l1NJVERS1TY OF HAWAII LIBRARY arianas %riety;~ Micronesia's Leading Newspaper Since 1972 ~ ews To serve Saipan, Guam and Palau DPH expands delivery of health care services Task force eyes By Haidee V. Eugenio Variety News Staff FOR THE first time starting to­ morrow, the Department of Pub­ lic Health (DPH) will extend 3 more airlines . certain critical services until night time in order to address the By Marian A. Maraya But Palacios said he fully em­ Variety News Staff pathizes with the cost-cutting expanding health needs of the THE AVIATION Task Force is measures Continental Micronesia CNMI. set to meet and discuss next week is currently administering. Heal th Secretary Joseph the possibility of tapping three "We can't blame Continental a Kevin Villagomez, in a state­ more airlines to service Saipan, hundred percent. I understand ment, said the extension of Palau, and Guam in light of a there is no great market for them, DPH's service hours for free reduction in Continental what with the current economic breast cancer, pelvic and pap Joseph Kevin Villagomez Micronesia's flight services, situation," said Palacios. smear screenings until night time Commonwealth Ports Authority Palacios further said that the every Thursday is a fitting re­ locate the program away from (CPA) Board of Directors Chair­ additional airlines would be ben­ sponse to the administration's the congestion of the CHC for man Roman Palacios disclosed efiting many Pacific nations like goal of reaching out to the whole more efficiency and privacy, and yesterday. Palau and the Philippines, to name community. continue to be open one night a In an interview, Palacios said a few. At the same time, Villagomez week for those who cannot visit the task force has to seriously "There would be direct Palau­ said free breast screenings will in the daytime. also be offered in the San Anto­ consider inviting more airlines to Cebu Pacific, Japan Airlines Saipan, Saipan-Palau flights avail­ "This is part of Gov. Pedro P. nio Clinic when i-ts expansion is provide air transportation services (JAL), and Air Nauru to do direct able," said Palacios. Tenorio's promise to expand completed before the end of the considering that Continental has flights to Saipan. For the first time, the task force medical services to the people year. started phasing out some of its "We are looking out for the is considering bringing in Cebu of our Commonwealth," said "In the near future, we will flights. convenience of the passengers," Pacific, a Philippine-based do- Continued on page 26 He said the task force is eyeing said Palacios. Continued on page 26 Dwindling orders bring collections of user fee down By Jojo Dass Variety News Staff THE GOVERNMENT's user fee revenues from the garment sector has declined by an average of $189,000 a month, or some $I. 7 million, compared to projected collections since the start of the current fiscal year up to July. This was due to dwindling or­ ders from the U.S. mainland, ac­ cording to the Chair of the House Committee on Ways and Means. "I know for a fact that user fee on garments has decreased," said Rep. Karl T. Reyes (R-Saipan), in an interview yesterday. Reyes attributed the decline to less production and exported quantity. User fee collections from the garment sector is among four'"top money-makers," Reyes said, along with business gross receipt Noel Quitugua, community development specialist from the Indigenous Affairs Office, speaks before GTC Elementary School students about tax and poker machine fees. Chamorro traditions as part of Cultural Heritage Month. Photo by Louie c. Alonso Reyes did not say whether re­ cent reports in the U.S. mainland about alleged widespread labor Fund.. assm-~s>~f Illore· sta.g1~.pensi0I1 sys~Jil). abuse in the CNMI's garment in­ dustry and mounting concerns Haldee V. Eugenio . .. ment .c;ntinue to·:, conimit . butici11 to the Fund. As.of June to6·iriJch; The Fund is ~oocl . e; ·wm is, in from leaders in Congress could . Variety News Staff.. ··• .•. · .· •·· .··· regular, schedµled payment to the .. ~e.aggreg~tea~ount is_al:>out$24 . shape and. we •ar~ 9pti,mi~tic . have caused the decrease in pur­ TIIB NMIRetir<!ment Ful\d yes,~ .' :. : peilS_iori ·syst;~r for th~ coming .. miUion, arm:in~reasing ,at an' av- tht:. government wHLco~~nue;, . chase orders. terday assured ·contributing · fisca}'y¢arjust like whatjtdid erager~tee>f$828ev·ery 15day$. to pay its ?bligati()ilf:to the The decline in user fee rev­ members of a more finariciaUy;. ·• Jrom :Ju6eJ(i September. when it .. Camacho a,lsQ·said key finance . Fun~ as the revenues)re st~( enues has also affected the stao)e persi<>n .·. sys~m:Je>il_9\Y/\, ,pai4: ll19t~i,:pf:$6.{rnf111011_; .;•: ; .· ; . ·.·. offidals_·.. i~~j~¢'.tovemrnerit are .... }n.g'.iopiclc tip,''. ~ajq;'~i~:~~-11:~\- : government's overall collection. itjg the adrpi11i~f!i,t,~op)(~~~e10;.,.: :.-:- •.•. 1Ji§:.fn·stj>.ayine~t :~11,4.~r.)h~ .·: . currerttly:_tie~,'o/.itlJ the hearing in • . .