5 E W A N E E vs T U LA N E i ..1lane Stadium November 20, 1937 Men's Suits that give you the most value for the money • Saxon-weave Suits $35 •worsted-tex Suits $40 •Sold only in Holmes Men's Store in New Orleans HOLMES MEN'S STORE-Use Separate Entrance on Bourbon Street or Enter from Main Store Aftu the game have Jinnu in Holmes' Restaurant D. H. HOLMES CO. L I MITED "He says .... 'Godcha ux's has the Clothes'! " Foil owing the gospel of golf, he keeps his head down throughout the maneuver. Even ttbe <Sreente after the ball is over the cross bar you will note his head is still d own. He is the only person in the stadium who doesn · t see his Yol. 7 XOn·: ~tBER 2 0 , 1937 Xo. 6 own kick. This locked head makes for steadi­ H ORACF. RHNEGAR Editor ness and accuracy. It accounts for the con­ sistency of his success. Official Souvenir Football Program of Tulane University, Published for Each Home Game THE FOOT IS IN FOOTBALL That the foot in football is still important-when enough attention is devoted to it-was demonstrat­ ed in at least two games last Saturday. And they CONTENTS were very important games. Alabama remains among the unbeaten, untied today because of a Editorials . 5 field goal. Football Oddities (cartoon) 6 Sandy Sanford, an end, booted it over to dis­ "30 Years of Forward Passing" (feature) . 9 solve a 6-6 deadlock and give the C rimson Tide a 9-6 victory over Tulane, an under dog team that "Between the Qyarters" (cartoon). I 0 h ad already been tied by Auburn and beaten by Time Out. II North Carolina. The kick was made from the 33-yard line. Tulane Pictures . 12 Considering that the goal posts are set back ten Campus Camera ( 16 page section) 13-36 yards from th e playing field the ball traveled more The Line-ups . Center than forty yards. It was anything but a meek effort, and as far as winning the game went and Ala­ "The Fumble" (feature) . 38 bama's Rose Bowl ambitions were concerned it was Southeastern Conference Map . 41 the most important development of the afternoon. Baylor in the Southwest Conference is no longer Tulane Squad Picture 43 unbeaten today, and the answer is a field goal by The Rosters . 44 Texas, o n e of the weak sisters of the conference. A young man by the name of Hugh Wolfe split the uprights with a shot from the 26-yard line. This was the deciding factor in a game which saw Dana THE FOOT IN FOOTBALL Bible win his first important struggle of the season. Joe Williams, sports editor of the New Both this kick and the one that saved A labama's York World-Telegram, has some interest­ record were made from r eplacement. The drop ing remarks on the extra point and field goal kick on which Brickley, Eckersall, Cofall, Vidal, importance in football this year: Clark and Peters rode to fame isn't popular any more. The coaches find it harder to teach, too So many important games have been won hazardous to experime nt with, especially on a wet or lost this season because the point after playing su dace. touchdown was or was not kicked that when you see a player like Frank Souchak, of Pittsburgh, carry out this kicking detail, you FIELD GOAL CAN BE MASTERED wonder why there ever is a failure. But drop or place, the invitation to score vital The Panthers scored three touchdowns in points via the kicking process is an important con­ winning against Notre Dame over the week­ sideration, and the surprise is that more stress is end, and Souchak converted after each not placed on the play. Admittedly the contem­ touchdown. Nothing particularly remark­ porary position of the goal posts in the end zone able in that, but the simple, calm formula jeopardizes success, but there is mounting evi­ which Souchak uses in the operation is com­ dence that the field goal is neither impossible nor pelling. impracticable. To the sideline observer the try for point Because of the field goal Alabama is still in the after touchdown is-and should be-the running for the Rose Bowl today, and because of least difficult of all football demands. Sou­ the same offensive weapon Baylor has been reduced chak makes it just that. To begin with he has to the ranks of just another team. This should be the ideal temperament. Nothing shakes his proof enough that the field goal is a deadly attack­ p oise. Next he refuses to be concerned about ing force. It s hould also be proof enough th at de­ the flight of the ball. spite c h anged conditions it can be mastered. 