ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, EASTCHESTm, N .Y. Situated near South Colmnbus Avenu• And South Third Aven11.e Mount Vernon, N .Y. GRAVEST ONE INSCRIPTIONS - WI TH GENFALOGI CAL NOT~ COPIED BY FRANCIS FERDI NA.ND SPI ]E Mount Vernon, N .Y. 1931 EAST CHESTER, ~T • ~-. st.~aulf.s Church 1.ard. Inscriptions copied from the gravestones in the iard arraneed with Uenealogical noyes,an Index also some data from the Church records. Francis F.Spies, 1-1:t. Ternon,ir. Y., I93I. Graveyard inscriptions, I. -I70. Notes and additti.ons, I7I-I74 • Index, I75-200. EAST CHES'?ER, 11.Y. I st.Pauls Church. "This Church stands on the Ancient Village Green or East Chester. A General Training Ground and Election Place 1n the Colonial Daya . and Enlisting Headquarters for ftevolutionary- Soldiers. ' The First Meeting House erected on the Green,North or this Church, I ·•· • • •. • -, I692-I699,adopted the Worship of the Church of England,I702. This Church_erected I76I-~765,w,as used as a Military Ho~p1ta~ dur­ ing the Amerio~ Re!oluti<?n• _Converted 1:r:it~ ~ C<?urt House,178?. Incorporated,I78'1. Re--opebed as a Church,I'7aa. Re-inco~porated 1795 witg the lame.of St.Paul's Church in the Town or East Chester and Consecrated I805.n This Inscription taken Crom the Tablet placed on the side of the Gh.11rch,I93I. 2. Inscriptions ~rom Tablets on the Walls ot . the Church and from 1iethanal Windows. : . .. I Rev.Thomas stannara,A. M.,M.D.,2nd. Reetor,from a.June I?'R!I, • I • • • • d.East Chester,Jan.1760. ( His will filed at White F-lains, I • • • N.Y.,calls him:-•RectcdJ of West Chester". He was a native of . Taunton,Som~rsetshire,Englend.). 2 l\iary,his wite. Their bodies lie under the Chancel. 3 John Alstytj.e Pryer,d.I5.Dec.I8?0 ae 33yrs.I6ds. (son or Jasper Pryer & Catherine E.Alstyne). - . - . .. ~ 4 George P.Olapp~6.Sept.I~3I-d.1~ Algiers,Africa,25.Jan.Is84~ 5 Desire Alat:n,.e,h1s w1fe,I9.Aug.Iij;35--d.East Chester,IO.Sept. I88I. 6 John Alstyne,24.Sept.IaoI-New York,3.June 1869. (son of John Alstyne & Desire Willi~~). • 7 Desire Williams ~styne,IS.July I780-27.Feb.I87I. (Wife or John , . Alstyne and dau.~f John Williams & Content Denison). - 8 Samuel Hempstead Valentine in Memory o~ his great-grandfather, . Gilbert Valentine,I748-I8I9. (IV.Sept.I741~28.Apr.I8I9,son o~ . Abraham V~lentine &_Deborah Barton),and his grandtather,Abrahsm Valentine,I'773-I858. (IS.June I773.-~.June I858) - .. 9 Rev.William Samuel Cof~e,-,23.Jan.I827~~I.Jan.I909. IO Thomas Drake,II~Sept.I'76I-30.Sept.I800. (son o~ Benjamin Drake ·& Susan Pell). II Su~anna Morgan,(his •1~e),23.~eb.I959-23.Dec.I848. (dau.or Char~ les Morgan & SUsanna Guion). .. TheiD ch1ldren,I21 Phebe,(5.Apr.I786•29.Aug.N8'7),I3,Mar,-,II.Jan~ - . ~ I788-3I.Dec.I788,I41 Charles,I9.Dec.I789-3.Apr.I832,I5,Suaan1 IS cont.,24.Nov.1794-IO.May 1848,Sar~ Oodd~ngton,(Sarah,wife or - . ' . .. - ~ Johathan Coddington I4.8ept.I792•9.Apr.I8I3),I6,Ann Seaman, ' - . 