I ® (-r.clYl'ljjyP mire ~ouse of ~epresenht±ibes ~ht±e of ~afuaii h ereby presents this certificate to (OHANA (family)® Magazine WHEREAS, since 1996 'OHANA (FAMILy)® MAGAZINE's primary goal has been to connect the residents of Hawaii, former residents, and new visitors by promoting Hawai'!, the Aloha State and Its unique charm and m ystique, its diverse array of people, culture, history, and its wholesomeness for family fun and activity; and WHEREAS, publisher/editor, Mel Ozeki and managing editor, Emily Ozeki have satisfied a yearning by expatriated Islanders in nearly 30 states through the 'OHANA (FAMILy)® MAGAZINE's thousands of pages of features and timely stories as a means to "keep in touch with 'ohana and home"; and WHEREAS, as Its nickname "The Aloha Connection" says, 'OHANA has also solidified a strong bonding between Hawai'! and Las Vegas, where nearly 400,000 islanders make their annual pilgrimage for entertainment and where more than 25,000 former islanders now reside; and WHEREAS, In Its fun-reading format to Inform and entertain, it has embraced continued growth In annual readership in Hawan and especially the Mainland, which has a constant positive, psychological effect to mainstream America as well as former islanders that the 50'" State Is "home" for a multitude of reasons; and WHEREAS, 'OHANA's proven support to Hawai-i was validated by the Hawan Millennium Commission's selection of 'OHANA (FAMILy)® MAGAZINE as an "Official Sponsor" of the "Hawaii 2000's Hawaii, Come Home!" Campaign in t he May/June 2000 issue; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the Twentieth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2000, that this body hereby commends and congratulates 'OHANA (FAMILy)® MAGAZINE as an inspiring publication t hat has promoted Hawai'! and, in doing so, exemplified the true meaning of 'ohana and the Aloha Spirit, and expresses to the staff members its appreciation for Its entrepreneurial singleness of p~ose .to spread th e of the Islands and support b",Eetate of n . ~ ~.II;../) ~~ . ~ ~ ~~-; )t~~r~~~:-;;{)~~ ~~~.~, '1l.->2 --g;;k~ 11~ ~ -~Hj:..-_--:-----:; ~n"J!!'l!...~ftA~ · ""~ R"it (N~L "HAWAJ' J. COME Hawai'i, Come Home 'OH A N A H ONORED BY H AWAi'I H O U SE O F R EPRESENTATIVES, . ... BACK COVER H OM E" and Celebrate the YOUR BEST --f':'1E\;J5-> T HE H ONOLULU Boy C HOIR- T] ME EV ER New Millennium! BUILT ON LOVE, EXCELLENCE ... .. .. 20 TO V ]S]T TH E ALO H A JULY - I ULAI AUGUST - 'A UKAKE STAT E Sf/Sail Bt' !".!':. E.re-clfli l"(' Dir('('fOI'. H AWAI'I O FFER S I N CE NTIVES :f-J(IlI' Cl i'i, a mill e nniu m initiative w ith TO V ISIT IN 2000 ... ..... 3 Co me Home. value incenti ves. makes tra\'el to the Aloha S tate the PI LI MAU: " T OG ETH ER FO REVER" best in years. Several tra vel and corpo ra te partne r:- ha\'c ON AUGUST 18 ...... .... 9 com bined to offe r d eals J va ilable pcrha p !-. o nl y in a m il . ienlliul1l celebrat ion . M OLOKA'I, T HE " FRIE N DLY I SLE" .... 16 T o he lp woo vis itors. Henry Kapo ll a . Me h 'cen Leed. and I(APUNA W AHI N E - I(EOLA BE AME R Kcali oj Re ic he l. a long w ith he lp fro m Kapono Beamer RE MEMBERS A N D SHARES H ER. .. 17 and the strings or the Hono lulu S y mpho ny ha\·e cut a B IG I SLAN D ERS P ER PETUATE s pec ial CD featuring a new \·e rs ion o f H e nr ~ Kapono':-. hit H AWAI'IANA W ITH FESTIVAL ..... .. .. ... 18 so ng, " Home in the Is lands:' This "e nhanced" C D abo s ho ws Hawaii's fa vorite places 011 every i:-.la nd wit h MANANA Y OUTH S CHORAL T OUR . · 21 is landers waving and say ing "Hawai'i, Com e Home"­ 21 AJAs WIN MEDA LS OF H ONOR v is it 'ohana and frie nds , FR OM WW 11 . ...... .. .. ......... 24 The CD is ava ilable in retail stores thro ug ho ut 34 I SLANDERS GRADUATE FROM U N LV .... 27 Hawai'i. Proceed s frol11 C ASTING FOR " BIG BLUE" IN I< ONA . ..... 