Printing, Graphics, & Direct Mail Document Scanning Index Form High Speed Scanning Date of Request: 12/01/14 Box 19 of64 Senator or Department: SENATOR HARKIN Instructions: Prepare one form for insertion at the beginning of each record series. Prepare and insert additional forms at points that you would like to index. For example: at the beginning of a new folder, briefing book, topic, project, or date sequence. Record Type*: Speeches Inclusive Month/Year of 1975-1990 Records*: (1) Subject*: Miscellaneous Speeches (2) Staffer*: Jim Whitmire I2j Maintain (Return to Office) O- Destroy (Shred) *REQUIRED INFORMATION 1111111111111111111111111111111 TO: Sen. Harkin FR: Rod Benson RE: Campaign events for David Johnson on 7/9 DA: 20 June 1986 This campaign is in many ways similar to Wayne Cryts' Missouri campaign -- disillusioned farmer decides to run for Congress and make a differrence in farm policies. Johnson was even a Republican national delegate, before he switched over to the Demo party and decided to challenge New Right (conservative opportunity society chairman) Vin Weber. Johnson won the nomination, with only token opposition, at the district party convention on 5/10 with 76 percent of the vote. On most issues, Johnson is very progressive -- stopping excessive military spending, support for nuclear freeze, get the U.S. out of Central America, etc. He is a pro-lifer, however, which has alienated some of his natural Democratic constituency. Johnson is portraying Weber as a slick Washington politico, ultra-right winger. Weber, however, as made some smart moves. He voted for the Harkin farm bill in the House, against passage of the '85 farm bill, and for the House Democrats' budget bill. Weber has attacked Johnson some for switching parties. But I'm told by Johnson's campaign that this has, if anything, helped Johnson. Peope started asking? Who is this Dave Johnson? Why is Vin Weber attacking him? Partly as a consequence of this, Johnson's name i.d. has gone from being 19 % at the end of March, to 44 % 5 weeks later, to an estimated 65 % currently. Talking points are enclosed. The message here ought to be basically the same as for the other farm-belt Democrats -- with special emphasis on: *Conservative opportunity society -- "privileged society" *Aid to contras (Weber has spent a lot of time since winning office to help "freedom fighters" but he's a really Johnny come lately when it comes to the farm crisis) *Running away from the President now (Weber has been almost as adept as Grassley in removing himself from the President) -- but Weber was strong supporter of tax giveaways for rich, massive military buildup, "voodoo economics" that ruined farm economy. Weber is an "ideologue" who's more concerned with his pet theories than helping the people of his district. They would like to hold three events: (1) Private reception -- big donors (2) Press conference (3) Outdoor rally/hog roast (10-15 dollar donors) A week prior to your visit, Tim Penny will be campaigning for Johnson. Tony Coelho will be coming out the 1st or 2nd of July. * * Talking points dampaign rally for David Johnson Minnesota July 9, 1986 I. Here: because -- A. crisis in rural America: farm foreclosures, small businesses closing doors, small towns dying, it's getting worse not better, need a change B. Admiration for David Johnson -- Harry Truman: "Only one test of friendship. It is a test of the heart. You know without being told who is your friend and who is not your friend." -- Proud to consider David a friend "of the heart" etc. --David has shown he has the courage of his convictions and the strength to stand up and fight for them -- no higher comliment can be paid to a man --Switched parties: not out of opportunity, out of conviction and principle --Believed Republicans had betrayed district, tried to change Republican policies from within, learned it was useless: Republican party has been taken over by radical right-wing ideologues, including the incumbent in this district C. David can make a difference -- far beyond change in one vote in House -- victory here, and in handful of other Senate/House races (SD, ND, WI, Wayne Cryts, Colin Peterson, IA House races) -- will send clear message to Wash. for new direction in farm policies II. David -- "Friend" who will stand up and fight for you -- not, like Reagan/members of his party: when times are bad, point a finger and say "it's your fault." A. Rgn says farmers "inefficient" -- his policies are "inefficient" --Japan (1/2 population, twice # farmers -- inefficient?) B. Repub. "farm bill" -- supposed to get govt out, but $4/$5 next 5 yrs. from govt paycheck, cut farm income in MN $400 million. --Costs up: from $50 to $75 billion, Gramm-Rudman force even deeper cuts --solution: increase exports -- but wheat exports this year just 50% of '81, corn surplus reach higher level than PIK --milk at 52% parity: whole-herd dairy buyout, eliminate 50 % dairy industry in MN, soon start shipping milk from South to Northl) III. No accident -- result of deliberate policies: --fewer farmers, larger landholdings, etc. --"Conservative Opp. Society" -- privileged society, opportunity for rich and powerful to get more rich and powerful --Harry Truman: "How many times do you have to be hit on the head before you find out what's hitting you? IV. Some Republicans say -- not me, the president -- but give him support on budget, defense, Central America, tax giveaways to rich, farm bills --Not just RR failure, etc. -- failure of party, must be held accountable V. Time to elect reps/sens. who will give more than lip-service to farmers, and stand up and fight for new direction! --true market-oriented, bring supply in line with demand --only bill reduce deficit, increase farm income --give farmers a voice in own destiny --raise farm income in marketplace, not from gov't paycheck VI. Time to get our priorities straight --Rgn. admin: no more money for FmHA loans, but $180 M for Honduran president, $100 M for contras, $136 M for El Salvador "Central America v. Central America" VII. Time to get our economy back in balance (TJ "due balance") --Too many people money off money, not enough in agriculture, manuf, energy, producing! -- 1982-85: farm-land value fall $146 B = assets of 11 major U.S. corporations such as IBM, General Electric, Kodak, McDonalds -- say can't help farmers, but if it were these big corporations going under and not our farmers and small businesses -- think Repub. would have same attitude? John Deere Waterloo -- "food so cheap lost my job" -- (now Hardees/K-Mart -- less money, twice as many hours -- Rgn. says two new jobs -- "progress") VIII. Silent, unspoken truth -- 200-year-old American dream dying IX. Century farm story X. Not too late -- can turn it around --change with right policies/right people like David Johnson --I'm here because I want him there --You have opportunity to make a change -- urge you, do all you can, not just for yourself, for children --Just like Minutemen of old -- "shot heard round the world." JOHNSON CONGRE SS Dave Johnson: to protect our Minnesota way of life! Dave Johnson is a family farmer in Minnesota's Second Congressional District and a lifelong resident of Hector, Minnesota. Dave has long been active in efforts to improve Minnesota's agricultural economy. He was a co- founder of the Renville Sugar Beet Co-op, and organized MN F.A.I.R. to halt the dumping of hazardous waste on prime Minnesota farmland. As Second District Congressman,, Dave Johnson will: Fight for Main Street, not Wall Street., Fight to turn around our farm and snmall busines economy. Fight to scrap the '85 farm bill'and work for a common sense farm policy which will raise prices in the marketplace. Fight o change Washington's spending priorities. Stop' billio'ns of dollars in foreign aid Trim" the budget ... let's help rural Arrierica'first! Fight to protect Minnesota's environment. Fight for jobs and economic development. 7W S k Dave and Miriam Johnson are third generation farmers who have raised four children on their Renville County farm. They know the challenges of raising and educating a family, and the struggles facing farmers and small businesses. Dave Johnson shares your concerns and will speak out for you. He will use his experience to strengthen your voice in Washington. "I became a Democrat because of my frustration with Republican farm policy. I'm running for Congress because rural Minnesota can no longer withstand the policies of neglect. Our farmers and small businesses are going under." "Our way of life is threatened. It's time to send a message to Washington now!" "I pledge to provide a, total commitment to solving our rural crisis." Dave Johnson needs your help to send the Minnesota message to Washington. Please call (612) 235-5689, or write: Dave Johnson, P.O. Box 815, Willmar, MN 56201 Paid tor by the Dave Johnso to Congres, Com ittee, Dolores Nelon Treasurer, Willmar, MN 56201 5 Design: HAley lohnon More on Johnson - --Besides taking on the "party switching" issue head-on by saying it was an action of conscience and soul-searchinQ. and realizing the Republican party couldn't be chanqed from within -- Also. stress these points: .- Johnson a working farmer for 28 years *orking family farm passed down through 3 generations --Johnson knows understands -- instinctively intuitively -- the problems farmers are having because he's been there, in fact he's still in there, struggling like the rest of the people in this district * -- Johnson has the same stake in the future of the district that the rest of its residents have.
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