Getting there: How sustainable transport can support new development www.bettertransport.org.uk Getting there: 1 Introduction Copenhagen, Hamburg and Vienna are among the European cities pioneering denser development with better public How sustainable transport, excellent support for cycling and walking, and a Why should new development be 2 transport can support based around sustainable transport? stronger focus on sustainability and low-carbon growth. Places that are good to live and work in have good new development Such ideas are gaining traction here, too. Local authorities transport. But attitudes are changing on what good are increasingly taking an imaginative approach to planning transport means. 1 Introduction 03 4 Housing development and transport 22 and development. Using examples and initiatives from • Supporting new developments across the country, this report argues that it is possible to Since the Second World War, much new domestic housing 2 Policy and tools for delivery 04 • Revitalising existing urban spaces base new development around public transport, walking has been characterised by low-density sprawl. In the last and cycling, and that doing so can support the economy. 40 years, new out of town and edge of town business and 3 Economic development and transport 10 5 Findings and recommendations 31 retail developments have sprung up by the side of main • Revitalising existing urban areas The report begins by looking at examples of how spatial roads. The result has been increasing car dependency, • Out of town business and retail development 6 References 38 planning is facilitating imaginative and sometimes congestion, degraded natural and built environments, and extensive sustainable transport projects as part of the declining high streets. planning process at strategic and local plan level. The report then details examples of where sustainable transport The rhetoric from some quarters is that these patterns are is supporting economic development both in revitalising unavoidable. As this report shows, this is not the case and existing town and city centres, and as an integral part there are encouraging signs that challenge this view. Plans of new business and retail developments. It then looks for house building can encourage well-connected high at housing, presenting examples of good practice in density communities where walking and cycling are the both new developments and in regeneration. Finally, norm. Efforts to revive the high street need not be boiled recommendations are offered on how the good practice down to loosening of parking restrictions, but in plans for already going on can be made more widespread. thriving, attractive and accessible public spaces where people want to be. Development that supports jobs doesn’t By planning sustainable transport options as an integral have to be a faceless out-of-town development surrounded part of development and regeneration from the start, this by a huge car park, but can be a regeneration project where report aims to show how getting transport planning right people arrive via high-quality public transport networks. can lead to healthier, happier and more economically productive places where people have a genuine choice Movements such as smart growth and new urbanism about how they get around. have long argued that a more sustainable approach to development can support the economy, increase choice, aid community cohesion and offer affordability.1 Public transport, walking and cycling in Bristol 2 www.bettertransport.org.uk www.bettertransport.org.uk 3 2 Policy and tools Local plans Local Plans are described by the NPPF as being “at the National Policy for delivery heart of the planning system”.4 They contain much Planning Framework policy which is an essential part of sustainable transport, The NPPF sets out the Government’s approach to Safe and suitable access to the site can be achieved for This section identifies how the principle of including a framework for future development in relation planning. Central to this is sustainable development, all people; and improvements can be undertaken within sustainable development is supported in both to housing, the economy and infrastructure. which the NPPF describes as: the transport network that cost effectively limit the national and local transport policies. It then They are also a critical tool in guiding decisions about significant impacts of the development. Development highlights the difficulty many authorities have in individual development proposals. “Seeking positive improvements in the quality of the should only be prevented or refused on transport transposing these principles into development on the built, natural and historic environment, as well as grounds where the residual cumulative impacts of ground before looking at the tools which can be used The NPPF is clear that new development should support, in people’s quality of life, including ... improving the development are severe.” to help steer development to the most appropriate and be supported by, sustainable transport. Using the conditions in which people live, work, travel and locations and support sustainable transport. Framework and the supporting Planning Practice Guidance take leisure.” The NPPF is also clear on the need for development to be (PPG) and its predecessors, the majority of district-tier located where impacts from transport can be minimised: National level local authorities have adopted local plans with policies The text of the NPPF is then organised around planning The need for transport to contribute effectively to which support public transport, good walking and cycling principles and policy themes. Among the core principles is “Plans and decisions should ensure developments that sustainable development has long been established. facilities, reduced car use and a high quality public realm. to encourage sustainable access: generate significant movement are located where In the last Parliament, the 2011 Local Transport White the need to travel will be minimised and the use of Paper (Creating Growth, Cutting Carbon) made clear the Planning Practice Guidance (PPG) provides guidance “Actively manage patterns of growth to make the fullest sustainable transport modes can be maximised.” importance of the relationship: on how the Local Plan should be developed, and how possible use of public transport, walking and cycling, the plan should seek to mitigate negative impacts from and focus significant development in locations which For individual developments which generate significant “Land use planning is critical to transport. Where places development: are or can be made sustainable.” movements of people, the NPPF sets out the role Travel (e.g. shops, work and other services) are located in Plans should play: relation to where people live is a significant factor 1. In the development of the plan: The policy themes include promoting sustainable in determining how much people need or want to “The transport evidence base should identify the transport: “Plans should protect and exploit opportunities for the travel. It is vital that sustainable transport is a central opportunities for encouraging a shift to more sustainable use of sustainable transport modes for the movement consideration from the early stages of local planning – transport usage, where reasonable to do so; and “The transport system needs to be balanced in favour of goods or people. Therefore, developments should be for example whenever new houses or retail areas are highlight the infrastructure requirements for inclusion in of sustainable transport modes, giving people a real located and designed where practical to being developed.”3 infrastructure spending plans linked to the Community choice about how they travel.” – accommodate the efficient delivery of goods Infrastructure Levy, section 106 provisions and other and supplies; First published in 2012, the National Planning Policy funding sources.”5 The NFFP requires all developments likely to generate – give priority to pedestrian and cycle movements, and Framework (NPPF) sets out the Government planning significant amounts of movements to be supported by a have access to high quality public transport facilities; policies for England and provides guidance for local Transport Statement or Assessment. Plans and decisions – create safe and secure layouts which minimise planning authorities in drawing up plans and making should take account of whether: conflicts between traffic and cyclists or pedestrians, decisions about planning applications. avoiding street clutter and where appropriate “The opportunities for sustainable transport modes have establishing home zones; been taken up depending on the nature and location – incorporate facilities for charging plug-in and other of the site, to reduce the need for major transport ultra-low emission vehicles; and infrastructure; – consider the needs of people with disabilities by all modes of transport.”6 Public transport accessibility mapping 4 www.bettertransport.org.uk www.bettertransport.org.uk 5 2. Mitigating negative impacts of development Example: Black Country “Travel Plans, Transport Assessments and Statements Core Strategy are all ways of assessing and mitigating the negative The Black Country Core Strategy shows how sustainable transport impacts of development in order to promote transport can be pursued strategically through the sustainable development. They are required for all local plan process. The Black Country Core Strategy developments which generate
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