BANK IMUCII Weekly. BtaUred u Seeond-CiMB Mattst at ttu Poit- [VOLUME LII, NO. 50. offlea st Bed Bank, N. J., undst tbe Aet of H»t«b 9. 1878. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11, 1930. $1.50 PER YEAR PAGES 1 TO 12. MEETING OF VETERANS. j PLAN FOR PLAYGROUNDS. HONOR SOCIETY'S INSIGNIA. LOCAL GIRLS GRADUATE. REP BANK FLOWER SHOW, CHURCH MAY BE CLOSED. Three New Members for the Veter- MUSIC PUPILS' RECITAL School Chapter Receives Em- A ROUGHOCEANJOfACE. ans of Foreign Wars. blems at Special Assembly. ANNTJAX EVENT OF OSTEN- CIVIO CLUBS SEEKING MOKE RECEIVE DEGREES FROM COL- RED BANK MAN RUNS SPECIAL CALL TO AMATEURS MEETING AT HOLMDEL TO- Members of the Red Bank high Twenty-five members of Red Bank RECREATION CENTERS. LEGE FOR WOMEN. AND FAKMERS. MOHHOW NIGHT. post of Veterans of Foreign Wars DORFF STUDIOfs PKESENTED. school honor society received gold in- BOAT ALONG COAST. signia Friday afternoon at ft special met at the armory last Thursday Talk of Installing Tennis Courts at Miss Helen Bruce of Red Bnnk and Shirty-Fourth Annual Exhibition ot iVhether the. Reformed Church Re- night. Thomas Meagher nnd Thomas Largo nnd Appreciative Audience assembly of the senior high school. Harold R. Brotrn mots Water Car mains Open or Is Closed Will De- Heard Flue Program at Presbyter- Municipal Park un Riverfront— Principal Harry C. Sicbor awarded Miss Dorothy A. Mclntonh of Rum- From Newport N<wa to Red Bank Floweirs, Fruit nnd Vegetables at McGrath were appointed to represent Y. M. C. A. in Charge of Athletic son Among Monmoulh County pend to a Great Extent on the At- tho post at tho national encampment ian Church Friday Night—Classics ho emblems and commended the so- Through Heavy Seas—Completes ths Chestnut Street Armory In by Noted Composers Presented. Field. Students. Run of 455 Miles. October. tendance nt the Meeting, of Veterans of Foreign Wars tho lat- ciety members for their high scholas- ter part of this month. The post re- Members of six civic organizations tic records. A Red Bank girl and a Rumson The Monmouth county hortloultur- Tho classls of Monmouth has Ono of the outstanding musical A remarkable ocean voyage of (55 :alled a, meeting at the Holmdel Ro- ceived three new members. They are events of the year in Red Bank was mot Thursday afternoon at the of- William Russell, president of the girl are numbered amrjhg the 228 ilea from Newport News, Virginia &1 aoclety Is .perhaps the leading Arthur Crozicr, Henry W. Saundera fices of the Red Bank Young Men's society, gave its origin and history. graduates of the New Jersey college county organization in the promotion 'ormed church tomorrow night to de- the annual students' recital by the to Red Bonk has juat been completed :ldo whether or not to discontinue and Maurice Schwartz. pupils of the Ostendorff music stu- Christian association In the Broad Herbert McClecs explained the sig- for women of Rutgers university. by Harold H. Brown of Itnl Bank In of mora and better flower, vegetable street national bank building to dis- nificance of the insignia. They are Misa Helen Bruce of Red aiid fruit gardenB. The society, whose loldlng services at the church. Tho A committee consisting of Charles dios given in the Presbyterian church a tiny open pleasure boat. The (rip :all for the meeting Is Issued by Rev. Kelly and Thomas McGrath, was ap- Friday night Relatives and friends cuss plans for securing additional The charter members arc Robert Bank, who received the degree of was the result of a promise made by members are the leading professional recreation centers for the youth of Maida, John Strode, Marion Dietz, bachelor of science, and Miss Doro- nnd private gardeners hereabouts, Tronic A. Huff of Marlboro, who was pointed to represent the post In a of the pupils and lovers of music in the Horace E. Dodge boat nnd plane ippolnted supervisor of the Holmdel movement to reorganize the United Red Bank and vicinity to the number the community. Herbert McClees, John Galm, Donald thy A. Mclntosh of Rumson, who re- corporation to Captain Charles P. Jr. has done effective work along this English, Roberta Scott, John Mount, ceived a bachelor of letters degree. lllne through the medium of Its an- ihurch sorno time ago. Tho call Veterans association. Mr. McGrath of about 150 heard the splendid pro- The municipal athletic- field on win of Red Bank during the recant itatea that unless a majority of the gave a talk about the Spanish-Ameri- gram. Classics by noted composers West Bergen place was placed in William Russell, Dorothy Mazza, The degrees were conferred upon national motor boat show that one of nual grand exhibition and by smaller Harry Kcttel. Frank Bl'aisdell, Ruth them Saturday at the ninth annual monthly shows. A