·.UNITED ·STATES. , , ~' I , , DEPARTMENTI I' ' ' OF:. COMMERCE·I 'I WASHINGTON --,-'--- .· :. ( . ' SU·RV.EY. O'F , . CU.RRENt BUSINESS. ,·'' MARCHj ', ,, :1929' •' \ ~No •. 91 ,,, I '','I , r:.- \1 \ IMPORTANT ·NOTICE ~· • ', , , ~ ' ' ' ' < ' I I I • ," • ' ''\ In addition to fog1f-r(s givcnfrorn.,Gor.itrnmeitt ..tource,s, there art also incorporatedjiJ,r completeness of· I ,•\ , ) 1 • - I ' ',' 1, , .strvite fig~~ts jropi." other sources generally a,ctep.trd by ,the, ,trades, the authopty and resppnsibil#y for whick arepote,d in the','Sourcifoj.Deita" on pages 139-14~ofthe February; 1929, semiannut)i issue, 1 '·, .; ': f , I " , , ,' ' ' i , ,, · ': ' IN,TRODUCTION T~e $uRYEY;OF Cu~~E~T B·u'siNEm3 ~ d~si~ne(to designed to .sh6w- ,the .tren<l of. an. entir~ group of ~present. each month.~ :plc~ure.of;the b:usm~ss situatio~ industries or fo:r;'the :Co~ try as a whol¢, iJ;lstead of for . by setting forth t}le: p:rtnctpa1' facts regardmg _the van~ the ·single commodity· 9r industry 'Yhich the relative . · ous li:Qes of tra.'de and industry:. , ~he fig,ures reported number covets.. Comparis~:ms with the base year or are very· largell. 'those already In ·e:nstence.. The , ' with other pe:riods are ma.de in the same manner as fu 1,·!. chief fuliction 0, .• the department is' to' bring together the case 0~ relative numb~rs. ' these datil- which, if available at. all, arw scaltered in hundreds of dijferent publications. A portion of theae' d1tta arj:l coll~et~4 ~y Go~er9Jl!Emt 9ep~rtments, . In mast instances, the charts ti~d in th~ SuRVEY other figures are. eomplled by .tec}lmcal JOU):'nals, and QF Cun.· RE~T BusiNESS ·are of. the, type termed '"R~tio still others are ;reported by tradi:i associations. ·' ·· · · 1 ' · '-"- · · 1 'l At. sem. ia. n.· n•·al int.'ervals> de. tailed ·tahles.~are pub- ' Charts" ( ogantllllliC sea~}; notab Y ,the Business- •· .• · . .4- · Indicator charts on, p&ge 2~ These . charts show the . risned giving, .. f01! each· item, monthly figures for·. ~he percentage increase , and allow .. direct . comparisons p. af!l.t tw. o Y. ean, and,. ·yecarly · qm:qp,risons.l..-w:h~re a vii~-· betweep. the slope o( dne cu:rve and that of any· ot4er . able, b,ack to· l9l3; 11lso plank lines s:ut11c1e~t for. sfx dle · f it 1 t" th a· · h ·· . mnnth.s h_· ave bee. n .. left a.t t. he.. bottom. Qf. each table, ~11rver~g_,ar · ss ~ · s ·. O<?a Ion. on: . ~ · :~~gram; t at · , . 'r': 1s, a 10 ·per cent: mc.r.ease rtr an.. 1tem, IS given the same ! · · enablin~;·tho~e wh.o eare to do 89 .to enter ~ew figures · vertical movement ;whethetits m1rve· 'is near the: bot­ as soon as theY a.ppear (see FebruarY, 192·9, Issue). 'In tom or near· the top of, the, chart.·. The difference the interveping ,n;wn~hs t~e,moreJmP.ortimt coin;pari- , between this and .the ordinary: arithmetic .form of .. SO:Q-8 Qnly are wventn the table 'entJtled. (I Tr~nd of 'chart can be. ri::tade cl.ea.r by· an exam.. ·p··Ie .. If a certa.in ... ·.·. b>,siness·m..... ove.ments."··· · ,. ·, ··"· . ,· · "~' ...... ·' . .item havi:tlga relative numbero£.400 in, one-month . .. WE~KLY ·SUPPLEMENT , , illcreases 10 ..pel( cent. in the. folloWing· ,Jllo:p.th, its . , · · (· . , . · · · ·. , .. , relative· number . ,'Will be. 440; and. On an. •Ordinary . .