The Daily Free Press Year XLI. Volume LXXXI. Issue IV. Monday, January 24, 2011 www.dailyfreepress.com [ The Independent Student Newspaper at Boston University ] In Business Campus & City Sports Weather Smoked Out: Welcome back party: FFishingishing fforor wwins:ins: Today: Sunny, High 13 Boston head GSU packs ‘em in for winter MM.. hhockeyockey aanglesngles Tonight: Snow, Low 5 shops thrive Tomorrow: 36/24 page 5 page 3 page 8 celebrations fforor UUNHNH Data Courtesy of weather.com BU offi cials PLAYING IT COOL Niger program’s future remains consider uncertain By Chris Gambon ‘shopping Daily Free Press Staff Although Boston University offi cials only announced the cancellation of the Ni- period’ ger abroad program for Spring 2011, Inter- national Programs representatives said the unstable situation in the country may lead By Allison Thomasseau to the cancellation of the program for future Daily Free Press Staff semesters. Executive Director of IP Phillipe Pavillard As second semester gets ready to kick said that due to the Jan. 7 kidnapping of two into full gear, many Boston University stu- French nationals in Niamey, IP is assessing dents still fi nd themselves adding, dropping whether or not the program should continue. and altering their classes to form the perfect “We are going to review the situation in schedule. the coming weeks and decide accordingly,” But at some universities, students are he said. “Safety and security are two of the given the option to go “shopping” for their most important elements for International classes the fi rst week of school before signing Programs.” up for the courses. Pavillard said IP would take all aspects This shopping period allows students to MEGAN VANISON / DAILY FREE PRESS STAFF of the situation in Niger into consideration attend whatever classes they want during the Two men brave the cold to play a boardgame in Chinatown on Saturday. when debating whether to reinstate the Niger fi rst week of school. Students register after abroad program for future semesters, includ- they test out different courses. ing regulations set by the United States gov- Some students who attend schools that ernment government employees in Niger. have shopping periods said they love that it BU’s ROTC program not “There will be presidential elections at helps them choose the most interesting class- the end of January in Niger,” Pavilard said. es. “We will follow the results closely, contact “You aren’t getting locked into a class you the American Embassy in Niamey and ana- don’t want to take, and you may discover a aff ected by DADT repeal lyze the information the State Department class you didn’t know you wanted to take,” provides us with.” said Harvard University freshman Nathan Sargent College of Health and Rehabili- Hilgartner. By Matt Hawley “The repeal of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ Daily Free Press Staff tation Sciences junior Amanda Matteo was While shopping may be benefi cial for stu- is a historic step,” said Harvard President scheduled to study abroad in Niger this se- dents, it can also be a strain for the adminis- Drew Faust in a statement on Harvard’s web- Although the repeal of “don’t ask, don’t mester until the kidnapping of the two French tration and the logistical side of course plan- site. “I look forward to pursuing discussions tell” is causing many universities to recon- nationals. ning, students said. with military offi cials and others to achieve sider their Reserve Offi cers Training Corps Matteo said she was told of the program’s “From the school’s perspective, it’s diffi - Harvard’s full and formal recognition of programs, Boston University’s ROTC pro- future cancellation when she was informed cult when planning staffi ng and it’s diffi cult ROTC.” gram will mostly remain unaffected except of the kidnappings. to know the number of course assistants are “The bottom line is we are still going to for a possible infl ux of recruits, a school of- “We were told Niger would be cancelled needed,” said Harvard sophomore Christian teach soldiers to treat fellow soldiers with re- fi cial said. ‘for the foreseeable future,’” Matteo said. Anderson. spect,” she said. Capt. Lindsey Elder, an assistant profes- “So I knew the Niger program would most However, BU is “still formulating policy President Barack Obama signed the re- sor of military science, said the repeal has had likely not run in 2011.” and there is nothing concrete,” said BU Re- peal into law on Dec. 22, but change will take “little to no effect” on the BU program. Elder Matteo said it would be unfortunate for cords Supervisor Alpha Sanneh. time. added he was “very pleased that more stu- future BU students to miss out on one of the “The Associate Registrar is currently do- According to the bill, Defense Secretary dents will now have the opportunity to serve most unique abroad programs the university ing research and looking at the practices of Robert M. Gates and Chairman of the Joint their country.” offers. other schools to fi gure out what the benefi ts Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen must “It will take a little time for the real army “I’ve heard nothing but great things about are and see if a shopping period could work also certify that the repeal “is consistent with to issue any policy changes, but it is not af- the Niger program and staff,” she said. at BU,” Sanneh said. the standards of military readiness, military fecting training,” Elder said. effectiveness, unit cohesion, and recruiting While BU offi cials think shopping period Harvard University and Yale University are two schools that are reevaluating their DADT, see page 4 NIGER, see page 4 SHOPPING, see page 4 stance on having an ROTC program. Students, SHS trip over EATING ON THE JOB Salvia’s reported effects By Sarah Payne cohol and drug programs at Student Health Daily Free Press Staff Services, said she believes salvia should at least be regulated to prevent minors from After the Jan. 8 Tucson shooting, when possessing the drug. 22-year-old Jared Loughner killed eight and “Any psychoactive substance has an ad- injured 13 while allegedly using salvia, many diction potential even if it does not cause Boston University students and faculty mem- physical withdrawal symptoms like alcohol bers said they feel the drug is unsafe. and opiates do,” Douglas said. “Repeated According to the National Institute on and heavy use of drugs, particularly during Drug Abuse website, salvia is a hallucino- adolescence and young adulthood while the genic herb found in Mexico and Central and brain is still developing, can cause changes South America. The drug is usually chewed in the brain.” or smoked, and its effects generally last less Douglas said a small number of BU stu- than 30 minutes. dents reported having used salvia, with most Salvia’s effects include “psychedelic-like of them disliking the effects. changes in visual perception, mood and body “Many people who use it report not lik- sensations, emotional swings, feelings of de- ing it because the experience is too intense tachment, and importantly, a highly modifi ed or frightening,” she said. “Also, users report perception of external reality and the self, a loss of control of their body and impaired leading to a decreased ability to interact with coordination, which greatly increases their one’s surroundings,” according to the NIDA likelihood of being hurt or doing something MEGAN VANISON / DAILY FREE PRESS STAFF website. A fruit vendor samples his wares in Chinatown on Saturday. Elizabeth Douglas, coordinator of the al- SALVIA, see page4 2 MONDAY, JANUARY 24, 2011 Daily Free Press Daily Free Press Sponsors Sponsors Tweet us! College Property Management Rick’s Automotive Exceptional Dorm and Apt. 18 Republic Road, North Billerica, www.twitter.com/dailyfreepress Cleaning MA (978)-671-0121 781-437-2627 For more information on becoming For more information on becoming a a Daily Free Press sponsor, Daily Free Press sponsor, send an email to send an email to offi [email protected] offi [email protected] or call us at 617-236-4433 or call us at 617-236-4433 CLASSIFIEDS The Daily Free Press Crossword JOBS $ SPERM DONORS WANTED $ By Tribune 60 Defame Earn up to $1,200/month and give the gift of family Media Services 61 Fairly spicy, as chili (and like this puzzle, through California Cryobank’s donor program. Across literally, based on the Convenient Cambridge location. 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