· .; R~P:: ~ar~ T(--;ey~~ ·J~:f'.:-.. Figures obtained from Reyes . ·sure that itcaiim~tits·monfuly:· .:' fouf~month plan, was receiyed in_ · . Congress and therefore, commit- ·. · ~aipat));cJ,airmanof th¢House. · showed that actual total collec­ obligations:to:~~F4p.d";_>:,-( .:.·,· .. : •. Junei:w4i.le_:the:fas,t:payment'is· :ment to,pay_its.qbligationsto.the Ways:.arid··Meari~_:Cpmmittee . tions -$159 million - was only . '\ At the's11~~-tifu~~t·~99:aptJn,(\.jctj~dtjI~qfoft9djiy/.') ·Li .·::. · .. •Eund may haye:fo.~ made right ciis~Iosed e_arlier that the .gov- about $881,504 higher than the .·· 'adriiini*aJc{F#d.J:/~~~~~0;i: /\' /JP}~/~~MJ}gpye~m,ent/i~: in. :after the said ev<!nt. ·· ... • . · . .·· .. emrn.entis e~ingenough.re~t. $158.2 million projected receiv- 0 . ex})~~~~--~~:~~~~:!r~tf~~-~~~~;i'.~~r~~~:s\fb~~~~~~wr~~~-~~m~~: :_:. ;: :~···~~~~~-1~~?: ~~v~;to ~ 1TY-\ .: :;:~. {>:5~~~-~~e~ .. ~~:~~~~~:~:~ :,' Continued on page t6 PAC NEWSPAPER STACKS NATION/WORLD ----------~~DNE§DAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1999 -MARIANAS VARI~TY NEWS AND VIEW~:~ 2-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-WEDNESDAY- ~~EPTEMBER 15, 1()99 News briefs · More encephalitis cases reported Cuba calls for sanctions CUC rates lowest in Pacific against US By Marian A. Maraya The 8th PPA meet last month '"Therefore CUC already of the PPA among a competi­ Elameto and the rest of the NEW YORK (AP)-Two more Variety News Staff was attended by several CUC charges residential customers a tive field of highly qualified CUC board of directors, includ­ cases of potentially deadly en­ HAVANA (AP) - Cuba's National Assembly began its session AMONG many public utilities officials and according to rate classified for the indigent managers in the Asian-Paci fie ing Villagomez and CUC's Le­ cephalitis were reported Monday Monday by lashing out at the United States, calli1.1g for sanc~ion~ in the Asia-Pacific, the Com­ Elameto, CUC was honored to or low income by most Pacific region. gal Counsel, Asst. Atty. Gen­ as the citv's battle against virus­ against the neighboring nation for its long-standmg "genocidal monwealth Utilities Corpora­ learn that CUC is most efficient utilities," said Elameto. Villagomez, according to eral William Ohle, an~ set to carrying "mosquitoe; continued e;,1bargo against the communist island. tion (CUC) has been pinpointed in that it charges the least rates "'CUC also offers the customer Elameto, will lead the associa­ attend the Policymaker's Train­ with additional aerial and ground Jn a lengthy proclamation read by National Assembly President as the utility which charges the in the Pacific for residential friendly rate structures while tion into the next millennium ing in San Francisco this week. spraying. Ricardo Alarcon, the legislative body stated that "the economic least in residential rates, during customers. other utility rates are extremely by improving uniform stan­ The new illnesses bring the to­ blockade imposed by the~Unitcd States of America on Cuba consti­ The training is being held un­ the recent Pacific Power Asso­ "Utilities offering low income complicated and hard to figure dards, reliability, customer ser­ tal number of confirmed ~ases of tutes an act of genocide ... der the American Public Power ciation (PPA) meet held in or indigent rates charge 11 cents out," she added. St. Louis encephalitis to 11, in­ "This full-fl~dged blockade, shamelessly and euphemistically vice, communications. mainte­ Association (APPA), an orga­ Pohnpei, CUC Board Chairper­ per kilowatt and as you know, nance, and employee training. cluding three deaths. The latest referred to in official terms with the apparently innocuous word Meanwhile, at the meet, CUC nization headquartered in Wash­ son Rosario M. Elameto re­ our regular rate is 11 cents per cases .:_ a 15-year-old who has ·embargo,' has been progressively intensified throughout the last 40 Executive Director was unani­ The term for the coveted ington D.C. APPA is a leading cently disclosed. kilowatt. mously elected as the Chairman chairmanship is three years. been hospitalized and a 38-year­ years,"the declaration read. utility education association. old who health officials say ap­ pears to have recovered - are Gingrich gets divorce deal Witness: Alien smuggling boat's significantly younger than those previously infected. ATLANTA (AP) - Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has "Until now, the youngest per­ reached a divorce agreement with his wife, The Atlanta Journal­ By Jojo Dass his or her earned benefits or the passengers bore bruise marks A truck releases an insecticide spray intended to kill mosquitoes in the son who had a confirmed case Constitution reported Tuesday. Variety News Staff survivor's benefits. The surviv­ Manhattan section of New York. AP By Ferdie de la Torre ing 51 undocumented Chinese The confidential agreement between Gingrich and his w_ife ACTING Gov.
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