· : R~alizing th~t current sta.tisties are higl:jly pe.rish~ cha;r:-t wo11Id be plotted. 40 1 equidistant·. s~ale points . ··~ble and that t(} be of use they ll\Ust reach, tlie busmess ~Jter .~han the pre1~eding mon:tl;ts. Anoth~r, mdve- .• ' .· man alVthe earliest possible ,ino~ent, .the depa"tment ment with ~ relJ!iJe ~umber p.f, aay, 5_0 also liUll'eases; ·· · .baa 'amnged to distriJ>ute supple:tnelltfil every week to ' 10 per cent, m 8 g ItS relative number 55-.. On. the. subsenbers. in the United States: . 1:I;te '!Jup~lements !lre ordinary, (arithmetic) .seale this itellil. would ris,<:l only: ~ usually mailedon. Saturdays. and give such ~formatiOn equidistant points, whel'eas the previous item rose 40 '·. as ~as. been reet~tved dunn~ ther we~k end1n~ on the points, ~et, eaCh showed the same pel'Cf)ntage increase. :pte'cedmg TuesdB!• The monthly. mforD;lation con~ The ratJ,o ,charts avoid. difficUlty: and gi,ve to each t~~ itt these.bulletins iii :republish~' in·the Su:.tWEY, ·of the 'two .movements exactly. the .~atne.v~;~rtical.rise, · and the supplements also contain .charts S'nd 'tables ' and . hence the slopes ... of ,the , t:Wro liJ;tes art,:~ directly ·o~ weekly data~ , . ' ' . , ,. · ·. comparable .... T4e. .rf!tio charts compare percentage · · · · · " ' · · changes, whue the arithmetic. c,harts eompare absolute ,i " JBLATJVE AND IND~XNUM~ERS i . cha~es. · · · · ·· ' ' ·· p' .• < \ i I• . i . • ' '. -E~ORp BOOi: /·.I~ . 'fo f~ilitate· comparison between different impor- .. As .an. aid.'.to .rea.de.·rs 'in com~a.·n.n 'u present. data. '\ • tant"ite;rns and to chart series expreSsed in different · · :-~ ,(, . units, rel~tive numbers (often \called "index, num,;, 'with mont41Y. statistics in previo s years, the>~epart- b~rs," a term referring mo're particularly to a special meq.t is co¥1pil~g a . REco~n B<!oKi._ ~'F i Busi;l'i;mss . kind of. num;be~ 'described below) have been calcu.:. , STATISTICs, .m whtc4' df1ita now ,camed.·m ,the SuRVEY IatM. · The monthly av~r~ .for 1923..;1925 has 'oF CuRRENT' BusutEss ttre shown:by'.mOnths ·as far :u. suallv. ·be.e.n.. U!!ed .as a base e(f,ual to 100• ,, .•.... ··., back 'as 1'909, if ·av-ailable~ FUll desc~pti~ns of th$ 1 Th"' 1 t b t d b n . h figures ~nd. reports of how the data are· used in actual · · •·. ~- re.a tve,',n\1~ ers ~re cQmpu .e ·... Y ~ OW111g t e· practice by busin~ss firm.s a_re cont~ine. d 1Jl.. ~.Qe REcORD montply; average• for the base year or penod to .:eqJull· 'Boox:. The s~ctlons covem;tg textiles and metals have ' I 100;' ... It tbe .movement tdr 81 currEl:nt month is greater 'a.lready, bee,n:iSsued ftnd ·may b'e ob+amed. f.or 10 cents ' than'the bas~, the -rel~tive number will be greater th~n \1 lQO~ and vice versa. The difference between· 100 and . per copy from the Superintendent of'Docum:ents, Gov~ the relative :nU:ml:>er will give: at qnce the per cent ~mlllent Printirig Office, Washington,; D. C.' (Do not ·.·. in.cJ;e~se, or ~ectease. compared w~t~' the. ba~e Period.. send stamps.) Notjces of otlier sections~~ be given Thus ~relat~ve numb.er,of 115 i;neans anmcrease Ofl~ in th~ SuRVEY al'! tlley,~re 4;sued.... ·· •.