show will bo held icmbers of tho congregation attend can pension bill arid he expressed grat- were rendered with a feeling and charge of the Young Men's Christian the latter's business associates would ha meeting classls will order the ification that It had been passed. technique which did credit not only association for the summer months Eaatmond, Ruth Wilman, William commencement of that college. be allowed to drive one ot the new tomorrow night at Red Men's hall at Firth, Georgo Wolcott, Winifred Kumeon, at which time further plans ihurch closed. Among thoso who attended the meet- to the pupils but to their instructors. at a recent meeting of the board of Thirteen Monmouth county young Dodge sixteen-foot runabouts from Ing was William H. Sutphln, a new It would be difficult to single' out education. This organization, ac- Shafto, Anna Cameron, Jessie Frost, men were awarded degrees by Rut- fhe assembly lines'at Newport News •will bo mads for tho grand exhibi- Tho church Is one of *the oldest In LOUISR Greenwood, Samuel Druy, tion nt thfl Rod Bank armory Monmouth county. At ono time It member of the post and a former any one number as the outstanding cording to a statement made by gers university at the commence- to Red Bank. mayor of Matawan. After the meet- one. Among the advanced pupils the Richard T. Smith, executive secre- Margaret HackRtaff, John Giblon ment exercises held by the. senior Mr. Brown, a graduate of Harvirtl Wednesday and Thursday, October md ono of the largest congregations Edith Head, Margaret Schanck, Mil- 1st and 2d. f any Reformed church, In the coun- ing refreshments which had been violin solos by Dorothy West and tary, plans to carry out the work class of the college on Friday. Dr. universityiit , hhas had much experience! provided by John Grogan of Rumson Ruth Zetzer and the piano solos by dred Goff, Kalhryn Franz, Raschell John M. Thomas, president of the | in tho handling of boats nnd l» a The October Bhow wUl bo the 80- y. The church has been without a started last year in providing recre- Madansky, Kathryn Coulon and Sut- egular pastor the past ten years or were served by Mr. Grogan, David Virginia Blrdsall and Audrey Prod- ation fnr hoys. Two baseball leagues university, conferred the baccalaure- great hcliever in tha future of long- fclety's first largo cxhlbl%i since tho Tumidalsky and John Kaney. were especially fine. Outstand- phin Knott. ate degrees upon 234 members ctf^the distance touring in small boats. The new classification of dahlias. There more. Rev. Mr. Terhune, a stated have already been formed and plans upply, has been conducting services g In the numbers by the younger senior class and 56 extension stutients j craft he drove was equipped with a are fourteen classifications, all self- upils were the difficult piano selec for other athletics and sports are he paaffow years. being made. i,_n th.,._e Schoo„.,__-l, of, „Education .,__. 'forty horsepower, four cylinder en- explanatory except the second, which ions by Francis Kodama, which were William B. Duryee, graduate of lie anemone dahlias. This class In- The attendance at the church has Talk of the possibility of securing gine, capable of attaining a speed at teadily dwindled. Thcj'o has been NAME DOG SHOW JUDGES. rfectly executed. Another out- FLORISTS' CONVENTION. Rutgers in 1910 and secretary of the over thirty miles an hour. cludes open-centered flowers with on- .andlng number was the violin cn- two tenni3 courts on the borough a great chango in the population of park property along tho riverfront New Jersey state department of agri- A huge crane dropped tho boat ly one row of ray florets, regardless ;mble presented by fifteen pupils. GATHERING AT LONG BKANCH culture, was awarded the honorary of form or number of flowers. Tho Holmdel tho past tew years and thla SLATE APPROVED BY AMEBJ- ensued. Mr. Smith stated that it overboard at Newport News. Mr. as adversely affected tho church, The assisting artist was Miss Syl- degree of master of science. Brown threw In his waterproof suit- tubular disc florets are elongated, ! CAN KENNEL CLUB. ia Aul, who has a charming soprano was possible that two temporary ten- ON JUNE 25TH. forming a pln-cushlon gffect. Dahlia 'ho agricultural depression which nis courts might be placed on the Graduates of Rutgers from Mon- case, a handful of charts, two ten- ct In after the world war has hurt oice. Miss Aul rendered "Elegie" by mouth county arc William I. Thomp- gallon cans of gasoline in addition IM Ada Finch Is a good cxamplo of this Other Plans Made For Third Annual assenet (with violin obligate);. athletic field until measures are tak- Tile, New Jersey Unit of the Florists' he church.
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