1 • • • - • 'T Ann,wite of John Ferris Seaman,'7.Sept.1'798-4.Mch.I8'78). I? James Drake,9.June I769-I7.Jan.I838. (son of Benjamin Drake & Susan Pell)$ IS Sarah Dodge,his wife,6.May- I769-5.Js.n.I843 • . , . ·. I9 James Drake,.20,Sarah A.,(Sarah·A.,wife of Richard Lawren~e), - • • - - ... - - • ' - • J. - • ;II • 21 Lawrence,Susan A.,(Susan A.,~ife or- J·osep~ Drake),23,Mary M~ . .. Keese,(Mary M.,wife ot Keese). (children or I7). - . - . •,· .. ...___ 24 James Duane Pell,27.Mch.I8I3-23.0et.IsaI. (son of Alfreds.Pell - ~ . ~ . .. & Ade11a,dau.ot aol.James Duane,gr.son ot Benjamin Pell & . a - • - • - ~. ., Mary,dau.of Elij.ah Ferris). ·- - . •· . -· . - . - , 25 Sophia Gertrude (Pell),his w1fe,23.Sept.ISI5-20.Aug.I885. (dau. - •. •• - • • - - • • 11 • .. • - • - • • • .. - or ~il_liam Ferris_ Pell&.: M~_,dau.ot Morris Shipley,gr.dau.ot Benjamin Pell & Mary Ferris). 26 2'7 On two stones in the rear of the Church yard are the following in& <%'ipt1ons. "Here are interred the skeletons of American Sold199s to1,nd at Tuckahoe,t909". "This marks the spot of the Sand-Pit in which ·were buried those He~sian Soldiers who died in the Church when used as a Hospit~ al,I776 "• 4. st.Paul's Church Yard. , ... ... Co~i~ sep~.I7,I8,I91 24,25,I9I9,ver1f1ed,Sept.22,23,29,oct. I2,I31 I922. 28 D.G.A.,2.Mch.~22.oct.I920. 29 Ruth Amelia,wife or James Adams,d.I4.Feb.I854 ae 48yrs.2mos. 25ds. ., 30 Roberta Jana Albaugh~6.Feb.I852-8.Dec.I858. (dau.of Ferdinand A.Albaugh & Anna). 31 Ju11a,wife of_Lewis A111nger,d.I9.July I90I ae 84. 32 Alstyne Vault. 33 Catharine Alstybe, . 34 Erosena Alstyne,d.July I805. - .. 85 Eyda ~eekman Alstyne,d.I.Jan.I838 ae 20yrs.6mos.28ds. (dau.of . John Alstyne & Desire W1111ams). • . • o l 'T 36 George W(1111ama~ Alstyne,d.Ia.Ju1y 1845 ae 3()Jrs.IOmos.27ds. (son or Jo:t)n Alstyne & Desire Williams). • 2 - 37 Jeronemus A1styne.d.2a=.Ju1y I807 ae 7Iyrs.3mos.I&is. - . .. ' . 38 Jer •• Alatyne~d.I9.Apr.I813 ae 47. (son of Jeronemua Al• styne). 39 M81'J' .A111n _(C~e11l ,his wif'e,d.I6.1'ec.I838 ae 68yrs.I6ds. (0~7 child ot George ~ampbell of Bew York City,who d.I792/ 93 ,& qathl'ine) • 40 Jer(?nemus ~~~tyne_d.29.Jlllle I840 ~e 3"lyrs.9mos.2ds.· (son ot John Alstyne-& Desire Williama). - - - . - . - --· .. - . .. ... 4I Jo~.A~styne~d.24.0ot.I8I4 ae 5I7l's.IImos.I7ds. (b.7.Nov.I&62, son of 57). -· ... .. - ·- . • - # 42 (Des~e W~ll1ams,h1iJ .w11'e,I8.July'eb.I8'7I,dau.of Capt. John Williams & Oeatent Denison). 5. 43 Ma.17 Ann A1styne,d.a.•eh.I888 ae 28yrs.2mos.<dau.ot John Al~ . styne & Desire Williams'. 44 Richard Harris Anstyna,d.I7.Ma.7 I~30 ae 25yrs.7mos.6ds. (son ot John Alstyne & Desire Williams)... 45 Richard Montgomery Anderson,d.I7 .May I8I9 a e 8mos.IIds. ( son of - ' Jacob W.Anderson_&_Mary). 46 Alexander Angev1ne1 ~.22.0ct.I822 ae Iyra'71pos.(son of William .Angevine & SU.san). 