The original documents are located in Box 25, folder “Olympic Sports (2)” of the James M. Cannon Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Citius-Aitius-Forti us Repertoire Olympique Olympic Directory 1975 Digitized from Box 25 of the James M. Cannon Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library , ' ! ~ ·~ ~ E ! -C> ·- 0 u ..CD ·-a. ·c; E t:~ CD 0 a. '-CD a: a; en c: en .2 a: 0::J ::i• "tJ- e -~ a. ~ Q) 0. ~ E 0 Q) () "tJ , SOMMAIRE Comlt6 International Olymplque CONTENTS Pages Cree le 23 juin 1894. Fondateur : le baron Pierre de Coubertin 1. Comite International Olympique International Olympic Committee 3 Created 23rd June, 1894. Founder : Baron Pierre de Coubertin Lisle des presidents du C.I.O. List of I.O.C. Presidents 3 Commission executive Executive Board 4 Secretariat general General Secretariat 5 Lisle des pr6sldents du C.I.O. 2. Lisle alphabetique des membres du C.I.O. List of I.O.C. Presidents Alphabetical list of the I.O.C. members 6 M. Demetrius Vikelas (Grace), 1894-1896 3. Lisle protocolaire des membres du C.I.O. et des Lebaron Pierre de Coubertin (France), 1896-1916 et 1919-1925 membres honoraires Le baron Godefroy de Blonay (Suisse), president par interim de Protocol list of I.O.C. members and honorary members 14 1916 a 1e1e Lecomte Henri de Balliet-Latour (Belgique), 1925-1942 4. Commissions du C.I.O. M. J. Sigfrid Edstrom (Suede), 1946-1952 I.O.C. Commissions 18 M. Avery Brundage (USA), 1952-1972 5. Federations lnternationales Olympiques The lord Killanin (lrlande), 1972- International Olympic Federations 23 6. Comites Nationaux Olympiques National Olympic Committees 29 7. Comites d'organisation des Jeux Olympiques Organizing Committees for the Olympic Games 59 8. Sessions du C.I.O. I.O.C. Sessions 60 9. Membres appartenant au ayant appartenu au C.I.O. depuis sa fondation Past and present members of the I.O.C. since its foundation 63 10. Adresses utiles Useful addresses 73 11. Abreviations employees Abbreviations used 78 2 3 Commission executive Secretariat general Executive Board General Secretariat President • President Dlrecteur • Director : Mme Monique Berlioux Lord Killanin elu en 1972 ·elected in 1972 Dlrecteur technique • Technical Director : M. Henry R. Banks Vice-presidents • VIce-Presidents Chef du personnel et comptable - Personal officer and accoun­ tant : M. Jacques Belgrand Jonkheer Herman A. van Karnebeek 1 er vice-president, elu en 1970 - 1st Vice-President, elected in 1970 Secretalre du bureau du coordonateur de Ia solidarite olymplque • Secretary of the office of the coordinator of the Olympic Soli­ M. Willi Daume 2• vice-president, elu en 1972 - 2nd Vice-President, elected in darity: M. Edward Wieczorek (c/o CONI - Rome - ltalie) 1972 Adresse • Address : Chateau de Vidy - CH-1007 Lausanne M. Juan Antonio Samaranch 3• vice-president, elu en 1974 - 3rd Vice-President, elected in 1974 Telephone. Telephone: (021) 25 32 71/72173/74 Membres • Members Telex • Telex : 24 024 CIO CH/Lausanne Prince