10B GLOUCESTER-MATHEWS GAZETTE-JOURNAL THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 2020 LEGALS LEGALS VIRGINIA, IN D.B. 107, PAGE 715 AND TRUSTEE SALE OF WHEREON SAID LAND IS DESIGNATED 6501 Gentry Court AS “PARCEL C - 0.21 AC.” PARCEL I AND Gloucester, VA 23061 PARCEL II ARE CONVEYED SUBJECT TO In execution of the Deed of Trust dated A THIRTY (30) FOOT EASEMENT OF October 26, 2016, in the original principal RIGHT OF WAY EXTENDING IN A amount of $195,395.00, recorded as Inst. EAL STATE LASSIFIEDS EGALS WESTERLY DIRECTION FROM STATE 160004927, assigned as Inst. 190005100, LEGALS LEGALS LEGALS LEGALS ROUTE #637 TO LAND NOW OR modified to the amount of $177,090.41 as R E •C •L FORMERLY OF JAMES R. MITCHEM Inst. 190001821, in the Clerk’s Office of the BWW# VA-315659-2 ALL IMPROVEMENTS THEREON, ALL PARCEL II AND STATE ROUTE #637. FOR LYING AND BEING ON GWYNN’S ISLAND WHICH THIRTY (30) FEET RIGHT OF WAY Circuit Court for the County of Gloucester, TRUSTEE’S SALE OF 333 RIGHTS, WAYS, EASEMENTS AND A MORE PARTICULAR DESCRIPTION AS AND CONTAINING 0.21 OF AN ACRE, IS SET FORTH ON THE PLATS OF Virginia, default having occurred in the GWYNNSVILLE RD, GWYNN, VA APPURTENANCES SITUATE IN TO THE METES AND BOUNDS OF SAID MORE OR LESS. SAID LAND IS SURVEY HEREINABOVE MENTIONED payment of the indebtedness thereby 23066. In execution of a certain Deed of PIANKITANK MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, LAND REFERENCE IS MADE TO A PLAT SUBSTANTIALLY BOUNDED NOW OR AND DESIGNATED “30 FOOT ROAD TO secured and at the request of the holder of Trust dated August 11, 2010, in the original MATHEWS COUNTY, VIRGINIA, LYING OF SURVEY PREPARED BY EDWARD J. FORMERLY AS FOLLOWS: NORTH AND PARCEL B.” TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. the note, the undersigned, as Substitute principal amount of $129,000.00 recorded in AND BEING ON GWYNN’S ISLAND AND KELLER, C.L.S., DATED JUNE 2, 1978, EAST BY LAND OF WENDELL RAY A bidder’s deposit of ten percent (10%) of the Trustee, will sell at public auction at the front the Clerk’s Office, Circuit Court for Mathews CONTAINING 1.80 ACRES, MORE OR REVISED JULY 31, 1978, A COPY OF MITCHEM, HEREINABOVE DESCRIBED sale price or ten percent (10%) of the original entrance of the Circuit Court for the County County, Virginia, as Instrument No. LESS. SAID LAND IS SUBSTANTIALLY WHICH IS RECORDED IN THE CLERK’S AS PARCEL I, SOUTH BY LAND OF principal balance of the subject Deed of of Gloucester on March 27, 2020, at 2:00 100001184. The undersigned Substitute BOUNDED NOW OR FORMERLY AS OFFICE OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF HARRY E. MITCHEM AND AUDREY R. Trust, whichever is lower, in the form of cash p.m., the property located at the above Trustee will offer for sale at public auction in FOLLOWS: NORTH BY LAND OF MATHEWS COUNTY, VIRGINIA, IN D.B. MITCHEM; AND, WEST BY STATE ROUTE or certified funds payable to the Substitute address and described as Lot 69, Dunston the front of the Circuit Court building for CARROLL L. FORREST AND DELLA A. 107, PAGE 712, AND WHEREON SAID #637. FOR A MORE PARTICULAR Trustee must be present at the time of the Hall, Phase 2, County of Gloucester. Mathews County, 10622 Buckley Hall Road, FORREST; EAST BY LAND OF JAMES R. LAND IS DESIGNATED AS “PARCEL A - DESCRIPTION AS TO THE METES AND sale. The balance of the purchase price will TERMS: CASH. PROPERTY SOLD AS IS Mathews, Virginia, on April 16, 2020, at 1:30 MITCHEM; SOUTH BY LAND OF HARRY E. 1.80 ACRES.” PARCEL II: ALL OF THAT BOUNDS OF SAID LAND REFERENCE IS be due within fifteen (15) days of sale, WITH SPECIAL WARRANTY OF TITLE. A PM, the property described in said Deed of MITCHEM AND AUDREY R. MITCHEM AND CERTAIN PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND MADE TO A PLAT OF SURVEY PREPARED otherwise Purchaser’s deposit may be deposit of $17,000.00 or 10% of the Trust, located at the above address, and LAND OF WENDELL RAY MITCHEM, TOGETHER WITH ALL IMPROVEMENTS BY EDWARD J. KELLER, C.L.S., DATED forfeited to Trustee. Time is of the essence. If successful bid amount (whichever is lower) more particularly described as follows: HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED AS PARCEL II; THEREON, IF ANY, ALL RIGHTS, WAY JUNE 2, 1978, REVISED JULY 31, 1978, A the sale is set aside for any reason, the will be required immediately of the PARCEL I: ALL OF THAT CERTAIN PIECE AND, WEST BY LAND OF WENDELL RAY EASEMENTS, AND APPURTENANCES COPY OF WHICH IS RECORDED IN THE Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled to a successful bidder, in cash, cashier’s check or OR PARCEL OF LAND TOGETHER WITH MITCHEM, HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED AS SITUATE IN PIANKITANK MAGISTERIAL CLERK’S OFFICE OF THE CIRCUIT return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser certified funds only payable to “BRIAN DISTRICT, MATHEWS