US008939762B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,939,762 B2 LOWe (45) Date of Patent: Jan. 27, 2015 (54) VIBRATING ORTHODONTIC REMODELING (56) References Cited DEVICE AND METHOD THEREOF U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS (71) Applicant: Orthoaccel Technologies Inc., Bellaire, TX (US) 4,123,844 A 11, 1978 Kurz 4,148,309 A 4, 1979 Rebel (72)72). Inventor:I tor: MichaelIchael K. LOWe,L. Bellaire,Sella1re, TX (US)(US 4,348,178 A 9, (Continued)1982 Kurz (73) Assignee: OrthoAccel Technologies, Inc., Bellaire, TX (US) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this wo wo:SES 1858 patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. OTHER PUBLICATIONS Kau, et al., The clinical evaluation of a novel cyclical force generating (21) Appl. No.: 13/973,865 device in orthodontics, Orthodontic, 1(1): 43-44 (2010). (22) Filed: Aug. 22, 2013 (Continued) (65) Prior Publication Data Primary Examiner — Eric Rosen US 2013/0323669 A1 Dec. 5, 2013 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Boulware & Valoir Related U.S. Application Data (57) ABSTRACT (63) Continuation-in-part of application No. 1 1/773,849, The present disclosure describes a faster method of orthodon filed on Jul. 5, 2007, and a continuation-in-part of tic remodeling, where a patient wears an orthodontic fixed application No. 11/773,858, filed on Jul. 5, 2007, now appliance biting an orthodontic remodeling device, the orth abandoned, and a continuation-in-part of application odontic remodeling device comprising: an extraoral housing containing a power source operably coupled to an actuator (Continued) operably coupled to a processor that controls the actuator and captures and communicates device usage data; the extraoral (51) Int. Cl. housing operably connected to an intraoral U-shaped bite A6IC3/00 (2006.01) plate; the bite plate having upper and lower vertical rims on a A6IC 7700 (2006.01) facial edge thereof to contact both arches of teeth; and A6IC 7/08 (2006.01) wherein during use the orthodontic remodeling device (52) U.S. Cl. vibrates at a frequencyquency from 0.1 to 400 Hz. The ppatient then CPC. A61C 77008 (2013.01); A61C 7700 (2013.01); activates the orthodontic remodeling device for about 20 min A61C 7/08 (2013.01); A61C 7/002 (2013.01) utes daily. The method provides accelerated tooth movement USPC - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 433/24: 433/18 aS compared tO without using the orthodontic remodeling (58) Field of Classification Search device. USPC ............. 433/2, 8, 9, 18, 24, 29, 215; 601/149 See application file for complete search history. 1 Claim, 16 Drawing Sheets ORTOOONTC TREATMEN A EVE OF PAN OR DENTALOR WTOT DEVICE PATENT OSCOMFOR IS OBSERVED BY 910 - HEALTHCARE HEAHCARE PROFESSIONAL PROFESSIONAL REPORTED BY THE PATEN A ESSEREVE OF ORTHODONEC PAN OR DISCOMFORTS TREATMEN OBSERVED BY HEATHCARE ENAOR WHEVICE PROFESSIONAIRE ORTED BY HEAHCARE PATENT 920 HE PAIENAS COMPAREO PROFESSIONA THAT LEVEL (REPORTED OR OBSERVED) INTREATMENT WHOUTHE DEWCE, TREAMENT TIME REDUCED 50% US 8,939,762 B2 Page 2 Related U.S. Application Data 8,037,883 B2 10/2011 Engel 8,123,520 B2 2/2012 Yamamoto et al. No. 12/615,049, filed on Nov. 9, 2009, and a continu- 2007/0040529 A1 2/2007 Takebayashi et al. ation of application No. 13/609,346, filed on Sep. 11, 2008/0227.046 A1* 9, 2008 Lowe et al. ....................... 