30 Ihe C Ds w ill fund Ih e Ke A u I-lOll fund to bene fit SUMMER'S H ERE - SAVE YOUR SKIN ... .... 32 Hawa ii's yo uth . G REAT RE CI PES . 33 In cluded w ith the CDs is a special Hawaj'j G AMING - BAS ICS FOR VIDEO POKER · 37 200 0 Kama ' ai na C ard PAC IFI C O CEAN PICTORI A L ... .. 38 fo r special ra l e~ at hOl e ls, vis ito r att rac­ D I' P " I:) T ~ I E 1'1 1 S tio ns and tra vel. 'OHANA (/0111;1.'" )00 /v/aga:illt! abo ~~ Il ... t h ~ C D, a:-. a A LOHA FROM SOUTHERN stand a lo ne or w ith f.l o ne-year :-. uh:-.c ription for 528, CALIFORN I A The Ha wai -i Mil le nnium CO l1lm i:-.,in n ( HMC) 'pon:--or" hy 1\ lo/w Jot' ® .. 13 cele brations :-; Ialt'\\·icl e all1l o~ t cn:!' ) \\cc k in 2{)()(). CA LENDAR . · . 7 Exec uti ve Di recto r S ue Be rg "'C 1'\ \,.'" 1.1:-- p ri nl..'i pa l a(h i ... or to the cO l11l11 i"sion'" c u -chair:-- , forl11(' r H'l\\ ai·i GO\ crnor C LASS I FI ED . 34 Jo hn \Vai hcc anu bu :-. in e .... :--\\·OllU Il L ) n ll l' Madden of b l.mcl i-kriwge . EDITOR'S NOT ES. 4 Ev('nh ill lui ) a r(' the -lth of J ll l ~ S peclanl\;Ir at A la 8 I SLAND HOP PING Moana Cent e r. \\- ilh local e ntertai nment and firc\\ ork ... : LAS V EG AS POT POURR I 28 Pa rke r Ranc h Rodeo on the B ig bla nd : K\) ltla P lilnlatiun Day' o n Kaua' i: Pi neapp lt.- Fc", i\ al on l;Jfl;I ' i, Th\,.' LETTERS TO THE ED ITOR. 6 \~! aikiki Aqua riu lll'" Kc K a n i () Kc Kai \,.·nlll' \,.' rh occur on MUSIC RE V IE WS : ... ix dill.: re nt \\e(·k~ lld ". AUglht e\Cnh ar\,.' Kaua' i Tahiti FCi\,.·. 13 a l1koh Kihoa l u H a\\aiian S lack K\"' ~ \-'e'il\ <II: . A LO H A JOE® 12 rvh l<lnik \,.'ala Keik i ';.\ u <l na Hula COlllp\"'lilitlll on O'ahu . O LINDA RECORD ART I STS , . 15 " Thc iVll'al ~) r the M illc nn ium'·, an l'\t r aordillar~ c ulinar~ c\\"' nl. \, i ll \1 (' h\,.' IJ in HOlhl\ulu un Nn\ c lllhcr Ie) . T HE " N I NTH I SLAND" LV& H AWA I'I . 22 CnnhH't numbers: l-liVlC. 5S0-2000: w" " .. hi2k.nct: Hawai' j Visitors & Con vention HUI'eau. XOO-(;nHawaii. O ffil: ial Sp ()n ~or of' I-Iawa ii '!>' Millenniulll CL'l c hr"ti~11l S, CA LIFORN IA 10 or gohnwa ii. (.'om ' OHANA IUL AI I AUKAKE 2000 3 A Note from the Editor MEL OZEK L PH.D. _____________.Ot-lANA <family)® • Check the Back Cover a nu reau VOLUME..\ ISSUE 6 • J UL Y /A UGUST 2000 th e congratul atory le tte r thal B ig Is la nd R epresentati ve j eTT Y C hang Publisher I Editor Mel Ozeki. Ph.D. sponsored in h is pra i ~c to ' OI-fA /VA Managing Editor Emily Ozc ki ww.o net. (jamily)® ,WagaziJl e . It is a s in g u ­ cd i [email protected] lar, cherished honor that humbled i! Becom e <l P<l rt of An Director I Design Diana Barclay-Crane Em il y and me. espec ially s in cL' \\·c grp hxdes ign @ohanaOJagazinc.com remier Online Community! were unaware th at Rep. C hang . w ho c hairs the Ho use GraphicAnist I Design Maxine Hiramo\o Committ ee o n Touris m. had ...j.() o the r representati ves e ndorse touch with your fumily, d a [email protected] it, too. We al so thank the Lord. the re ade rs and advertisers ds, <lnd culture. r..'larketing I Advertising Christine Bi aggi tha t so faithfull y s Ll pport LI S. and o ur (kd icatcd sta fr. To set Nevada P.O. Box 90024 . Henderson the record stra ig ht. there a rc abllut I () o f LI S w ho make NV 89009-0024 (O HANA; I' m j ust the to u r c() IlLiUc lor. His le llc r to every NV mktg@ohanamagazinc,com House and Senate me mber. in part. e mphas ized the insert. Markcling I Advert ising Gael ivluramolO T ake a look a t the fabulou s p ic to rial oos ter-size inserl show­ SOUlhcrn California P.O. Box 14446. Torrance in £! the m ajor happenings in 1-i<.I\va i · i . CA 90503-8446 We ho pe th at you took the postCI" oul of Ihe cerll c rfold. Even Seal m [email protected] after all that s pecial e lTo n a n d coord inati on.
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