· · . ·. · · per c~rl.tp-ven,the .ba.8e period~ 'rpile ~ relative number· METHODS OF USJ!l. ·' , '· of.80 m.eans a decrease 9f 20 per cent from the bas~~ ·. , · . Relative numbers may also. be used to .calculate the 1 .. Methqds of· using and ip.t,.erpretln~i',ciu.+ent busines8 .. · ;' ··a.pproxi:Inate Percentage increa.S~ or decrease in a move-. statit>tics have • been collected by th~ deJ?artwent · ruentfroin .one perio~ .to. the n~xt. Thus, if ~ relative from. many busin~ss ooncems, alld I al'e: descnbed in a ;numQer at,hne I+tonth is .1.~0 and fw a later mont4 i~ booklet entitled "'How . to Use OuiTen~ Business. .· is·.:!t4 .thel'e 'has been an i~c:re'Jt,se of,2~, P,eT cent. i Statistics." together with m'"'thods of,collecting sta- ' when .tw.o· or more senes of relatrV"e · numbetf! are: tistics: This booklet... may· be ob,tamed ·. from the .. •. · 'comb1iwd 'by: a ,e~yst~m of.w(;)ightings, the. resultillg $uper;inte;ild~nt. of Dqcuments, Govepi!ll~nt~:Printing' · 'series is det~,ominated an mdex number. The. inde~. Office,. W ~tshmgton, D. 0:, a:t, 15 cents per copy. (Do \. nW:nbe:r, by . eqmb,i.ning; many-' relativl~ numbers, is' not send s,tamps.), . •. .•..•.. : ' \ ' . .. Thta'iB•ue ,P,rf]Ben.'t8'praf}ticallq co"!-pJe.te, .data for the .~()nth. ot'J~nuary and 'con,~inB. tex,t'. covering tne. early' week• of Fe'brzwry (page 1), fo11 wlnch the ~~Q .fiilures in table arid charl Jorm.ore PT,fJ!ient.ed reguJarly m 'the Wfikly supplement•. ··· As md8t d(lta CQV611ing aparticulcir month's ~usineas are not arJailable untillroin.l/i to 10 daJis after the clo8e of the month, . ' acoinQlefe ;p(ctrire oUhat ,nonfh's Q/Wratip~s eap not 'be·presentedat ai(early date, but,t[le weekly.~~plement• gi'Dfl;· · , every. week the la~est data available. · · · · · ·· · · · , · • · · · · j ''. • '.) '' ! ,, ,' / SURVEY OF CURRENT BUSINESS PUBLISHED BY UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Subscription price of the SuRVEY OF CuRRENT BusiNESS is $1.50 a year; single copies (monthly), 10 cents, semiannual issues, 25 cents. Foreign subscriptions, $2.25; single copies (monthly issues), including postage, 14 cents; semiannual issues, 36 cents. Subscription price of COMMERCE REPORTS is $4 a year; with the SuRvEY, $5.50 a year. Make remittances only to Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C., by postal money order, express order, or New York draft. Currency at sender's risk. Postage stamps or foreign money not accepted No. 91 WASHINGTON March, 1929 CONTENTS Text Table SUMMARIES INDEX BY SUBJECTS page page Page Textiles _______ ------------------- ______ _ Preliminary summary for February _________________ .. 1 9 22 Metals and metal products________________ _ 10 24 Business conditions in January _____________________ _ 4 Fuels___________________________________ _ 11 28 Monthly business indicators (table and chart) ________ _ 2,3 Automobiles and rubber ______ ---------- __ _ 11 27, 29 Wholesale prices (table and charts) _________________ _ 6, 7 Hides and leather________________________ _ 11 30 Paper and printing_____________________________ _ Indexes of business _______________________________ _ 15 30 Automobiles, building, mining,
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