433/2 2009 OO61380 A1 3/2009 Yamamoto et al. 2012, and a continuation of application No. 13/684, 2009/O105523 A1 4/2009 Kassayan et al. 220, filed on Nov. 22, 2012, now Pat. No. 8,500,446. 2009/0305184 A1 12/2009 Ting et al. (60) Provisional application No. 60/906,807, filed on Mar. 38.93. A. 3. tra et al. 14, 2007. OTHER PUBLICATIONS (56) References Cited Chatoo A., Good Vibrations: Technology Meets Orthodontics, PPD U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS Ju1, 2011: 125-129. Krishtab SI, Doroshenko SI. Liutik GI, Use of vibratory action on 5,030,098 A 7, 1991 Branford the teethto accelerate orthodontic treatment. Stomatologiia (Mosk). 5,967,784. A 10, 1999 Powers May-Jun. 1986;65(3):61-3. 6,611,780 B2 8, 2003 Lundell Marie SS, Powers M. Sheridan J.J., Vibratory stimulation as a method 6,648,639 B2 11, 2003 Mao of reducing pain after orthodontic appliance adjustment. J Clin 6,832,912 B2 12, 2004 Mao Orthod. Apr. 2003:37(4): 205-8 (2003). 7,029,276 B2 4, 2006 Mao 7,210,483 B1 5/2007 Lesniak et * cited by examiner U.S. Patent Jan. 27, 2015 Sheet 1 of 16 US 8,939,762 B2 U.S. Patent Jan. 27, 2015 Sheet 2 of 16 US 8,939,762 B2 U.S. Patent Jan. 27, 2015 Sheet 3 of 16 US 8,939,762 B2 59 FIG 3 SENSOR BATERY (OPTIONAL 60 62 64 40 & DENA SUPPER FIG. 4 U.S. Patent Jan. 27, 2015 Sheet 4 of 16 US 8,939,762 B2 52 PRESCRIPTION PHASE OAA EXTRACTION PHASE PATEN 8EGNS HEALTHCARE 50 REATENT USERs PROFESSIONAL PROCURES / 514 RECEIVES CORREC DEVICE DEVICE FROM PAEN NSRUCONS DURING AOUSEN WEST FEEDBACKPROVIDED REATREN Prst O PATENT OR EGA GAROAN 58 COMPLIANCE OAA CAPURE) OAA ANALYSIS ASE OJR8G PAEN USE DAA EXAMINEO BEWEEN VISS 56 AND ANAYZEO FIG. 5 ACVE FEEDBACK DAA 64. O8SERVATION: DOWNOAD 620 616 f PAEN, OR & EECTRONC --> N- 612 69 FEEOBACK FEED3ACK REOUES AND ANAYSS OEFAUSENG OENAOR DEVICE INSE HEATHCARE 68 PROFESSIONA F.G. 6 U.S. Patent Jan. 27, 2015 Sheet 5 of 16 US 8,939,762 B2 OEVICE 10 COMPANY (COMMERCIAL LEASED/ LEASEOf 700 Y SALES ORGANIZATIONOR RENTED RENTED PATIENTOR - 730 MANUFACTURER OR SONE LEARN SMARENTITY) ORTHODONTO: OR PAYMEN PAYWE EA CARE PROFESSIONAL OFFICE DEVICESO) PAYMENT COMPANY COMMERCIAL DEVICE EASED/RENTED pATENT OR SAES ORGANIZATION OR MANUFACTURER OR SOME PAYMENT EGA GARDAN 700- SMARENTITY) OF PATEN 730 FG. 7 U.S. Patent Jan. 27, 2015 Sheet 6 of 16 US 8,939,762 B2 MERICS - ORTHODONTIC OFFICE NUMBER ANNUANEWSTARTS FIG. 8 CASE DURAON ORTHODONIC OFFICE 810 -SEADY SAE FREQUENCY OF VISTS CAERSIDE ME MERICS - ORTHOOONTCOFFICE NUMBER ANNUA NEW STARTS; +% DEVICE ADOPION AND PEMENTATION NTO PATIEN CASES FIG 9 ^ca ORTOONTC OEN FAOR TREAMEN A EVE OF PAN OR WHO EVCE OSCOMFORTS OBSERVED BY 910 SES. PTENT HEATHCARE PROFESSIONAL REPORTED BY THE PATIEN AESSEREVE OF ORTHOOONTC PAN OR DISCOFOR