4~ Charles W.Angev1ne,I3.AU,.I852~6.Aug.I853. (son of John Angevine & Rachel>. 48 Elijah Angev1ne,d~I'7~Jan~I865 ae 85y:rs.2mos.7ds. 49 Elijah Angev1ne,d.I4.Feb.I859 ae ?6yrs.8mos.I9ds. (W111,Wh1te , ,. - i • ? • Plains,N.Y.,Vol.50 p.II8). 1 - 50 Charlotte {Morgan),his wite,d.2I.Oct.• I8~0 ae 56yrs.4mos.I8ds. (dau.of Caleb llorgan & Abigail Drake>. - SI.Frederick A.Angev1ne~7.Jan.I866~9.Sept.I868. <son of John Angevine & Rachel). 52 James Angevine,7.Kay I744-I3.Aar.I825. ~ . 53 Susannah (Perr1s>,his w1fe,28.Jan.N49-3.Feb.I8I6. (dau.or~-Ferw . - ris & Sarah,dau.of Moses Fowler~d.Jul7~Nov.I785). ,, . - 54 John Angevine,d.26.Aug.ISOI ae 53-,rs.&mos.Iads.(son of John . ,:n.- gevflne,geson ot Zachariah .Angev1ne,who4.I739t. , - . 55 Jolm Angev1ne,d.2I.8ept.I857 ae 53yrs.7ds •. 56 John ·P.Angevine, Vault .• I888. 5"/ (Rebecca Parringto~,his w1fe,m.I837,dau.of John Rich Farrington & Hannah Bai-keP). 58 (In the Bailey Family Plot on the old Devoue Bailey Farm,Ms.hopaeo . Fa11,,N.~.,1s ~he followirtgastone,Ma.rgaret,wite. ot John Angevine, s. 59 Lewis Angev1ne,d.23.Sept.I830 in his 55th•Y'l'• - . .. ... ~ 60 Smith E.Angevine.b.& d.I~59 •. (son of John Angevine & RaehelJ. • - .. .. - - • ► - - .. ,• . • ' • 5I susan Angev1ne•2'7.Aug.I85~-I5.Mch.I859. (dau.or William Angevine & Elizabeth)• 62 Samuel HeArcher,28.Dec.I~S-I~.Jan.I9I3~ 63 (William Archer,d.Pelham.,N.Y.~June I842,Will,Wllite Plains,N.Y., . .. - . Vol.Y.,p.82I). .. - . .. - . - 64 Mary,his w1te.d.9.June I839 la her'. 65 Isabella M.Atkinson,I3.May I836-I9.May I9!'7. - . - - 66 Sadie ~~Atkinson,;3.Aug.I9o0-27.Jan.I9I8. (dau.of Joseph At~ kinson & Sarah). 6? Thomas W.Atkinson,I4.June I828-I7.Jan.I905. • I ., .. • 'I • 68 George ~twell,I7.Mch.I823-30.Nov.I90I. {son of Robert Atwell & Jane). 69 Robert Atwell,d.22.Aug.I886 ae 92. - . 70 Jpe,his w1te,d.3I.Oct.I866 ae 70. {name spelled "Atwill"). 7I Jeremiah H.Atwo~.d.5~Feb.I853 ae 4yrs.7mos. 72 William T.Atwood.d.2s.Jan.Ia53 ae 7yrs.3mos. .. - . 73 Isaac V.Aust1~,~-I5.Se~t.I853 ae 69yrs.7mos.I4ds. ?4 Mary,his w1fe,d.2I.Apr.1829 ae 28yr~.Imo.~8ds. 175 Mary A.Austin,d.I6.iay:-;.l829 ae 7yt's. (dau.of 73). • • ■ '$ '- ~ .., -; T 76 Olivia Austin,d.IO.Feb.I886 ae 66. (dau.of 73). , . 77 Albert Badeau~d.9.June I893 ae 97. (b.New Rochwlle,N.Y.,25. July I806,only son of Benjamin Badeau & Charity Bayeux,Will, ~ .. ;, ... .. .. Wh&te Pla1ns,N.Y. Vol.II9,p.299). 1. 78.Elizabeth Waterbury,his w1fe,d.I3.0ct.I83I ae 2Iyrs.8lnos.9ds. .. ' . - . , . (b.4.Feb.I8IO,dau.o£ Behemiah Waterbu.I7,n.6.June I783,m.El1- . .. - . ,. .. - . zab~th_~ •• ~.dau.or Phineas Waterbury,m.IO.Mch.I76I,E11zabeth Lounsbury). 79 Phebe Augusta (Drake),his (2nd.) wife d.I.Dec.I877 ae 67. (b. .. .. ' . 1 . - 2.Sept.I809,dau.of Danie; Drake & Abigail Morgan). ~ . ~ '• .,. \, so Benjamin Badeau,d.I7.Sept.I862 ae 84.
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