August 2, 1977 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 26231 poses; to the Committee on Education and By Mr. BUCHANAN (for himself, Mr. Labor. KOCH, Mr. LEDERER, Mr. LEHMAN, PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS By Mr. FAUNTROY: Mr. LENT, Mr. LEVITAS, Mr. LONG of Under clause 1 of rule XXII, H.J. Res. 565. Joint Resolution to amend Maryland, Mr. MITCHELL of Mary­ Mr. GOLDWATER introduced a blll (H.R. the Constitution to provide for representa­ land, Mr. MOAKLEY. Mr. MOORE, Mr. 8710) for the relief of Jane McMahon Jantzen tion of the District of Columbia in the Con­ MURPHY of Pennsylvania, Mr. OT­ gress; to the Committee on the J\\diciary. TINGER, Mr. PEASE, Mr. PRICE, Mr. and Gilbert N. Hair; which was referred to By Mr. GONZALEZ: QUIE, Mr. RANGEL, Mr. RICHMOND, the Committee on the Judiciary. H.J. Res. 566. Joint resolution proposing an Mr. RoE, Mr. RosENTHAL, Mr. SIMON, amendment to the Constit"Ltion of the Unit­ Mr. SoLARZ, Mr. STEERS, Mr. STOCK­ ed States to repeal the 25th amendment to MAN, Mr. THOMPSON, and Mr. WAX­ that Constitution; to the Committee on the MAN): PETITIONS, ETC. Judiciary. H. Con. Res. 322. Concurrent resolution Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions By Mr. MINETA: expressing the sense of Congress that the and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk H.J. Res. 567. Joint resolution relating to Soviet Union should comply with the Hel­ the publication of economic and social sta­ sinki Final Act, the International Covenant and referred as follows: tistics for Americans of East Asian or Pa­ on Civil and Political Rights, a.nd the Soviet 170. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the cific Island origin or descent; jointly, to the Constitution, with respect to all its citizens, Monroe County Legislature, N.Y., relative to Committees on Education and Labor, Post and on that basis should allow Anatoly changes in procedures and requirements re­ Oftlce and Civil Service. Shchra.nsky to emigrate from the Soviet lating to the resale of foreclosed homes; to By Mr. BUCHANAN (for himself, Mr. Union; to the Committee on International the Committee on Banking, Finance and ARCHER, Mr. BAUCUS, Mr. BEILENSON, Relations. Urban Affairs. By Mr. BUCHANAN (for himself, Mr. Mr. BEVILL, Mr. BLANCHARD, Mr. 171. Also, petition of the Boston Bar Asso­ BRODHEAD, Mr. BURKE of Florida, Mr. BENJAMIN, Mr. CONTE, Mr. WEISS, PHILLIP BURTON, Mr. CAVANAUGH, Mr. Mr. CHARLES WILSON of Texas, and ciation Council, Boston, Mass., relative to COTl'ER, Mr. COUGHLIN, Mr. DaINAN, Mr. ZEFERETTI) : creation of an independent and separate Mr. EDWARDS of California, Mr. ED­ H. Con. Res. 323. Concurrent resolution ex­ bankruptcy court; to the Committee on the WARDS of Oklahoma, Mr. En.BERG, Mr. pressing the sense of Congress that the So­ Judiciary. ERTEL, Ms. FENWICK, Mr. FRASER, Mr. viet Union should comply with the Helsinki FRENZEL, Mr. FREY, Mr. GRADISON, Final Act, the International Covenant on Ms. HOLTZMAN, Mr. JEFFORDS, and Civil and Political Rights, and the Soviet Mr. KEMP): Constitution, with respect to all its citizens, AMENDMENTS H. Con. Res. 321. Concurrent resolution and on that basis should allow Anatoly expressing the sense of Congress that the Shchransky to emigrate from the Soviet Under clause 6 of rule XXIII, proposed Soviet Union should comply with the Hel­ Union; to the Committee on International amendments were submitted as follows: sinki Final Act, the International Covenant Relations. H.R. 8444 By Mr. BURGENER: on Civil and Political Rights, and the Soviet By Mr. CUNNINGHAM: Constitution, with respect to all its citizens, H. Res. 732. Resolution urging the expe­ a.nd on that basis should allow Anatoly ditious completion o.".' the Subcommittee on On page 404, line 22, strike "20 percent" Shchransky to emigrate from the Soviet Ccmmunication's review of the Communica­ and insert in lieu thereof "100 percent", Union; to the Committee on International tions Act of 1934; to the Committee on and on page 404, line 23, after the word Relations. Interstate and Foreign Commerce. "taxpayer", insert "for materials only". EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS SANFORD McDONNELL SPEAKS OF morning paper, you land at your destina­ equipped with new, highly efficient engines THE FUTURE ON AIR TRANSPOR­ tion. You're in Melbourne, Australia, on the capable of making lt both economically com­ other side of the world. Less than two hours petitive and acceptable to environmentalists. TATION has elapsed since you stepped out of your That we will eventually be traveltng in ad­ front door back home. vanced SSTs now seems nearly inevitable. If this sounds like science fiction, it is. Looking further ahead-to the next cen­ HON. OLIN E. TEAGUE For now. But there's as much science as fic­ tury, perhaps-we foresee the possib111ty of a OF TEXAS tion in it: it could happen, and it's just "hypersonic" aircraft that would vastly out­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES possible that you might live to see it happen. perform even the advanced SST. Tuesday, August 2, 1977 Much of the technology needed for the de­ The hypersonic transport concept devel­ velopment of global rocket transports exists oped at our company involves a plane with Mr. TEAGUE. Mr. Speaker, the most today, and much of the planning needed to eight engines. Four turbojets would ll!t it recent issue of Flying Colors the Braniff put such technology to work has already been off the ground, propel it through the sound International travel magazine carried a done by America's aerospace industry. barrier, and send it to three and a half times guest editorial by Sanford H. McDonnell, It won't happen tomorrow, of course. These the speed of sound. Then four ramjets would things do take time. But astonishing progress take over, raising the speed stlll higher. This president, McDonnell Douglas Corp., in is routine for airplane manufacturers and plane would be 475 feet long and capable of which he speculated on air transporta­ the airlines they serve (remember that the carrying 500 passengers. Though not quite tion for the future and how it will be Wright Brothers made their first flight just as fast as a global rocket transport, it could brought about by the technology of the 74 years ago), and it is likely to !"emain so for fly at 4,000 Inlles per hour. present. a long time to come. Sound incredible? Stick around. The in­ I have had the distinct pleasure of Certainly big changes lie ahead for the credible has been happening in commercial knowing both Sanford McDonnell and flying public. If some of those :::hanges prove aviation for a long time now. his father: both of whom have contrib­ to be less startling than a 45-minute tllght from the United States to AustraUa, they will uted greatly to the future of this country nevertheless be dramatic-and important­ through their company. I also had the in their own right. WAUCONDA, ILL., CELEBRATES ITS pleasure of lunching with Mr. McDon­ One very important possib111ty is that CENTENNIAL nell recently while at the Paris Air Show new technology wm eliminate the lingering when we discussed technology with re­ economic and environmental problems of spect .to both air and space travel. Under supersonic air travel. Most major aerospace HON. ROBERT McCLORY leave to extend my remarks I wish to firms are deeply involved in P-xploring the OF ILLINOIS include his editorial: technology for an advanced supersonic trans­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRF.SENTATIVES port, and as this work proceeds it is begin­ GUEST EDITORIAL ning to produce highly encouraging results. Tuesday, August 2, 1977 (By Sanford N. McDonnell) At McDonnell Douglas Corporation, the ex­ Mr. MCCLORY. Mr. Speaker, on Au­ Imagine this. You go to the airport, pick ample that I necessarily know best, engineers gust 18, 1977, residents of Wauconda in up your ticket and check your luggage, and have been creating the concept or an ad­ Lake County in my 13th Congressional are directed to the gate where something new vanced supersonic transport that; would District will begin a 4-day celebration called a global rocket transport stands wait­ travel at 2.2 times the speed of sound-9 ing. You fl.nd your seat, relax while the other percent faster than the Anglo-French Con­ observing the lOOth anniversary of the 169 passengers come aboard, and when the corde, the first SST to enter airllne service. organization of that community as a scheduled departure time arrives you take Our advanced SST would carry 273 passen­ village. off. gers (the Concorde carries a maximum of Clearly those early residents who or­ Forty-five minutes later, after a cup of 108), its range would be 4,500 nautical miles ganized this village felt strongly that coffee and a leisurely browse through the (versus 3,150 for Concorde), and it would be it was time to become a municipality be- 26232 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS August 2, 1977 cause the vote was more than 2 to 1 UNSETTLING SETTLEMENTS This was hardly the time for Israel to appear nearly a century ago: 49 for incorpora­ to be asserting new territorial claims or to tion to 24 against. give the Arabs a new pretext for avoiding HON. PAUL FINDLEY difficult questions. But the lovely name Wauconda, mean­ OF ILLINOIS Mr. Begin, of course, did not initiate the ing "Spirit Water," already was affixed to process of extending Jewish settlements into the map of northeastern Illinois before IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the West Bank. The previous Labor Govern­ the village's incorporation. In 1849, a Tuesday, August 2, 1977 ment was deeply divided over the propriety and prudence of creating Jewish communi­ township had been created.
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