516 LOVELL'S GAZETTEER OF JHE DOMINION OF CANADA. Edmonton div.), in the Prov. of Alberta. » 1 saw mill, 3 hotels. 23 stores, and a printing miles east of Wetaskiwin (152 miles north of office issuing a weekly newspaper. Pop. 1,300. Calgary), and 42 miles west of Daysland, the HAGUE, a post village in the Prov. of SasKat- present terminus of the branch line. chewan, and a station on the Regina branch of GYPSUM MINES, a post settlement in Hal- the C.N.R., 29 miles north of Saskatoon and 23 miles miles south of dimand co., Ont., on the Grand River, 4 Duck Lake. from Cayuga Station, on the G.T.R., 7 miles HAIL BAY, on Commissioners Lake, south- wesit of from Canfield Jet. It contains 2 churches Lake St. John, Chicoutimi co., Que. (Methodist and Baptist), 1 store and 1 gypsum HAILEYBURY, a post settlement in Nipis- sing dist.. Ont., on Lake Temiscaming, 108 miles mill. Pop., about 75. of GYPSUMVILLB, a pos-t settlement in Dau- north North Bay, on the Temiscam- ing and Northern Ontario Ry. It contains 3 phin CO., Man., reached by steamboat from churches, Westbourne Lranding, a station on the C.P.H. 10 stores, a saw mill, 3 bank agencies, (North-western branch), 17 miles nortn-west printing office Issuing weekly newspaper. This is rapidly becoming of Portage la Prairie, at the foot of Lake Mani- a great mining centre. Pop.. 600. toba. The region is owned by the Manitoba HAINSVILLE. a village in Gypsum Co., where their industry is prose- Digby co., N.S., miles cuted, with the aid of a private railway from 10 from Dlgby, on the Dom. Atlantic RR. operation. The Pod. 175. mill to mines, 12 miles in HAINSVILLE, nearest railway station Is Oak Point, on the a post settlement in Dundas Can. Northern RR., north-west of Winnipeg, CO., Ont., 7 miles from Iroquois, on the G.T.R. in Macdonald co. It has 1 Episcopal church, 1 It contains 1 Methodist church, 1 store. Pop. general store, 1 hard wall plaster, wood fibre, 65. mill and factory. Pop., 150. HAINSVILLE. a flag station on the C.P.R., HA! HA! BAY, a settlement in the dist. of In York co., N.B., 39 miles from Fredericton, and 26 miles east St. Barbe. Nfld. Pop. (1901), 41. of Woodstock. It is a busy lumbering centre. HA! HA! RAY. Chicoutimi co.. Que., on the HAIR CUTTING LAKE, enlargement of a Saguenay line of the R. & O. Navigation Co. an river of Quebec, See Grand Bale. the same name, in Northern 178 miles north of Montreal. It is about- 7 HABERMEHLi, a country post office In Grey miles in length and from 2 chains to 2 miles CO., Ont., 4 miles Elmwood, G.T.R. from on the in breadth. Along the shores iron sands like co.. en- HABITANT RIVER, of Kings N.S., those of the Lower St. Lawrence are met with. ters the Bay of Fundy at Canning. It is fre- HAIR CUTTING RIVER, of Quebec, takes its quented by large sea trout. rise in Great Beaver Lake, near the height of HACKETT'S COVE, a fishing harbour and land between the head waters of the St. Mau- post office in Halifax co., N.S.. 23 miles from rice and those of the Gatineau, 189 miles north St. Margaret's Bay, on the Halifax and South- of Montreal, and falls into a tributary of the western Ry. It contains an Anglican church, St. Maurice, Que. 4 stores and 1 flour mill. Pop.. 250. HAIRY LAKE, one of a small group of HADDO, a post office in Dundas co., Ont., lakes in Selkirk co., Man., near Lake Winni- 6 miles from Iroauois. on the G.T.R, peg (on the West shore). HADLINGTON, a post settlement in Peter- HALBRITE, a post settlement In Qu'Appelle on borough CO., Ont., 10 miles from Gooderham, dist., Prov. of Sask., and a station on the C. Hy. it con- the Irondale, Bancroft R- Ottawa P.R. (Portal section). It contains 3 stores, 1 weekly hotel, tains 1 store, 1 saw mill, and has a a bank, and telegraph and express of- mail. fice. Pop. 200. HADLOW COVE, a post settlement In L.evis HALBSTADT. a post office in Llsgar co., CO., Que., on the St. Lawrence and a station Man., 8 miles from Emerson, a station in Pro- on the I.C.R, and Quebec Central Ry.. 2 miles vencher co.. on C.P.R.. an-d the Can. Northern ifrom Levis. It contains 2 stores, saw and RR.. 67 miles south of Winnipeg. planing mills and telegraph office. It forms HALCOMB, a post office In Northumberland part of the town of Levis, and also part of St. CO.. N.B.. near Newcastle, on the I.C.R. David de I'Aube Riviere. Poo., about 400. HALCRO, a post settlement In Saskatchewan HAGAN, a post office in N?inaimo dist., on