March 18, 1986 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 5313 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS SANE STUDENT ESSAYS you survive them, you just might be the occur will be once again caused by mans ha­ only person left. bitual use of violence to end his disputes. HON. STEPHEN J. SOLARZ Another major problem with a world with To erase the threat which now faces us we no peace is that each and every country must reeducate ourselves. We must make an OF NEW YORK feels endangered without a sizable amount about-face on our path of war and start on IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of weaponry. Meanwhile, all the leaders say the long hard road to peace. This idea may Tuesday, March 18, 1986 "We don't intend to use them." Every coun­ sound like a utopian dream and it is; yet it is try has a large amount of homeless, starving Mr. SOLARZ. Mr. Speaker, ours is an age in a dream that must become a reality if the people. The money spent on the arms race earth's surface is not to be reduced to radio­ which the threat of a nuclear holocaust is an could be spent on those people and together we could wipe out world famine of all kinds, active slag, and its inhabitants to become omnipresent concern. Our fear of nuclear war extinct. We must change the human in­ is one of the most powerful emotions of our for good! Yes, peaceful solutions are needed and stinct of aggression into the human instinct nuclear age. Ironically, the immensity of our of peace. And so the solution is not a verifia­ fear may lull us into a feeling of powerless­ quickly. For if we do not establish world peace we will bury each other among the ble reduction of half the worlds nuclear ness-we are told, and often believe, that rubble. Whether it be by war, starvation, warheads over a thirty year period of time; only experts can understand issues of such racism, the conditions keep getting worse. it is a new way of thinking, a realization complexity. This is at once our greatest illu­ One country wins, the other loses, it's all so that man must now lift his primeval in­ sion and our greatest danger, for it is the opin­ repetitive. The world's rich grow richer as stincts out of the mud and wash himself ions of all citizens which help shape the future the world's poor grow poorer. And I believe free of his inherent violent nature. of our world. that this situation will continue until people I realize that what I have written is not One of the leaders in informing us of our re­ get fed up and stop this evil plague. really a solution, but much like saying, sponsibility, and the hope that it represents, is Yet if these patterns keep up we will soon "The way to stop famine is to feed every­ the Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy have two supreme powers, the U.S.A. and one.'' The plain truth is that I am too young the U.S.S.R. Every other country will be and ignorant to know how to root out one of [SANE). In addition to providing information in either on the Soviet Union's "team" <com­ the form of its manuals and information book­ man's basic instincts but I feel, I know, that munist> or the U.S.A.'s "team" (democratic>. our species can keep itself from suicide if lets, SANE sets itself a higher goal, that of en­ Then the tensions will increase greatly only it would seriously apply itself to the couraging people at all ages to involve them­ among the two forces, and just a minute task, instead of waiting for a sudden godlike selves in thinking about nuclear issues. One problem will make everybody's destiny quite light of realization to come and do it for us. way that this effort manifests itself is in the clear. Or until it is too late. school essay contests which the group spon­ So this is our glorious world! This is what sors. we have created over years: a mess. I'm not saying that there is no hope, but I am I would like today to salute the winners of saying that we're going to have to work DANIEL W. FISH REVIEWS this year's essay contest sponsored by really hard to improve our world. "WITH THE CONTRAS" SANE's Brooklyn affiliate. Through these essays we can see that the fear of nuclear ABOUT-FACE war is pervasive, even affecting our children's <By Saj Freiberg) HON. JIM COURTER view of the future. Nowhere can this better be Ever since time began man has been at OF NEW JERSEY seen than in these essays. war with something, whether himself or The middle division winners were: Rishi nature. Using violence to end any conflict is IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Puntes, Kali Taylor, and Alex Berenberg. Hon­ all too common in history. It is sad, al­ Tuesday, March 18, 1986 though man is the most intelligent being on orable mention went to Joanna Weiner, Mary earth his reaction to conflict is the same as Mr. COURTER. Mr. Speaker, the debate on Claire Montilus, and Justina Ugwudi. All are the most simple of beasts. aid to the Nicaraguan democratic resistance students at the Brooklyn Friends School. Unfortunately for us as man has grown has often turned to the character of the resist­ In the upper division, first prize went to Saj more advanced he has not become peaceful Freiberg; second prize to Joseph Sigelman; in fact he has improved his tools of war. ance fighters, and this discussion has often and third prize to Steven Vas. All are students From the bone of a dead animal to a subma­ been based on the accounts of Christopher at St. Ann's School. chine gun, man has strived to build weapons Dickey, a Washington Post reporter, in his The two first prize essays follow: that can kill more, faster, and better. How book "With the Contras." man has so advanced in his pursuit that he WHY PEACEFUL SOLUTIONS TO WORLD This book, like most lengthy accounts of its can now slay all there is to kill in under one­ kind, lends itself to selective quoting. While PROBLEMS ARE NEEDED hundred-and-eighty minutes. <By Rishi Puntes> Nuclear arms are the final advancement we frequently hear of the abuses that Dickey Look at our world .... We have con­ in mans weapons "improvements". We describes-crimes for which the Contras have demned ourselves through selfishness and cannot destroy any more easily, we cannot disciplined and even executed some of their greed. Think . of all the innocent people cause more death. Some now say "Hold on, troops-we seldom hear of the evidence of suffering all over the world, in Africa, the war is O.K. but we cannot kill everything". popular support for the Contras that is also Middle East, England, even in New York The new power of destruction we are capa­ found in Dickey's book. City! Many of these conditions would not ble of has disturbed many people, and well exist if there were world peace. it should. We can no longer think that if a I submit for the RECORD a review of "With Nuclear war is a constant threat to the world war occurs we will not get hit by the the Contras" that appeared in the March 22, human race. Many countries are now build­ bullet, because if a global nuclear war takes 1986, edition of Human Events. This insightful ing more and more nuclear weapons, espe­ place no one will survive. No one. This fact review, written by Daniel W. Fish of the Re­ cially the U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R. Yet I fail scared many people, that is obvious, but this publican Study Committee, gives a balanced to see the point for the U.S. and Soviet new concern has a self centered basis, Union to build any more, when together people who before did not rise up against account of the book, and is deserving of our they can blow up the world eight times. war now cry in rage because they know that careful attention. Once again, Mr. Fish has What's more, if you survive a nuclear war the warning signal that comes on their T.V. used his considerable analytical skill to make the fallout would contaminate your food sets will not be a warning but a death war­ a valuable contribution to the foreign policy and drinking water, therefore, in time you rent. debate. too would not survive. Yet if you do survive Nuclear war is that, war, a devastating un­ The review follows: you will catch strange diseases. And should imaginable holocaust, which if allowed to e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. 5314 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS March 18, 1986 CONTRAS RECEIVE INADVERTENT BOOST FROM with all the makings of a Nicaraguan Dodge Robelo says, "CLeMoynel said that among DICKl!Y City. the forces with which he coexisted-some <By Daniel Fish> None of these atrocities happens during 400 men-there were 12 former National Dickey's six-day Contra trip. He sees no Guardsmen or 3 per cent of the FDN com­ For six days in March 1983, Washington abuses, only hears about them.
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