COUNTY, VIRGINIA, COURT OF MATHEWS COUNTY, may, if provided by the terms of the Trustee’s DOLAN LAW OFFICES, TRUSTEE,” Memorandum of Foreclosure Sale, be balance due within 15 days from date of NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING entitled to a $50 cancellation fee from the sale. No personal checks accepted. Sale is COUNTY OF GLOUCESTER Substitute Trustee, but shall have no further subject to post-sale confirmation and audit of PROPOSED BUDGET recourse against the Mortgagor, the the status of the loan including, but not FOR THE FISCAL YEAR JULY 1, 2020 to JUNE 30, 2021 Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. A limited to, determination of whether the form copy of the Trustee’s memorandum of borrower filed for and obtained bankruptcy foreclosure sale and contract to purchase protection, entered into any repayment The Board of Supervisors of Gloucester County will conduct a public hearing on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, real property is available for viewing at agreement, reinstated or paid off the loan beginning at 7:00 P.M., in the Thomas Calhoun Walker Education Center Auditorium, 6099 T. C. Walker Rd, www.bwwsales.com. Additional terms, if any, prior to the sale. In any such event, or if Gloucester, Virginia, to consider the following proposed budget for the year ending June 30, 2021. The public to be announced at the sale. This is a trustee is unable to complete the sale, or if it hearing is held pursuant to Section 15.2-2506 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, and is for the purpose of communication from a debt collector and any is set aside or not fully completed for any allowing the public to comment on the proposed budget. information obtained will be used for that reason except purchaser’s default, the sale purpose. The sale is subject to seller shall be null and void, and the purchaser’s confirmation. Substitute Trustee: Equity sole remedy, in law or equity, shall be the Any person, firm or corporation wishing to express their views concerning this proposal may appear at this meeting Trustees, LLC, 2102 Wilson Boulevard, Suite return of the deposit without interest. Upon to be heard. Persons requiring assistance to attend the hearing should contact the Gloucester County 1004, Arlington, VA 22201. For more purchaser’s default, the deposit shall be Administrator’s office at (804) 693-4042. information contact: BWW Law Group, LLC, forfeited and the property resold at the risk attorneys for Equity Trustees, LLC, 6003 and costs of the defaulting purchaser. Sale is Executive Blvd., Suite 101, Rockville, MD subject to all prior liens, easements, The following is a synopsis of the proposed budget, which has been prepared for informative and fiscal planning 20852, 301-961-6555, website: restrictions, covenants, reservations and purposes only. The inclusion in the budget of any item does not constitute an obligation or commitment on the part www.bwwsales.com. VA-315659-2 conditions, if any, of record, as well as of the Gloucester County Board of Supervisors to appropriate any funds for that item or purpose. There is no 11t4 inchoate liens and any other matters which allocation or designation of any funds of this County for any purpose until there has been an appropriation for that would be disclosed by an accurate survey or purpose by the Board of Supervisors. inspection of the premises. Real estate taxes will be adjusted to the date of sale. All costs of conveyance, deed, examination of title, recording charges, grantor’s tax and Revenues NOTICE possession will be at the expense of the Fund Balance $ 1,246,866 ABANDONED WATERCRAFT purchaser. All risks of casualty immediately General Property Taxes 44,526,457 Notice is hereby given that the following pass to the successful bidder. Time is of the vessel has been abandoned for more than essence. Additional terms may be Other Local Taxes 12,342,718 announced at the time of sale. THIS IS A Licenses, Permits and Fees 474,580 60 DAYS on the property of: Holiday Marina, Inc., 3143 Holiday Marina Rd., Hayes, VA COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT Fines and Forfeitures 100,400 23072. 804-642-2528. COLLECTOR. ANY INFORMATION Use of Money and Property 488,619 Silverton Power Boat, 28’, blue, VA 6205AZ. OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT Charges for Current Services 3,532,365 Name: Blue Moon. Hull ID# VAZ10K02F274. PURPOSE. Application for Watercraft title/registration will For Information Contact: Miscellaneous Revenue 241,439 Brian Dolan Law Offices, PLLC Recovered Costs 685,745 be made in accordance with Section 29.1- 733.25 of the Code of Virginia if this vessel is Substitute Trustee(s) Revenue from the Commonwealth 51,901,124 not claimed and removed within 30 days of 12610 Patrick Henry Dr., Ste.
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