Aug. 15 / Administration of Barack Obama, 2009 NOTE: The President spoke at 3:44 p.m. at troduced the President, his wife Sonji, and Central High School. In his remarks, he re- their son Thomas; Tilman Bishop, vice chair of ferred to Nathan Wilkes, principal network ar- the board of regents, University of Colorado; chitect, Virtela Communications, Inc., who in- and Sen. Johnny Isakson. Remarks at the Veterans of Foreign Wars Convention in Phoenix, Arizona August 17, 2009 Thank you. Please, be seated. Thank you so our harbor was bombed, you battled across much. Commander Gardner, thank you for rocky Pacific islands and stormed the beaches your introduction and for your lifetime of ser- of Europe, marching across a continent—my vice. I was proud to welcome Glen and your own grandfather and uncle among your executive director, Bob Wallace, to the Oval ranks—liberating millions and turning ene- Office just before the Fourth of July, and I mies into allies. look forwarding to working with your next When communism cast its shadow across so commander, Tommy Tradewell. I want to also much of the globe, you stood vigilant in a long acknowledge Jean Gardner and Sharon cold war, from an airlift in Berlin to the moun- Tradewell, as well as Dixie Hild and Jan Tittle tains of Korea to the jungles of Vietnam. and all the spouses and family of the Ladies When that cold war ended and old hatreds Auxiliary. America honors your service as well. emerged anew, you turned back aggression Also Governor Jan Brewer is here, of Arizo- from Kuwait to Kosovo. na, and Mayor Phil Gordon, our host here in And long after you took off the uniform, Phoenix. I want to acknowledge Presi- you’ve continued to serve: supporting our fam- dent—Dr. Joe Shirley, Jr., President of the ilies, our troops when they go to war and wel- Navajo Nation. And this wasn’t on my original coming them when they come home; working card, but this is just an extraordinary story. to give our veterans the care they deserve; and And you may have already heard from her, but when America’s heroes are laid to rest, giving I just want to publicly acknowledge and thank every one of them that final fitting tribute of a Ms. Helen Denton, the secretary to Dwight grateful nation. We can never say it enough: Eisenhower, who typed up the orders for the For your service in war and peace, thank you Normandy invasion and is here today, and VFW. Thank you. what an extraordinary story that is. Today, the story of your service is carried on Members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, by a new generation, dedicated, courageous I am honored and humbled to stand before men and women who I have the privilege to you as Commander in Chief of the finest mili- lead and meet every day. tary the world has ever known. And we’re They’re the young sailors, the midshipmen joined by some of those who make it the finest at the Naval Academy, who raised their right force in the world, from Luke Air Force Base, hand at graduation and committed themselves members of the 56th Fighter Wing. to a life of service. They’re the soldiers I met Whether you wear the uniform today or in Baghdad who have done their duty, year af- wore it decades ago, you remind us of a funda- ter year, on a second, third, or fourth tour. mental truth: It’s not the powerful weapons They’re the marines of Camp Lejeune, pre- that make our military the strongest in the paring to deploy and now serving in Afghani- world. It’s not the sophisticated systems that stan to protect Americans here at home. make us the most advanced. The true strength They’re the airmen, like those here today, who of our military lies in the spirit and skill of our provide the close air support that saves the men and women in uniform. And you know lives of our troops on the ground. They’re the this. wounded warriors at Landstuhl and Walter You know this because it’s the story of your Reed and Bethesda and across America for lives. When fascism seemed unstoppable and whom the battle is not to fight, but simply to 1296 Administration of Barack Obama, 2009 / Aug. 17 speak, to stand, to walk once more. They’re the As President, my greatest responsibility is the families that my wife Michelle has met at bases security and safety of the American people. As across the country: the spouses back home do- I’ve said before, that is the first thing I think ing the parenting of two; the children who won- about when I wake up in the morning, it’s the der when mom and dad may be coming home; last thing that I think about when I go to sleep the parents who watch their sons and daughters at night. And I will not hesitate to use force to go off to war; and the families who lay a loved protect the American people or our vital inter- one to rest, and the pain that lasts a lifetime. ests. To all those who have served America, our But as we protect America, our men and forces, your families, our veterans, you have women in uniform must always be treated as done your duty. You have fulfilled your respon- what they are, America’s most precious re- sibilities, and now a grateful nation must fulfill source. As Commander in Chief, I have a sol- ours. And that is what I want to talk about to- emn responsibility for their safety. And there is day. nothing more sobering than signing a letter of First, we have a solemn responsibility to al- condolence to the family of service men or ways lead our men and women in uniform wise- women who have given their lives for our coun- ly. And that starts with a vision of American try. leadership that recognizes that military power And that’s why I have made this pledge to alone cannot be the first or only answer to the our Armed Forces: I will only send you into threats facing our Nation. harm’s way when it is absolutely necessary. And when I do, it will be based on good intelligence In recent years, our troops have succeeded in and guided by a sound strategy. I will give you a every mission America has given them, from clear mission, defined goals, and the equipment toppling the Taliban to deposing a dictator in and support you need to get the job done. Iraq to battling brutal insurgencies. At the same That’s my commitment to you. time, forces trained for war have been called Which brings me to our second responsibility upon to perform a whole host of missions. Like to our Armed Forces: giving them the resources mayors, they’ve run local governments and de- and equipment and strategies to meet their mis- livered water and electricity. Like aid workers, sions. We need to keep our military the best they’ve mentored farmers and built new trained, the best led, the best equipped fighting schools. Like diplomats, they’ve negotiated force in the world. And that’s why, even with agreements with tribal sheikhs and local lead- our current economic challenges, my budget in- ers. creases defense spending. But let us never forget: We are a country of We will ensure that we have the force struc- more than 300 million Americans; less than 1 ture to meet today’s missions. And that’s why percent wears the uniform. And that 1 per- we’ve increased the size of the Army and the cent—our soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, Marine Corps 2 years ahead of schedule and and coastguardsmen—have borne the over- have approved another temporary increase in whelming burden of our security. In fact, per- the Army. And we’ve halted personnel reduc- haps never in American history have so few pro- tions in the Navy and Air Force. And this will tected so many. give our troops more time home between de- So the responsibility for our security must ployments, which means less stress on families not be theirs alone. That is why I have made it a and more training for the next mission. And it priority to enlist all elements of our national will help us put an end, once and for all, to stop- power in defense of our national security—our loss for those who’ve done their duty. diplomacy and development, our economic We will equip our forces with the assets and might and our moral example—because one of technologies they need to fight and win. So my the best ways to lead our troops wisely is to pre- budget funds more of the Army helicopters, vent the conflicts that cost American blood and crews, and pilots urgently needed in Afghani- treasure tomorrow. stan; the intelligence, surveillance, and 1297 Aug. 17 / Administration of Barack Obama, 2009 reconnaissance that gives our troops the ad- goals: to disrupt, dismantle, and defeat Al Qa- vantage; the special operations forces that can ida and its extremist allies. deploy on a moment’s notice; and for all those In the months since, we have begun to put serving in Afghanistan and Iraq, including our this comprehensive strategy into action. And National Guard and Reserve, more of the pro- in recent weeks, we’ve seen our troops do their tective gear and armored vehicles that save part.
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