![Arxiv:1401.4096V3 [Math.AT] 15 Jan 2020 Dniy N Write and Identity, Onaypitie H Lsiyn Pcsaerltdb Maps by (1) Related Are Spaces Classifying the Pointwise](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
RATIONAL HOMOTOPY THEORY OF AUTOMORPHISMS OF MANIFOLDS ALEXANDER BERGLUND AND IB MADSEN Abstract. We study the rational homotopy types of classifying spaces of automorphism groups of smooth simply connected manifolds of dimension at least five. We give dg Lie algebra models for the homotopy automorphisms and the block diffeomorphisms of such manifolds. Moreover, we use these models to calculate the rational cohomology of the classifying spaces of the homotopy automorphisms and block diffeomorphisms of the manifold #gSd×Sd relative to an embedded disk as g →∞. The answer is expressed in terms of stable cohomology of arithmetic groups and invariant Lie algebra cohomology. Through an extension of Kontsevich’s work on graph complexes, we relate our results to the (unstable) homology of automorphisms of free groups with boundaries. Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. Quillen’s rational homotopy theory 7 3. Classification of fibrations 10 4. Block diffeomorphisms 21 5. Automorphisms of highly connected manifolds 39 6. OnthestructureofderivationLiealgebras 46 7. Homological stability 52 8. Stable cohomology 61 9. Graph complexes 68 References 80 1. Introduction This work examines homotopical and homological properties of groups of au- n n−1 arXiv:1401.4096v3 [math.AT] 15 Jan 2020 tomorphisms of simply connected smooth manifolds M with ∂M = S , for n ≥ 5. We study three types of automorphism groups, namely the homotopy auto- morphisms aut∂ (M), the block diffeomorphisms Diff∂ (M) and the diffeomorphisms Diff (M). The subscript ∂ indicates that we consider automorphisms that fix the ∂ g boundary pointwise. The classifying spaces are related by maps I J (1) B Diff∂ (M) −→ BDiff ∂ (M) −→ B aut∂ (M). Let aut∂,◦(M) denote the connectedg component of aut∂ (M) that contains the identity, and write Diff ∂,◦(M) for the subgroup of block diffeomorphisms homotopic g Supported by the Danish National Research Foundation through the Centre for Symmetry and Deformation (DNRF92). Supported by ERC adv grant no. 228082. Supported by the Swedish Research Council through grant no. 2015-03991. 1 2 ALEXANDERBERGLUNDANDIBMADSEN ∗ to the identity. For a vector bundle ξ over M, let aut∂,◦(ξ) be the topological monoid of diagrams f ξ b / ξ f M / M with f ∈ aut∂,◦(M) and f a fiberwise isomorphism over f that restricts to the identity on the fiber over the basepoint ∗ ∈ ∂M. Then stabilize, b ∗ S ∗ s aut∂,◦(ξ ) = hocolims aut∂,◦(ξ × R ), where the stabilization maps are given by (f, f) 7→ (f, f × idR). Theorem 1.1. For a simply connected smoothb compactb manifold M of dimension n−1 n ≥ 5 with ∂M = S and tangent bundle τM , the differential gives rise to a map ∗ S D : BDiff∂,◦(M) → B aut∂,◦(τM ). ∗ S The spaces BDiff∂,◦(M) and Bgaut∂,◦(τM ) are nilpotent and the map D is a rational homotopy equivalence. In particular, g ∼ ∗ S Hk(BDiff ∂,◦(M); Q) = Hk(B aut∂,◦(τM ); Q), ∼ ∗ S πk(BDiffg∂,◦(M)) ⊗ Q = πk(B aut∂,◦(τM )) ⊗ Q, for all k. g Thus, from the point of view of rational homotopy and homology, BDiff ∂,◦(M) may be replaced by B aut∗ (τ S ). Building on Quillen’s and Sullivan’s rational ho- ∂,◦ M g motopy theory and subsequent work of Schlessinger-Stasheff and Tanr´e, we proceed to construct a dg Lie algebra model of the latter space. Consider the desuspension of the reduced rational homology, ∗ V = s−1H (M; Q). There is a differential δ on the free gradede Lie algebra L(V ) such that (L(V ),δ) is a minimal dg Lie algebra model for M. Moreover, there is a distinguished cycle ω ∈ L(V ) that represents the inclusion of the boundary sphere. Write Derω L(V ) for the dg Lie algebra of derivations θ on L(V ) such that θ(ω) = 0, with differential [δ, θ]= δ ◦ θ − (−1)|θ|θ ◦ δ, + and let Derω L(V ) denote the sub dg Lie algebra of positive degree derivations such that [δ, θ] = 0 if θ is of degree 1. Consider the graded vector space P = π∗(ΩBO) ⊗ Q and fix generators qi ∈ π4i−1(ΩBO) ⊗ Q by the equation hpi, σ(qi)i =1 4i where pi ∈ H (BO; Q) is the ith Pontryagin class and σ(qi) ∈ π4i(BO) ⊗ Q is the 4i suspension. Let pi(τM ) ∈ H (M; Q) denote the Pontryagin classes of the tangent bundle τM of M. There is a distinguished element of degree −1 in the tensor ∗ product H (M; Q) ⊗ P , e τ = pi(τM ) ⊗ qi. Xi + The action of Derω L(V ) on L(V ) induces an action on L(V )/[L(V ), L(V )] = ∗ −1 s H∗(M; Q), and hence on the tensor product H (M; Q) ⊗ P . We may then form the dg Lie algebra e ∗ e τ Q ⋊ + L M = H (M; ) ⊗ P ≥0 τ Derω (V ), e RATIONAL HOMOTOPY THEORY OF AUTOMORPHISMS OF MANIFOLDS 3 where the subscript on the left factor indicates that we discard elements of negative degree. The Lie bracket is given by (x, θ), (y, η) = x. η + θ. y, [θ, η] , where x. η is the action above and θ.y = −(−1)|θ||y|y.