Tsuneyoshi Takeda elu en 1971 - elected in 1971 Telegramme • Cable : CIO Lausanne Major Sylvie de Magalhaes Padilha elu en 1972- elected in 1972 Banque • Bank : Union de Banques Suisses Compte No 255.187.01.R M. Mohamed Mzali elu en 1973- elected in 1973 Cheques postaux : Compte No 10- 22 82 M. Vitaly Smirnov elu en 1974- elected in 1974 M. James Worrall elu en 1974 - elected in 1974 Chef du protocole • Chief of the protocol M. Juan Antonio Samaranch 4 5 .. Liste alphabetlque des membres du C.I.O. M. Key Young Chang I.P.O. Box 3290, Seoul, Coree Tel. 74.00.75- 72.41.51 Alphabetical list of the I.O.C. members Telegramme: Kychangioc Seoul Korea - Telex 2244 Seoul Korea Sir Adetokunbo Ademola No. 1 The Close, Adetokunbo Air chief marshall Dawee 107/1 Bangkhunnon, Bangkok Ademola Street, Victoria Island, Chullasapya Noi, Bangkok, Tha"ilande P.O. Box 6967, Lagos, Nigeria M. C. Lance S. Cross, O.B.E. Otaki Street 1, Wellington 3 M. Reginald (Reggie) Alexander P.O. Box 42437, Nairobi, Kenya (P.O. Box 10.150) Tel. Bureau: 26257- Prive: 60540. Nouvelle-Zelande Telegramme: Kusaidia M. Arpad Csanadl Trencseni utca 44 Telex: 22153 1125 Budapest, Hongrie Tel. 151 598 M. Syed Wajld All 1-F.C.C. Gulberg, Lahore Pakistan M. Willi Daume Sportzentrum der Technischen Universitat, Zentrale Hochschul­ M. Constantin Andrlanov c/o Comite olympique d'U.R.S.S., sportanlage, Olympia Park Skatertnyper 4, Moscou, U.R.S.S. 8000 Munich 40, Allemagne Tel. 291.58.49 Tel. 351.40.13 Dr Agustin C. Arroyo P.O. Box 4437, Guayaquil, Equa­ M. Eduardo Dlbos Adresse postale : Apartado 1226, teur, South America Lima. Residence : Avda. Los Ge· Tel. Bureau: 515 255- 513 707 ranios 470, Chaclacayo, Lima Prive: 303 484-303 414 Perou - Tel. 91.0025 M. Boris Bakrac Jorgavaniceve stube 7, Zagreb 1 M. Gunnar Ericsson S-59700 Atvidaberg, SuMe Yougoslavie- Tel. 38 326 Tel. 0120/81.000 Le comte Jean de Beaumont 6, Villa Molitor, 75016 Paris M. Suat Erler P.O. Box 9 Mecidiyekiiy, France - Tel. 233.44.42 Istanbul, Turquie Tel. 40.84.86/47.34.67 M. Berthold Beltz Hugel 14, 43 Essen-Bredeney Telegramme: Buyuk Istanbul Allemagne- Tel. 22001 Telex : Suer 22 380 tr Hadj Mohammed Benjelloun Rue des Cols-Bieus 2 The marquess of Exeter Burghley House, Stamford (Lines) Casablanca, Maroc - Tel. 22 830 Grande-Bretagne M. Jos6 Beracasa A. Apartado postal 193, Caracas Tel. Stamford 31 31 Venezuela M. Erik von Frenckell Villagatan 1 Telex: 21 355 Benaroch Caracas 00150 Helsingfors 15, Finlande Tel. 63.43.33 M. Roy Anthony (Tony) Bridge c/o Jamaica Olympic Associa­ tion, P.O. Box 80, Kingston M. Raymond Gainer Bugnon 17, 1011 Lausanne Jama"ique W. 1. Suisse- Tel. (021) 2412 26 6 7 Cheik Gabriel Gemayel Place des Martyrs 86, Beyrouth M. Reginald Honey Rand Club, Johannesburg (B.P. 5419), Liban -Tel. 238 326- Afrique du Sud 227 763- Telegramme: Gabriel Gemayel, Beyrouth M. Paavo Honkajuurl Rauma-Repola Oy, Snellmanin­ katu 13, 00170 Helsinki 17 M. Julio Gerleln Comelln Apartado aereo No 170 (courrier Fin Iande- Tel. 