5 ALFRED VNtVERSITY,KNOWN IN 1927 AS THE "ScoRELESS 13ARTS OF MtLWAUI\EE TeACHERS RAN 103 vos. FR.Dh1 \IJoNOERS, BECAUSE THEY FAIL.EO TO REGISTER A SCR.IMMAGE TO SCORE A TOUCHDOWN AGAINST SINGLE POINT, STAGED A COME BACK IN I 918, SCORING WHITEWATER. IN 1927. THE ENSUING KICK-OFF MORE POINTS OU~ING- THAT SEASON THAN HAD BEEN WAS TAKEN BY GREIU. OF WHITEWATER.. WHO SCORED ~y SIX PREVIOUS ALFRED TEAt-iS COM61HEO RAN TO A TOUCHDOWN. SEASON TOTAL WAS POINTS. 62 MILWAUKEE TEAC.HE.~ '#.'ON - 12 TO 6 'lfE WM~T OUR.. NAMES ON \HAT ROLL 13RODER.!CJ<, VILLANOVA BACK O F 192.5, ESSAYED TH:;. FIR..ST FIELD GOAL OF HIS IHREE BROTHERS NAMEO SMITH FILLED THE FOOTBALL CAREER FROM THE MIDFIELD STRIPE. CENTE~ POSITION AT HIE UNIVERSITY OF IN A GAME WliH MUHLENBERG-- MISSOURI OURINCT A PER..IOO OF EIGHT AND MADE IT // YEAR.S ENOING- IN 1929. )amol/A_ FOA NEW ORLEANS 7o-o-ril1_ En joy the world famous Creole food that is to be had only in old New Orleans. Here at the Roosevelt you will find Creole food prepared from recipes handed down by famed SEYMOUR WEISS chefs from generation to generation; and President and Managing service truly distinctive of New Orleans Director and the South. COFFEE SHOP for Breakfast-Luncheon-Dinner FOUNTAIN TERRACE for Luncheon and Coc!daifs BLUE ROOM for Dinner-Supper A ir Conditioned Rooms at Low Cost 750 ROOMS W IT H BATHS ALSO OPERA T I NG HOTEL NEW ORLEANS Just two blocks from the Shopping, Theatre, Business and Financial Districts. 275 Outside Rooms with Bath A ir conditioned guest rooms-L obby-Dining room GEORGE DAWSON, Manager 7 J One of America's Newest and Smartest Creations in Dinner and Supper Rooms Saturday and Sunday 2:30 to 5:30 O'clock FEATURING JOHNNY HAMP And His Orchestra CHANE Y and FOX MIGNONE CARRER ( Presid e nt R oosev elt's favorite d a n cers ) JACK CAMPBELL. JANE WHITNEY and MILLICENT HOPE DINNER DANCING SUPPER DANCING 6 to 9 - SHOW 8 O'clock. 10 to 2- SHOW 12:15 O'clock PHONE MAIN 3920 FOR RESERVATIONS 8 '''BR..ICK.11 MuLLER.:- .-w:Jm~ ONE OF THE GREATEST PASSERS OF AL.L TIME • ZuPPK.E- Football has been "up in the air" for 30 years. import~nt modification in 1909 was a rule declaring This season marks the 30th anniversary of the "foot­ the ball dead if it traveled more than 20 vards in the ball revolution of t 906", which introduced the forward air without bein.~: touched by a player. This limita­ pass. an element then forei~n to American football. tion was repealed in 191 2. The play was su .~stested by John C. Bell. of Penn•yl• During the first six years of oassing, the rules de­ vania, and Paul J. Dashiell, of the Naval Academy, clared that a ball caueht behind the ~oal line was a at a meeting of a rules committee which gathered to touchback, not a touchdown. But in 1912 the field decide what was to be done to eliminate criticism of was shortened to 100 yards, and the now familiar end American football as played at that time. Too much zones provided. The rules were chanP.ed so that passes close play was considered the greatest evil, and the for­ cau'!ht in these zones were Rood for six points. ward o~~s was adooud as the most obvious remedy. The lon~est scoring oass of all time was made 30 It is doubtful if Messrs. Bell and Dashiell dreamed years a.~:o. by Bradbury Robinson, of St. Louis. to Tohn '>f such innov:ttinns as were to be in vo~uc 30 ye~rs bter Schneider, 87 yards a,~tainst Kansas. The olay was un­ -the Zuppke "fl~:t - fli c k'!r" and "flving trapeze" plavs, known to the record-book compilers until a year or so Amos Alonzo St:t'!~'s "flanker pea-dinster" attack. the ago, when "Brick" Muller's pass to "Brodie" Stephens '). M. U. and T. C. U . " aerial circu~" maneuvers. Col­ in the California-Ohio State _l!ame of 1920 was consid­ ~ate's seemingly reckless flipoing of laterals and for­ ered the longest pass on record. wards, to name only a few of the outstanding develoo­ Since 1912 the rules governing the play have been ments-because no one took up their invention with modified to meet chan~ing conditions of the game: In any great amount of enthusiasm. In fact, the colleges 1924 the "screen pass" was legislated against to protect at first shunned the pass as "too new-fangled". defensive players; in 1926 the "prayerful passes" of los­ Ori,(!inally a pass had to cross the scrimmage line five ing teams attempting to come from behind by desperate vards from the point where the ball was put in pl.•y.
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