JAYS - FINCHES FINCHES - WARBLERS WARBLERS - BUNTINGS Qt JAYS – KINGLETS Sp Su F W Qt FINCHES CONTINUED Sp Su F W QY WARBLERS CONTINUED Sp Su F W Birds of the Blue Jay c c c c Pine Siskin (sporadic) u r u u Black and White Warbler c u c American Crow c c c c Lesser Goldfinch ca Prothonotary Warbler c c c Fish Crow u u u r American Goldfinch c c c c Swainson’s Warbler (s) (l) r r r Greater Ozarks Horned Lark u u u u LONGSPUR , SNOW BUNTING Sp Su F W Tennessee Warbler c c Purple Martin c c c Lapland Longspur c c r Orange-crowned Warbler c c r A Checklist of 357 Species Nashville Warbler c c Tree Swallow c u(l) c a Chestnut-collard Longspur r r Northern Rough-winged Swallow c c c Smith’s Longspur u u r Connecticut Warbler r r Within an approximate Bank Swallow r r r Mc Cown’s Longspur a a a Mourning Warbler u u 75 mile radius of Springfield Cliff Swallow c c(l) c Snow Bunting a Kentucky Warbler c c c Barn Swallow c c c a SPARROWS Sp Su F W Common Yellowthroat c c c r Carolina Chickadee c c c c Green-tailed Towhee ca ca ca Hooded Warbler u u u Black-capped Chickadee c(l) (n) a a a Spotted Towhee r r r American Redstart c c c a Tufted Titmouse c c c c Eastern Towhee c c c r Cape May Warbler r r ca Red-breasted Nuthatch u a u u Bachman’s Sparrow (s)(l) r r r Cerulean Warbler c c c White-breasted Nuthatch c c c c American Tree Sparrow u u u Northern Parula c c c a Brown Creeper c c u Chipping Sparrow c c c r Magnolia Warbler c c Rock Wren a a a a Clay-colored Sparrow u u a Bay-breasted Warbler u u House Wren c c c ca Field Sparrow c c c u Blackburnian Warbler u u Winter Wren u u u Vesper Sparrow u ca u r Yellow Warbler c r c Sedge Wren u r u r Lark Sparrow u u u a Chestnut-sided Warbler c c Marsh Wren u a u r Savannah Sparrow c a c u Blackpoll Warbler c a Carolina Wren c c c c Grasshopper Sparrow c(l) c(l) c(l) a Black-throated Blue Warbler r r Bewick’s Wren u u u r Henslow’s Sparrow (n)(c) u(l) u(l) u(l) Palm Warbler u u ca Blue-gray Gnatcatcher c c c Le Conte’s Sparrow c c u Pine Warbler c c c r Date / Time ___________________________________________ Golden-crowned Kinglet c c u Nelson’s Sparrow r u Yellow-rumped Warbler c c u Location: _____________________________________________ Yellow-throated Warbler c c c a Ruby-crowned Kinglet c c u Fox Sparrow u u u Weather: _____________________________________________ Prairie Warbler u u u THRUSHES - WAXWIGS Sp Su F W Song Sparrow c r c c Observers: ____________________________________________ Black-throated Green Warbler c ca c Eastern Bluebird c c c u Lincoln’s Sparrow r r r ________________________________________________ Canada Warbler u a u Mountain Bluebird ca ca ca Swamp Sparrow c c u _____________________________________________________ Veery r r White-throated Sparrow c ca c c Wilson’s Warbler c c Gray-checked Thrush u u Harris’s Sparrow c c u TANAGERS – BUNTINGS Sp Su F W Season and Abundance Abbreviations Summer Tanager c c c a Swainson’s Thrush c c White-crowned Sparrow c a c c Sp Spring (March – May) Scarlet Tanager c u c a Hermit Thrush u u u Dark-eyed Junco c a c c Su Summer (June-July) ** Wood Thrush c c c Western Tanager ca ca a CHATS Sp Su F W F Fall (August-November) American Robin c c c c Yellow-breasted