IS OENA, OR TREATMEN OBSERVED BY HEALTHCARE 920 HEALTHCARE i WHDEVICE PATENT PROFESSIONAL REPORTED BY THE PAIENT AS COMPARED TO PROFESSIONA THAT LEVEL (REPORTED OR OBSERVED) NTREATMENT WHOUT THE DEVICE, REATMENT TIME RECED 50% U.S. Patent Jan. 27, 2015 Sheet 7 of 16 US 8,939,762 B2 FIG. OA FIG. OB U.S. Patent Jan. 27, 2015 Sheet 8 of 16 US 8,939,762 B2 FG. 1B U.S. Patent Jan. 27, 2015 Sheet 9 of 16 US 8,939,762 B2 U.S. Patent Jan. 27, 2015 Sheet 10 of 16 US 8,939,762 B2 U.S. Patent Jan. 27, 2015 Sheet 11 of 16 US 8,939,762 B2 Sessios late Scrooar FIGURE 4A U.S. Patent Jan. 27, 2015 Sheet 12 of 16 US 8,939,762 B2 SSSF&S aiyanagiacs & s:xxx. 38 88: FIGURE 4B U.S. Patent Jan. 27, 2015 Sheet 14 of 16 US 8,939,762 B2 ogºox{......?” U.S. Patent Jan. 27, 2015 Sheet 15 of 16 US 8,939,762 B2 sxºxotas?: OSI‘??? *********.**********- U.S. Patent Jan. 27, 2015 Sheet 16 of 16 US 8,939,762 B2 to effect 2 r acceptable R{E 3 : raticaide Newts 4 is paifi . A. - 3. ::- 4. R. S.S. ... 3 S. 8 8 . .2S: 3. 8 8 Frequiercy HZ FIGURE 6 US 8,939,762 B2 1. 2 VIBRATING ORTHODONTC REMODELING Class II Division 2: DEVICE AND METHOD THEREOF The molar relationships are class II but the central incisors are retroclined and the lateral incisors are seen overlapping PRIOR RELATED APPLICATIONS the central incisors. Class III: Mesiocclusion (prognathism, negative overjet) In this case the upper This application is a Continuation-in-Part of U.S. applica molars are placed not in the mesiobuccal groove, but poste tion Ser. No. 1 1/773,849 (published as U.S. Publication No. riorly to it. The mesiobuccal cusp of the maxillary first molar 20080227046) and Ser. No. 1 1/773,858 (published as U.S. lies posteriorly to the mesiobuccal groove of the mandibular Publication No. 20080227047), both filed Jul. 5, 2007, and first molar. This malocclusion is usually seen when the lower are non-provisional applications of U.S. Provisional Appli front teeth are more prominent than the upper front teeth. In cation Ser. No. 60/906,807, filed on Mar. 14, 2007, each of Such cases, the patient very often has either a large mandible which is incorporated by reference herein in its entirety. This or a short maxillary bone. application is also a Continuation-in-Part of U.S. application Orthodontics, formerly orthodontia (from Greek orthos Ser. No. 12/615,049 (published as U.S. Publication No. “straight or proper or perfect': and odous “tooth'), is the first 20100055634), filed Nov. 9, 2009, a Continuation of U.S. 15 specialty of dentistry that is concerned with the study and application Ser. No. 13/609,346, filed Sep. 11, 2012, and a treatment of malocclusion (improper or dysfunctional bite), Continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 13/684,220, filed which may be a result of tooth irregularity, disproportionate facial skeleton relationship, or both. Orthodontics treats mal Nov. 22, 2012, each of which is incorporated by reference occlusion through the displacement of teeth via bony remod herein in its entirety.
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