Prov., beautifully situated on the south Vancouver Island, B.C., via Victoria. branch of the Saskatchewan, 15 miles from HAGAR, a station in Nipissing dist., Ont., on Prince Albert on the C.N.R. It contains Angli- the C.P.R., 31 miles ea?!t of Sudbury. can and Pre&byterian churches, and 1 store. HAGARMAN'S CORNERS, a post villa ere In Some of the best horses and cattle are reared "Vork CO., Ont, 1^ miles from Unionville, on in the territory; grain and vegetables are also the G.T.R., 20 miles east of Toronto. Pop., largely grown here. Pop., about 800. under 200. HALCYON HOT SPRINGS, a post settlement HAGENSBORG, a post settlement in Burrard and sanitarium in Yale and Cariboo dist., B.C., dist., B.C., on the Bella Coola River, 400 miles on the Columbia River, adjoining Arrow Lake, from Vancouver, It contains a Lruthteran and on the C.P.R.. 13 miles from Arrownead church, 2 stores, and 2 saw mills. At tne station, 28 miles south of Revelstoke. Beslces mouth of the river lies an Indian Reserve, the sanitarium (Hot Springs), there is 1 f"»i'e- containing 4 stores and a salmon cannery. ral store and telegraph and express offices. Fop. of Haarensborg 100—of Indians 200. Pop., under 50. HAGERSVILLE, a post town in Haldimand HALCYONIA, a post settlement on the North CO., Ont., on G.T.R. and Michigan Central Ry., Saskatchewan River, in the Prov. of Saskatche- 25 miles from Hamilton. It contains Episcopal, wan, 5 miles from Borden station on the Can. Methodist, Presbyterian, and Baptist churches, Northern RR.. 51 miles south east of North 1 telephone and 2 telegraph and express offices, Battleford. It has 1 store and school; in 1 chartered and 1 private bank, 2 grist mills. the latter the Baptists hold their Sunday NOVELL'S GAZETTEER OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 517 services, while the Society of Friends meet Tiffnish branch of the P. E. Island RR., 40 at a private house. There is much fertile miles north west of bummerside. land, with level stretches of prairie, in the re- HALIFAX, a city and seaport, capital of the gion. Pop., about 130. Prov. of Nova Scotia, situate in Halifax co., HALDANE HIl^L, a post office in Parry on the west side of Uhebucto Bay, now called Sound dist., Ont„ 6 miles from Sprucedale, on Halifax Harbor, a deep and spacious inlet of the Ottawa & Parry Sound div. of the G.T.R. the Atlantic, in lat. (dockyard tablet) 44° 59' Pop. 166. 42" ii., long. 66° 35' 30" W. The streets are HAL.DIMAND, a post settlement in Gaspe co.. wide, ana cross each other at right angles. Que., on the St. John River, about «0 miles Many of the houses are of wood, but many from New Carlisle. Its port is Gaspe Basin. also are handsomely buut of bricK and stone. It contains a Methodist church and a saw mill., The harbor is one of the best in tne world; bathing it possesses a fine sand beach for sea it is 6 miles in length and, on the average Lumbering and farming are the chief occupa- 1 mile in widtn. 'iueie is excenent ancnorage tions of its inlabitants. Pop. 200. in every part of it, while the largesc vessels HAL.DIMAND and MONCK. a county of On- can moor alongside any of the wharves. At the tario, situated on th© northern shore of Lake north end, tbe harbor is connected uy a nar- Erie. Area 297,653 acres. It is drained by the row arm, cailed the Narrows, with Bedford (Air Grand River, and traversed by the G.T.R. Basin, a sheet of water ft miles by 4 in sizey Line), Michigan Central and Hamilton & Lake and capable of containing most of the nanes Erie Rys. There are a number of incorporated of the world. villages in this county. Pop. (1901), 20,052. The city and harbor are protected by exten- HAL.E, a station on the Spokane, Grand sive fortifications, making tne port one of the Forks and Phoenix branch of the Great North- safest, as well as most commodious, on tne ern Ry., in Yale. Cariboo dist., B.C., 14 miles seaboard of the New World. Halifax is now from Grand i orks, and 10 miles from Phoenix. garrisoned exclusively by Canadian troops, HALE, a station on the C.P.R.. in Carleton numbering about l,4uo, and inciuaing iniantry, CO., N.B.. 17 miles from Woodstock. artillery and engineers. These are housed in HALEY'S, a post hamlet and station on the large, handsome ana comtortable brick bar- C.P.R., in Renfrew co., Ont., 9 miles from racks at the northern end overiOOKing the Har- Renfrew.
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