Chat c c c Northern Cardinal c c c c W Winter (December 15th -February) Varied Thrush r r r BLACKBIRDS - ORIOLES Sp Su F W Rose-breasted Grosbeak c ca c a ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gray Catbird c c c r Yellow-headed Blackbird u ca u ca Black-headed Grosbeak r r a Brown Thrasher c c c u Bobolink u a u Blue Grosbeak c c c c Common: Observed daily usually in large numbers Sage Thrasher a a a Eastern Meadowlark c c c c Lazuli Bunting ca ca ca u Uncommon: Frequently observed in small numbers Northern Mockingbird c c c u Western Meadowlark u(l) ca u(l) u(l) Indigo Bunting c c c ca r Rare: More than 15 records, usually recorded annually European Starling c c c c Orchard Oriole c c c Painted Bunting r r r ca ca Casual: Five to 15 records, Recorded occasionally Cedar Waxwing c c c u Baltimore Oriole u u u ca Dickcissel c c c r a Accidental; 1-4 records, a vagrant OLD WORLD SPARROW Sp Su F W Red-winged Blackbird c c c c EXTRIPATED e Extirpated from GOAS Area Ruffed Grouse e e e e House Sparrow c c c c Brown-headed Cowbird c c c u (l) Local; Localized to specific Habitat PIPITS Common Raven * * * * Rusty Blackbird c c u (*) Provisional (Missouri Rare Birds Committee) American Pipit u u r Brewer’s Blackbird u u r Brown-headed Nuthatch e e e e (n) (n)= North, (s) = South, (w) = west (c) = Central / etc . Sprague’s Pipit a a a Common Grackle c c c c EXTINCT Used to describe the different ranging status of a FINCHES Sp Su F W Great-tailed Grackle u u(l) u u Passenger Pigeon Species across our 75 mile radius Evening Grosbeak (sporadic) a r WARBLERS Sp Su F W Carolina Parakeet ** Some shorebirds and other spring migrant species may be Pine Grosbeak (sporadic) a a a Ovenbird c u c House Finch u u u u Worm-eating Warbler u u(l) u Last Updated 7-12-2017 found into June; these are not listed in th “S” column, Similarly, Purple Finch c c u Louisiana Waterthrush c c c Published by the Greater Ozarks Audubon Society southbound shorebirds and terns often appear in July; these are Common Redpoll r r Northern Waterthrush c c fall migrants and, again, are not listed for “S” Red Crossbill (sporadic) r ca r r Please report any unusual sightings to: Golden-winged Warbler u u Species that nest in SW Missouri are in Bold & Italic type White-winged Crossbill (sporadic) r a r r Blue-winged Warbler u u u Greg Samuel, Bird Recorder, [email protected] WHISTLING DUCK- CUCKOOS GOATSUCKER - SHOREBIRDS JAEGERS - HAWKS HAWKS CONTINUED - VIREOS Qt DUCKS, GEESE, SWANS SP Su F W Qt GOATSUCKERS Sp Su F W Qt JAEGERS - HAWKS Sp Su F W QT HAWKS CONTINUED Sp Su F W Black-bellied Whistling-Duck r a r Common Nighthawk c c c Long-tailed Jaeger Broad-winged Hawk c u c Greater White-fronted Goose c a c u Chuck-will’s-Widow u u u Black-legged Kittiwake r r r Swainson’s Hawk u r u Snow Goose c r c c Eastern Whip-poor-will c c c Sabines Gull r Red-tailed Hawk c c c c Ross’s Goose u a u u Chimney Swift c c c Bonaparte’s Gull u a u u Rough-legged Hawk (sporadic) u Brant ca ca a HUMMINGBIRDS Little Gull r r a Ferruginous Hawk ca ca ca Cackling Goose c c u Ruby-throated Hummingbird c c c a Laughing Gull a Golden Eagle r Canada Goose c c c c Anna’s Hummingbird ca ca ca Franklin’s Gull c r c ca OWLS