLASS’ Packed 8 x 390g. 19 HEaLTh & WELFarE • CATERING HYGIENE MAY HALT NOROVIRus 35 ADVICE FrOM ThE EXpErTs 0845 519 6181 • MAKING CLAIMS ABOUT GLUTEN IN FOOD Cert no. TT-COC-2143 www.countryrange.co.uk October 2011 Stiritup 03 FAVOURITES ES T I UR AVO F The OcTObEr NOVEMbEr 3rd - 9th NATional COMMUniTY Meals WEEK 1st WORLD VEGAN DAY Soapbox Details: www.thenacc.co.uk/events/community_ 5th BonFIRE NIGHT by Roger Rant meals_wheels_week 7th - 11th NATional SCHool Meals WEEK 2011 4th - 5th NATional Food AND DRink Details: www.iloveschoolmeals.co.uk/ MANUFACTURE HealTH AND saFETY conFERence 11th - 13th MasTERCHEF Live 2011 The Nottingham Belfry Details: www.mastercheflive.com/ Details: www.hse.gov.uk/food/events 16th Food AlleRGENS: FROM SOCIAL sizing 10th - 12th THE ResTAURANT SHOW 2011 STIGMA TO SAMPlinG Earl’s Court, London Details: www.leatherheadfood.com/food-allergens Details: www.therestaurantshow.co.uk up the 21st - 27th NATional CURRY WEEK 19th YOUNG CHEF YOUNG WAITER - 23rd - 24th AlleGRA’S EUROPean COFFEE NATional Final SYMPOSIUM Westminster Kingsway College, Opposition Berlin London Details: www.europeancoffeesymposium.com Details: www.bha.org.uk/ycyw 30th ST ANDRew’S DAY In this issue Delia Smith 27th - 29th NATional HoneY SHOW is talking about a return to St George’s College, Weybridge, Surrey Details: www.honeyshow.co.uk dEcEMbEr basics with pub grub. 30th BRITISH SUMMERTIME ENDS 31st Hallowe’EN 21st - 28th HANNUkaH (Jewish festival of lights) It’s an understandable reaction to gourmet/ 24th CHRISTMas EVE nouvelle cuisine and the comment I would 31st - 6th Nov BRITISH SAUsaGE WEEK 2011 Details: www.lovepork.co.uk make is about portion size - to me they 25th CHRISTMas DAY have both got it wrong! 26th BOXinG DAY Pub/traditional food should not need to be 31st New YeaR’S EVE served in over-facing quantities whereas the triumph of style over content with the opposing cuisine is sometimes close to Don’t get caught short! taking the Michael. In these difficult economic times there are short Whilst I have the chance of a rant about length toilet and centrefeed rolls being sold as ‘fancy food’, what’s the big idea with ice full-length rolls. cream? Recently I had petit pois and mint Rest assured that all Country Range Professional ice cream served to me. What did it taste Brand products offer you value for money and like? PEAS!! What is the point of that?! peace of mind. Look out for the ‘Soft Tissue Standard’ logo on Country Range paper products as your guarantee of quality. Call your Country Range wholesaler today to ensure you beat the cheats You can email your letters to country range and get the most out of every roll. [email protected] professional It will save you money! 04 Stiritup October 2011 FEATURES NEWS TRY S U AL IND R ENE campaigners demand G 15 per cent VaT cut for hospitality sector A campaign calling for reduced for their hospitality industries. that tourism is an extremely price-sensitive Ireland reduced VAT on hotel accommodation and sector, subject to intense international VAT rates for the hospitality food from 13.5 to 9 per cent for 18 months from the competition; as a result, all but two others industry is gaining momentum. beginning of July to help the sector recover from (Denmark and Slovakia) have a reduced rate the effects of the recession, while France reduced of VAT on accommodation. The British Hospitality Association, Federation VAT on restaurant meals to 5.5 per cent from July “They recognise that the direct revenues foregone of Small Businesses and the British Beer and 2009. as a result of the reduced rate are compensated Pub Association have all added their voice to the French lobbyist Jacques Borel, the man behind the by the additional demand that these reduced campaign to reduce VAT from 20 to 5 per cent 5.5 per cent VAT rate for the hospitality sector in rates generate and, critically, the creation of in a bid to boost business. France, believes a VAT cut in the UK could see the new jobs.” They are urging the government to slash VAT to creation of up to 320,000 jobs. She added that, according to the World Economic help hotels, pubs and restaurants compete with UfiI brahim, chief executive of the British Hospitality Forum’s latest Travel and Tourism Competitiveness their European counterparts. Association, said: “The high rate of UK VAT on Index, the UK ranks 135th out of 139 countries on The UK currently has the second highest VAT rate hotel accommodation and attractions creates price competitiveness. “That, surely, says it all,” in Europe (after Denmark), whilst many other the most significant barrier to growth and job she concluded. countries benefit from significantly reduced rates creation. Member states of the EU recognise What a waste! New research has revealed that Less than half of this (48 per cent) is recycled, the UK hospitality industry could reused or composted, and 43 per cent is thrown save around £724million a year away, mainly to landfill. by increasing recycling rates and In 2009, 600,000 tonnes of food waste was disposed of, two-thirds of which could have been preventing food waste. eaten if it had been better portioned, managed, A report by WRAP (Waste and Resources Action stored and prepared. Programme) estimates that over 3.4million tonnes WRAP plans to work with the hospitality and of mixed waste - typically food, glass, paper and foodservice sector to help reduce food and cardboard - is produced by hotels, pubs and packaging waste and CO2 emissions. restaurants each year. October 2011 Stiritup 05 WFS11219 Baco Pro EasyCut&Cutterbox A4 CR_FP _Layout 1 08/08/2011 09:26 Page 1 duc Intro ing... ...Team Green • Adding value with Greencredentials • 100% Recycled Aluminium • 45cm wide • BioWrap • 35cm wide ...and the NEW Baco Professional Baco EasyCutwrap Catering ad range of Foil & Film • Easy to clean • Disposable / Recyclable • Concealed safety blade • Film & Foil available in various widths e deal! edg ng Contact your local Country tti Range distributor for a u c WFS11219 WFS11219 Baco Pro EasyCut&Cutterbox A4 CR_FP _Layout 1 08/08/2011 09:26 Page 1 duc FOOD Intro ing... NEW PRODUCTS ...Team Green IN THE • Adding value with Greencredentials MARKETPLACE LACE • 100% Recycled Aluminium • 45cm wide TP KE • BioWrap • 35cm wide R ‘delicious’ A M Gluten-Free desserts E TH Aulds Delicious Desserts have miroir glaze. Strawberry & Rhubarb flavour Cheesecake is sure to get the tastebuds tingling launched a fantastic new range with its light rhubarb cheesecake, topped with an of ‘gluten-free’ desserts.
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