Partial Differential Equations (Week 6+7) Elliptic Regularity and Weak Solutions Gustav Holzegel March 16, 2019 1 Elliptic Regularity We will now entertain the following questions. Say u is C2 and satisfies ∆u = f (1) in Ω. How regular is u depending on f? What is the minimum regularity on f so that we can actually find a C2 solution of (1)? What about weak solutions? Our formula (??) is already suggestive as far as the relation of the regularity of f and the regularity of u is concerned. Let's take for simplicity the case of the ball for which we found a nice Green's function for the Dirichlet problem: Z u (ξ) = G (x; ξ) f (x) dx (2) Ω Now since the Green's function is symmetric in x and ξ what is suggested by (2) is that we can gain (almost) two derivatives (explain!).1 We will now try to quantify this regularity gain but not at the level of the Hoelder spaces Ck,α (which would be an option leading to Schauder regularity theory) but at the level of the Sobolev spaces Hk. k 1 Recall that H (Ω) is defined as the space of Lloc (Ω) functions, which have k weak derivatives and for which Z 2 X α 2 kukHk(Ω) = jD uj dx < 1 : (3) jα|≤k Ω We also define the homogeneous Sobolev \semi"-norm Z 2 X α 2 kukH_ k(Ω) = jD uj dx ; (4) jαj=k Ω 1There are counter examples of solutions of ∆u = f with with f continuous but u not C2. The right spaces to quantify the vague statement made above are the Hoelder spaces Ck,α (which are Banach spaces), for which one can derive the estimates of the type kukC2,α ≤ CkfkC0,α : from (2). Such an estimate is a regularity estimate. Search for Schauder estimates in the literature. 1 which unlike (3) behaves well under scaling of the coordinates (in case that Ω = Rn). The spaces Hk (Ω) are Hilbert spaces with the inner-product Z X α α < u; v >Hk = D uD v dx : jα|≤k Ω Remark 1.1. There are more general Sobolev spaces W k;p (Ω) (which become the Hk (Ω) for p = 2). Those are still Banach spaces. We won't need them in this course. The associated notion of orthogonality for the Hk and the fact that these spaces are complete make them useful to do analysis. Moreover, these spaces are actually suggested by the equation themselves, more precisely, the estimates that one can derive from them. Indeed, suppose for a moment that both f and u in (1) were smooth and of compact support in Ω. Then the elementary computation Z Z Z Z 2 2 X 2 2 X 2 f = j∆uj dx = @i u@j u = (@i@ju)(@i@ju) dx = kukH_ 2(Ω) Ω Ω i;j Ω i;j Ω with the boundary terms vanishing in the integration by parts by the assumption of compact support, we would have 2 2 2 kukH_ 2(Ω) = kfkH0(Ω) := kfkL2(Ω) ; (5) expressing the \gain" of two-derivatives at the level of Sobolev spaces. Now we can commute the Laplace equation by @xi for i = 1; :::; d and by the same computation obtain 2 2 kukH_ 2+k(Ω) = kfkHk(Ω) (6) for all integers k > 0. I claim that these identities will be extremely useful in helping us to prove Proposition 1.2. Let Ω ⊂ Rn be open, u 2 C2 (Ω) and ∆u = f in Ω with f 2 C1 (Ω). Then u is also C1 in Ω. Unfortunately we used the smoothness (and assumed compact support) of u to derive the identity (6). The idea of the following proof is to turn things around and to prove the smoothness of u using the identity (6). Preliminaries Let χ : Rd ! R, d ≥ 2 be a smooth radial cut-off function which satisfies • supp χ ⊂ B (0; 1) R • d χdx = 1 R 2 1 • χ = 1 for jxj ≤ 2 . −d x Then we know that χ (x) := χ it supported in the ball B (0; ) and R satisfies d χdx = 1 R d For a given x0 2 Ω ⊂ R we pick a ball around x0 which is compactly contained in Ω. Let this ball have radius 2ρ. We define x − x u~ = χ 0 u ρ which localizes the u to the ball of radius ρ around x0, and the associated f~ := ∆~u = χf + 2rχru + ∆χ u : (7) ~ ρ We note that f is supported in B (x0; ρ) and agrees with f in B x0; 2 . In addition, we define the sequence of mollifications u~ =u ~ ? χ ρ for any m > 1 (8) m m Note thatu ~m is smooth and supported in B (x0; 2ρ). Also, the mollifications f~ = f~ ? χ ρ for any m > 1 (9) m m k k n are smooth and supported in B (x0; 2ρ), hence in H = H (R ) for all k. The proof We first note that we have by definition for any > 0 Z Z −d x − y −d y ∆xu~m (x) = ∆ χ u~ (y) dy = ∆ χ u~ (x − y) dy : d d R R Sinceu ~ is compactly supported, the Laplacian goes through the integral, which { in view of its translation invariance { produces ~ ∆~um = fm (10) 1. Step 1. Since f 2 C1 and u is in C2, the identity (7) gives that f~ is C1. Since f~ is also of compact support in Ω, f~ 2 H1. 2. Step 2. We now recall an exercise about mollifiers from the previous ~ week, which implies that the mollifications fm defined in (9) converge to ~ ~ 1 ~ 1 fm ! f in H as m ! 1. In particular, fm is Cauchy in H . By the 2 2 same argument, we know thatu ~k ! u~ in H and henceu ~k Cauchy in H . ~ ~ 3. Step 3. Since ∆ (~uk − u~l) = fk − fl and both differences are smooth and of compact support, the identity (6) is now valid and takes the form 2 ~ ~ 2 ku~k − u~lkH_ 2+k = kfk − flkH_ k : (11) 3 2 Since we already know thatu ~k is Cauchy in H we can apply the above 3 with k = 1 to conclude thatu ~k is actually Cauchy in H . Since we already know the limit isu ~ 2 H2 we inferu ~ 2 H3. Noting thatu ~ agrees with u ρ on B x0; 2 and that we can perform the above steps around any point 3 x0, we conclude u 2 H (no tilde!) on any compact subset of Ω. 4. Step 4. We now repeat the procedure. We pick x0 and the balls as above, and revisiting (7), we see that now f~ is actually H2. Now go to Step 2 replacing Hs by Hs+1 everywhere. k By induction, this shows that u 2 Hloc (Ω) for all positive integers k. By k− n −δ Sobolev embedding (see Exercises) we conclude that u 2 C 2 (Ω). Reflecting on this proof, we see that it required the translation invariance of the Laplacian (true for all constant coefficient linear operators) and the avail- ability of the fundamental estimate for the Hk-norm arising from the equation. We already note at this stage that only the second ingredient is fundamental, the first is technical. Exercise 1.3. Below we will show existence of weak solutions of ∆u = f with 2 1 f 2 L (Ω) and u 2 H0 (Ω). It's worth revisiting the above proof after that. 2 Existence of weak solutions for ∆u = f 2.1 The Energy Estimate From Green's identities we know that for u 2 C2 (Ω) \ C1 Ω¯ we have the identity Z Z ru · ru = − uf Ω Ω for solutions ∆u = f of Poisson's equation which vanish on the boundary of Ω (which we assume to be sufficiently regular): u = 0 on @Ω. Applying Cauchy- Schwarz yields Z Z 1 Z ru · ru ≤ u2 + f 2 (12) Ω Ω Ω We have the following fundamental Poincare inequality Proposition 2.1. Let Ω ⊂ Rn be bounded and open with @Ω smooth. Let u 2 C1 Ω¯ vanish on @Ω. Then Z Z 2 2 u dx ≤ CΩ jruj dx (13) Ω Ω holds for a constant CΩ depending only on Ω. 4 n Proof. We first enclose Ω in a big cube Γ := fx 2 R j jxij ≤ a for i = 1; :::; ng. Continue u to be zero in Γ outside Ω. Then, for any (x1; :::; xn) 2 Γ we have Z x 2 Z a 2 2 u (x) = @x1 u (ξ; x2; :::xn) dξ1 ≤ 2a dξ1 [@x1 u (ξ1; x2; :::xn)] (14) −a −a Hence Z a Z a 2 2 2 dx1u (x1; :::; xn) ≤ 4a dξ1 [@x1 u (ξ1; x2; :::xn)] (15) −a −a 2 Integrating over x2; :::; xn yields the desired inequality with CΩ = 4a . Remark 2.2. The proof shows that Ω ⊂ Rn just needs to be bounded in one 1 direction and u 2 H0 (Ω) (see below). As a consequence of Poincare's inequality, we obtain from (12) that Z Z 2 2 jruj dx ≤ CΩ f dx (16) Ω Ω holds for all u 2 C2 (Ω) \ C1 Ω¯ which vanish on the boundary and satisfy Poisson's equation ∆u = f in Ω. In view of Poincare's inequality, Z 2 2 kukH1(Ω) ≤ CΩ f dx (17) Ω 2.2 Construction of Weak solutions We now address the problem of constructing weak solutions to Dirichlet's prob- 1 lem.
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