Sp Su F W Mute Swan (*) (*) (*) (*) Rufous Hummingbird ca r ca Ring-billed Gull c r c c Barn Owl (l) r r r r Trumpeter Swan u u u(l) Calliope Hummingbird a California Gull r r r Eastern Screech Owl c c c c Tundra Swan r r r RAILS - CRANES Herring Gull c ca c r Great-horned Owl c c c c Wood Duck c c c r Black Rail ca a ca Iceland Gull a Snowy Owl (sporadic) r Blue-winged Teal c r c r King Rail r(l) r(l) r(l) a Lesser Black-backed Gull a Burrowing Owl a a a Cinnamon Teal r a ca a Virginia Rail u u ca Glaucous Gull r r r Barred Owl c c c c Northern Shoveler c r c u Sora c ca c ca Least Tern r r r Long-eared Owl ca ca u u Gadwall c r c u Purple Gallinule ca ca ca a Caspian Tern u u Short-eared Owl r r u u American Wigeon c a c u Common Gallinule r r r Black Tern c c Northern Saw-whet Owl ca a ca ca Mallard c u c c American Coot c u c r Common Tern u u KINGFISHER, WOODPECKERS American Black Duck u ca u u Sandhill Crane r a r r Forster’s Tern c c a Belted Kingfisher u u u u Northern Pintail c ca c u Whooping Crane ca ca Red-throated Loon ca a a Lewis’s Woodpecker a a a Green-winged Teal c ca c c SHOREBIRDS Pacific Loon a a r a Red-headed Woodpecker c c u u Canvasback u a u r Black-necked Stilt r r Common Loon u r u r Red-bellied Woodpecker c c c c Redhead u u r American Avocet r r Yellow-billed Loon a a a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker u u u Ring-necked Duck c r c u Black-bellied Plover u u Wood Stork ca ca ca Downy Woodpecker c c c c Greater Scaup u(l) u(l) u(l) American Golden Plover c c Magnificent Frigatebird a a a Hairy Woodpecker u u u u Lesser Scaup c r c u Snowy Plover ca a Neotropic Cormorant r r r Northern Flicker c c c c Surf Scoter r r ca Semipalmated Plover c c Double-creasted Cormorant u r u r Pileated Woodpecker c c c c White-winged Scoter r r r Piping Plover r r American White Pelican c u(l) c u(l) FALCONS Long-tailed Duck r r r Killdeer c c c u Brown Pelican ca ca ca a American Kestrel c u c c Bufflehead u u u(l) Upland Sandpiper u u(l) u American Bittern u r r a Merlin u u r Common Goldeneye c a c c Whimbrel r a Least Bittern u(l) u(l) u(l) Peregrine Falcon u r u r Barrow’s Goldeneye ca ca a Long-billed Curlew ca ca Great Blue Heron c c c u Prairie Falcon r r r Hooded Merganser c r c c(l) Hudsonian Godwit u r Great Egret c c c r FLYCATCHERS, SHRIKES, VIREOS Sp Su F W Common Merganser c a c c Marbled Godwit r r Snowy Egret u u u Olive-sided Flycatcher u u Red-breasted Merganser u a u r Ruddy Turnstone u u Little Blue Heron u u u Eastern Wood-Pewee c c c Ruddy Duck c r c u Ruff r r Tricolored Heron r r r Yellow-bellied Flycatcher r r Stilt Sandpiper u c Cattle Egret u u u Acadian Flycatcher c c c QUAIL - GREBES SP Su F W Sanderling u u Green Heron c c c a Alder Flycatcher c c Northern Bobwhite c c c c Dunlin u u ca Black-crowned Night Heron u u u ca Willow Flycatcher u u u Greater Prairie Chicken r(l) r(l) r(l) r(l) Baird’s Sandpiper u u a Yellow-crowned Night Heron u(l) u(l) u(l) Least Flycatcher c a c Wild Turkey c c c c Least Sandpiper c c r White Ibis r r r Eastern Phoebe c c c r Pied-billed Grebe c u(l) c u White-rumped Sandpiper c ca Glossy Ibis ca ca ca Say’s Phoebe
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