13 100 avion), Baranquilla, Colombie Tel. 10754- Telegramme: Julger­ M. Henry Hsu 71-10 Chung Hsiao East Road, lein Baranquilla Section 4, P.O. Box 24 071 Taipei, Taiwan Baron de Giiell Rue de Buenos Aires 4, Bilbao 1 Republique de Chine Espagne- Tel. 21 79 20 M. Alfredo lnciarte Ramon Massini 3272, apt. 401 M. Manuel Gonzalez Guerra c/o Comite Olympico Cubano, Montevideo, Uruguay Hotel Habana Libre, La Havane Cuba Lejonkheer Privee : Tapijtweg 1a, LaHaye M. Louis Gulrandou-N'Diaye Ambassade de Cote-d'lvoire en Herman .A. van Karnebeek Pays-Bas - Tel. (070) 558 004. Republique Arabe d'Egypte Professionnelle: Laan Copes van B.P. 434, Le Caire, Republique Cattenburch 101, La Haye, Pays­ Arabe d'Egypte- Tel. 27.550 Bas- Tel. (070) 602 478 Dr Abdel Mohamed Hallm P.O. Box 559, Khartoum, Soudan The lord Klllanln Lansdowne Road 30, Dublin 4 lrlande- Telex: 4708 IOC El H.H. Sultan Hamengku c/o Komite Olahraga Nasional Buwono IX Indonesia, Gedung Koni, M. Masajl Klyokawa c/o Kanematsu & Gosho Ltd., Serrajan, Djakarta, Indonesia P.O. Box 209, Osaka, Japon Tel. 71 102 Dr Frantlsek Kroutll c/o Comite Olympique Tchecos­ M. Joiio Havelange Avenida Visconde de Albuquer­ lovaque, Narodni TrTda 33, que 473, apt. 302, 20000 Rio de 11293 Prague 1, Tchecoslovaquie Janeiro, Bresil -Tel. 23 08 41 M. Ashwlnl Kumar Director general, Border Security Dr Eduardo Hay Explanada 318, Mexico 10 D.F. Force, Ministry of Home Affairs, Mexique North Block, New Delhi 110001 In de M. Maurice Herzog Assemblee nationale rue de I'Universite 126 Vice-amiral Pyrros Lappas c/o Comite Olympique Helleni­ 75355 Paris, France que, rue Kapsali 4, Athenes 138 Tel. 260 60 00 Grace - Tel. 711 888 M• Marc Hodler Elfenstrasse 19, 3006 Berne M. VIrgilio de Leon P.O. Box 7145, Zona 5 Suisse- Tel. (031) 4411 88 Panama City, Panama 8 9 .. S.A.S. le prince regnant Fran­ Schloss Vaduz, FL-9490 Vaduz M. Julian K. Roosevelt Centre Island, Oyster Bay t;:ols-Joseph de Liechtenstein Fiirstentum, Liechtenstein N.Y. 11771, Etats-Unis Tel. (075) 2 28 22 M. Pedro Ramirez Vazquez Avenida de las Fuentes 170 The lord Luke Privee :Odell Castle, Odell, Mexico 20, D.F., Mexique Bedfordshire MK43 7BB, Angleterre - Tel. (0234) 72.02.40. Or Alejandro Rivera Bascur Comite olfmplco de Chile, Professionnelle: 12, Adeline Casilla 9462, Santiago Place, Londres WC1 B 3AJ Chili -Tel. 491 911 Angleterre- Tel. (01) 637.35.20 M. Douglas F. Roby Fairview, 6100 Geddes Road, S.A.R. le grand-due Palais grand-ducal Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197, Etats­ Jean de Luxembourg Luxembourg Unis- Tel. (313) 482.1093 Major Sylvio de Magalhaes Rua Padre Joao Manuel 1178, M. Juan Antonio Samaranch Avenida General Goded 24, Padllha apt. 41, Sao Paulo, Bresil Barcelona 6 Espagne - Tel. 217-24-12 M. Keba M'Baye Premier President de Ia Cour suprlime, Palais de justice Or Heinz SchlSbel Rodelstrasse 1, 7031 Leipzig Dakar, Senegal Republique Democratique Alle- mande (RDA) - Tel.
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