θ. The differential is given by ∂τ (x, θ)= τ. θ, [δ, θ] . Theorem 1.2. For a simply connected smooth compact manifold M n with ∂M = Sn−1, + (1) Derω L(V ), [δ, −] is a dg Lie algebra model for B aut∂,◦(M), τ τ ∗ S (2) M , ∂ is a dg Lie algebra model for B aut∂,◦(τM ). The first part of Theorem 1.2 is proved below as Theorem 3.12 and the second part as Theorem 4.24. We next focus attention on highly connected manifolds, for which these models simplify dramatically: if M is (d−1)-connected and 2d-dimensional for some d ≥ 3, + then δ = 0 and the action of Derω L(V ) on the reduced homology of M is trivial, for degree reasons. In these cases, we can also analyze the spectral sequences of the coverings B aut∂,◦(M) → B aut∂ (M), BDiff ∂,◦(M) → BDiff ∂ (M), which leads to a calculationg of the rational cohomologyg of the base spaces (in a range). In particular, we consider the generalized surfaces of “genus” g, g d d 2d Mg,1 = # S × S \ int(D ). For 2d> 4, the three spaces in (1) are radically different (the case 2d = 4 is excluded due to the usual difficulties in dimension four, but see Remark 1.10 below). Still, in all three cases, there is a stable range for the rational cohomology: in degrees less than (g − 4)/2 the cohomology is independent of g. This was proved in [36] 1 for Diff∂ (Mg,1) and we prove it for Diff∂ (Mg,1) and aut∂ (Mg,1) in this paper . We then proceed to study the stable cohomologies and the maps between them, g ∗ ∗ ∗ J ∗ I ∗ (2) H (B aut∂ (M∞,1); Q) −−→ H (BDiff ∂ (M∞,1); Q) −→ H (B Diff∂ (M∞,1); Q). −1 The desuspension of the reduced homologyg Vg = s H∗(Mg,1; Q), equipped with the intersection form h−, −i, is a non-degenerate graded anti-symmetric vector space; e it admits a graded basis α1,...,αg,β1,...,βg, |αi| = |βi| = d − 1, |αi||βj | such that hαi, αji = hβi,βj i = 0 and hαi,βji = −(−1) hβj , αii = δij . It follows directly from Theorem 1.2 that + (3) gg = Derω L(Vg ) is a dg Lie algebra model for B aut∂,◦(Mg,1), where ω = [α1,β1]+···+[αg,βg]. The differential δ is zero, so in particular we get a computation of the rational homotopy groups: ∼ + (4) π∗+1B aut∂ (Mg,1) ⊗ Q = Derω L(Vg ), ∗ > 0. The Whitehead product on the left hand side corresponds to the commutator bracket on the right hand side. 1In an earlier paper [12] we established a stability range that depended on the dimension of the manifold. The range is greatly improved in this paper. 4 ALEXANDERBERGLUNDANDIBMADSEN The fundamental group of B aut∂ (Mg,1), i.e., the homotopy mapping class group, can be determined up to commensurability. The automorphism group, Gg(Q) = Aut(Vg , h−, −i), is the Q-points of an algebraic group, isomorphic to Sp2g(Q) or Og,g(Q) depending on the parity of d. In §5.1 we introduce an arithmetic subgroup Γg of Gg(Q) commensurable with the fundamental group of B aut∂ (Mg,1). The fundamental group surjects onto Γg, and under the isomorphism (4) the action on the higher homotopy groups corresponds to the evident action of Γg ⊂ Gg(Q) on the right ∗ hand side. Note that the Chevalley-Eilenberg cohomology HCE(gg) inherits an action of Γg. Theorem 1.3. Let 2d ≥ 6. The stable cohomology of the homotopy automorphisms of Mg,1 is given by ∗ ∼ ∗ ∗ Γ∞ H (B aut∂ (M∞,1); Q) = H (Γ∞; Q) ⊗ HCE(g∞) . The situation for block diffeomorphisms is similar. Let Π= Q {πi | 4i > d} = π∗+d(BO) ⊗ Q , be the graded vector space with basis elements πi in degree 4i − d> 0. Next, let −1 (5) ag = s Π ⊗ Hd(Mg,1; Q), considered as an abelian Lie algebra. In thee notation of Theorem 1.2, we have that + τ = 0 and δ = 0 and moreover the action of Derω L(V ) on the reduced cohomology ∗ H (Mg,1; Q) is trivial for degree reasons. It follows that the higher homotopy groups of the block space are given by e (6) π∗+1BDiff ∂,◦(Mg,1) ⊗ Q =∼ gg ⊕ ag, and again the fundamental groupg acts through the projection onto Γg. Theorem 1.4. Let 2d ≥ 6. The stable cohomology of the block diffeomorphism group of Mg,1 is given by ∗ ∼ ∗ ∗ Γ∞ H (BDiff∂ (M∞,1); Q) = H (Γ∞; Q) ⊗ HCE(g∞ ⊕ a∞) .
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